Chapter 10

Love hurts
Jimin took her to the ice cream shop. It was getting dark, barely any light was out. Mi kan noticed he was still holding her wrist, she pulled her hand away and they walked into the ice cream shop, "Pick your flavor"said Mi kan, Jimin smiled and looked at the flavors, "The glass is cold, look feel it"said Jimin. He grabbed her hand and put it against the glass, Mi kan smiled and nodded, "It is"said Mi kan. Jimin looked at her and immediately looked at her lips, they formed into a smile. Jimin gulped, he moved his hand away from her and stepped back "Strawberry please"said Jimin. Mi kan nodded and ordered it for Jimin. Jimin smiled and took the ice cream, he it and watched her get an ice cream cone with a reese flavored ice cream, "T-Thanks"said Jimin. Mi kan nodded and they walked out "Mi kan!"said a voice, they both turned around and saw Kang "That "muttered Jimin. Kang stopped in frotn of Mi kan. He smiled "Oh. Hello Jimin"said Kang "Kang. What the hell do you want?"said Jimin "Nothing, i just came to take Mi kan home, its getting late you know. Come on Mi kan"said Kang "I'm going home?"said Mi kan "Yeah, i don't want you to walk home alone"said Kang "Who says shes gonna be alone?"said Jimin immediately. Kang glarred at him, he put his arm around Mi kan and started to walk with her, Jimin clutched his fist and ran towards Mi kan. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close, he dropped his ice cream while he was running to her "Shes walking with me"said Jimin "Really? This is coming from Jimin? The women killer? The one who rejects ALL women?"said Kang "I-I...Shut up!"He looked at Mi kan "I'm walking her home. I forgot my jacket at her house"said Jimin. Mi kan raised her eyebrow, Kang crossed his arms "Listen...Jimin. Lay off, i'm her FRIEND, what are you but someone probably trying to take advantage of her!"said Kang. Jimin grit his teeth "Shut the up! I would never do that! You think i'm some kind of ing ert?!"said Jimin. He walked up to him and starred him in the eyes. Mi kan frowned "I'll walk myself home. Bye"said Mi kan. She threw her ice cream away and walked away with her hands in her pocket. Jimin and Kang starred at her "Look what you did "said Kang "What happened to your goody two shoes of an additude huh?"said Jimin "You scared her off. Do us both a favor and stay away from her and myself"said Kang. He walked away, Jimin sighed and started to walk to Mi kan's house, he saw her lights were on. He walked up to her door but heard talking "Come on Mi kan, why are you still talking to that jerk"said Kang "Hes not a jerk. Hes a friend of mines"said Mi kan. Jimin smiled "Well anyways, i'm crashing here for today okay? I'll sleep in on the couch"said Kang "You really don't have to"said Mi kan "I gotta, your dad wouldn't want you alone"said Kang "I'm used to being alone"said Mi kan, he heard steps. Jimin looked at her bedroom and saw her light turn on "Aish! How many times do i have to climb that tree"said Jimin. He went towards the tree and climbed it. He looked inside and saw her walk out of her bedroom. He climbed on the balcony and went inside her room. He Looked around and laid on her bed "Might as well wait for her"said Jimin. He closed his eyes and heard the door open. He looked up and saw Mi kan walk in, she screamed, Jimin covered "Ssh, be quiet"said Jimin. He moved his hand and Winked at her "Jimins here"said Jimin "Why?"said Mi kan "I don't want you staying with that bastard"said Jimin "Why? Kang told me you were a women killer. Is it true?"said Mi kan, Jimin shook his head "No, that bastard lied. I never liked him from the first moment i saw him"said Jimin. Jimin moved away and sat on her rolling chair, he started to twirl "You gonna let him sleep over?"said Jimin "Excuse me? Why do you care?"said Mi kan Jimin didn't answer, he sighed and stood up "Never mind. I'll go"said Jimin. He smiled and went to her mirror and looked at the mirror fixing his shirt and his hair "Aren't you supposed to leave?"said Mi kan "Wow you really want me to leave"said Jimin "I don't care"said Mi kan "So what if i stayed?"said Jimin "I don't care. Your not staying in my room though"said Mi kan "Why not?"said Jimin "You know why"said Mi kan "I'm not gonna touch you at all. Trust me your not worth it"said Jimin. Mi kan threw a pillow at him "Shut up, i'm not worth touching what about your skinny "said Mi kan "Skinny?! I'm not skinny! Look at this"said Jimin. He flexed his muscles and walked towards her "Feel"said Jimin. Mi kan chuckled and walked away to her closet. Jimin stopped flexing and sighed, he collapsed on her bed, there was a knock on her door. Jimin hid under her bed and Mi kan opened the door "Hey Mi kan"said Kang "Hey Kang, what do you want?"said Mi kan "I was wondering...How do you feel around me?"said Kang "What do you mean?"said Mi kan "Your feelings...For me? How do you see me?"said Kang "....A friend"said Mi kan "Thats it?"said Kang "Yeah. How do you see me?"said Mi kan. Kang sighed, he waked towards her, Mi kan stood against her bed, "Well...I don't know when to tell you but...I wanna tell you now"said Kang. He started to lean close to her "Kang?"said Mi kan. Jimin held his breath and reacher for Mi kan's foot and pulled it, she fell on the floor, she looked at Jimin and smiled. Kang helped her up "Are you okay?"said Kang "Yeah, i must've tripped"said Mi kan. Kang sighed "I'm gonna go to sleep. Good night, don't check on me, i keep my door locked at night"said Mi kan "Oh. Okay....See you in the morning"said Kang. He started to walk away, Mi kan followed him to the door. Jimin looked at Kang, he stopped and hugged Mi kan. Jimin punched the ground, luckily no one heard. Kang walked out and Mi kan closed and locked the door. Jimin got out from under the bed "That tried to kiss you"said Jimin "Why do you care?"said Mi kan "....Your innocent. Pure. Its best to stay that way"said Jimin. She rolled her eyes "Doors right there"said Mi kan "I'm gonna have to climb that damn tree again"said Jimin "Yup"said Mi kan. Jimin held his breath and made up his mind "Come with me"said Jimin "Huh?"said Mi kan "Don't stay here tonight. Its not safe. Come with me"said Jimin "Dramatic huh?"said Mi kan. Jimin chuckled and shrugged "I know right but i'm dead serious, come on i'll have you back by morning"said Jimin "Like i'm gonna go with you"said Mi kan "Why not?"said Jimin "If i didn't know any better i'd say you like me?"said Mi kan "I DON'T! GET THAT OUT OF YOUR HEAD!"said Jimin. She chuckled and nodded "Okay. Fine. I'm sorry i thought that. Its kinda impossible anyways"said Mi kan "W-Why?"said Jimin. She sat on her bed "I'm not the type of girl who people like. But i like it that way, besides you deserve someone cute"said Mi kan "Is that a compliment"said Jimin "No"said Mi kan "So how about it. Come with me?"said Jimin. She shook her head "Why?"said Jimin "I have to shower"said Mi kan "Shower at my place"said Jimin "Hell no!"said Mi kan "Then don't shower"said Jimin "Whats wrong with you"said Mi kan "Did you take a shower in the morning?"said Jimin "Yeah"said Mi kan "You already showered then"said Jimin "I don't care"said Mi kan. Jimin opened the glass doors "Come."said Jimin "No"said Mi kan "Please?"said Jimin. Mi kan crossed her arms and shook her head. Jimin sighed and thought about how to get her to come "I'll do your homework for 3 days"said Jimin. Mi kan's eyes glistened, she smiled "Fine"said Mi kan. Jimin smiled and held out his hand, she laughed and walked past him "What are you a romance freak"said Mi kan "Just trying to diffuse the tention"said Jimin. They walked outside, Mi kan left her glass doors opened a bit, they climbed down the tree and head to Jimin's dorm.
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