Chapter 5: Narnia feat. DBSK`s Jaejoong

Switching Channels, today: Dream Girl~

After a stunning performance SHINee made their way backstage to change.
They went into their wardrobe chatting away, the pressure of the last weeks finally easing.
When the door shut itself they started noticing their surroundings for the first time:

Thick flakes of snow were falling onto their perfect hairstyles and make-up.
The snow under their boots made muffled sounds.
No matter how they looked at it. The place where walls should have held mirrors and cupboards filled with various styling products was in fact a Forrest.

Kibum shut his eyes and tried to convince himself that after all the hard training and lack of sleep and food he might have gone crazy.
After hearing Taemin squeal in excitement he disregarded this option, a spontaneous group hallucination was highly unlikely.

"Let's stay calm, okay?" Onew said to all of them though it sounded more like he needed to stay collected himself.
While Minho stood like he had frozen in place, Jonghyun and Taemin had started a snowball fight.
When they noticed the other's stare, Jonghyun simply said: "If we are going insane we should at least have fun going insane!!"

That said they slowly started heading deeper and deeper in the woods. Though they all found the situation slightly terrifying curiosity drove them further and further.
Taemin who had gotten ahead of them suddenly screamed: "Look!! There might be civilization! A lamp post!!!"
Gathering around it they started to feel uneasy. This "sign of civilization" felt odd, out of place. Besides this artifact nothing gave away that people might live here.

A rustling around them stopped their thoughts immediately.
"What was this?" Kibum whispered anxiously.
No one wanted to reply but Onew felt responsibility to try to reassure not only Kibum but all of them.
"Probably a squirrel. Nothing to worry about."
The rustling got louder, louder, louder. Five pairs of eyes shooting around trying to make out the origin of the noise.

Suddenly a goat with an umbrella walked into their view.
Flabbergasted SHINee could do nothing but stare.
The "goat" was walking onto his hind-legs and now that "it" was slowling inching nearer they were able to see that the upper body of said "goat" was rather human.
In fact besides the animalistic ears and horns it could have passed as pretty attractive.

"What are you?" Taemin asked.
"Me?, I'm a faun. Jaejoong is the name."
"So, Mr.. Jaejoong", Onew spoke up, "can you tell us where exactly we are?"
"Were you are?!", he replied laughing "You are in Narnia!"
Kibum finally regained composure: "Narnia? But we just went into our wardrobe, how can we be in Narnia?"
"Wardrobe? What a strange name. I have never heard of this country. So you sons of Adam, I see some of you shivering. Would you like to have a cup of tea at my place?"
As soon as Jaejoong had mentioned it they felt the coldness and though their mind told them not to go with this stranger they nodded.

After a 15 minutes walk they arrived at the faun's home and made themselves comfy.
Serving them hot chamomile tea Jaejoong asked: "I was wondering if you could tell me your names? If you don't mind that is."
"Oh my, sorry!" Onew flailed "How rude of us."

"one..Two..Tree" he whispered.

"HELLO, we are shining SHINee" they all chanted.
Jaejoong was chuckling at this.
"Hello, I am SHINee leader Onew"
"I am blingbling Jonghyun"
"Hello, I am SHINee's almighty Key"
"I am flaming charisma Minho"
"Hello, I am SHINee's nestling Taemin"

Jaejoong clapped his hand excitedly. For another 3 hours they would talk and talk. They all were having a blast until...

"~you've got the wrong number~" Onew's mobile went off.

"What an incredible song!" an amazed Jaejoong said.
"That was a text message from our manager; he was wondering where we went. So Mr.. Jaejoong, I think we should leave now."
"Thank you for the invitation" Minho spoke up.
So they bid their goodbyes and headed towards where they came from.

They walked through the deep Forrest and after a few minutes they noticed the icy-coldness was gone and the woods finally had turned to the wardrobe that had been their initial goal.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh wow that is a nice gif
Aprilia_Jasmine #3
So great
Demitria_Teague #4
Chapter 34: Omg. From loving dinosaurs to reincarnated SHINee Idols. Hahahahaha. So cute.
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Chapter 32: I love their names.
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Chapter 31: Genius: SHINee Meal
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Chapter 27: Star Log. Haha. I love SciFi.
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Chapter 18: Wow, the detail on the horror one. 0.o
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Chapter 17: This chapter repeats itself. It's hilarious though. ^^
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Chapter 12: SHINee conversation with the author. Hahahaha.