Chapter 2

Burning Flames, Broken Hearts

-1 week later..-


-Your POV-

I just laid there, how i did almost every morning. It was hard without Seunghyun. For the past week I've woken up to silence, not TOP's goodmorning kiss or even a hug. His familiar scent was no longer lingering beside me as i opened my eyes to the morning sun. I've cried myself to sleep almost every night but I haven't been completely alone....GDragon, Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri would come over often. They made sure I was eating properly, making sure that I made an effort to get dressed and didn't just sit in my room all day. It was nice of them but it just kind of hurt me even more to know that Seunghyun isn't able to do the same.

So here I lay staring at this big empty bed. A knock at the door interrupted my daydreams. As i walked down my hallway I realized how quiet it really was. It didn't help my thoughts considering the state that I'm in. When I opened the door it was, of course, Jiyong. He came over everyday now, well except when he had schedules.

-"Oh, Hi Jiyong." I said tiredly. I wasn't sure if i was in the mood to be happy right now.

-"Hey _____! What's up? Just came over to see if you were dressed and ate already." He said, smiling and looking me up and down.

-"No, I haven't, I sorta just woke up." I stepped aside to let him in. I knew that i had just lied because I woke up at around 6 and it was almost 9. I was laying there for hours but I'm still so tired. He stepped inside and headed straight for the kitchen.

-"Well, I guess I'll make breakfast, you just go and get cleaned up then, arasso?

-"Mm, kamsahamnida oppa" I mumbled as I walked to the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom, I leaned against the counter and just stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked terrible, my eyes were pink and sorta puffy, my hair in a sloppy bun on top of my head and my shirt loosely hanging off my shoulder. I quickly stripped down and got into the shower. The warm water cleared my mind and relaxed me a bit. I got comfortable and let the water just run on me. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what TOP was doing right now.

~'I don't know, what do people do in the army? Maybe he's ina training class right now....I hope he's fine and not all messed up like I am...' My thoughts were interrupted, again, by the bathroom door opening. It was Jiyong, I guess I've been in here for longer than i thought.

-"Yah, _____, you in there?" He said, "I knocked a couple of times but you didn't answer so I just kinda peeked in.." I could see him through the mirror and he had his eyes shut tight so he couldn't see anything.

-"Uh, yeah, hold on. I was just about to get out."

-"Alright well breakfast is on the table, YG called and he needs me there so I'll stop by when I can or I'll send one of the other members, arasso?"

"Ara.." I said. I hated how they talked to me like a little kid. I didn't need to watched every second of my life until Seunghyun got back. I'm a big girl and i can take care of myself. I asumed that he left when i heard the bathroom door click shut so i stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel. After i combed through my hair, I looked in the mirror again and I looked alot better. Now my next missions were to get dressed and eat. I found some old loose fitting skinny jeans and a sweatshirt that was probably Seunghyn considering that it faintly smelled like him. I walked into my kitchen and the smell of bacon and pancakes surrounded me.

~'Okay _____, time for you to eat so grab a plate.' I thought but i kinda wasn't hungry. 'No, no, no do it for Seunghyun.' Gawh, I took 2 strips of bacon and a pancake, chewing every bite slowly. It felt like hours before I finally finished. I sat in the chair for a few minutes and tried to figure out what i was gonna do next. What I couldn't do was crawl underneath my blanket and lay around all day. It was pretty nice outside so I decided to take a walk.

~'So pretty and it smells so fresh. Seunghyun would have enjoyed a day like this...' I picked up a leaf off the ground, it was so pretty and brightly colored. Such a radiant green, everything looked a little more prettier, I guess because i haven't been outside in a while. Aimlessly walking, I ended up in the park. Everyone seemed so happy since it was such a nice day.

~'Ahhh.' I inhaled the fresh air, 'I wish TOP could have been here with me, he would have enjoyed this day just as much as I am. I wonder where he is, and if it's this beautiful where he is now. I hope s-' You hit something and hit the ground pretty hard and sratched your elbow.

-"YAH! Watch it bud-OMO! MIANHAMNIDA!!" Someone grabbed your other arm and pulled you up. You were in such a daze that you could say anything. "Umm..Hello? You alright there?" The guy said.

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ChoiSeunghyunVIP #1
Chapter 7: I just found this story again and I hope you update soon I love it
Chapter 7: Suspense!!!
Jkitty_123 #3
Awe...cute lil Jiyong XD
awww cute!!update soon!!
I really like it! Never read anything with this kinda story line before! So its pretty unique ^^
Jkitty_123 #6
Awe... update soon