Pouring Affection

After calling a waitress to come towards them, Nara immediately ordered a plate of blueberry cheesecake for Alice and an Oreo cheesecake for herself. Her eyes watched every of the waitress' steps until she was out of her sight. Alice continued to drink her ice mocha, her eyes watching Nara not blinking her eyes at all at the waitress.

Nara turned her head to Alice and took deep breaths to calm herself down. A mega-watt smile was plastered on her face and she tilted her head to the side. "I want you to unwind yourself, Alice."

U-Unwind? What for? Alice thought to herself and bit her lower lip hard, not understanding each of Nara's words. As Nara knew what was in Alice's mind (she knew from Alice's reaction) and her lips moved, explaining with her smile growing wider,

"Look. Lime, Yooyoung and I knew about you and Ara and you seemed to be frustrated about this, trying hard not to cry. I saw you at the balcony and that was when I got an idea. You simply love challenging activites but I know you love the atmosphere of this coffee shop and the music played in here. Can you get what I mean now?"

At the same time, their plates of blueberry cheesecake and Oreo cheesecake arrived and Alice just nodded her head, getting of what Nara meant from her earlier sentence. Hello Venus' 'mom' was always wiser than her, despite her being the oldest. But Alice's 4D attitude while turning on her usual 'Alice in Wonderland' mode changed everything and it seemed like she was the playful one, being herself all along. As she knew, she had three sides of herself – Ora, Joohee and Alice and she wanted to figure them out while discovering her feelings for Ara.

Nara just watched Alice silently, not saying anything and her smile grew three inches wider before stealing another glance at her mobile phone's wallpaper. Blood rose to her cheeks and Alice immediately stole Nara's phone. Well, there they went again – the two eldest members fighting over Ddochi's phone. Even though Nara had her muscles, but Alice won the so-called 'fight' by sticking her tongue out as her eyes examined Nara's wallpaper.

A naughty smirk curled onto Alice's lips and she showed the photo at Nara, shoving the mobile phone at Nara's face. Nara's cheeks heated up more and she stole her phone back, her eyes flashing with anger and her lips moving as she mouthed 'Please, please don't tell her'.

Alice just nodded her head like a little, obedient five year-old girl before picking up her fork and knife and slowly cutting her blueberry cheesecake, which was calling for her and making her stomach growl even louder. The food, music and atmosphere of the coffee shop totally lessened her pain about her falling head over heels for the doe-eyed leader and her own conclusion that Ara liked Yoonjo and vice versa.

In her heart, Alice thanked Nara for everything the 'mom' had done for her, which paid off (literally!) and she promised not to tell the others about Nara's wallpaper. But Alice thought that she and Nara were almost the same, just having their own difficulties of handling each other.

Word Count: 541 words

A/N: Here's today's update! I'm sorry that I'm updating at night-time because I don't have the motivation to write a chapter in the morning since yeah, my writer's block's always coming back, hihi. But I hope you guys will enjoy this NaraLice-centric chapter! I ship brotp!NaraLice because of their cute, sister-like relationship. ;;

P.S. I added another pairing into this fanfic, keke, just to make it more interesting. ^^

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#PouringAffection has been featured in the 2nd batch of Overdose Reviews Shop with a score of 92/100. Thank you so much! ♥


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blackfiction #1
Chapter 20: I cant type much
But i wanna say i love this so much :') aww my feelings ♥
Chapter 20: Yes oh yes to aralice! ♥♥♥ And all the other happy couples >< so fluffy and cute^^
I really love this story! And wow, it's been six months already o_o
Very well done Ira~!!! I really enhjoyed reading this^^
Chapter 20: Awww in the end everybody found their other halves!
So cute~~~ i like it a lot, Ira :D
blackfiction #4
Chapter 7: didnt remember have i read this before ? lol i have bad memory orz gonna re read this... ah alrd upvoted and subsribed :p
Chapter 18: Finally got time to read the new chappies! You've updated fast! >w<
And the next one is the ending already. I don't think I'm ready for it O_O (okay, lol just kidding x3)
Oh my, who will she finally confess to? (And yay for E-young~! >_<) And what is the answer going to be? I'm so curios^^
Chapter 18: Awwww, ending already? D:

:' I bet it's AraLice~ poor Yoonjo~<3
Chapter 18: Wow triple update! Can't believe the story is going to end ;A;
I think the one Ara likes is Alice..... Update soooon :D
I have a feeling that maybe Yoonjo is going to end up with Lime xD