Water bottles

the frost boy

"Honey! You're going to be late on your first day if you don't hurry!"

"Yes mom I'm coming!" 

Today was Minseok's first day in Seoul high school.

Up until two weeks ago, Minseok and his family lived in Busan, a city in Southern to Seoul. But let's just say that... some sort of 'incident' left them no choice but to move here, somewhere no one knew about what happened in Busan.

"I'll be leaving now, mom. Bye!"

"Bye sweetie! Be careful!"

Minseok walked to school, not wearing a scarf or mittens, the cold didn't bother him.




"class, may I have your attention" the hometeacher asked. Luhan looked up from his drawing and noticed there was a boy standing in front of the class and there was a name written on the blackboard. 

Kim Minseok, hm? 

Luhan tilted his head to the side, looking at Minseok as if he reminded him of something.

"You can sit next to Luhan, mr. Kim"

"ah yes, thank you" 

Minseok sat next to Luhan and bowed his head politely. 

"My name is Minseok, nice to meet you"

Luhan smiled and bowed his head too.

"You remind me of a steamed bun, so I'll call you baozi from now on."

what the-

The bell rang and Minseok stared confusingly at the boy with honey colored hair. The boy walked away and then turned around.

"Oh and, nice to meet you too, I'm Luhan"

Minseok grabbed his bag and coat and followed his classmates to the next class. 

The next class was art. The task was to draw a snowflake.

Minseok laughed.

"What's so funny, baozi?" Luhan asked curiously.

"Nothing" he answered. But he couldn't help but let a smirk cross his face.


It was lunchtime. Since Minseok didn't make any friends yet Luhan decided to sit with him. 

"my water isn't even cold~" Luhan complained. 

"How am I supposed to drink this it's like boiling~"

aish, this boy... Minseok thought.

Minseok whiped the hair out of his face and said "Look over there Luhan!" Minseok yelled as his right hand pointed in a random direction. While Luhan was trying to follow where his finger pointed to he allowed his left hand to freeze Luhan's water only for a few seconds, so it wouldnt freeze completely. 

"What are you talking about baozi there's nothing there, you shouldn't let the school stress get to you already it's only your fir-"

"Is your water still warm?" Minseok cut Luhan off.

Luhan cocked an eyebrow and touched his water bottle. His jaw nearly dropped and stared at it, confused. His water was ice cold. Minseok picked up his tray and stood up.

"You remind me of a deer in headlights when you look like that, so I'll be calling you bambi from now on."  Minseok said.  

"See you at physics, bambi" He said while leaving. 
































Authors note:

omo~ I'm sorry this didn't turn out as well as I planned... *akwardly scratches back of neck* but thank you for reading and please comment! :)

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Chapter 4: this is so cuuuute
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhhhh ur cute this story's cute everyone's cute!!!!!!!!
marlimacha21 #3
Chapter 3: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 2: Aww cutie baozi and bambi ♡
Chapter 1: Keep going! Fighting!! ;))
Please update! ;))