Chapter 2

She's Back Sequel to 'Joo Hyun!'

YoonA was bombarded with questions from her unnies on what actually happened. She tell them to wait after Yonghwa wake up for an explanation as she didn't even know the details. Her apartment became noisy like the nightmarket for a while. Tiffany put her forefinger on her lips to the girls as a sign to be quite when she saw Yonghwa moved a bit on the couch. The girls dont get it and mouthed to Tiffany "What?" and she pointed to Yonghwa who's lying on the couch. Yonghwa opened his eyes a bit as he heard girls talking. He wanted to sleep back but something caught his attention. He's not in his house nor the CNBlue dorm. It feels foreign to him. He slowly sit on the couch and to his suprise,he saw 8 girls sitting in a circle while whispering to each other. "Where am i? Why are you girls here and what im doing here?" He asked the girls as he squinted his eyes while massaging his temple. He felt dizzy from the hangover.

     " Ouh o-oppa. You awake?Unnie c-c-came here because" YoonA stuttered and her words were cut off by Taeyeon."What actually happen Yonghwa? You tell YoonA that your wife killed Hyun? Can you please explain to us whats happening right now?" Taeyeon being the impatient among the girls asked him. "Its okay Yonghwa. Take your time to tell us." Jessica told him and look at Taeyeon who sit beside her."Thats right Yonghwa. Take your time." said Yuri. YoonA went to the kitchen and poured a glass of warm water and give it to Yonghwa. Yonghwa drank it in one go and cleared his throat. "Girls, i dont know how to tell you this wife Joo Hyun is the one who killed Hyun,our Seohyun....." Yonghwa told them and suddenly he burst into tears not able to contain his emotion. "What?! Is that true? But how did you know that she's the one who did all this? Unbelieveable." Taeyeon said while fanning herself. "I saw a notebook at our library. She told me before that its about her first love. But curiosity got the best of me so i flip through it and i saw.....i saw....."Yonghwa stuttered. You saw what Yonghwa?" Tifanny asked him calmly as she don't want to put more pressure on him. "I saw a picture of me and Hyun since we are on our WGM era until the day she died." And with that Yonghwa told them the whole story.


        "Unbelieveable. How could she did this to our Hyun." Sooyoung said while tears pooling in her eyes. "I remember one day on our way back to our dorm i saw exactly the same red car tailing Seohyun. I thought its nothing" Sunny said and wipe the tears on her cheek. "Aishh that psycho ! Such a heartless woman." Taeyeon shouted and her face reddened from anger. "I was suprised at first too. She said that she love me thats why she did that. I dont know why i decided to marry her at the first place. Maybe its because she resembles my Hyun so much. Maybe i didnt love her. Maybe she just remind me of my Hyun thats all. I cant believe i married the woman who actually KILLED my Hyun." Yonghwa said and put his both palm on his face feeling regret. The girls look at each other feeling guilty. Because they knew the TRUTH. The truth behind everything. The thing that only they know.

      "We can't stay still like this. We must do something. We need to teach her. Who knows if she will hurt Yonghwa because he already knew everything." Taeyeon said and the girls nodded. Taeyeon pick her phone up and dial a number. "Hello, is this the police station? I want to report regarding an unsolved murder case. Yes,i'll come to the police station and give you the details and hand you the proof. Goodbye." The girls heard that and widen their eyes. Their leader has really gone too far. She's really serious this time. Taeyeon understand why the girls felt suprised. She just can't let go the person who made her loved one life miserable. She can't let the culprit living a happy life while the victim live miserably. She wants the culprit to pay what it takes making their Hyun that way. 


      Its been 2 month since everything happen. Yonghwa and the SNSD members went to the court countless of time for the case. The case was solved and of couse,luck was on their side. They won the case. Joo Hyun was sentenced for jailed for her life time. The whole nation was so suprised with the news. Its been the most searched articles on the internet. Many types of articles came up like "Yonghwa's wife is the real murderer of Seohyun?" "Yonghwa won the case and the truth prevail at last" when typing Yonghwa's name on the search bar. She cried hardly when the decision was announced. Of course, Yonghwa felt guilty since she is carrying his child. He promised himself that he's going to take care of his child no matter what. His blood is running inside the child body after all.


     Joo Hyun went out of the court with a heavy heart. She didn't knew everything would turn out like this. This is not what she has expected. She saw Yonghwa walking out of the court and went to him with 2 police guarding her and handcuffs on her wrists. "Yonghwa oppa,im so sorry...I did this because i love you. But please don't hate our son. Please take a good care of him." She said with a trembling voice and reddened eyes. "Don't worry. He's MY son after all." Yonghwa said to her and looked at her disgustingly. "Thank you oppa." Joo Hyun said while putting her head down and then she was dragged to the van and headed to the jail. The place where she will spend her lifetime at.


       It was a cold night when Yonghwa drove home returning from work. He sighed heavily as memories of him and Seohyun flooded in his mind. How he missed her and wished that she's by his side right now. If only she's alive,they would have married each other and maybe have child by now. His chain of thought broke when he saw a familiar silhoutte at the sidewalk of the street. He squinted his eyes. No this can't be happening. He must be hallucinating. He shut his eyes and shakes his head few time and look at the same direction again. That person is still there looking so pale and soulless. 



A/N: Yayy double update for today ! Suprised huh ?Hehehe. Im so happy when i saw the upvotes,comments and subscribers. Thank you guys for supporting me ;) And thanks to my 12 awesome subscribers who subscribed to this story ! I love you guys so much <3

1) HighCoffee  2)Seokeroro  3)Rtyfghvbn  4)princessSSS  5)JUST-YONG   6)ilove_goguma   7)mayonaiser   

8)YongeoForever7   9)Koreancouple   10)cherrybango   11)santak   12)faisazali

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Chapter 8: Happy ending. :))
YongSeoForever7 #2
Chapter 8: Awww, so cute! And please do write another Yongseo fanfic! I'll be looking forward to it! ^-^
louisseann_azarcon #3
Chapter 6: You're welcome authornim.. ^^
YmaYma #4
Chapter 7: Thanks foe finishing the story. Yes an epilogue please
genevievechermaine #5
Chapter 7: the last chapter then an epilogue... huhu
Chapter 5: It's ok..take your time and i'm sorry for your loss. Hope you'll feel better soon.
babysowon #7
Chapter 5: Its okay authornim. I knew what you feel. You must be tired and still sad about ur uncle. Take rest :)
Chapter 4: Yongseo finally reunited in their wgm house! Hooray for the bittersweet reunion! Who is that paparazzi who had to spoil the moment? Aish. Haha!! Thanks for the update. :)
Chapter 3: update soon author-nim!!
smtiseo #10
Chapter 3: I'm glad seohyun's alive. It must have been hard seeing yong marry another woman and find out she's pregnant with his child. Thanks for the update!