Pouring Affection

The wall clock in Yoonjo, Lime and Yooyoung's room showed that it was already 11:39AM. Ara and Yoonjo were seen cuddling on Yoonjo's bed under the cherry blossom-themed sheets with their eyes closed. Their deep breaths could be heard, their noses brushing against each other and their bodies crashing against each other too.

Yoonjo was shifting from left to right, maybe having a bad nightmare but Ara's pair of strong arms captured the younger from behind, it looked like a backhug. Ara's forehead rested on Yoonjo's behind, her strands of hair tucked behind her ears.

Yoonjo accidentally sneezed, rubbing her own nose and Ara covered Yoonjo's nostrils with her thumb. Yoonjo turned back to her left and snuggled into Ara's chest, her nose nuzzling into Ara's neck as she smelt the sweet scent of Ara's new perfume, created by the one and only famous Britney Spears.

"U-Unnie.." Yoonjo mumbled softly and continued nuzzling into Ara's neck, pressing her body against Ara's. Ara gasped softly and that made her eyes flutter open, her hand reaching for Yoonjo's hair. 

"Y-Yes?" Ara stammered in her own words, her cheeks starting to heat up. She wanted to slap herself for stammering in front of one of her "vitamins" a.k.a. members. They were just best friends, not girlfriend - girlfriend! 

Seriously, Yoo Ara, why the hell are you stammering in front of Yoong? She's just your FRIEND, not your GIRLFRIEND!

"..F-Fever.." Ara began to panick at the word "fever" Yoonjo muttered just now and she checked Yoonjo's forehead, like the responsible Hello Venus leader she was. Yoonjo was right – she did have a fever, maybe it already reached more than 30 celcius, just like the global warming!

Ara released the very tight embrance that she and Yoonjo were trapped in and she mouthed the words, 'Stay here' to Yoonjo and she put a finger onto Yoonjo's lips, flashing her beautiful, warm smile, which suddenly made both of Yoonjo's heart and eyes flutter. Yoonjo pouted, her hand reaching for the hem of Ara's shirt and she began tugging onto it forcefully.

"Unnie, please stay here.. with me.. For me.." Yoonjo began looking at Ara with her popular, kitty eyes and Ara sure couldn't resist them so, she heaved a sigh, sat beside Yoonjo's body and Yoonjo's hair lovingly. 

Yoonjo purred and meowed like a cute cat that wanted its master's attention and she climbed onto Ara's lap, curling into a ball. Her kitty eyes began staring at Ara's doe ones. Her heart was pounding crazier than ever – she just knew it, she already founded her second and last love.. 

But Yoonjo founded it as total nonsense, she couldn't fall in love with a girl, especially with her own member and leader. Well, love has no boundaries, which means, no gender. So, why not?

Word Count: 466 words

A/N: I'm ABSOLUTELY sorry for not updating for such a VERY LONG time and now, this fanfic's already back! I hope you guys enjoyed this short but AraJo-centric chapter. Even though I got a HUGE despression today, but writing could ease my pain away. :)

P.S. Do you think the new layout for writing a chapter/blog post in AFF is confusing? For me, it is. Can someone PLEASE teach me?! But the word count's FINALLY back, hooray! n_n

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blackfiction #1
Chapter 20: I cant type much
But i wanna say i love this so much :') aww my feelings ♥
Chapter 20: Yes oh yes to aralice! ♥♥♥ And all the other happy couples >< so fluffy and cute^^
I really love this story! And wow, it's been six months already o_o
Very well done Ira~!!! I really enhjoyed reading this^^
Chapter 20: Awww in the end everybody found their other halves!
So cute~~~ i like it a lot, Ira :D
blackfiction #4
Chapter 7: didnt remember have i read this before ? lol i have bad memory orz gonna re read this... ah alrd upvoted and subsribed :p
Chapter 18: Finally got time to read the new chappies! You've updated fast! >w<
And the next one is the ending already. I don't think I'm ready for it O_O (okay, lol just kidding x3)
Oh my, who will she finally confess to? (And yay for E-young~! >_<) And what is the answer going to be? I'm so curios^^
Chapter 18: Awwww, ending already? D:

:' I bet it's AraLice~ poor Yoonjo~<3
Chapter 18: Wow triple update! Can't believe the story is going to end ;A;
I think the one Ara likes is Alice..... Update soooon :D
I have a feeling that maybe Yoonjo is going to end up with Lime xD