*_* 8

Noona, I’m sorry…but I love you


“Sehun. Oh Sehun.”


The moment you heard his name your heart keeps on beating crazily and your mind keeps on repeating his name over and over again. You shake your head to get your conscious mind back. You lower your head and stare at the floor instead of looking at him because you are blushing right now.




“Molla,” you reply him and you can feel that tears are building in your eyes right now.


“Noona.” He calls you.


He seems to notice that your eyes goona rain in few seconds, so he brings his thumbs to both to your eyes and wipe it. He stares in your big brown orbs and he notice that you’re very scared of what had happened just now. He caresses your left cheek with his slender finger while standing deeply into your eyes. He then chuckle when he notice you’re pouting.


“It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. I’m here.”


And with that he moves his lips and closer towards your lips and kiss it gently. You get shock by his action but you can’t do anything. His kiss makes you limp. You unconsciously kiss him back and you can feel that he’s smiling. You want to pull it back, but he hold you tighter and brings both of your arms to the behind of his neck. You just follow him and hug his neck.


“You’re mine, now.” He mumbles throughout the kiss and breaks it when he can feels that you need to breath. “I hope I already kiss the fear away.” You blush hard hearing his word and smile shyly.







Why is she taking so long?



I keep on glancing at the door waiting for her. Deep inside me, I know something had gone wrong. But I afraid to go and look after her. She told me that if I go and look after her, she doesn’t want to friend with me anymore. I sigh for the nth time.


“Ah! Micheoga!” My classmate including the teacher look at me shockly.


“Are you okay, Mr. Kim?”


“Huh? Umm.. yeah” I answered her and laugh dryly.


Then I stop. I can feel that something bad is happening at her.  I quickly stand up from my place and walk towards her and say, “Actually, I’m not okay. I’ll be back.”


I run towards Su Min’s locker while hoping that nothing will happen to her. But instead when I reach there I’m the one who is hurt. My heart breaks into pieces. I freeze at that spot. I can fell that my cheeks are wet. I rub my eyes, hoping that I saw just now isn’t real. When I open my eyes, I can feel that my knees are getting weaker. I close my mouth, to avoid sounds coming from it and walk away-heading towards the rooftop.





SEHUN’S POV                                                                                                              



“When I kiss her, make sure you let it for about 10 seconds before you come and punch me, ok?”


“Why 10 seconds?”


“Because I said so.”


I frown at Kris’s answers and nod. I then glance at her and sigh. Kris’s smirks and walk towards her. Just stare at them and sigh again. Then’ something unexpected happen, Kris kiss her. Well, that was actually been expected, but my heart hurts when I saw that. Immediately I run towards them and punch Kris with the all energy I have. Kris falls on the floor and a stain of blood can be seen at the corner of his right lips.


He stylishly wipe the corner of his lips before he says, “You’re quite strong don’t you?” He stands up and winks at me before he speaks again, “I’ll let you go this time.” And with that he walks away.


I look at her and I can feel that my heart breaks into pieces, hearing her sobs. I crouch in front of her and ask her, “Gwenchana?”


Of course she isn’t okay!



I mentally banging my head to her locker hearing stupid question coming from my mouth. She tilts up her head and looks at me with her beautiful huge brown watery eyes. I gasp at the sudden beauty. She looks like an angle. Now I know why girls are insecure towards her and why guys are heels over head towards her.


“Who are you?”


I smile and answer her, “ Sehun. Oh Sehun.”


She then stare at the floor and I notice that her cheeks has turn pink. Not sure because she cries to hard or she’s blushing.


“Gwenchana?” I ask her again.


“Molla,” She replies and I can sense the crack in her voice.


She’s gonna cry again.


I sigh and speak, “Noona.” I unconsciously place my thumbs on my both side of her eyes and wipe the tears. I freeze when I absentmindedly stare into her orbs.


There was a lot happened to her lately . She feels very scared now.


I absentmindedly –again caresses her left cheeks while staring deeply into her orbs. I chuckle when I notice that she is pouting.


So cute.


Then I don’t know what has entered me and the next thing I know, my lips is lock with her. I-myself is shock by daring action, and then I feel that she kisses me back. I smile and I guess she notice it because she wants to pull away. But, being controlled by an unknown  forces, I hug her tighter ang bring both of her arms around my neck.


“You’re mine now.”







You are in your class now. Sehun sends you to your class because of what had happen just now. You walk towards your place notice that Kai wasn’t anywhere to be seen.


“Where’s Kai?” you asked your friend next to you.


“Wasn’t he’s  looking for you?”


“Looking for me?”


“Yeah, he looked worried just now.”


You sit at your place and put both of your elbows on the desk and rest your chin on it. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. Then that scenes appears. You place your index finger on your lips and blush. You shake your head to throw away that scene but it stays on your mind, permanently. So, you keep on blushing the whole class.


Kai enters the class when the last bell rings. He doesn’t looks good.


“Kai, where were you just now?”


“Rooftop.” He answers you without looking at you.


“What were you doing there?”




You pout seeing him doesn’t paying attention at you. When  you notice he’s going out the class, you run and stop in front of the door, blocking his way.


“Seriously , Su Min. what do you what?”


His voice tune makes you scare and you move to the left, unblocking him. He walks past you casually and you unconsciously sob. He seems to notice that you’re sobbing. He looks at you and sighs before he walks toward you. You look at him and pout. He smiles and hugs you. You hug him back and place your head on his chest.


“Is everything okay?” He asks you while your hair.


The moments you heard his question, all the stuff that Kris did to you, plays on your mind. You sobs hard on his chest and turns it into cry. Kai seems shock of had happened, “Yah! Why are you crying like this?”


You hug him tighter and bury your face deep on his chest, if that can happen. He takes about 5 minutes to calm you down and brings you to the rooftop. Both of you sit on the floor and you lean on his chest while playing with his fingers. 


“Mind telling me what had happened?”


You stares blankly at his fingers while he brings his right palms to your hair and it. You look at him and he kisses your temple. You want to tell him but you’re afraid of what he’ll do if he knew about this. Kai is so protective if this is about you. You sigh and stare at the floor.


“Kris he-he-” You shutter. Kai hugs you tighter and encourages you to continue.


You then tell him what had happened. All of it include what Sehun did to you. Kai’s silence makes you worry. You tilt up your head and look at him. He just staring blankly at the view in front of you.


“Kai, were you even listen to me?”


Kai nods and asks, “Do you like that Sehun guy?”


You got shock by his question. You had expected that question before, but at least he need to ask whether you are okay or not.


He looks at you and say, “I meant you let him kiss you… did that meant anything?”


You stay silent for a while and notice that now he isn’t your hair anymore.


“Oppa.” You call him when he doesn’t look at you. He then look at you and smile. You stare into his eyes and you know that he’s hurt. “I don’t know. But I’m already with him.”


Kai just nod and stays quiet. You want to speak, but you don’t know what to say. So, you just keep quiet.


“Come on. I’II send you home.”










After I send her home, I walk weakly to my house. The scene of her kissing him keeps on playing on my mind non-stop. I crouch  on the floor under the shower and bury my face on my knees. Tears absentmindedly run on my cheeks. I want to stop them, but they keep on coming-ignoring my order. Then the pain in my chest hits me. I put my right palm on my chest hoping it will decrease the pain, but it is useless.




I can’t bear this feeling anymore. I need to tell someone. Then, someone pop into my head. I gather up all my energy and stand straight before I close the shower and walk to my room. I then pick up my phone and dial the numbers that are very familiar to me. After 3 beeps, the person answers it,




I smile hearing his soft voice.


“Kyungsoo-ah. Mind if I come over?”




Anyeong~ Sorry for the super duper late update. In case all of you has forgotten, I have my SPM this year and my trial is just like 6 WEEKS from now, on 28/8 (AND I HAVEN’T READ ANYTHING YET. I’M DEAD!). Please wish me good luck. And please be patient with me too. Hehehe… btw for SILENT READERS, please SUBSCRIBE. And for my SUBSCRIBERS, don’t feel shy to click UPVOTE button. SARANGHAE~~

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Chapter 8: omg kaisoo lol sehun seems to have fallen for her ^__^
WildNYoung_97 #2
wow! daebak! good luck in your spm!
Chapter 7: Sehun-ah !!!
Update Soon Authornim ~
OMG ! Ju !! my talented chinggu ! <3 Hwaiting !
Chapter 6: OMG Are u a Malaysian ???
Chapter 3: No offense but she is so mean how can she break up with poor taeminnie
KoreanMaknae88 #7
I'm looking forward for your update O(≧∇≦)O
ArianaMaddi #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^