Chapter 4

Burning Flames, Broken Hearts



-"How'd you get in here?!" You said while he was still smiling at you.

-"The spare key that TOP leaves outside, where were you? I've been here for practicly 3 hrs." JiYong said. He got up and went to the kitchen and opened the refridgator. You sat on the couch as he came back with a plate of food.

-"Yah! Who told you to start picking through my fridge?"

-"Mianhe! But I'm starving! I mean I've been here for 3 hours!"

-"No one said you had to wait here for me, you could left when you realized I wasn't home maybe!" You said flipping through the channels. There wasn't a show on that you were interested in so you decided on 'we got married'.

-"Well I was just looking after one of my best friends" He said pinching your cheeks.

-"I swear sometimes your nuts Kwon JiYong.."

-"Hey, what can I say? It's just one of my many charms," He said before taking a bite ramen. "So.... where were you anyway?" He started to wiggle his eyebrows at you.

-"For your information I was having coffee" You looked at him and he was shoving some ramen in his mouth. You were kind of hungry so you left and made yourself some.

-"And who were you having coffee with, if I may ask?" You heard G yell from the other room. You ignored him and walked back with your bowl and plopped down on the couch. You could feel his eyes on you but you kept looking at the screen. He cleared his throat and said,

-"Uh, who was it? You never answered my question."

-"Dongmin, Kang Dongmin. We met while I was walking in the park and he asked if I would like to have coffee, so I said yes."

-"Oh..So I'm guessing you had fun, right? Considering how long you were gone." he laughed and continued eating. You were sorta embaraced but you didn't know why so you just sat there quietly and watched tv.


-JiYong's POV-

~'I'm glad ______ is okay but she's acting really strange ever since she got back. What happened while she was with that Dongmin guy...? I don't know but I've got to find out...for TOP's sake.'

-"So when am I going to meet this Dongmin?" I asked before I could even get my thoughts together.

-"W-What?" She said coughing on her ramen.

-"When can I meet him?" I said again.

~'I really do want to meet him and see what his intentions are, what he thinks about ______. I wonder if he knows about Seunghyun. Of course ______ would tell him, they were always so lovey-dovey with eachother. She couldn't just forget him that fast it's been barely a week. No why am I even thinking like this? ______ is a better person than that.'

-"JiYong-oppa? You alright? You just kind of spaced out there" _____ said. I forgot that she was even there.

-"Huh? Oh yeah sorry, what did you say?"

-"I sayed maybe tomorrow, we're supposed to hang out again sometime soon so maybe you'll get to meet him then." she said. She wasn't looking at me, just staring at the screen. I wonder what she was thinking about...This is goin to be awkward....I can tell now.


Sorry, not really a good chappie and it's really short but I tried! Other events keep popping up and I could only squeeze writing time in now...I promise it will get better I SWEAR!! (:

-Thanks for reading <3

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ChoiSeunghyunVIP #1
Chapter 7: I just found this story again and I hope you update soon I love it
Chapter 7: Suspense!!!
Jkitty_123 #3
Awe...cute lil Jiyong XD
awww cute!!update soon!!
I really like it! Never read anything with this kinda story line before! So its pretty unique ^^
Jkitty_123 #6
Awe... update soon