Episode 2: This is your Eternal Love! -PART 1-

절대 사랑~♡ Absolute Love

Winners last week:

Joon and SangMi


Loser last week:



Other couples:

YunHee and Cheondung

JinKyong and G.O



Joon's POV


How is it already next week? Gah, I don't want to have to go through more of this torture. Although, it's better because I get to spend the entire day with three gorgeous girls... yeah. That's a little better.


I was standing in the studio where we shoot the show, waiting with the other hyungs for EL to get here. The time for them to get here was slowly ticking away. I don't really blame them for being late, I mean, I remember being new to the whole  business world, and getting used to the early rising. It's hard stuff, man... Hard stuff.


Suddenly, the door to the studio opened and in came JinKyong, followed with SangMi and last was YunHee. I guess we can safely say that JinKyong is the umma in that group. Hehe...


"Cheondung oppa!~" YunHee shouted when she saw him, somewhat waking up fully. She ran over to him and glomped him. Surprisingly enough, he didn't struggle to get out.


"Hello, YunHee..." he smiled. Wh-what... how is he on such good terms with her?


"Hyung! What... what are you doing? Why are you so close?" I asked.


"We've been talking over the last week. Ah, the magic of texting..." he sighed, still smiling.


"I SPAMMED HIS INBOX!~' YunHee cheered. Oh... YunHee.... =_=


Cheondung's POV


I don't know why Joon is looking so weird at YunHee-ssi. She's a perfectly fine person.... I mean, I would know. I'm the one that's been talking to her for the past seven days! Suddenly, the door to the studio opened and Juri-ssi walked in, holding her cue cards and all of the things needed for the show.


"Sorry I'm late...." she apologized, bowing her head to each of us. I... didn't even notice that she wasn't here.... No one answered her and she said, "Hey. Guys... SORRY. I'M. LATE." she shouted.


"Oh. Hey Juri." We all called, not really giving her another glance.


Jinkyong was still staring at Yunhee in suprise. "Euh...Unnie...What exactly did you send him?" she asked, worried about what type of explicit texts she may have sent me. Hey... I can handle anything she throws at me!~ I'm not a child. :<


Yunhee sighed and rummaged through her purse, pushing out food wrappers, lip gloss, a lot of paper, a few writing utensils, and lastly a pack of ciggarettes.


"You smoke?!" Sangmi questioned.


"No....Only when I'm depressed. I mean? Who hasn't smoked at least once in their life?!" Yunhee snapped.


Everyone raised their hands.


"... you..."


"With a rake?!" Jinkyong said.


Yunhee laughed a bit and nodded, handing Jinkyong her phone. On the screen, showed the many texts she sent to Thunder. "Spaaaammm..." She smiled, going back to cling onto me.


JinKyong's POV


I read over the texts that YunHee had sent Cheondung and the ones that she had received back.



"Yo!! What's goin on?!"




"No wait! Typo!"

"Not Hell! Hello!"

"Ahh...Lub you?!"





Ugh...... YunHee unnie.... When are you going to learn that you have to THINK about a text before you send it?!


I handed her back her phone and rolled my eyes. At least I wasn't as awkward as her. >.>


Seungho POV


Juri clapped her hands and smiled, getting our attention back...crap. This isn't gonna be good. "Okay, This week, you guys will have a break!" she announced. "We have rooms prepared for the couples, and for Mir and Seungho,"


Wait...Mir and I have to share a room!? What is this!? "Yah! Why do we-"


"Shut up, I'm still talking," Juri interrupted Mir. "So you guys will do whatever you Want, just make sure that the couples chosen last episode stay as that, unless... Anyone would like to trade partners?" Juri smirked, to see who would win the popularity contest.


JinKyong was looking back and forth from Joonie hyung and G.O... Fidgeting with her hands, cracking her knuckles.


YunHee piped up, "JinKyong, do you wanna change?! Cuz you sure look like you wanna." She was slightly annoyed. Sighing, she pushed G.O to Mir's spot, gave SangMi Mir, and then placed Joon next JinKyong. Out of frustration, SangMi took Seungho and placed him in Cheundung's spot, and out Cheundung next to G.O.


Hey, lookie! I'm the other half to Yunhee's couple now! YunHee glared at me, "Hey, SangMi..." She started.




"Want me to STAB YOU IN THE NECK!?" YunHee threatened, I held her back from causing damage to her unnie.


"Yah! Unnie, calm down!" JinKyong cried.


Cheundung POV


Why did SangMi change me to no partner!? I know JinKyong liked Joon and all, but she didn't have to make me suffer with G.O, did she!? I was perfectly fine with being alone with YunHee in a room for a week... but NOOOoooOOOOoOooOooO! I'm not THAT innocent, you know!


"Hey, this isn't cool!" G.O cried. I couldn't agree more.


Juri laughed at all of us, and smirked, "Okay. We all have our partners?"


Surprisingly, the girls nodded and continued in with their partners as Juri brought us out of the studio and into the van to take us to the apartment.


Juri POV


Hahahahahahaha! These foolish band members have no idea what is going to happen to them! I am such a genius!


We are gonna put hidden cameras all around the apartment, and are going to see what happens when they are all put together!!!! I could see the anger in Thunder and G.O's eyes. This is gonna get funny...


This is more like a K-Drama than a Variety Show! Oh how I love the children being all pissed at each other!


"Neh, so shall we make our way to the apartment?" I asked.


"Neh!~" The three couples cheered, content with their partners.


"...... Neh...." G.O and Cheondung groaned afterwards. We headed to the back entrance... Or exit, whatever tickles your fancy... to go out to the van that was awaiting us.



Not much, but this leads into the next chapter.


Be aware that I DID NOT WRITE SOME OF THIS. From the start of Seungho's POV to the middle-ish of Juri's POV was written mostly by my unnie, ImpureMotives. Please don't think I wrote it. SHE did. NOT me. And she also thought up the whole "conversation" of texts between YunHee and Cheondung xD


Just so we're clear xD


Thanks for reading!~

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<br />
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But not your dog. I'm gonna steal it :D AND THEN BOMB YOUR HOUSE!
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa! The next chapter is gonna be good.<br />
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Because we thought it up yesterday while watching PA number 2 and after watching the fourth kind xD<br />
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yeah! Credit goes to me for some of it! :D<br />
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update soon, Dongsaeng!
KPopGurl_JulieLee #3
ahhaha, i like your story~:DD update soon:D
:D Update soon! Or I'll fork you with a fork! XD