
Pfft, I dont fall in love!

Bella's POV

Selenas back?! She didnt even call? Geez some bestfriend. And to think i had to find out from this damn gossip site.


I ignore all the stares and quickly walk out of the cafeteria towards my locker. I open it and sigh. Inside, were my 29 letters to Selena. You see, before she 'left', we didnt really leave things well... we just had a... misunderstanding. I wrote a letter everyday but never sent them. Why? I didnt want to seem weak. Never.


Next Day

"Hey B!" Selena exclaims, like as if nothing happened.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly.

"...We're still friends right?"

"Last time i checked, i defriended you. So bye." I quickly leave run to the bathroom.


Selena's POV

Oh god. I unlocked the beast. Okay truth, I left for a reason. I cant tell anyone, especially Bella. Okay now... school... looks like Bella's the new 'Queen B' which makes sense...


Gym Class

"Alright class, today we'll be playing dodgeball. Boys against Girls." Everyone groans. Eh just as long as Bella cant hit me, im fiine. I can see Jonghyun winking at every girl, trying to distract them. I look to Jonghyuns left. Key.


Bella's POV

Okay I'm mad at Serena now. I groaned when our teacher said its girls against boys... i wanted to hit Serena. Well... hitting Jonghyun will do I guess. Or maybe Key since he's not even freaking speaking to me these days.


Theres the whistle. I sprint towards the balls and throw them towards our side. I pick up a ball and throw it towards Key. He quickly dodges the ball and looks at me surprised; his mouth slightly open. He lifts up one of this eyebrows questiongly. I give him a deathly glare as i dodge a ball. Ooh yay go Jonghyun! Whoa where'd that come from?! Whatever he just got Selena out so... SMILEEEY!


Jonghyuns POV

Oh yeah buddy, just got Selena out. I swear i just saw Bella's eyes light up. Now that i think about it... Bella's pretty fine. Oh god Jonghyun thats crossing the line. Bros before hoes... bros before hoes. Whoa girls have 5 left and we have... me and key?! (A/N: JONGKEEY!) As for the girls... Bella... Serena got back in cos one of them caught the ball... then some other randoms idgaf about. Aight I cant lose to Bella again. Lets do this.


Bella's POV

The boys won. Key got out because I threw a ball to Key Jr. Hehe oops. But Jonghyuns one great dodgeball player. Eh I guess he used his shortness to win. Stupid shortie. But whatever, respect to him for getting Selena out for the second time. Whoop whoop.

Now we're in the wash rooms, changing back into our school uniform. I can see Selena staring at me in the corner of my eye. Gosh stalker much?! I roll my eyes and make my way out.


1 Hour Later

Geography. Yawwwn. I open my diary and start doodling love hearts with my name and Keys in it. I wonder whats wrong with him... maybe i should talk to him. I look to my left and see his eyes slightly drooping down. I sigh and quickly scribble something down and ask the person next to me to pass it on.


Key's POV

Whoa god im sleepy. Just as im about to fall into dreamland, i feel a slight nudge from my right. Whoa wtf. A random guy passes me a note.

Are we okay?

I sigh and look at Bella. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. I quickly write back.

We need to talk. Usual spot after class.

I look at her as she reads. She looks up at me and frowns. She gives me a small nod then continues doodling on that diary of hers.


After Class

I quickly walk out of class and make my way to the tree. Suddenly out of no where, someone pulls me into a closet and covers my mouth.


Bella's POV

I dodge the crowd and make my way to our tree. I think I see Key. But once that person turns round, i see that its definetly not Key. Its Jonghyun.


Author's POV

"Uh... what are you doing here?" Bella asks Jonghyun.

"We need to talk."

"Uh no. Im meeting someone right now. Maybe later."

"No Bella. You need to speak to Selena."


"Because you need to hear what she has to say. Before you do anything else. Just go."

Bella looks confused and looks up at Jonghyun. It was the first time he didnt have that usual smirk on his face. Instead, his face was full of worry. "Fine... but if you see Key, tell him to call me kay?"


Serena's POV

Okay so I got someone to get Key for me. I knew he was gonna tell her. I knew it. But she should hear it from me first.


1 Hour Later


"Hey. I need to tell you something."

"Wait, before you do... I need to read you something. Its one of my letters.

Dear Selena, Where are you? My father left my mother and I for a 31 year old model. A male model actually. I feel so lost. It was always either you or dad that helped me with basketball. Now, i have no one. Even Key's acting weird. Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Your supposed to be my bestfriend. Love Bella."

I let a tear escape from my eyes; guilt building up inside of me. "I.. I'm so sorry B. I... I'm sorry." She looks up and i see that shes crying. A thing you need to know about Bella is that she holds in her tears until she cant anymore.

"Just... don't leave me again. Do you know how worried I was?"

I quickly give her another hug. "Come on, lets go play basketball. I heard you bet Jonghyun. Getting better my friend."

She lets out a smile and links her arm with mine as we start walking to our court.


Spotted. Looks like everything went smoothly for our 'Queen B'. But how did our stubborn little Bella forgive her so easily. Seems like our little Selena didn't tell her everything after all.

- KHigh Girl.



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xoImACrazyxo #1
Ohhhhh they admitted they love each other >< Omg I love it. Can't wait for the next update~!!! ^-^
Ndr1295 #2
Chapter 14: Please make jonghyun and bella together pleaseee
xoImACrazyxo #3
Chapter 13: Haha I love it XD I can't wait~!!!! ^-^
shawolbabeey123 #4
Chapter 12: aw! please update soon! i have a feeling bella and jonghyun are going to get together
Chapter 11: update soon!
Chapter 11: i love this chapter,haha!
Update soon!
shawolbabeey123 #7
Chapter 11: haha this chapters hilarious! please update it soon! :D
Ndr1295 #8
Chapter 11: Omg I love this chapterrr <3
xoImACrazyxo #9
Chapter 10: Uh-Oh~!!!! Jjong hurry up!!!>< lol I loved the chapter~!!! ^-^
shawolbabeey123 #10
Chapter 9: update soon.~