Chapter 3

Burning Flames, Broken Hearts



-"" You said trying to say something tht wasn't completely idiotic.

-"Mianhamnida, I wasn't looking where I was going so please excuse." This man said. He was tall and slender but was very in shape. He held his hand out and you slide your in it. "My name is Dongmin, Kang Dongmin." He said with a smile as he pulled you up.

-"I'm ______. Nice to meet you Kang Dongmin." You said laughing lightly, he was so nice and it's been a while since you've talked to another person besides the Big Bang members. You brushed the dirt off of your pants and cleared your throat. The awkward moment was killing you but you didn't know what to say.

-"I guess I'll get going now...Annyong Dongmin." You said while bowing slightly, but before you could walk away he grabbed your arm. You turned around a little shocked at what just happened.

~'What the heck man, why did this guy just randomly grab my arm?' You thought, 'Oooh dramatic moment, heehee, what if he like tries a soul searching stare on me and thinks that we were meant to be but then I'm all like *dramatic pause and hairflip* I'm in love already...Kekeke my life would be like a soap opera ^^..'

-"Uh _____, did you hear me?" His voice snapped you back to reality.

-"Huh? No mianhe, what did you say?"

-"Oh, I said would you like to get some coffee or something? It's the least I could do since, you know, I knocked you over and all."

"Sure, that would be nice, plus I'm not really headed to anywhere specific." You said chuckling. You didn't know what was wrong with you or why he was making you feel like that. Maybe it was because you missed Seunghyun so much but time would fly by and he'd be back in no time.

-Your POV-

We walked back the way I came and down to the little coffee shop on the corner. He got black coffee and I got an expresso. He was a really nice guy and very polite. We talked about simple stuff and childhood memories. I was having such a great time when I realized how late it was getting and how JiYong or one of them was coming over soon.

-"Aish!" I said thumping my palm on my forehead. ~'Babo! How could I have forgotten?!' 

-"____? What's wrong?" He said, I could tell he was worried.

-"Oh, nothing, I just realized how late it was getting and that my friend is on his way to meet me."

-"Oh, your boyfriend?"

-",no,no" I shook my head franticly and started to chuckle, I could never imagine being with JiYong, he's too much like a brother. "My boyfriend isn't here, he's serving his military duty." I said and it kind of made me a little sad talking about it.

-"I'm sorry to hear that." Dongmin said looking down. Then he stood up and said, "Well since it is getting pretty late, I'll walk you home. I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you."

-"Kamsahimnida, Dongmin. That is very polite of you but I just live back the other way and a little past the park. I think I'll be able to make it on my own."

"I believe you but if something were to happen I'd feel like it'd be my fault so I'll just accompany you there at least." 

-"Arasso." I said. I just could not resist his warm and inviting. ~'This could be the start of a new friendship.' I thought happily. We walked down the street quietly but this time it wasn't awkward. I looked up at his face and he was staring at the ground, thinking I guessed.

-"______" He finally said as we approached my little flat.


-" What's your number? I mean so we could hang out again, I had a nice time hanging out and all."

-"Oh" was all I could manage to say, I wasn't expecting that. "Oh, uh I'll put it in your phone." He handed it to you and you handed him yours. It didn't take long and soon you were just standing there, awkwardly. "Well, I guess I better be going inside." I said while unlocking my door. 

-" Uh, yeah and I'll text or call you soon. Hopefully we can hang out again." He said turning around. He waved good bye before leaving. I stepped through the door and saw JiYong sitting on my couch watching tv.

~'How the heck did he get in here?!' I thought staring at him. He looked up and smiled casually.

-JiYong POV-

~'Where could this girl possibly be at?' I thought standing outside the door. I've rung the door bell about 15 times and knocked about 1 thousand times! I figured she wasnt here and remembered the spare key TOP always hid on the 5th branch on the tree by the door. I reached for it but I was too short to get it. 

-"Why'd TOP have to be so dang tall?" I said out loud. I looked around quickly to see if anyone heared me, I didn't want to be noticed and I forgot to wear a disguise. I got an idea and pulled a leaf down making the branch lean down with it. I quickly grabbed the key before the leaf ripped and opened the door. I was right she wasn't home and all the lights were off. I decided that I would just wait for her but after 5 minutes I was starting to get bored. I tried everything, I played TOP's video games for about an hour, I made myself dinner, and took a nap for almost an hour before I decided to watch tv. I wondered what ______ could possibly be doing for 3 hours when the dorr suddenly opened. It was of course _______. I smiled and she gave me a confused, what the heck are you doing kind of look.

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ChoiSeunghyunVIP #1
Chapter 7: I just found this story again and I hope you update soon I love it
Chapter 7: Suspense!!!
Jkitty_123 #3
Awe...cute lil Jiyong XD
awww cute!!update soon!!
I really like it! Never read anything with this kinda story line before! So its pretty unique ^^
Jkitty_123 #6
Awe... update soon