My Luck

Running Man With SHINee OT5!

(Back to 20 minutes ago)

"Are you serious?! We have to search them in this big big big area?!" Jonghyun protested again. Then when he saw Minho just nodded, he pouted. "I can't take it anymore. I'm quit!" He said as he thumped his feet.

Pink Team decided to go first and hide their selves. While on Blue Team, Key walked with Jae Suk. Taemin walked with Jonghyun, and then Minho walked alone, same with Onew.

Onew walked really slow without a destination. Then suddenly he saw the PD in the corner of the road. It's like PD waited for him.

"Onew-ssi, you're here." The PD said, smiling. "It's a public place, right? I just confused because it's like you're here waiting for me." Onew said.

"Yes, I'm waiting. But I'm not waiting for you. I'm waiting for anyone who come first. Then I saw your shadow and I knew you're alone. What a perfect plan I made." He said.

" you mean?" Onew asked.

Then the PD took him to a dark place like a basement inside a white building. There were so many computers and there was a medium box in front of him.

"There are CCTVs. You get to know what others doing by seeing on those computers. And you will know who were eliminated on this round. You got the advantage. Because the others don't and will never know who were eliminated on this round until the game stopped. Do you understand?" Onew nodded his head hesitantly. Then the PD asked him to sit down in front of the medium box and the computers. 

"You may open it." The PD said.

Onew was shocked when he opened the box. "That's a water gun. When you sprayed it on other's nametag, then that person will be out immediately."

Onew listened to the PD's explanation. Then he tried the only water gun he had. "It has no color. So that person will never know that you've sprayed her/him with a water gun until the game stopped."

"Why do you did this to me? Why me? Am I a spy?"

"Just take it as your luck. I gave this chance to you because you're alone from the beginning of the game until now. And for the consequence, you have to be alone until the game ended. Do you understand?"

Onew then shook his head. "It means I can't talk with the others?"

"Not really. I will give you 10 minutes for sprayed the water gun into that person's nametag. If you made it more than 10 minutes per person, then I will take all of your advantages back. If you can't made it in 10 minutes for one person, then you can slowly run away from him/her. After 20 minutes, you may approach that person again."

"I got it now."

"Okay, so you may start now." The PD said and left him alone inside that basement.

Onew let out a sigh and take a look at those strange things he never seen before. Like water guns, really cool CCTVs, and there's a strange wristband for him too. "Okay, so what should I do now?"

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dhinikeybum #1
Chapter 10: eonnie may you make another story?? I LOVE YOUR 2 STORIES!!!!!!! DAEBAAAAAAKKKKKK
Chapter 10: very funny story! <3
Chapter 1: Update soon^^.this story is interesting
B-locket #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Chocomenta18 #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^