Episode 1: MBLAQ- Up For Grabs! -PART 5- (final)

절대 사랑~♡ Absolute Love


Couples this week:
Cheondung and YunHee
Joon and SangMi
G.O and JinKyong

Loser of the week:

Safe from losing this week:

SangMi's POV

Hehe... Little Mir lost!~ And the balloon totally EXPLODED in his face!! Serves him right. He was bein' a chicken, so he lost, and got what he wanted least. >3< I wonder if we're going to do anything else this show...? Probably, because most variety shows like this are an hour long, not just 30 minutes. O3O (A/N: AHA!~ You guys get more of the show!! You lucky little dumplings, you...)

I looked over at Joon *who is my couple-partner.... I'm a happy girl xD* and asked him, "Joon-oppa, do you think that we'll be doing any weird games?"

He leaned over *REALLY closely!! ah~* and whispered, "Well, if we do, you'd better not kill me." he leaned back again and flashed me that wonderful smile that he has. x3 I practically melted~

"Alright!! Let's play some couple games!" Juri announced. Mir and Seungho were now sitting on chairs that were recently added onto the row, and looked REALLY tired. Poor guys... :( The rest of MBLAQ's faces turned into scared expressions as they heard what we would be doing.

"What? Why do you guys look so terrified?! It's not like it's a matter of life or death here!" YunHee shouted.

"ACTUALLY, it IS a matter of life or death!" G.O exaggerated. OHHHHH!!! I remember why they're so scared! Hehe....

"It's because of your bad experience with After School in Idol Army, right?" I asked, teasing all of them.

"OH MY GOD, YES." MIr piped up, even though he really wasn't part of the conversation. "They were nice and all--"

"And he got Nana, his OBSESSION!~" Cheondung teased,

"SHUT UP. As I was saying, they were nice, but once you spin them around a couple of times and blindfold them, they could kill you." Mir looked like he was scarred for life, even though he had gotten to meet his bias from A.S. xD "Hopefully we're not gonna play that stupid 'My Bab--" Why does it seem like everyone is cutting this little maknae off today? D:

"Oh, but we ARE playing that, Mir-gun." Juri smiled widely.

"AAAAGGGGHHH!!! Do you seriously hate me or something?!"

"No, I just... strongly dislike you.^^" She could be so mean... but it's all fun and games. xD "So, we are playing.... 'My Baby, WAH!~'"

Mir, Cheondung, and Joon reacted the worst. They whined and groaned, and hit their heads. It was INCREDIBLY funny. "How do you play this game?" I asked.

"Yeah... it sounds like a stupid game... =_=" YunHee stated.

"So, for this game, the girl stands over there," Juri pointed to one end of the room. "And the boys sit in chairs over on the other end. The girls must be blindfolded and unable to see. For five seconds, the girls spin around in circles while bending down. After those 5 seconds, they must navigate their way to their partner by following the sound of his voice..." Juri continued. "At the same time. Meaning, you will have to try to hear your partner's voice, and ONLY your partner's voice. Then, once you girls get to your man, you must get behind him and feed him ice cream." YEAH!~ WE GET TO MESS UP THEIR FACES!!!! AND CLOTHES!!!

JinKyong's POV

I know this game very well... I watched that episode of Idol Army. It was HILARIOUS, I couldn't stop laughing at Joon and Mir, Their partners were like... MALICIOUS with their spoon. Nana drove the ice cream into Mir's eye. xD It was funny when she took the blindfold off and saw what she had done to the little chic-dol. :D

I looked over to G.O oppa. "I'll try not to kill you with the spoon." I smiled. I'm PRETTY good at following directions, but with everyone else shouting at me, I don't know how well I'll do. =_=

"Neh, since there are only three couples, we're all gonna go at once, right?" I asked.

"Yes, all at the same time. Shall we start?"

"Neh!~" All of us shouted. Myself, YunHee unnie, and SangMi unnie made our way over to the end of the room that we would start from. Juri handed us our blindfolds (which were more like sleeping masks), and we put them on. WOw... they're really good at blocking out everything. O_O

"Start spinning... NOW!" Juri instructed. "Five... four... three... two... ONE! FIND YOUR PARTNER!"

Cheondung's POV

"FIND YOUR PARTNER!" I heard Juri shout. truthfully, I'm a little scared. YunHee doesn't really seem like the kind of person who would listen to what your saying, She also seems like the kind of person who would stick me in the hair or eye with ice cream. =_=;;

After spinning, YunHee was extremely disoriented. "GO STRAIGHT!!" I shouted at her, who just so happened to stop facing the right way. Of course, she toppled over and DIDN'T go straight. "YUNHEE!! GET UP.... and then GO STRAIGHT!!" She finally got up and started walking *somewhat* straight towards me.

"JINKYONG! Come on! Go a little to the LEFT!" "SANGMI! STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT!" G.O and Joonie hyung shouted to their girls. JinKyong was the first to reach her partner. Then YunHee, and last was SangMi. They positioned themselves behind their partners, and took the spoon from them.

YunHee grabbed the spoon and awkwardly stuck it in the ice cream bin, taking out a GINORMOUS scoop of ice cream for me. "AAAAHHHH YUNHEE THAT'S TOO MU--" she managed to find my mouth without trouble, and shoved the ice cream in it, cutting me off. (and almost choking me) Some of the ice cream missed, though, and it was dripping down my face onto the collar of my shirt. I can only expect that more will come.... D:

Juri, Mir, and Seungho were all laughing hysterically at us. I couldn't see, but I'm sure that at least Joon has stuff all over him, maybe G.O hyung too.

Joon's POV

SangMi is BAD at listening, man... seriously. Twice now she has poked me either in the eye or in my nose. Yes, IN my nose. If that's even possible in your standards. But it's OK, she's too cute to get mad at... >///< I was holding the ice cream container, and I looked down to see that *already* I was halfway done. Maybe it wasn't full in the first place...? O_O

SangMi was coming at my face again with the spoon, and it has a LOT of ice cream on it. And of COURSE this one has to land on my forehead/hair!!! Argh...... I hate life. "GAHHH." I shouted. I quickly looked over to the other hyungs, and I could see that I wasn't the only one who was covered in the sticky frozen treat. The only person who didn't have as much stuff on him as much as me and Cheondung was G.O. Huh, that JinKyong girl really does follow directions well. Maybe I should pick her next week when it's our turn to pick the girls.

AHHHHH!! Not paying attention for two seconds is NOT good in this game!!! "SANGMI!!" I spluttered through a mouthful of ice cream. "Stop giving me such big bites!" She shoved another spoonful in my mouth. My mouth is going NUMB!!! I can't feel ANYTHING.


JinKyong really knows how to listen well!~ I'm glad she picked me!!!~ Maybe I'll pick her next week. But I thought that I saw Joonie hyung eyeing her just now.... >_> Hm....

JinKyong was finding the container, scooping, and putting the ice cream in my mouth incredibly quickly. The sugary treat was quickly disappearing. I'm confident that we're gonna be the ones to win this week. ^_^

As the last of the scoops of ice cream were coming out of the carton, I could hear Juri, Mir, and Seugnho cheering loudly. The last of it got into my mouth, and as soon as I finished swallowing, I started to whis--

"Hyuu~~" I heard from next to me. I looked over. Joon was the one. The one who won. He can't whistle... so he made a really STUPID "whistle" sound. What a pabo.

"JOON AND SANGMI... VICTORY!" Juri shouted, announcing the winner. NO, MAN! THAT'S NOT FAIR!! He's WEARING more of the ice cream than he actually ate!!!

"Aw, hell naw, man!" I stood up, wanting to point out Joon's flaws in his "victory". "Look, look. He probably didn't even eat a half of it!! He's WEARING more than he ate!" I stated, pointing to Joonie's shirt, face, and hair.

"Too bad~ We won!" SangMi pointed her finger in my face. Huuu....... I'm gonna win next time for SURE. *epic stance*

Author's POV

"Neh, so that concludes the first episode of MBLAQ and Eternal Love's 'Absolute Love'!! 감사합니다(thank you)!!!~ Join us next week for more fun with these two Idol groups!" And with that, the first episode was over.

AHHHH FINALLY I FINISHED THE FIRST EPISODE!!!~ This part was long, too. Sorry if it was too long xD I worked all freaking day on this thing!!! I only took bathroom and food breaks!!! (well, except for when I went out for about an hour, but that doesn't count!! O_O) You guy's better be happy that you're getting daily updates, and that I have as much time as I do :P

Just kidding, I love you all, you little subscribers, you!~ (and the people who just read, and don't bother to subscribe >_>) PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!!~ 

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But not your dog. I'm gonna steal it :D AND THEN BOMB YOUR HOUSE!
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa! The next chapter is gonna be good.<br />
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Because we thought it up yesterday while watching PA number 2 and after watching the fourth kind xD<br />
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yeah! Credit goes to me for some of it! :D<br />
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update soon, Dongsaeng!
KPopGurl_JulieLee #3
ahhaha, i like your story~:DD update soon:D
:D Update soon! Or I'll fork you with a fork! XD