Chapter 59: Movie Night

Switching Channels, today: Dream Girl~


"Why don´t we watch a movie?" Onew was sitting cross-legged on the couch.
"Sure, I don´t mind." Key was already starting towards the rack of DVDs.
"I vote Avengers!" Both Taemin and Jonghyun shouted.
Minho wasn´t going to agree to that. The weeks of twitter war had made it clear that he wasn´t going to comply to any of the elder´s wishes.
"Seen it. I want to see the Hunger Games"
"As usual, we agree, not to agree?" Jong looked at Minho raising his eyebrow.
Frankly speaking Onew, Key and Taemin were weary of their constant arguments and decided not to mind them.
"I´d say Avengers." Taemin took the DVD of said movie and started studying the back of the case.
"I have to agree." Onew scooted closer to the magnae to take a look as well. "I mean, you can´t help but identify with all those superheroes!" 
Now that remark made the rest of the members hold their stomachs in laughter.
"You can identify with them?" 
"What´s funny about that? I mean, you have this group of smart, athletic, awesome people. I could picture each of us in one of their spots." Onew had finally managed to make them listen instead of just laughing their butts off. "I mean ... take Ironman! He´s cocky a bit arrogant but he´s there when he´s needed. I´d say it sounds awfully like Jonghyun."
Now that caught the lead singer off guard. 
"Then Captain America: super soldier who is the physically fittest of them all. Off course that´d be Minho." 
As much as the other four hated to admit it, but they liked what they heard.
"Key is like Black Widow, without doubt."
"Off course! I´m the girl again!"
"No, wait until I tell you why. She is not only fit, but is the smartest, most cunning member of the avengers."
Taemin urged his Hyung to get on quick. "What about me then?"
"Well, Taemin, you´d be Thor. Because your names start with the same letter."
"No , Sherlock!" Jong and the rest were kind of relieved. After all the reasoning, it just had to come down to this.
"And I´m Bruce Banner of course!" the leader beamed, "Smart, the nicest, and always good for a surprise!"
Key, although leaning towards the Hunger Games, stood up and placed the Avengers in the DVD player.
"Well, if it´s like that, it has to be this movie. If Onew Hyung was a character in the Hunger Games he´d make history."
"I mean, imagine: the arena, the countdown going slowly, five... four... three... and that´s when Hyung would trip and fall off of the platform. Quickest kill in the history of the games!!"


A/N It´s probably easy to tell. I forced myself a lot to write this. Sigh. SHINee!!! Come on! do something to inspire me! I can´t type up stuff just from tweets T_T 



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow that is a nice gif
Aprilia_Jasmine #3
So great
Demitria_Teague #4
Chapter 34: Omg. From loving dinosaurs to reincarnated SHINee Idols. Hahahahaha. So cute.
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Chapter 32: I love their names.
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Chapter 31: Genius: SHINee Meal
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