*_* 1

Noona, I’m sorry…but I love you

Your POV

“Noona! Noona!” You look around and notice Tae Min, your current boyfriend, running towards you.

“Easy there, tall guy,” you say and chuckle seeing how clumsy he was. He knocked every single living thing that on his ways and almost trip. Tae Min stops in front of you and pant heavily. You shuffle his hair and speak,

“Your hair is such in mess. Let me fix it.” you stand on your pointed toes because Tae Min is higher than you and started to fix his hair. He grin seeing your action and bend his knee until he reaches your level. He closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling of your finger dance throughout his hair.

“Done!” You say and pinch his cheek lightly.

“Thank you, noona,” he smiles cheerfully. You smile at him before walking ahead to your school gate. You look back and notice that Tae Min is still standing there, grinning weirdly and touch his hair.

“Yah Tae Min! Are you gonna stand there for the rest of your life, huh?”





“Seriously? Where these all came from?” You are having a serious mental breakdown in front of your locker.

“Noona, why?” Tae Min asks you, concern.

“This chocolate! How on Earth they can get in here?!” you say while staring intensely at the chocolates. When you open your locker a few seconds ago, you found a pile of chocolates with various brands there. Some of them even fall out showing the limit space of your locker. You absolutely sure you already cleared your locker yesterday and yet today, there they were, filling your locker.

Tae Min picks one of the chocolates and gives it to you. “Why don’t you eat it noona, instead throw it away? I thought you love chocolates.”

“Well, I do love chocolates, but I’ll only eat it if I knew who gave it. I’m still young and I wanna do a lot of stuff in life,” you said while cleaning all the ‘mess’ and put it in a bag. You always bring extra bag to school. One of the only reason; attack of the chocolates. “Sometimes, I thought they want me to get fat,” you murmured slowly, but Tae Min’s elephant ears heard it.

“You are not fat at all noona. I’m 100% sure you are underweight!”

“Not yet,” you say and keep the overweight bag in your locker.

“I think you look cute when you’re fat and huggable!”

“Tae Min!” you threaten to hit him, and he run away.


“I heard it.”

You look at him and say, “I thought you already ran away. Hehehe…”

“Here noona!” You look at him and then shift your look at his hand. Guess what? Cadbury. “You said you won’t eat it if it is anonymous, right? So I give you this face to face,” he says and flashes you his sweetest smile that could melt all noona’s heart, but it doesn’t work on you anymore. You look at him and smile,

“You don’t have to give me any, Tae Min. By the way, thanks.”



Tae Min’s POV

“She took it! She really took it!” I was having a mental breakdown in front of my hyungs.

“She took what? Or who’s she?” Min Ho hyung ask me.

“Su Min noona! She took the chocolate I gave her.”

“Well, at least she took it. You should feel lucky,” Onew hyung, the eldest said. They can’t understand what I meant!

“Hyung, that’s not good news! She took it and said, ‘You don’t have to give me any, Tae Min. By the way, thanks.’”

“Wow! You even memorized her dialog!”

“Hyung!” I’m dying here and they make fun of me! “If she said it, that’s meant she want to break up with me!” I almost cried saying the word ‘break up’.

“How do you know? Maybe you misunderstood it?” Onew hyung tried to calm me down, but it doesn’t work.

“I’m not her first. I already heard that dialog many times! The next day, she’ll be with another guy!” At last, my manly tears came out.

“Hey, don’t worry, ok?” “Do you love her?” he speaks again.

“Of course I love her!”

“Really, really love her?”


“Then avoid her!” Hyung command left me and others puzzle.

“If I love her, while should I avoid her?”

“You don’t want to break up with her, am I right?”


“Then avoid her! Don’t answer her calls or whatsoever!”

“You meant by avoiding her, I can avoid from breaking up with her?”







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Chapter 8: omg kaisoo lol sehun seems to have fallen for her ^__^
WildNYoung_97 #2
wow! daebak! good luck in your spm!
Chapter 7: Sehun-ah !!!
Update Soon Authornim ~
OMG ! Ju !! my talented chinggu ! <3 Hwaiting !
Chapter 6: OMG Are u a Malaysian ???
Chapter 3: No offense but she is so mean how can she break up with poor taeminnie
KoreanMaknae88 #7
I'm looking forward for your update O(≧∇≦)O
ArianaMaddi #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^