Chapter 8

Love hurts
She leaned towards him and got close to his lips "M-Mi kan"said Jimin his eyes got wide and he closed his eyes, Mi kan smiled and pushed him off the bed. Jimin fell to the floor "You thought i was gonna kiss you huh? Haha your funny, like i'd kiss you"said Mi kan Jimin rubbed his head "Ow, that hurt...Whats wrong with kissing me? are you to good for me"said Jimin "No...I just don't like you like that at all"said Mi kan "How do you see me then"said Jimin "A friend...Nothing more nothing less"said Mi kan Jimin got back on the bed and sat down, Mi kan brought a book out and started to read, Jimin took the book from her and flipped through the pages "Really"said Mi kan "What is this"said Jimin "A book, maybe you've heard of them? can you understand it"said Mi kan "Are you calling me stupid?"said Jimin "No, i'm calling you unintellegent"said Mi kan Jimin frowned and closed the book "You lost my place"said Mi kan "Come on theres something better, you have netflicks right"said Jimin "Yeah"said Mi kan she pointed to te remote, it was next to him "Give me the remote"said Jimin "No"said Mi kan "Don't make me get it"said Jimin Mi kan smiled, Jimin sighed and crawled towards her, he laid on her lap and reached for the remote "What are you doing you weirdo"said Mi kan she pushed him away, Jimin got the remote "Haha victory"said Jimin he the tv and went to netflicks, he put on a Kdrama and got the book from Mi an and threw it, Mi kan started to get off the bed to get her book but Jimin grabbed her hand and pulled her back "Stay!"said Jimin "My book"said Mi kan "Stay! Today your my pet, you listen to me...I say stay!"said Jimin Mi kan frowned and stayed sitting down, Jimin pat her on the head "Good girl"said Jimin "What do i do now"said Mi kan "Watch the drama"said Jimin Mi kan rolled her eyes and watched the drama, they watched it sitting side by side. Jimin stopped it in the middle of the drama "Why'd you stop it!"said Mi kan she grabbed onto his collar, Jimin grinned "Addicted huh?"said Jimin Mi kan froze, she pushed him "No"said Mi kan she crossed her arms, Jimin laughed "Do you have ice cream?"said Jimin "Yeah...Why?"said Mi kan "Your gonna need it"said Jimin Jimin got up, he went to the door and went in her kicthen and got some ice cream and two spoons, he was walking out of the kitchen when he saw her house phone had a voicemail, he listened to it, it was her dad "Mi kan...Its your dad, i'm gonna be traveling for awhile, i'm sorry i didn't tell you, your 17 years old though and you can take care of yourself, i'll be gone for 2 days, the neighbors are gonna check on you and so is your old friend Kang...Be safe...I love you"said her dad the voicemail stopped, Jimin sighed "That Kang is gonna be here with her? Her dad is bipolar, i thought he always hit her"said Jimin Jimin grabbed the ice cream and ran upstairs, he opened the door and closed it behind him "You have the good ice cream to"said Jimin he looked at her, she was sitting up and she was asleep "Oh you sleepy head"said Jimin he sat next to her and started to eat the ice cream, he looked at her "Your missing out"said Jimin he played the drama and watched it, as the drama played Jimin yawned, then he closed his eyes, he felt something on his lap, he opened his eyes and saw it was Mi kan, she was still asleep, Jimin paniced "What do i do"said Jimin he nudged her, she didn't wake up, he sighed and got some ice cream, the ice cream dripped and landed on her lips, Jimin looked down "Uh-oh"said Jimin Jimin tried to reach for something to wipe the ice cream off her lips, he couldn't reach "Hey...Wake up"said Jimin Mi kan didn't wake up, Jimin starred at her lips, all of a sudden a romantic song played from the Kdrama, Jimin sighed "Really!"said Jimin he turned off the tv, he saw her jacket and reached for it, his chest hovered over her face, Mi kan opened her eyes and saw his chest hovering over her face, she screamed, Jimin jumped up, she got up and fell off the bed "Why did you scream, you scared the crap out of me"said Jimin "You...Were...Your chest...Over my"said Mi kan "What?"said Jimin Mi kan sat on the floor, she laid down on the floor and sighed. She got up and walked to her bed and got a pillow "What are you-" she hit him with the pillow "ow! Why?"said Jimin "Thats for making me see that"said Mi kan Jimin looked outside "Wow its already dark"said Jimin "Yeah, you should go home"said Mi kan "Oh...Your dad isn't coming home today, hes on a business trip for 2 days, your neighbors and that Kang are gonna check up on you"said Jimin eating the ice cream "How do you know"said Mi kan "Voicemail"said Jimin "Oh...your not lying"said Mi kan "I swear on my life"said Jimin "What life"said Mi kan Jimin threw a pillow at her, Mi kan grabbedthe ice cream and ran downstairs, Jimin chased after her "Give me back that ice cream, i'm not finished with it"said Jimin "Now you are"said Mi kan "No i'm not"said Jimin he chased her around the table and trapped her into the food pantry, he closed the door behind him "Your not getting out now"said Jimin Mi kan looked at the ice cream and saw there was only a little left, she started to eat it "No!"said Jimin he ran to her and grabbed the ice cream and looked inside, it was gone " you ate it"said Jimin "Shut up"said Mi kan Jimin put the ice cream container on the shelf and pinned her against the door "Your gonna have to give me more ice cream"said Jimin "I have more"said Mi kan she looked at his arms that caged her, she wanted to bite him "What are you looking at...You like my muscular arms"said Jimin "No...If you don't move i'm gonna bite you"said Mi kan "No you won't"said Jimin Mi kan raised an eyebrow "You really think i won't"said Mi kan Jimin looked into her eyes and laughed "No i believe you, your vicious"said Jimin Mi kan smiled, she accidently turned the knob, the door opened and she fell to the floor, Jimin landed on top of her......
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