Chapter 5

Burning Flames, Broken Hearts

-Awkward Meeting-



~'Aigo it's been almost 2 weeks since I've left. I wonder if _______ is alright.... I have'nt had a way to contact anyone since I've been in traingng all week. I think they'll let us write to our loved ones on the weekends because it's our "break" time. I've wanted to write to _____ but I don't know what to write.. So far all I've talked about is our training. She knows how much I miss and love her and I know how much she must miss and love me. Ugh this military crap is frustrating...I juss need to go back and see ______. Writing that would be too hard to explain so I'll just send it like this..'


-Your POV-  1 week later..

Knock, knock, knock

~'Ugh' I grumbled in my mind. Who could that be? It's like 6 in the....oh it's 10...wah? already? I was just up like 5 seconds ago and it was 5:30...... Wow time really does fly. I stood up and walked to the door. JiYong better be making breakfast if it's him at the door. I opened the door and, to my surprise, no one was there. I looked around but I didn't see anyone that was acting suspicious. I took a step outside and heard a light crumpling sound. It was a letter. I looked at the address and almost bursted into tears. It was from Seunghyun...'I need to open this NOW!' I thought to myself. I ran inside and jumped on my bed. I kept flipping the envelope over and over in my hands. The date on it was dated almost a week ago. 'Wow the delay on this letter was pretty long. I wonder where he is?' I thought while opening the top of the letter. I pulled the letter out and started to open it when the doorbell rang. 'Now who could that be?!' I sat the letter on my dresser and went to go answer the door.


-Dongmin's POV-

~'I hope she's home. I haven't texted her back yet. I've been so busy with work I decided to just stop by. Aish! what if this isn't a good time and she gets mad? Ah! why didn't I call or text first I'm so stupid sometimes...well I guess it's too late now...'


-Your POV-

-"Oh annyong JiYong. What's up?" I said as JiYong walked through the door.

-"Nothing, just wondering what you were planning on doing today?"

-"Um, nothing specificly, weh?" I eyed him suspicously. He was playing with the flowers on my kitchen table.

-"Great! Well we could hang out then! We don't have schedules today and we wanted to go to the amusement park---"

-"Woah, wait...who's we exactly?" I interrupted him, he was talking way to fast.

-"Me, Daesung, Seungri, and Taeyang duh! But like I was saying why don't you invite your friend, uhh.....Dongmin?"

-"Uh...I don't know, I haven't talked to him in a couple of days. Plus I'm not even sure if Dongmin would want to go." I said, speaking of him, we were supposed to meet up sometime this week for coffee again..

-"I would want to go where?" A voice said behind us. Me and Jiyong jumped at the voice. I turned around to see Dongmin standing in my doorway. He was looking at me with a question mark on his face.

-"Go to the amusement park with _____, me and the rest of big bang. Oh mianhe, I'm Kwon JiYong or G-Dragon, and your must be Kang Dongmin right? _____ talks about you alot you know." He had beat me to the punch but I was startled by the last thing that he said. 'WHAT?! I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING TO HIM ABOUT DONGMIN!!! I BARELY KNOW THE GUY!!' I screamed in my head. I opened my mouth to yell at GD but Dongmin cut me off.

-"Oh, really now. Wow I had no idea _____ was soo fond of me." He looked at me and smirked, "But I am Dongmin and of course I would go to the amusement park! Only if ____ is alright with it though." I looked up and they were both staring at me.

-"Uh, of cours hehe..." I said I felt so awkward and out of place but they were juss laughing and talking like they've known each other for years.

-At The Amusement Park-

You guys were all having fun, walking around and winning stuffed animals and different prizes. It was the first time that you had actually had this much fun in a while. But you couldn't help the feeling that you were forgetting something. You couldn't figure it out so you just dropped the whole idea.

-"Let's get on this ride. It looks really scary and fast!" Dongmin said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the roller coaster. Big Bang had went off to get something to eat but since you and Dongmin weren't hungry you decided to catch up later. You felt a tingling feeling in your fingers when he grabbed your hand. You couldn't quite describe it and you thought it was just the adrenaline rush you were getting from how scary the ride looked. When it was your turn to sit down on the ride, you started to get worried. They strapped you in tightly but you didn't care because your feet were dangling and weren't covered like on the other rides. It was your first time being on a roller coaster where its just a seat that straps around you. Your heart was racing and you started to breathe in deeply. Dongmin looked over at you and smiled.

-"It's gonna be alright _____, you'll be alright, I'll be right here the whole time." He s his fingers through yours and held your hand the whole ride. You didn't feel scared anymore and had a great time. After the ride your phone started ringing.

-"Hey _____, where are you guys?" Seungri practicly yelled in your ear. It was so loud on their end of the phone that you guessed that they were still at the food court.

-"Ouch and we just got off of this ride called the Demon, so cool, but we'll meet you guys at the food court."

-"Really? Sounds great but hurry up because it's getting late and we have schedules tomorrow."

-"Arasso. Annyong Seungri." You said, hanging up. You looked over at Dongmin and told him about the plan to meet up with the guys. He nodded and started walking beside you. You were walking when you noticed a booth that had plush Big Bang dolls. You really wanted to get the TOP doll so you walked over to play.

~'Yeesh, basketball, not my sport but I'll try anyway....' You grabbed a ball and after 4 trys you made a basket. You grabbed the TOP doll and started doing your happy dance. That was your first time winning one of the games today. The guys won you most of your stuff. 'Let's see what Taeyang says about my mad basketball skills! Oh and I have Dongmin as a witness!!' You turned around about to brag when you noticed that Dongmin wasn't anywhere to be seen. Your smile quickly faded and panick started to overwhelm your body. 'I'm never gonna find them!! Why did we have to come today when it's SUPER busy?..AISH how could I be so stupid and not check if Dongmin was still behind me?! Oh wait THE FOOD COURT!! That's where we're supposed to meet at!' You ran as fast as you could, dodging little kids and adult even stumbling over feet and strollers at times. You felt like you were flying, running full speed and full of adrenaline. When you finally reached the food court, there were so many people that you couldn't see anyone specificly. Your worries started coming back and you didn't know what to do when all of a sudden someone grabbed you, picked you up, and tossed you on their shoulder. You couldn't see their face because you were upside down and he had a tight grip since you were struggling. You pounded your fist against his back but he didn't seem to budge at all.

~'AHHH!! I KNEW TODAY WAS NOT A GOOD DAY TO LEAVE THE HOUSE!!!' You thought in terror. 'Where is he taking me? Why did he pick me when there are tons of people here? What's gonna happen to me----?!' Your thoughts were interrupted by a hankerchief being placed around your eyes. It was dark and you could feel yourself being set down on something flat and hard. He grabbed your wrist and tied them behind your back but surprisingly not in a tight death grip. You pulled your knees to your chest and bent your head down in your lap. You didn't know what else to do but just wait there alone in the dark...

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ChoiSeunghyunVIP #1
Chapter 7: I just found this story again and I hope you update soon I love it
Chapter 7: Suspense!!!
Jkitty_123 #3
Awe...cute lil Jiyong XD
awww cute!!update soon!!
I really like it! Never read anything with this kinda story line before! So its pretty unique ^^
Jkitty_123 #6
Awe... update soon