Chapter 3

The New Kid

T/W: Swearing.

“Oppa! Oppa~” The words were drawn out as Zelo was shaken awake by small hands. Boa watched as her older brother moaned slightly before opening his eyes, squinting at her and the brightness of the room. “Oppa!” She tried to prompt him to wake fully as she was going to miss play time at school. “Oppa, you need to get up, I'm late for school.” The words seemed to work as her step brother shot up, narrowly missing her oldest brothers bed which was above his.


“What! Why didn't you wake me!” He complained as he pulled on his school trousers while also somehow managing to pull his shirt on using his teeth to pull it closer. Boa found the sight quite funny but didn't comment on it as she could see her brother was annoyed.


“You needed to sleep, Oppa. You looked tired. And you’re very pretty when you sleep Oppa.” She mumbled into her hands, glancing at her brother who seemed to only sigh and rub his face as he took in what she had said. It WAS true though, Oppa had to stay up most of the night to make sure Jiyong Oppa got in okay. Boa let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding as Zelo simply patted her head and gave her cheek a light pat. Boa watched as Zelo stumbled to pull on his shoes as he searched for his tie, Boa had decided to be a good sister and had found it for him earlier in the wash basket. She silently handed him his tie and he threw it around his neck, not tying it, before throwing on his school blazer.


“You should have woken me, Boa. Sleep or no sleep I can't be late for school. Anyway go get your stuff ready while I go into the secret mystery room!” Zelo gave her a smile as he made his way into the room in which Boa wasn't allowed to go in. Jiyong Oppa and Zelo Oppa always called it the secret mystery room and would always smile when they said it around her, but she always saw the way they would frown unhappily at the door when they thought she wasn't looking, or how they would go in smiling and come out with a deep frown on their faces, in some cases she even saw them coming out with tears in their eyes.


Today was no different, he went in smiling and she could hear the faint beeping and then Zelo would come out with a frown on his face. But the frown never lasted long as he would smile again the moment he saw her.


“Can we go now Oppa? Can we take the bus!” Boa loved buses, they tended to smell funny but there was always a lot of funny people on the buses. Zelo seemed to consider it for a second and Boa didn't help with her added aegyo to help seal the deal.


“Fine, but you have to promise to sit right next to me and not to go wandering around the bus promise?” Boa grinned as she gave a nod, relishing in her triumph. “Right okay let me quickly leave a note before we go.” Her Oppa took out a notepad from the coffee table drawer as he scribbled a quick note on it and sticking it on the TV which would probably be the first place for Jiyong to go.


“Right let's head. Come on.” Zelo grinned as he took her hand walking outside and waiting at the bus stop which wasn't to far from the house. Boa watched as he pulled out the card from his pocket. As he was doing so a Green bus had pulled up at the stop and Boa didn't hesitate to jump on, jumping from foot to foot as her brother pulled his bag up as he swiped his card and waiting for the beep as he then put her card on the sensor as it beeped. Once it did Boa was lifted by Zelo causing her to giggle as there was no available double seats so instead was forced to sit with a stranger.


Boa was comfy on her Oppas lap and Zelo was smiling at her happily. The ajumma next to Zelo was making polite talk with him. Boa found that she smelled quite nice, like dumplings and soap. But Zelo blushed a bright red and scorned her when she spoke her thoughts allowed, but the ajumma simply laughed, her eyes crinkling as she continued about her garden and how well the rose bush was coming along in the winter time.


The school wasn't too far away so they managed to get there in only 10 minutes. Zelo stood bowing to the ajumma and Boa waved happily to the kind old woman. Boa liked hearing about peoples life, even if it was only about their garden, she found it amusing. The woman waved back, wrinkles crinkling even deeper as she smiled.


The familiar beep was heard as Zelo swiped their cards again, setting Boa down so he could put the cards away. Boa jumped off the bus once again jumping as Zelo got off the bus and they made their way into the school, only stopping to explain to the school office as to why Boa was late and that she wont be late again as he bowed to the ajumma.


Zelo left after that and Boa was led to her class by one of the office workers. Once in the class everyone had already started with play time, it was a good idea to wake Oppa because this was fun!


. . .


“Zelo, are you okay?” Youngjae questioned as he waved a hand in front of his face, forcing him out of his daydream. Zelo nodded his head, but also let out a yawn.


“You should sleep more, maybe you should quit the bar job, all it does is make you half dead the next day.” Himchan complained as he pressed the back of his hand to Zelos forehead and cheek, checking for any signs of a temperature.


“I need the money Hyung. And the pay isn’t that bad.”


“Well it isn’t enough to make my baby all tired like that. Are you working tonight?” Himchan asked, pouting like a child even though he was acting more like a mother.


“Yeah, at the café, though I think it's only me, Tao and Xiumin on shift today.” Himchan let out a nod, questioning him further.


“How long are you working for? Also when am I going to meet any of your work buddies, you always speak so fondly of them and yet you haven't introduced us yet, I need to know if I can trust them with my baby. And you better speak nicely of us also.” Himchans voice was muffled as he ate while he spoke.


“I do speak of you guys, they want to meet you to maybe it could be arranged. Also they wouldn't hurt me in anyway, they're all so nice to me and let me take breaks when the café isn’t to busy. I swear you and Kyungsoo would get on well, he is always trying to get me to take time off and sleep, he's like an Umma.” Zelo laughed as he imagined all the times the short male had told him off for working too hard.


“Hmm, just remember you only have one Umma, and it's me.” Himchan said narrowing his eyes in warning, causing everyone at the table to laughed.


“Of course, Himchannie Umma.” Zelo laughed.


. . .


The café wasn't a long walk from Zelos school, it was one of the many blessings that Zelo could be thankful for, after all he could have been a stuck in a job that required lots of travel and extra money. So reaching the Café he found it to be busy already due to the closeness of the school, and if he was to be honest the fact that the staff are quite good looking may have had something to do with why the place always had at least one teenage girl residing with in it.


Today was no difference as the café was full with at least 10 teenagers sitting around the café with simple coffees or sandwiches, anything that would allow them to stay and stare at the workers. Zelo made his way to the counter, ignoring the grumblings and hushed whispers of the customers who mistook him for some random rude person barging past. Once he had made it past the horde of customers to the counter he was greeted with a flustered Xiumin and Tao who were practically running around the small space behind the counter.


“Ah, Zelo, good to see you. If you don't mind can you help without changing, we need the help.” Tao said, rushing past him to grab the milk which was needed for the current customers coffee. Zelo let out a nod as he threw his bag into the kitchen, pulling off his blazer and tie, rolling his sleeves up as he got to work. The looks he received didn't go unnoticed by him and it made his cheeks turn a bright pink.


“Right, 2 ham sandwiches and a cup of tea, two sugars.” Xiumin wrote down the order passing it to Zelo as he accepted the money from the customer. Zelo worked quickly, being sure to make sure he got the order right before heading to the girls table and handed it to her, grinning to her and her friends.


“The tea should be ready in a minute, please enjoy.” Zelo smiled, and made sure to throw in a cheeky wink as he walked away, laughing to himself at how the girls giggled behind him. It didn’t hurt to flirt with a customer here and there, after all it might make them come back for more.


Getting back to the counter he continued to make the food and drinks with Tao and it didn't take long before the queue was diminished into nothingness and the boys could relax.


“I swear, this café is going to kill me one day.” Tao let out a shaky laugh as he leaned over the counter, resting his elbows on it as he surveyed the room. Xiumin laughed and patted the younger on the shoulder.


“Have you always been so optimistic.” Xiumin asked sarcastically, shaking his head. Tao shrugged his shoulders.


“Yes, just never knew how to say it in Korean before.” This pulled a laugh from the two boys around him. Zelo quickly excused himself as he changed out of his school uniform into his work uniform which was a simple white shirt with a black waistcoat which had a badge attached with the name “Zelo” on it. As for the trouser wear, you were allowed to wear anything so Zelo settled for a pair of black jeans. Making his way back to the front of the café he sat with his friends and co-workers making idle chat with them.


“So Zelo, how's things?” Xiumin questioned after a while, Zelo let out a happy nod.


“Okay actually, Jiyong Hyung has been studying well and the lecturer said he should pass if he keeps doing as well as he is now, which is good to hear. Though my sister made me sleep in this morning and I ended up with detention because of it.” Zelo complained slightly, resting his face in his hands.


“Oh Zelo, there is someone calling for you at table 3, I think they may be interested so yeah, careful.” Tao said as he reached the two, pointing over to the table in question where a group of 6 girls that seemed to be in their late teens were giggling to each other, one in particular smiling brightly to him, crossing her bare legs leading Zelo to wonder as to how the girl hadn't frozen in only a pair of tight shorts in this weather.


Making his way over to the table the giggling seemed to cease once he reached the table and they all looked at the smiling girl, as if waiting for something.


“Tao told me that I was called, How can I help?” Zelo immediately got a bad vibe from the group of girls. The girl let out a wolfish grin as she leaned forward, making Zelo take a step back.


“Well Zelo, it's how I can help you.” Zelo was briefly reminded of a cheesy American sales pitch that you see on those con movies “I think I should be your girlfriend. After all, You're a hot piece of , though you could lose some weight, you're a bit chubby.” The girl cocked her head to the side scrutinizing him in anyway possible. Zelo felt the heat rush to his face.


“Um, I'm sorry but I’m not interested.” Zelo tried to apologise, wanting to get far away from the ever growing awkwardness that was filling the room. The girls smile faltered and instead a look of anger appeared.


“Excuse me?” She scoffed, tilting her head even more to the side as if she had heard wrong. The table that was before smiling had grown quiet and were all now glaring at Zelo. “No one turns me down. Now I'll tell you again. You're going to ask me out and then you are going to lose some weight you fat .” The girls tone remained light and playful despite her harsh words and fierce face. Zelo let out an inaudible noise as he tried to think about how to politely reply to the girl.


“I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen. Sorry.” Zelo mumbled, trying to move away from the table but was pulled back by the now standing girl who was much shorter than Zelo and in her heels reached his shoulder height.


“No one can turn me down, Do you know who I am! I can get you fired, my father owns this place so you have to go out with me if you want your job.” The girl obviously lied. To be honest Zelo was getting fed up with this girls attitude, he rolled his eyes and grabbed the girls hands, making her release his shirt from her grip.


“Bull . Since when has Tao fathered such a little like yourself, besides last time I checked he was gay” Zelo was fed up of playing nice. The girls face flushed in pure anger.


“You can not talk to me like that! I'll file for abuse!” The girl was now screaming causing the café to grow silent and Zelo noticed Xiumin pulling off his apron and jumping over the counter making his way towards them.


“Excuse me, can you please leave my boyfriend alone and leave.” A deep voiced boomed, causing the girl and Zelo himself to jump. Turning round Zelo was met with a fierce eyed Yongguk, who was glaring at the now faltering girl.


“And if you or any of your friends step a single over manicured toe into this shop we will bring court into it, for abusing our staff.” Xiumin spat, eyes filled with pure hate. The girl spluttered and her face was bright red in embarrassment.

“Fine, I'll leave. I don't want to be served food by a anyway.” the girl scoffed before stalking away from the table, her friends throwing apologetic looks to Zelo and Xiumin as they scattered after their supposed friend, but Tao interjected them, reminding them to pay for their food and drink. Once paid for they all made their leave.


The thing that shocked Zelo was the unexpected applause from the on looking customers, causing Zelo to blush as he made his way back to the counter, Yongguk following behind him. Zelo tried to make himself busy to forget what had just happened, fixing himself a cup of tea, but burning his hand with the hot water, causing Yongguk to jump forward and grab his hand; Taking him to the back kitchen. Yongguk turned the cold water on, taking hold of the burnt hand and carefully rubbing it to sooth the pain as he ran it under the water.


“T-Thank you.” Zelo stuttered, hoping to god that he wasn't blushing, though he could feel the heat on his cheeks.


“Of course no problem, didn't want you to burn your hand off.” Yongguk joked, smiling at the younger boy. Zelo shook his head.


“No, for earlier. For standing up for me. She was terrifying.” Zelo let out a shaky laugh, though it came out more of a breath. Yongguk shook his head.


“It was the right thing to do. Also, sorry for saying I was your boyfriend, I mean you probably don't swing that way and I was just getting her off your case. Besides, it's not like we're close enough to be boyfriends, like I mean come on- Not that I’m saying you're not boyfriend material! I mean I would love to be your boyfriend- well that didn't come out right I'm just going to shut up now.” Yongguk rambled, his cheeks burning bright red, as he looked down biting his lips, probably cursing himself. Zelo smiled and patted him on the shoulder causing him to look up.


“Relax! I get what you mean.” Zelo laughed. Yongguk let out an audible sigh causing Zelo to giggle, immediately cursing himself because he is a manly man and manly men do not ing giggle. “I should probably get back to work soon but thank you again, for everything.” Zelo smiled and Yongguk smiled back.


Zelo cursed how cliché it was, and could imagine DaeJae making kissy faces at him at this moment, and in all honesty Zelo was tempted to lean over, maybe it could help to get rid of those pestering butterflies which refused to settle in his belly. In this moment Zelo once again cursed at the tell tale signs of a crush he had.


There was a deafening silence as they just stared at each other, both completely aware of how close they were to each other. Both slightly leaning forward, Zelo taking pleasure in how Yongguks breath ghosted on his lips, the sweet smell of peppermint and something undeniably Yongguk. Of course in this moment Ren walked into the room making both boys jump apart as if electrocuted.


“Oh... Sorry, I'm interrupting something aren't I?” Ren questioned, scratching his head as the tension in the room grew even thicker. Zelo glared at the boy, cursing his ill timing.


“Just a little bit.” Yongguk mumbled, finally releasing Zelos hand and grabbing a towel to wrap round his hand.


“Sorry, my jacket is just behind you guys...” Ren apologised squeezing between Zelo and Yongguk grabbing the jacket that was under the sink. He stood between the two looking at Zelo then Yongguk then back to Zelo. “And you have the cheek to call me gay.” Ren scoffed, flicking his long blonde hair as he stalked off, heels clicking into the distance.


Zelo and Yongguk stared at each other for a bit before Yongguk broke the both awkward and comfortable silence if there was even a thing.


“I should probably leave soon, I only came in for a cup of Coffee.” Zelo nodded his head.


“Okay then. I'll walk you out it's the least I can do.” Zelo smiled as they made their way outside the café. Once outside the two stared at each other for a bit in silence.


“Well, text me when you get home okay?” Yongguk asked, putting on his gloves as he fixed his jacket to stop the cold of winter from nipping to much.


“Okay I’ll see you later.” Yongguk when to turn away but Zelo pulled him back, placing a kiss on his cheek. He pulled back, blushing as Yongguk smiled even wider as he walked away, throwing a wave to the younger boy.


In this moment Ren had stepped out of the Café staring at Yongguks disappearing figure as he walked away and then Zelo who had a goofy smile on his face as a blush graced his cheek.


“So gay!” he scoffed before walking away.


I am a terrible writer, so apoligies!

Also you all know Exo and Ren right? I can't help myself, so there are a lot of other bands on here. some bands definently in this fic as side characters are Exo, MBLAQ, B1A4, F(X), Nu'est, SNSD and some others but i wont give EVERYTHING away.

Also if you don't know Ren, he is the adorable Maknae from Nu'est

Aka this adorable motherer.

Anyway, as usual I shall try to update soon, I started writing yesterday and I was determind to finish it on that night, but it was new years, and my sister was drunk and sick all over the place and it was not pleasent. And today I had dinner with family and then sherlock was on (I DIED) So here is what my very tired mind can come up with.

Anyway, have a lovely night! Happy Hogmany!

And i hope 2014 is a good year for you! Bye!


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I loovee it<3 It's wonderful & awesome :D
Forever_bap #2
Chapter 8: Keep writing pleeaassee
Chapter 7: uuu i love it!!
Chapter 8: woohoo B.A.P in London =] have fun authornim =]
Anbabsvsva #5
Chapter 7: Best fanfic ever!!!!!! I can't wait for an update!!! :D xxx
Chapter 7: OMG THEY'RE DATING AAAASDGJKBURJBKIURTEEWDA aaa can't wait omggggg ><, ganbatte authornim!! Daejae too.. Omg... This fic really fcking funny XD
Chapter 7: this was good ... real good.. I love it =] they're dating.. and i love how forward Yongguk is.. so with that being said.. I'll just re-read this again hehe =] because it's that good =]
Chapter 6: seriously ahhh this was sooo good ... and there's more.. moving on to the next chapter =]
thanks for updating and i hope you get well soon!
Chapter 6: get well soon! we'll be waiting~~ ^^ <3