

When the dismissal bell rang, I ran my fastest to his class and waited impatiently for him to walk out.

Finally, he did, and I marched over to him, snatched the sleeve of his shirt, and dragged him over to the deserted hallway Luhan had pulled me to the day before.

“Ow! What the hell, _____?!” Kai complained as I pushed him against the wall and smacked his shoulder. “Stop!”

“No!” I replied, smacking his arm again before taking a step back.

“What is your problem?” Kai screeched at me after straightening out his shirt.

“You are!” I yelled. “Why in the hell would you invite Sehun into our group when you know what happened between us! How inconsiderate can you get?”

“I’m sorry!” He bellowed back, getting in my face. “I had completely forgot about your history with him. I noticed that a lot of girls were flocking him, and you know that all the popular guys have to stick together, so I invited him to eat with us. It’s nothing personal.”

“But it is, Jongin!” I persisted, using his real name to stress my fury. He rolled his eyes and his jaw clenched. He didn’t like people using his real name.

“And why is that?” he asked, his voice flat.

“Because…” my voice carried as I tried to find the right words. Why was it such a big deal to me? I hadn’t seen Sehun in years, and I had Chen now, and, if I were completely honest with myself, it was never truly Sehun that I had fell in love with. It was the image of him, which was completely tarnished with the Sehun that was walking the halls at that minute.

Kai raised his eyebrows questioningly and mockingly and I wanted to slap him so badly my palms started itching.

“What? You still have some leftover feelings for him?” He mocked darkly, taking a confident step towards me, which I countered with a step back. “Are you already doubting your feelings for Chen?”

“Not in the least bit,” I snapped, my eyes lowering into slits.

“So then, there shouldn’t be any real reason why Sehun shouldn’t eat with us. And hang out with us before and after school. He’s going to be a part of our crew, whether you take it personally or not. So get over yourself, sweetheart. Not everything is about you.”

“ you,” I hissed and he smirked at me.

“Most girls have already,” and with that, he stormed out, leaving me there in a cold sweat.

What had gotten into him?


Once I was able to pull myself together, I went to join my group at the stairs.

Luhan was the first to notice me, and he raced over to meet me. He wrapped his arm around mine and pulled me to a stop.

“He’s joining us,” he informed me quietly.

I nodded, “I know. Kai and I had a talk about the situation.”

“And?” Luhan asked, running his free hand through his dark hair.

“He told me not to take it personally.”

Luhan let out a breath and shook his head, “that boy… I’m sorry, _____, things are beginning to turn for the worst, it seems.”

I just shrugged, “it’s still too early to really believe that. Who knows, maybe Sehun has changed.”

Luhan laughed once and we began walking to our clique.

Chen was there as well, and when he spotted me, he reached a hand towards me, which I took graciously.

“I was waiting for you, but Yeonju said you stormed out of class as soon as the bell rang. You alright?” He whispered in my ear, pulling me tightly against himself. I had to admit, it felt sort of awkward being so close to him when everyone was right there.

“Yeah,” I assured. “I just needed to talk to Kai about some things.”

“Kai?” One of his eyebrows bent with confusion and I sighed and shook my head.

“Not a big deal. We’ve taken care of the issue… kinda.”

“Well, as long as he didn’t touch you in any kind of way…”

I started laughing, “As if.”

Chen’s smirk came back, “good. I don’t want to beat up a good friend, but I will if I must. Especially if it’s for you.”

I rested my head on his chest, “my own personal knight.”

His arms wrapped around me and tightened, “and don’t you forget it.”

Sehun joined us soon after, and everyone grew curious. During lunch, no one really asked him anything, but now that we all had been exposed to him, it was time to get personal.

“So, Sehun…” Baekhyun started. Sehun met his gaze, but didn’t say anything. “What brings you to our school?”

Sehun shrugs, “This was the school I was supposed to go to anyways. I went to Dale Middle School, but had to transfer for a few years. When I was allowed back into the system, I was placed here.”

“’Allowed back into the system’?” Lay repeated. “Why were you taken out?”

Sehun looked down at his shoes, “just some…stuff. Made a few bad choices, you know how it is.”

Luhan met my gaze, and the message in his eyes were clear: “told you it was juvy.”

“There’s rumors, you know,” Kris began. “About why you had left. I don’t know if you know, but we went to the same middle school. You just disappeared, many stories started flying as to why that happened.”

“Stories like what?” Sehun asked nonchalantly, leaning against the large banister.

“Oh, I don’t know. Something about Juvy,” Chen piped up, surprising me.

Sehun’s dark eyes met his and they stared at each other for a minute. Finally, Sehun grinned softly and ran his tongue under his top teeth, “Well, that has a certain charm to it, doesn’t it?”

Kai and the rest of our group started laughing, except me, Chen, and Luhan, who studied Sehun carefully.

“But despite the cause of my leaving,” Sehun began, catching everyone’s attention. “Maybe the real reason why I came to this school specifically, instead of some high ranked rich prep school, was because I had left something behind, and I now need to get it back.”

I swear when he said that, he was staring right at me with those dark expressionless eyes of his. I felt my breathing hitch as his eyes left my face and he bit his lip lightly.

“Wow, that’s so… mysterious,” Yeonju blurted out, moving closer to him. “What was it? An old flame?”

“Something like that,” Sehun answered.

Yeonju pouted, “but you know how the saying goes ‘out with the old, in with the new’.”

Sehun grinned at her, “That’s very true, Yeonju. You’re very smart.”

“Oh, not really. But I have been told I’m a great teacher.”

“Yeah? And what subjects do you teach?”

She smirked seductively, “I’ll give you a crash course, if you’d like.”

“Alright, guys,” Suho interjected, clapping his hands to gain our attention. “My father’s restaurant is closing early tonight, and he invited us all to go and eat afterwards. The meal is all on us.”

We all cheered—even I was ecstatic about the news. Suho’s fathers’ restaurant was legendary, and hella pricey—and followed him to his dad’s restaurant.

Sehun’s words, forgotten for the moment.


A/N: heeeey. So what ya guys think? Kai gettin a bit defensive aye? and Sehun giving a bit of insight into his mysterious past. Plus, we got Yeonju macking it up with Sehun, and he returning the favor, which the OC is not pleased with. Do you think she still has feelings for Sehun, or is it the fact that he's there in the first place that is causing all this inner confliction within her? Also, how do you feel about her with Chen? I think they cute, they cute. haha. sorry this is long, just wondering what you guys are thinking about the story! thanks for reading, love ya!!

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OHMAGASH! I luv this fic!! pls update soon author-nimm
Chapter 5: Omg when this last updated ? gosh i need to read more chapter..
Arakhmawati #3
Chapter 5: I have a feeling that somehow Sehun will manage to lure her and make her his. Poor chen.. T.T
Chapter 2: Gahhh update plss omg im excited for some reason xD sehun is so mysterious which Is A-W-E-S-O-M-E
summermist #5
Chapter 2: I loved the updates! Keep it up author-nim!