Chapter 1

Burning Flames, Broken Hearts

-Painful Goodbyes-


Staring out the window, watching as the raindrops poured out of the sky. It was really dark and depressing outside and it fit your mood perfectly right about now. This was not the way you wanted to spend your Friday afternoon..sitting in this quite car, on the verge of tears, while everyone else is avoiding the whole situation. It seemed like you were the only one that cared that Seunghyun was leaving for the military. You're the only one not talking merrily and sharing old stories. This really wasn't what you wanted anyway, so you just sat on TOP's lap staring out the window in deep thought.


-Your POV-

~'What if he doesn't come back?' You think quietly to yourself. Every horrible thought that you tried to surpress popped into your mind when you realized how close the airport was.

~'What if while he's there he forgets me'..'Or what if I forget him'..'No, NO! I could never forget oppa, stop thinking like a crazy person! It's just 3 small years, he'll be back in no time and we'll be back to normal'

-"______ah, ______ah! Hello, anyone in there?" You heard TOP's faint voice calling back to reality. When you looked up, you saw how he and the rest of Big Bang were staring at you intently.

-"Oh, yeah, sorry i was just thinking..but I'm alright, just a little tired." You said, reassuring them but it didn't seem like it was working. You wondered why everyone was so suspicious, when you felt something wet hit the palm of your hand. You looked down and saw a little pool of tears in it. Wiping the small pool onto your pants, you reached for the streams on your face. But before you reached it, you felt someone's warm hand on your cheek. TOP slowly wiped the tears from your eyes and kissed your cheek.

-"Jagiya, it's okay, I'll be back soon i promise. Nothing will change and we'll get right back to our old selves again, I promise." He whispered into your ear. You cupped his face in your palm and smiled weakly.

-"I know oppa, I'm just going to really miss you.." You said while kissing him softly on his lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Laying your head in the crook of his neck you inhaled deeply. You loved they way he smelled and this might be the last time you get to hold him so close for 3 years. You rubbed the back of his neck gently with your thumb and close your eyes, wishing that you guys could have had more time to share.



~Agh...._____ah must be so hurt, but I have no choice..I have to go...I don't want though. Gawh I hope this works out and nothing changes while I'm gone. I couldn't imagine losing _____ah. I felt something cold hit my hand and I looked up. She was crying, this was the 5th time today, not to mention this past week. Ever since she found out, she hasn't been able to control her emotions. She's been spacing out alot too, but she always ends up crying. I wish i could comfort her but there's nothing I could say that she doesn't already know. I wiped her tears and told her it would be okay but she still is in her depressed mood.

-"Hey, I'm serious. It's going to be alright, i swear." I said sternly. She looked up and I stared into her eyes. She was sad I could tell. AHH it's just killing me inside! Why did this have to happen now?! We were perfectly fine and happy!...

-"Yo TOP, we're here, come on." GD yelled to me. In my daze, I stood up and ______ah almost fell off of my lap. I swiftly grabbed her and jumped outta the van. I put her down and wrapped my arm around her waist. My members were already ahead of us waiting at the counter. I gave the lady my ticket and we all walked to the gate. ______ah was getting really impatient, the tapping of her foot was making me nervous and uncomfortable. I backhugged her and rested my chin on her head, she intertwined her fingers in mine.

-"Ya know, I'm really gonna miss this when I leave.." I said looking down to see her reaction. She titled her head up and smiled, I kissed her forhead and mumbled I love you. She didn't hear because she kept walking forward towards the gate. I closed my eyes and inhaled the sent of her hair, she had used the shampoo i liked, it smelled like strawberries and bubbles. Before i knew it we had reached the gate. _____ah turned around and hugged me tightly.

-"I'll be back in no time jagi, don't worry it's gonna be fine." I said, she opened to say something but I grabbed her face in both of my hands and passionately kissed her.


-Your POV-

~I felt my knees weaken as we stood there, lips locked in the most passionate kiss we've had in a while. This is how we should stay, in this position, forever.

-"This flight will be boarding in 3 min. So please gather your belongings and head towards the plane terminal. Thank you." Our moment was interrupted by the woman over the intercom. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

-"I love you, _____ah" He said, kissing me quickly, he grabbed his bag and headed towards the plane. That was the last i saw of Seunghyun for 3 years....

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ChoiSeunghyunVIP #1
Chapter 7: I just found this story again and I hope you update soon I love it
Chapter 7: Suspense!!!
Jkitty_123 #3
Awe...cute lil Jiyong XD
awww cute!!update soon!!
I really like it! Never read anything with this kinda story line before! So its pretty unique ^^
Jkitty_123 #6
Awe... update soon