Chapter 3

I Don't Deserve Happiness


Chapter 3
I walked in clutches the next day to school . My mom and dad insisted I stayed home but I needed to come to school.. for my grades .. I need to pass high school..
* click click* the clutches made noise each time I used them. I walked inside the school gate going into the atrium. I still saw the kids from yesterday sending me hate glares..especially Infinite's girlfriends . Each giving a ugly glare. Their looks are just telling me they are gonna start something..revenge..
*Tap tap* 
I looked over my shoulder seeing the doe faced boy. 
" Hi.." He smiled.
" Hi..."
" Did you eat your medicine yet? " he asked.
" Yea-.." He cut me off.
" Did you apply your medicine ?.." He asked.
" Yes.." 
"Good." He smiled.
".." I looked at him confused . Why is he asking me this?..
"By the by I'm Luhan.."
".. I'm Pearl."
" I know." He said.
"How was your parents?.." He asked me .
Flash back<<<
" OH MY GOD !" My mom screamed as she open the door seeing me in Luhan's arms bride style covered in bandages . " What happened ?!?"
" What happened ?!" My dad shouted.
" How could some one do this to my child?" My mom cried. 
" Mom-" I got cut off.
" The bullies did this right?" My dad asked angrily ..
I nodded..feeling the pain get to me.
"Thanking for bring our child home.." My mom thanked Luhan.
>> flash back ended .. 
".. Why are you worried about me?.." I asked.
" ... Uh.." His eyes searched for words."... Uh...." He blushed.
" Thanking for helping me."  I said after a few long seconds of his uh..
" No need to ." He said.
"Ofcourse  I do ..." I said. " .. You saved me twice.. is there anything I can do to pay you back?."
"There isn't anything.." Luhan said.
" ..Well there must be something .." I thought.
" Gotta get you to class." Luhan said checking the time on his phone ." Five minutes left."
"Five minutes?" I said.
" Yeah Come on ." Luhan took my backpack and put it on his shoulder with his .
"You didn't need to do that ." I said.
" Where's your first class?" He asked .
" Mr. Kim.." I said .
Luhan helped guided me to out of the large random groups of people in the way . I was getting hate glares from many people along the way to my class. 
Lu Han suddenly stopped walking In the hall way. He frozen staring a girl and a tall boy giving each other small pecks on each lip whispering sweet words. The guy's hand made it way and wrapped around the girl's small waist. She smiled and hugged him wrapping her arms around him too.
Luhan became furious ,his angered look says it all..
" What's wrong ?" I asked him but he didn't answer.
"....." He stared at them burning holes in their faces with his cold flaming eyes.
I examined  carefully noticing the boy .. It was Daehyun.. that boy who just yesterday.. tried to ..
The girl noticed Luhan looking at her intensely and felt uncomfortable. She quickly whispered something into Daehyun's ears and pushed him away."Oppa!~" a  small high pitched girl called sweetly  leaving the boy she was kissing a few seconds ago..
He has a girl friend?.. every popular boy has one of course..
" Neh?" Luhan looked at her plain faced. He wasn't happy..
" Come Oppa I need to show you something!" She grabbed his hand smacking into me . 
I almost tripped over but Luhan caught me . 
" You almost tripped her." Luhan said. 
" were here.." Her voice fading. The expression on her face changed into a glare then quickly change it back as soon as Luhan saw her face.
"..My friend Pearl." Luhan smiled standing a bit closer to me.
"...Oh.." She said with a impatient look.
" Introduce your self Mei.." Luhan said with a small challenging change in tone .
"..Why?.." She looked like she was getting angry.
" Come on , I want you to be friends." Luhan said with a bitter smile.
" Do I look like I want to be friends with the likes of her??" Mei finally bursted.
Ofcourse no one wants to be my friend..
"What's wrong Mei?" Luhan asked playing dumb to piss her off.
" Okay look Oppa, Can you stop bringing this b**** into our lives?" Mei shouted . " I am so tired of you helping her !"
" She's my friend Mei, I just helping her like I would to Kai and the others-" Luhan was cutt off.
" You know what ? I don't care . Is it me or her?!" She yelled.
" ..." Luhan's was surprised at her out brust.
" Tell me ! Me or her??!" She grabbed onto his collared uniform .
"..." Luhan was frozen on the spot.
" You love this lowly b**** huh? What's so good about her ? Why do you wanna a help this piece of trash? We don't need her!"She shouted. 
" ..." Luhan was still standing still while she pulled and tug his shirt .
" Tell me the truth !" She shouted.
"Mei..I thought you were different .." Luhan slowly spoke. 
" Huh?." Mei stopped.
".. Your just the same as all the other girls.." Luhan said.
" O-Oppa .."Mei was thinking of a comeback.
" Your just the same as all those girls.. it's over." Luhan said. " We're done .."
" O-Oppa I'll change! I'll do anything just don't break up with me!" She stuttered .
" It was too late Mei , I gave you many chances .. and this is the last.." Luhan said.
" Please Oppa!" She began to cry. 
" ...." Luhan just stared at her.." So.. pathetic .." He mumbled .
" I'm sorry Luhan I'll change."She grabbed onto his arms.
" You heard me very clear Mei.." Luhan said removing her hands from his arms.
"What did I do wrong loving you??" She cried .
" I just caught you red first I didn't believe what my friends said .I though they were trying to break us apart..they were right all along.." Luhan said.
"L-Luhan ..but I wasn't cheating on you.." Mei said stupidly . " He was my b-" 
" Oh? Your brother?" Luhan cut her off mid sentence . " Don't think I'm dumb enough to not realize that you used the same excuse to every boy you hung out with when I wasn't around."
" Luhan.." She said whipping her eyes smudging her eyeliner . She looked like a hot mess.
* bell rings*
Luhan turned to me " Let's get you to class.." He forced a smile to his face.
He walked me farther and farther away from Mei. 
" Luhan! " Mei screamed crying. 
I turned back to see her on the floor clutching to her vogue bag . Her face smeared in makeup . Her scream sounded like a dying cat.
I turned back to look at Luhan..
He didn't dare look back at her , his face was expressionless . A small tear slowly fell from his eye. 
" No..Luhan .. you can do this.." Luhan mummbled lowly like a small whisper to him self. " No more chances.."
We still heard her loud screams as we got farther away. 
" Luhan?" I called his name.
"...." He looked straight ahead of him not saying a thing.
" Luhan?"
".. Yes?" He turned his head to me .
" We're here." 
" Where?"
" We reached my class." I said.
" Ah.. okay.." He said.
"..Yeah..thank you for walking me.." I said.
" Um.. I'll see you at lunch..." Luhan said looking depressed.
" ..Okay.." I said.
He walked away with droopy shoulders.. 
I hope he's okay..
I walked into the class room quietly while everyone was loud. I looked around the classroom noticing all the Infinite gang was gone . I saw Yonguk looking at me with a  sorry look. Daehyun and Himchan was flirting with girls giggling loudly. Some students stared at me expressionless making me shudder.
Mr. Kim quickly spotted me and motioned me out side the classroom.
He closed the door as we got out side.
" Miss Pearl ..Are you okay ?" He asked.
" Ah yeh Mr Kim." I said awkwardly.
Mr.Kim was only a few years older than us he was in he 20s . His name was Kim Jae Joong , he's really popular among highschool girls.
" Are you sure?" He asked. 
" Yes Mr.Kim." 
"You can talk to me , We both are around the same age." Mr.Kim said.
I nodded my head.
He opened the door and we both went in . 
I slowly walked in with my clutches 
and sat down in my seat in the back of the room quiet eyes followed me. 
" Alright ..lets finish our class work from yesterday." Mr. Kim said.
I knew that this day wasn't gonna be good..
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jiyonglurver #1
Wow~ haha looking forward to your updates <3 fighting~!