Chapter 1

Love hurts
Mi kan got off her motorcyle, she made sure it was secure and started to walk towards the gate of school, she saw a coffee shop nearby "Hmmm i have time"said Mi kan she walked to the coffee shop, it wasn't crowded at all, she waited in the line she ordered her coffee and waited for it to come, she stood by the window, Jimin came inside and ordered a coffee with a shot of expresso. He walked over where Mi kan was and stood next to her, Mi kan reached in her pocket and brought out her wallet, Jimin looked over and brought his wallet, they both set it on the counter nearby at the same time. They're drinks came at the same time, they both reached for their drinks, they're hands bumped into each others "Sorry"said Jimin "Its fine"said Mi kan she smiled and grabbed her wallet and coffee then she walked away. Jimin starred at her as she walked away, he smiled and reached for his wallet, he drank his expresso "Hmmm it taste funny, theres no mocha"said Jimin he thought about it then he gasped and opened the wallet and saw it wasn't his wallet "Ah , this isn't mines"said Jimin he ran outside with the wallet and the coffee, he looked around and saw her walk into a school yard "Aw a school!"said Jimin he looked at the coffee and shrugged his shoulders and kept drinking it, he sat down on a nearby bench "So...Who is she"said Jimin he opened her wallet and looked through her wallet and saw pictures of her, a man, a guy, and a women "I'm guessing this is her family"said Jimin he sighed and looked at the coffee, he drank it "Shes got good taste"said Jimin he stood up and put the wallet in his back pocket then he walked away while drinking the coffee ...... Mi kan drank the coffee "What the? It taste wierd...Mocha?"said Mi kan she sighed and opened her wallet, she gasped "! This isn't mines"said Mi kan she looked at the coffee and remembered the guy in the coffee shop "Oh no, that guy has my wallet"said Mi kan she looked at the wallet "Ew and i have his"said Mi kan she looked back but the bell ring, she sighed and walked to her class. At lunch she sat alone at the table, she decided to look through the wallet, she saw a picture of him and a group of guys "Must be his friends"said Mi kan she closed it and put it in her pocket, the bell rung and she went back to class ....... Jimin was in his dorm laying on his bed, he looked at the pictures in Mi kan's wallet again "Wow she has a motorcycle license...Hmmm...Mi kan, age 17, brown eyes and hair, 5ft 4, and 115lbs...Shes light"said Jimin "Whatcha got there"said Suga "Nothing"said Jimin he stuffed the wallet under his pillow "I saw that what is it"said Suga "Its nothing"said Jimin "Show me"said Suga "No! I don't have anything"said Jimin Suga sighed, he turned around, Jimin lay back then Suga jumped on his and took the wallet by force "Ya! Don't touch that give it back!"said Jimin "You stole a girl's wallet"said Suga "No! Besides she has mine"said Jimin "Haha, you better give this back"said Suga "I will, her school ends in a few minutes"said Jimin "Well get going"said Suga he threw the wallet to Jimin and walked out of the room, Jimin sighed and got up and made his way to the school. When he got there he saw Mi kan walk towards her motorcycle, Jimin ran up to her "Hey"said Jimin "...Oh your the guy from the coffee shop"said Mi kan "Yeah..Uh you have my wallet, heres yours"said Jimin "Thanks, heres yours"said Mi kan "Thanks...I didn't take anything"said Jimin "Neither did i and i'm sorry about your coffee"said Mi kan "Its okay...I kinda enjoyed yours"said Jimin "Oh...Haha well thanks again"said Mi kan she smiled, Jimin nodded and stood back, he watched her get on her motorcycle "Thats yours"said Jimin "Yeah, is it weird for a girl to have one?"said Mi kan "No..Its cool where'd you get it from"said Jimin "My mom, she bought it for me but i don't use it often"said Mi kan "Oh"said Jimin Mi kan smiled, she waved and drove off, Jimin smiled "That was an awesome motorcycle"said Jimin he put his hands in his pockets and walked away, he walked back to his dorm, he saw Rap Monster sitting on the couch listening to music, Jimin smiled and snuck behind him and tried to scare him but Rap Monster hit him with a pillow "Damn you saw?"said Jimin "The tv"said Rap monster Jimin looked and saw his reflection in the tv "Damn"said Jimin "Where have you been"said Rap monster "School"said Jimin "Your not in school"said Rap monster "I know, longs story"said Jimin "Summarize please"said Rap Monster "I had to give some girl her wallet back, she took mines and i took hers by accident"said Jimin "Was she cute"said Rap monster "Pssh no! shes was ugly"said Jimin "Come on you gotta move on about that, you haven't had a girlfriend for like 3 years"said Rap Monster "Jimin is a loner!"yelled V "Shut up V"said Jimin he heard V laugh, V came out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom. J-hope came in the room and sat on the couch "Lets go Jimin, your going with me to the store"said J-Hope "Me? Why?!"said Jimin "Your not doin anything"said J-Hope "Neither is Rap Mon-" Rap monster was already walking away " Ah i guess"said Jimin Jimin stood up, J-hope and Jimin head to te store, they split up to gind the ingredients, Jimin looked out the window and saw Mi kan's motorcycle, he looked out the window and saw her come out of a drug store across the street, Jimin looked at J-hope, his back was turned, Jimin creeped to the door and ran out, he walked towards Mi kan "Hey"said Jimin "Oh...Hey again"said Mi kan "Uh...Wow i don't know why i came out here"said Jimin shyly "Really...Oh..Okay? well i gotta go"said Mi kan "Uh Wait!"said Jimin she stopped, Jimin looked around "Can i help you with that!"blurted Jimin "This? Oh no i'm fine"said Mi kan "Are you sure?"said Jimin "Yeah, thanks"said Mi kan "Uh...Is that medicine?"said Jimin "Yeah"said Mi kan "Oh..Well i never introduced myself..I'm Jimin"said Jimin "i'm Mi kan"said Mi kan "Isn't your motorcycle that way"said Jimin "No...Thats not mines, my motorcycle is at my house"said Mi kan "What?! Then...I found you...By chance??"said Jimin the thought made his shiver, Mi kan looked at him and started to back away slowly "Yeah...Uh, i'm walking home, its not that far from here so i didn't bring my motorcycle"said Mi kan "Oh...C-Can i walk y-you"said Jimin nervously "Its better if you don't, bye Jimin"said Mi kan "wow wow wow hold on, why?"said Jimin "Its just better, bye"said Mi kan he watched her walk away, Jimin was confused, he turned around J-hope was standing there "Ah! J-hope don't do that you scared me!"said Jimin "Whos she?"said J-hope "Who?"said Jimin "Her...I haven't seen you talk to a girl for a long time"said J-hope "I wasn't talking to her...Hey let me help you with that lets go home"said Jimin he walked away with the bags, J-hope grinned "Its happening"said J-hope when the got home, J-hope stood on the couch and called everyone over, J-hope took a deep breath then pointed at Jimin "HE LIKES A GIRL"said J-hope "Finally!"said Suga Jimin pushed J-hope off the couch, Jungkook went up to him and nudged his shoulder "Who is she"said Jungkook "I don't like anyone!"said Jimin "Are you sure? Is it that girl with the wallet"said Suga "Wallet? I need details"said Jin you gotta fill us in"said V "No! Nothings happening!"said Jimin "Denial! He is in love"said Rap Monster "You guys!"said Jimin they all laughed and messed with Jimin's hair "Were playing"said Jin "Yeah we wouldn't tease you"said Jungkook "Or would we"said J-hope Jimin sighed and went to his bed and laid down, he took out his wallet and looked through it "She didn't take anything, thats good"said Jimin he smelled it "Ew perfume"said Jimin Jimin sighed and fell asleep with the wallet in his hands.
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