
Take My Breath Away

Chapter Eighteen

Dad, if you’re watching, close little bro’s eyes and please bless the hell out of me.
5th of January 2015


“Class dismissed. Get out of here, you rascals.”

Yet, she remained sitting there, waiting for everyone else to leave first. She’d rather not cram up with the rest. She noticed how Kai remained by her, waiting together. Lay, however, stood in front of Hee Young and he caught that look of warning Kai gave. He decided not to care as he crouched down in front of Hee Young.

She didn’t really notice him in front of her until she heard a light clearing of a person’s throat. She blinked a few times, facing forward to notice how close Lay was to her. He offered her smile and then a handshake, “Sup! I’m Yixing but you can call me Lay.”

She raised an eyebrow, responding with her tone sensing something odd, “I know your name.”

His hand remained lingering in front of her, “Yeah but, I’ve never really properly introduced myself.”

Seeing that he was polite enough to introduce himself, she reached out to shake his hand. He gripped onto it tight, giving her a squeeze and she let out unexpectedly, “Are you trying to break my hand?”

Kai budged in, nudging Lay’s hand away from Hee Young’s hand. Upon feeling Kai’s touch on her, she glanced to him and said to him as well, “And who gave you the right to do that?”

Kai looked at her in disbelief, “Yah, I was just-“

He couldn’t even finish what he wanted to say when she got up to leave the class. The way she paced out without even looking back made it seem like she was eager to get away from here; or him, he didn’t really know. Mr. Kang handed something to her before she really left the room. Lay and Kai both remained there, dumbfounded with that had just happened. However, when Mr. Kang cleared his throat and kicked the door to snap the two boys out of it, Lay was the first one to say, “How the hell are you going to survive with that?”

Kai got up without bothering to give Lay a look, “I’d like to find out.” With that, Kai easily walked out of the room, leaving Lay to be alone with Mr. Kang. The latter dramatically hugged Mr. Kang, pretending to sob into his shoulder, “Can I please switch partners?!”

Mr. Kang lightly the younger’s back, “You’ve been through two years with her. What’s one more?”



She could tell Kai was following her – even an idiot could tell that. Although he was able to hide it from everyone’s view, she knew he was following her. Every turn and every corridor she walked down on, he would be behind her. She just had this feeling he was behind her trail. So when she entered the library and heard gasps and whispers, she was sure Kai was behind her.

He signaled them to keep quiet with a finger on his lips but as usual, it only made them squeal louder. He let his hand fall to his side, shaking his head as he remained following her discretely, damned girls…

He noticed how when he faced forward, she was nowhere in sight. He furrowed his eyebrows and retraced back his steps, looking through each row to see which row she had slipped herself into. Row after row after row, she wasn’t there at all. It’s like she left but the moment he reached the fewer last rows, he peeked through and saw that she was sitting down on the same exact row that… wait.

“Are you Kwan Hee Young?” Her eyes widened a little but he didn’t catch that, considering Kai couldn’t even see her eyes.

“Who wants to know?” She changed the pitch of her voice a little, making it more hoarse than it was supposed to be and he sighed. “Well, are you her?”

She shook her head and Kai shook his. It wasn’t exactly urgent to find this Hee Young girl but somehow, at first glance she seems different. And by different, he means that she's not an obsessive lunatic like half the girls in this university.

“Do you know who she is?” Another shake of the head but this time she took the initiative to ask, “Why do you want to know?”

Kai was going to answer as his lips parted but he scoffed instead. “If you don’t know who she is, I don’t think I need to tell you why I want to see her. Mind your own business, yeah? Thanks.” From there he turned around and walked out of the library since that row was the last row of bookshelves in the library. 

He stood there, recalling back a past memory like a few weeks ago and his eyes widened. His lips parted and the way she was sitting… damn it. If only he’d actually approached her nicely he wouldn’t need to go around finding her like a wild goose chase.

She was sitting down with her back against the shelf, in a similar position he remembered not long ago. He narrowed his eyes at her but soon, he found himself sitting beside her on the floor, back against the shelf, arm against hers. “Don’t tell me you were the one sitting here the last time I came here.”

She shrugged casually, flicking through the pages on the book she had on her lap with her legs folded up, “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He remained staring at her, tilting his head and looking all around just to confirm that indeed, she was the girl he talked to when he came to the library.

“Don’t play stupid, you are that girl!” He half whispered, half shouted at her as he lightly nudged her by her shoulder. She allowed him to do that, thinking that it’s enough to make him feel like an idiot or a fool of himself as she turned the page on her book, “Don’t know why you’re asking the questions you already know the answers to.”

His eyes burned with a flare as he pointed at her, “You-!”

She placed a finger on her lips, turning to look at him, “We’re in a library.”

He found himself holding back, unable to speak at her little command. He hated how she could just leisurely look away as if she didn’t say anything and she just kept reading her book as if he wasn’t here by her side. Funny how when he does that to other girls, they don’t give a damn but when she does it… hell, he obeys the out of that. There was nothing that forced him to follow what she said but… yeah. They were in a library – let’s just go with that.

“Are you going to just read your book?” His voice was soft as he reached for a book opposite them and they avoided eye contact as he too, opened the book, pretending to be busy.

“Isn’t that why people come into the library? Idiot…” She grumbled lowly, making him snicker at her reply – she’s one witty person. Surely, her major must be something fancy.

“What do you major in?” He asked, flipping the next page to the book and she couldn’t be bothered, really.

“Don’t think that concerns you of any purpose.” She muttered mindlessly as she closed her book the same time the P.A system started to sound in the library. Speakers were set up pretty much everywhere of the campus in case any important announcements would be made – all students would be informed. Hee Young stared ahead of her, at the row of books whereas Kai looked up, focusing on the announcement that would be told.

“Attention, this is your principal speaking. Kwan Hee Young, see me in my office now. That is all, thank you, students – study hard.”

And when the P.A system was cut off, Hee Young shoved the book into the row of books agitatedly, cursing under her breath, “Power abusing old man…”

She got up roughly and she definitely made a few noises here and there with Kai trying to control his laughter. When she stood up, she looked down on him, eyes nearly glaring at him and he sealed his mouth with a hand, shaking his head, “I wasn’t laughing.”

She made sure she had a clear walk through before she…

“!” Kai hissed in a painful whisper, leaning back harder against the shelf, “What the did I do?!”

All Kai could do was sit there, appalled by the fact that she kicked him at his lower back before she stormed away from him. He noticed how he got a few stares that he lightly shifted his positon, turning to face the other side where he stared at the wall. He used his other hand, rubbing it on the spot she kicked him and he swore that there would be a mark there.



Before she would knock on the door (although she would dread to), her phone vibrated in her pocket. She tugged on her bag on her shoulder, stepping to the side as she fetched her phone. She slide the screen to the right with her thumb before putting her phone by her ear, “What?”

“What did you do this time?” Minseok asked, almost whispering and she could tell he was in class as of now. She sighed and leaned back against the wall, “I’m pretty sure you should be focusing by now.”

He huffed at her, “Yah, teacher left for a bit. I have time.”

She shook her head, about to reply him with something about stabbing the principal with a fork but she swore she saw Minseok’s lecturer walking by. She smirked and mumbled a soft ‘hold on’ before she paced over across the hall. Minseok furrowed his eyebrows and looked around, making sure teacher wasn’t nearby and the coast was clear. So what was-

“Kim Minseok, you better be done with what I’ve asked when I get back.”

His eyes widened and he let out a soft gasp, causing the people around Minseok to look at him. He nearly dropped his phone as he breathed out, “M-Mrs. Lee…?!”

“Five minutes, Kim Minseok. Five.”

“A-Ah! Okay!” He hurriedly hung up, shoving his phone aside and he caused a rumble of laughter to echo in the room. “Damn it, Hee Young.” He mumbled, flipping through the pages of his book to start scribbling notes down.



“You sure get a real kick out of messing with him, don’t you?” Mrs. Lee commented once Hee Young pulled the phone away, pushing it down her pocket. Mrs. Lee was actually married to Mr. Kang, in which, not many people are aware of. For one, Hee Young definitely knows this and those who are close to Mr. Kang would know this. Mrs. Lee was like a second Mr. Kang – caring, loving and would not stop at anything to achieve what they wanted. Mrs. Lee knows more or less of what Mr. Kang knows but just not in detail.

She patted Hee Young on the shoulder, “Shouldn’t you get to seeing him? He should be waiting by now…”

Hee Young shook her head and looked away, tugging on her bag again, “I’d rather he wait for the rest of his life.”

Mrs. Lee gave a squeeze on her shoulder, shaking her gently, “C’mon… You’ve been through things harder than this – this should be nothing to you.”

Hee Young nodded respectfully (Mrs. Lee, Mr. Kang and Mrs. Lim were the only teachers she truly respected here), lapping Mrs. Lee’s hand on her shoulder before she politely moved it away, “Yeah but… I just have a feeling he’s not alone in there. And God knows what the f-“

“Language…” Mrs. Lee laughed, lightly tapping her forehead and she rephrased her words, “-frick they want to talk to me about.”

Mrs. Lee sighed and noticed how Hee Young avoided any eye contact – it didn’t take much to know that Hee Young’s still not adapting to the principal of her university to be her father just yet. In fact, no one can replace that title. Her father was reserved for one man and one man only who is hopefully, watching down on her right now. Mrs. Lee always has a soft spot for Minseok but when she got to know Hee Young, the things have changed. She started noticing how Hee Young was the type to not let out any signs of pain but Mrs. Lee could sense it well; along with Mr. Kang – no wonder they’re married.

“A little heads up, I think it’s about their marriage. He’s been on it nonstop since they’ve set a date.”

Hee Young scoffed, waving her hands in front of her chest ‘excitedly’, “Yay, more things I don’t give a about.”

Mrs. Lee laughed, something Hee Young didn’t expect and Hee Young could see the similarity in Mrs. Lee and Mr. Kang – the both of them really cared for their students; something she wished the principal could have but there was no lie that the principal only truly cares about making… ‘$$$’. He would only be involved in school activities if there were pictures taken or cameraman around; other than that, he wouldn’t be around at all.

She noticed how Mrs. Lee’s smile faded as she offered another hand on Hee Young’s shoulder, hoping to give her strength, “You’ll have to face it well, Hee Young. You’re strong.”

Hee Young once again, reached up to hold onto Mrs. Lee’s hand, feeling the motherly love from another woman whom she wasn’t related to, “Yeah… I’m really not that strong,” Hee Young shook her head whilst giving Mrs. Lee’s hand a small shake, “But thanks. You’ll make a great mom.”

Hee Young took a step back, letting go of Mrs. Lee’s hand before she gave a polite bow. When Hee Young turned her back on her, Mrs. Lee had asked, “Just how sure are you, though?”

Hee Young stopped walking just as she stood in front of the large doors with the sign on the door that shows it was the principal’s room. Hee Young looked over her shoulder with her hand on the doorknob, “Very.”


It was awkward. Hell, it was beyond than just that. From the moment she came in until now, she could tell that she’s just wasted five minutes of her life that she would never get back; how dreadful. There Hee Young sat, in front of two adults who couldn’t even speak as she stared at the both of them. One, being the principal and the other… being her mother (Mrs. Lee deserves a point for even knowing who would be here without saying much).

Dad, if you’re watching, close little bro’s eyes and please bless the hell out of me.

It was just a few silent clicks of the pen and Hee Young doesn’t even know what to do. She knew they were going to drop the question – would you come to our wedding?

And some may thing, it would be rather idiotic. Of course any daughter would attend their mother’s wedding!

False. Not in this family. At least, Hee Young doesn’t see this as a family anymore. She sees her mother as… just another woman on the street and she sees the man beside her, sitting on the chair, as her principal – that’s as far as they’re going to get.

 Hee Young made up her mind, about to ask something when suddenly the door had two knocks. As far as Hee Young knows, there was only going to be her here – no one else. Or at least, that’s what she thought.

“Come in. The door is unlocked.”

The door twisted open and that was the last person she expected to see.

What the hell is Hee Min doing here?!





“H-Hee Young, please, just listen to me,” Hee Min cried softly, following behind Hee Young towards her locker down the hall. Hee Young shook her head, her steps loud and rough as she was fuming with anger – this was not going to happen. She had told Hee Min numerous of times to not entertain their mother. That she’s very worried of losing her own sister – doesn’t she ever listen?!

Hee Young muted her own sister’s voice from her mind as she walked down the halls – she just wants to carry this discussion later. For now, she has class to attend to.

Up ahead, she could see that smirk from a distance followed by one or two of his pals.

“Great, just great.” Hee Young grumbled, turning to the right to reach by her locker. She twisted and punched in her code before unlocking it, flinging the locker door open. She swung her bag in front of her chest and ped it, using the locker door to block her sister’s face. Hee Min sighed, gently trying to move the door away from her face, opening it wider to stand in front of it so she’d be closer to Hee Young, “Y-Young-ah… please… We’ve been ignoring them for so long. The least we could do is-“

The moment Kai reached by them along with Kris and Tao.

Hee Young violently threw her book into the locker, leaving a loud thud and Hee Min flinched upon feeling her sister’s anger radiating badly around her. Hee Young exhaled heavily and cocked her head to the side, meeting with her sister’s worried gaze, “And what, unnie? They can’t just come back like this.”

Feeling this tension in the air, Kris, someone playful, had tried to ease it, “Woah... There’s no need for two pretty girls to be arguing here.”

“Hyung, I think you need to-“ Tao was cut off when Hee Young spun around to glare at Kris. Though, he was taller, in this situation, he felt much smaller. Hee Young looked up to Kris and instinctively, Kris stepped back, “Oh…”

From Kris, to Tao, she reached Kai, "Get your posse and yourself away or I'll kick somewhere else, harder."

And she could see how Kai hurriedly motioned them away as he quickened his pace in walking, “Guys, it’s our cue to leave.”

With that, the few boys scurried away and Hee Young turned around to retrieve her books, shoving them into her bag. Hee Min stood there, not knowing what else to say when she knew that her decision wasn’t mutual with her sister’s.

“H-Hee Young-“

“I have to go.” Hee Young mumbled, zipping up her bag and swinging it behind her back before locking her locker. Hee Young left without another word and it left Hee Min to just sigh, shaking her head as she watched her sister walk away.




“Our wedding is six months from now. It’s a must for you two to be there.”

Hee Young looked elsewhere, needing to let some steam off but she couldn’t – not in front of Hee Min.

Yeah, and it’s a must for mothers to take care of their children while they’re still young but you don’t see me complaining.

“But before that, I think we could go for a family dinner? Just the four of us.”

Hee Min noticed how Hee Young didn’t even want to say anything – she was older, which means, she should be the one saying something about this.

“I-I think that’s sounds okay.”

Hee Young turned to look at Hee Min, in disbelief at how easy it was to just get her to agree.

The principal laughed a bit, trying to ease the amount of tension lingering around them, “T-That’s great-“

“Are you done? I have class soon.” Hee Young spoke up, causing her ‘father-to-be’ to just keep quiet, taken back by this. Her mother definitely gave a fit, “Kwan Hee Young! That’s not a way to speak to your father!”

All Hee Young did was stand up, making a loud noise when she kicked her chair backwards before she grabbed her bag and walked out of the room. Hee Min was left to bow politely, backing away towards the door, “I-It was good to see you. L-Let us know on when the dinner is and we’ll try to make it.”

However, Hee Min thought that it would be a good idea to… sort of catch up with them but definitely, when she saw that Hee Young stormed off without even waiting for her, she knew that’s not what her sister wanted.

It was the wrong choice, wrong words and wrong timing indeed.





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Chapter 58: I'm so happy to find another great story
Thank you for this wonderful, amazing story!
atheerjongin #2
Chapter 24: Why didn't I discover this story earlier?
Chapter 58: This story is so amazing :)
mistymountains 193 streak #4
Nice story!
I love the trailer!
ashin_333 #6
Chapter 58: Awesome.. daebak and exciting.. thank you for sharing it??
kyunism #7
Chapter 58: It was really good. I really enjoyed reading this story and I LOVE IT! ♡♡♡ thank you for writing it~
One of the best stories that I ever read... Thank you so much!!! This is so beautiful!!!
I'm starting to love this story!!
So beautifullll!!