Chapter 53: SHINeé, the fragrance - for a man, and a woman

Switching Channels, today: Dream Girl~

You calmly walk into the perfumery as the sales woman already stands next to the door greeting you friendly. You feel slightly intimidated by her professional make-up, seeing as you were only wearing mascara and a bit of concealer.

Still, she treated you friendly and asked if she could help you.

Yes, you answer, Christmas was nearing and your parents had given you money to buy a nice perfume for yourself.

You never had possessed one but were more than excited about the thought of having one.

Perfumes held a very feminine power for you, something confident and strong women wore, something that you still couldn´t quite identify with.


She leads you down the alley. The heavy scents of men´s cologne and lavender notes of an old lady´s eau de toilette was starting to get to your head and before you know it you stand in front of the novelty area.

`There had just been a new delivery` you´re being filled in. This is the up-coming trend, she goes on, a brand new five scent series called " SHINeé".


You are immediately fascinated by the intricate design of the flacons. You never had seen more unique glass work and so you gave the sales woman a small nod and she asks you to close your eyes. You would take notice of the different notes easier, she said.


And so you close your eyes obediently.


...the spraying sound made you twitch a little. Then the first perfume hit you. No, rather poked you? I was a soft honey smell, mixed with finest vanilla and strangely it had this indistinguishable scent like, like fresh soil that had just been dug out.

This smell was all too familiar. The mingling of the different notes making you feel at ease, NO, it was more than that!


This smelt like coming home.


When you opened your eyes you were greeted by an odd little flacon that held a yellow liquid.

The woman said its name was Onew and somehow you found it utterly fitting.


As she put away this perfume you automatically closed your eyes once again.

This time you were anticipating the sound of the vaporizer and the odor coming from this one was screaming at you the moment it had left the flacon.

This was a heavy odor, it wasn´t a particularly feminine one either. Sandalwood was starting to get into your brain as well as a slightly musky note.

Just as you were about to ask the sales woman if she had sprayed a men´s perfume the strong bouquet from the beginning started making room for a light rose smell.


You never knew perfumes could be multidimensional. Seeing the shock on your face you were told that the composition of perfumes was really like that. There were scents that only came out after an hour sometimes and scents that literally sprung at you, screaming for attention.

This particular perfume "Jòng" played with this to an almost painful extent but that was what made it so interesting.


Chuckling both of you resumed.

The next one was very womanly, but not just sickeningly sweet. It was like teasing, like sass. You were immediately picturing a nightclub and a flirty atmosphere: there was strawberry, there was also hyacinth (one of your favorite flowers) and...

You were at loss. You knew exactly what this was, you had smelled it before but it was unusual for a perfume.

The furrowed eyebrows and thoughtful expression gave you away and you were asked about what you thought about the scent.


It was bothering you, you relied in honesty, that one smell that you couldn´t put your finger onto.

Laughing the sales woman told you that she had been startled at first as well, for there lay a light curry note in this perfume. A very unique mixture. But you thought it fitted quite well with the extraordinaire feathery flacon labeled "Key".


You caught a glimpse of the next perfume "Minhó" before closing your eyes: the aquarium-like look refreshed you just by looking at it and the matching scent followed suit: this didn´t even smell like a perfume, it was like those oils that made you comfy and clear your mind.

Mint was dominating lemon and you liked it. You liked it even more when you noticed the faint smell, or rather taste of brown rock sugar.

It was like a herbal candy that would make you feel better, no matter how exhausted you were. Feeling strangely comforted you opened your eyes again.


Before going on you were given a small coffee bean. Puzzled you asked for its purpose.

"This is to neutralize the scents from before." The last one, "Taé", as she said, was very intricate but after those four other perfumes my nose and tongue might be overworked.

You cringed at the bitter taste and were chewing quickly trying to produce more saliva to get rid of that sting on your tongue.


You hadn´t even noticed the light dizziness that was cause by all those different smells.

Now you were anticipating the last perfume.

For the last time on this day you closed your eyes and heard the vaporizer. Your mouth moved immediately upwards forming a visible smile.

The last camping trip had been exactly like this: it smelled of pine and clammy wood, and of roasted marshmallows. You felt endorphins rushing into your brain creating a blithe mood.



The sales woman watched your expression carefully trying to read your mind.

She was schooled to know what fragrance would suit which person but for some reason you were a though case.


Smiling you looked at her:


"Thank you so much for your patience. The perfume I´d like to take home is...."





A/N this is inspired by the smell that Harumi95 attached to GD FOREVER ~cinnamon and whine...

I can´t reach up to that but I wanted to try teasing your sense of smell.

Did it work?

what would you buy?

So far my lovely readers are enjoying ey the most!^^ and wow...guess Jong´s a bit too manly for girls to buy his scent?


here´s a little ranking:

Onew: 5

Jonghyun: 1

Key: 7

Minho: 6

Taemin: 4

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow that is a nice gif
Aprilia_Jasmine #3
So great
Demitria_Teague #4
Chapter 34: Omg. From loving dinosaurs to reincarnated SHINee Idols. Hahahahaha. So cute.
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Chapter 32: I love their names.
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Chapter 31: Genius: SHINee Meal
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