Real Love


Next day


Luhan is on the book worm and ready for work.


You know baek I’m so happy! Even I got into an accident! There is a big reward for me” luhan told baek. “You’re so lucky!” baek said while looking at the picture of luhan with his idol. “You look like a girl in here luhan” baek said.

“Really?” luhan said in a cute voice. Baek look at luhan in a curious look.  “What’s wrong baek?” luhan ask. “Luhan your 25years old and still no! gf?” baek said. “Yes why?” luhan answer in high tune.

“You’re gay!” baek said.

 Luhan heart drop like a bomb! When baek said that.

No! I’m not!” luhan said in grumpy tune. “You are! Luhan!” baek insist

Luhan got really mad about what baek said. “Luhan your gay admit it” baek said again. Luhan can’t control his emotions and tear drop start to fall on his cute face.

Baek saw it and got scared cause he made luhan to cry.

I’m sorry! Luhan I’m sorry! I’m just kidding” baek explained and hug luhan.

You’re right baek!” luhan admit in low tune but baek clearly heard what he said.

Baek release from hugging luhan “I’m sorry” baek apologized and looks at him straight in the eye. “I’m worry baek” luhan said. “Why? Here in new york being gay is freedom” baek explained

“What if kris and my family find out about me” luhan said in emotion tune. “They must accept it! The real you! No matter what! Because being gay is not a sin! You know it Lu! If there are cure for being gay! We already brought it! Right? Cause being gay came from inside of our heart! We will realize this when we fall into a man! Right lu?” baek explained

Luhan got really confused now not for being gay but of what baek said. “How do you know about this?” luhan ask in serous tune and look at baek.

Baek put his hand on its mouth “!” and said those words.

Are you?” luhan ask. “Yes! I am and I’m proud of it luhan” baek answer in proudly.

Luhan smile and hug him so strong and said “I knew it!”

Baek hug back to luhan because finally luhan is out from his shell.

“Luhan don’t be scared! Day by day you will conquer it” baek said in serious. 







“Hi lay where Kris is?” Sehun ask lay on the phone.

I don’t know” lay answered in confused tune. “Give me his number” sehun said. Lay got really confused

Okay I will send it to you” lay answered. “Okay” sehun said. “Sehun! Why do you need it anyway?” lay ask him.


Lay could only hear on his phone.


Then sehun received the number of kris.


Incoming Call…


Kris answers the phone. “Hi! This is kris” he said. “Hi kris this is oh sehun. Where are you now?” sehun said in serious tune. Kris got shock what he just heard like Oh Sehun is calling me!!! “Ah! Sir I’m at my house but I will be in New York in few hours sir” he said in calm tune.

“Where is your house?” sehun ask. Kris is really freaking out and feels weird like why Sehun need to know my house.

I’m here sir in prince town a small town that closed to New York” he said.

Okay” sehun said and hung up.

Hello sir!!! Hello!!!” kris said in high tune. “He hung up!” he added.

Kris immediately fixes his self-cause he has an important fashion show in New York with tao

On the way…

“Sir you don’t have a meeting in prince town” D.O said “i just want to go there is anything wrong?” sehun reply. “But sir you have a meeting this afternoon” D.O said. “What time is it D.O?” sehun ask. “Its 9am sir” D.O answered. “9am it’s not close to 1pm right?” sehun reply.

D.O just looks at him blankly like sehun was right after all.

Prince town nice named” sehun said.

After an hour.

Sehun arrived at the prince town

Feel so nice to be here cold weather with a few snows” Sehun said. D.O just nodded to Sehun because he doesn’t want to ask anymore question.

Hi where are you Kris?” Sehun said on the phone.

Sir! I’m here now at the fashion show!” Kris reply. “What!!!?” Sehun said in high tune. “I’m sorry sir.” Kris apologized.

Sehun hung up and stare blankly…

He looks at his window at put his hand on his chin. “What the hell I’m doing here!” he said in low tune. “Sir?” D.O asks.

Shut up! Don’t ask me again” Sehun said in high tune. D.O got really scared and puff his eye like what did I do?




Sehun got off the car and walk on the street and He put his hand on his pocket and walks slowly. “I’m so stupid to come here what the hell” he thought while walking.

Then snow start to fall and he see it he looks at the sky and feel the cold breeze blowing on his face. “I’m so stupid to think of that guy” he said in disappointed tune. “I hate you I hate you” he said and look down and walk faster.

He enter this store

Bling! Bling! The door sound

Welcome sir” one of the staff greeted him he didn’t bother to look at the staff he just walk straight to the books of love section.

Sehun look at this entire book on the shelves and read the tittle one by one “this is my first time to do this” he said to his self. He walks slowly while reading the tittle of the books

Pouf!!! The book fall.

Sehun look at it like where is that came from. He didn’t see any book fall off the shelve

He continued looking at the book and reading the tittle

“I drop you again” Sehun heard it. Like someone is talking. 

He looks around to find who said that

Then someone from the other side of the shelve stand and shuffle his hair.


Sehun see that person and his jaw open and shock what he just saw. “Lulu” he said.


Then luhan heard it and look at that person.

Sehun notice that luhan will look at him

Suddenly he hide from the shelve

Luhan see that someone is hiding on the other side of the shelves. He got confused then goes back to his business.

While luhan is arranging the books sehun slowly sneaking out to look at luhan “I finally saw you” sehun thought “this must be destiny” he added.

Luhan is busy arranging the books and sehun on the other side is busy sneaking on him.  

Sehun heard his heart DAB DAB… DAB DAB… he touched his chest and feel how strong his heartbeat is and suddenly he can hear this melody (still you by eunhae) and he feel weird cause he can’t hear anything except for this melody While looking at this guy. “You’re so real lulu I can feel it” he thought while the melody keeps playing on his head and he move slowly forward step by step he silently walk and following luhan in the other side of the shelves “the love I created in the book is finally came true” he thought while looking at him “but you’re a guy and its weird cause I’m feeling something” his thought got cut off when he heard.


Excuse me sir!” someone said it to sehun. He look at this person with the position of his body bending over the shelve cause his sneaking out right

“Yes?” he answered to this guy. Baek is just looking at him weirdly because baek knows his not looking for a book his sneaking out to luhan.

Sir! Are you sneaking out at my friend?” baek ask.

Sehun notice his body position and thought “he got me” since his so tall he stand straight like a model and said “no I’m not looking for anything” and walk outside.

Since luhan is busy on his business he notice on the other of shelves that someone is talking and he look at that direction and saw baek and this tall guy leaving the store. “Baek is everything okay?” luhan ask.

Yah! But that guy is not okay!” baek answered while the guy left the store.



He works in there” sehun thought while walking fast as he could. “Why did I walk away” he added

“What’s this” he said. “I don’t know what to do” he added and stop from walking.

The snowflake keeps falling on him and the cold breeze blowing on him. He put his hand on his pocket and smiles.

“I heard this sound of melody when I you” he thought “my heart finally composed a melody” he added and look at the sky.

“Is this real love” he said. 

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Chapter 1: Frictional? Or you mean it is FICTIONAL?
nyongtorylove625 #2
Omo omo omo!!! So excited for the next chapter!!!! Kyaaaa!!! Why don't they just confess!!! OMG!!! I'm dying!!! Your story is so sweet..
Hypnoticmutt #3
Chapter 3: hfdggf the pictures area bit off setting but great story!
Chapter 14: Updateeeew !!!! :* authorvnimm updateee for uss
Chapter 14: Updateeeew !!!! :*
Oh My god I was finish reading your ff ...its soi sweet ..! Jinja daebak! please update siin
^^ I its DAEBAK !
Chapter 10: I agree with BaekParkYeol. The plot sounds interesting. However, it's difficult to understand the story due to grammatical errors. >_< I understand that English isn't your first language so maybe a beta would help?
I would gladly be your beta if you'd like me to. I love to help people hehe :)
Just PM me of you'd like me to be your beta :) Merry Christmas btw! ★
joon_sung #9
Chapter 4: beak is baek,right?
BaekParkYeol #10
from what i understand of the description, it seems to be an interesting story, however i must insist that you find a BETA to help check your grammar errors.
Because some readers that would have loved to read this would probably stop reading it because of the grammatical errors.