New Guy

Pfft, I dont fall in love!

2 Days Later (Selena's POV)

"Mum! Have you seen my diary?!" I yell as i scramble through my things. Crap that whole diary has everything. I scream and open my door. Standing in my doorway is none other than my brother.

Taemin's POV (Selena's Brother)

"Is this what your looking for noona?" I ask innocently. She sighs. "Yes Taeminnie can noona please have that back?"

"Uhm.. but my hyung wanted it.. he said he wanted it for a gossip site. Why noona, whats in this anyway?" I confusingly ask. She looks shocked and facepalms her forehead. "Taeminnie please give noona back her diary. Your hyung wants it because it has all my secrets in it and they can expose that online. Thats bad Taeminnie. You dont want that do you?" she asks sweetly.

"Ok here noona!" I exclaim then bounce back to my bedroom. Mmmm i want some banana milk!

Selena's POV

I brush my fingers in my hair as i slip my diary into a new hiding spot. God that was close. I look at the time and see that im reeeally late for school. Crap.

50 Minutes Later

I sprint down the hall and make a left to my classroom. As i turn to the left, I suddenly bang into a locker. OUUUUCCCHHHH!

Onew's POV

I feast on my last chicken leg as i open my locker. "I love chicken i love chicken," I mumble as i get my books out. I close it and realise that i had forgotten my other chicken bones. I quickly open it and thats when i hear a groan. Mother of chicken! I see a beautiful girl lying on the ground with her eyes squinted and her hands on her head. I quickly kneel down. "Im so sorry! Are you okay?!" I help her sit up. "Quick how many fingers am i holding up?" She looks at me and laughs.

"Well... your holding up two.. along with a chicken leg." I look down and realise im still holding my beloved chicken. I chuckle and flip my hair. "So whats your name?" I ask.

"Selena. Uhm... are you new here? I havent seen you round."

"Uh yeah.. im actually lost.. you mind showing me where D23 is?" She thinks for a bit then i see her eyes light up. "Omg yeah sure thats my class. We better get going though. We're crazy late."


In class

Everyone was quiet as we walked in. The teacher took notice and realised we were later. "55 minutes late. Again Selena?!" Selena sighs.

"Actually, i'm new here and Selena was just showing me round. She helped me get to this classroom," I say. The teacher immediently gets up with a smile on her face. "Oh great! Alright well why dont you introduce yourself!"

I nod my head and face the class. "Annyeonghaseyo I'm Onew. I moved here from America. Please treat me well!" I take a 90-degree bow then face the teacher. She her chin then claps her hands. "Alright, you sit next to Jonghyun. Jonghyun! Raise your hand."

Jonghyun's POV

Yeah buddy i actually arrived to class in time! As the new guy's introducing himself, i cant help but realise that he's pretty good lookin. Not as good looking at me but you know... it'll do. I raise my hands as instructed from the teacher and he comes walking towards me. He smiles and puts his hand out. "Im Onew. Its nice to meet you."
I take his hand and shake it. "Yeah likewise."
When everyone's paying attention to the teacher, i take a whif of my hand. Wth why does my hand smell like chicken?!


Kinda short chapter! Introduced new characters!! Onew and Taemin! Sorry, this is kinda just a fill in cos i had a writers block -.- 

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xoImACrazyxo #1
Ohhhhh they admitted they love each other >< Omg I love it. Can't wait for the next update~!!! ^-^
Ndr1295 #2
Chapter 14: Please make jonghyun and bella together pleaseee
xoImACrazyxo #3
Chapter 13: Haha I love it XD I can't wait~!!!! ^-^
shawolbabeey123 #4
Chapter 12: aw! please update soon! i have a feeling bella and jonghyun are going to get together
Chapter 11: update soon!
Chapter 11: i love this chapter,haha!
Update soon!
shawolbabeey123 #7
Chapter 11: haha this chapters hilarious! please update it soon! :D
Ndr1295 #8
Chapter 11: Omg I love this chapterrr <3
xoImACrazyxo #9
Chapter 10: Uh-Oh~!!!! Jjong hurry up!!!>< lol I loved the chapter~!!! ^-^
shawolbabeey123 #10
Chapter 9: update soon.~