♛ Chapter 8 : Hangout With Kingkas ♛

♛ Make You Mine ♛

Kris's POV

After showering, i put my clothes on. Then suddenly my phone vibrates. I see who texted me.

From: Tao

'don't forget tonight...usual place okay?'

I didn't reply anything to him. As predicted, he will always remind me of anything. Suddenly, I remember that Ha Na would join us too. So I quickly put on my black leather jacket and sprayed perfume and left my room. As I went downstairs, I took my car key and told the butler that I'm going out for a while. I start the engine and then drive myself to the girl's dormitory.

While on the road, there was a traffic jam. I don't really care about it as long as I arrive to my destination. But sometimes it would drive me crazy. "YAH! MOVE FASTER!" I shouted in the car. Although no one was listening. Later, I finally arrived to the girl's dormitory near the security booth. Seems like a new worker is in the booth.

"Boys aren't allowed here" said the security.

"Sorry, I'm here to take my sister home since it's weekend" I lied.

The security then believed me and let me drive inside the area. I wait and wait and wait for 10 mins. I realize that she saved her phone number to mine. 'silly me'  I thought to myself. I texted her that I'm already outside. 

Author's POV

Ha Na was tying my hair sideway and then suddenly her phone rangs. She was surprise that Kris is already waiting outside. She told Eun Sul not to wait for her because she'll be late. She then quickly went out and saw a shiny black car. She put my hand on the backseat knob and then Kris let the window down.

Ha Na wore a creamy white blouse with light pink short skirt and also her high heels with her hair tied sideways revealling her curls. She even put less make up on her face. Just eyeliner and lip gloss. Kris was startle when he saw her. His heart is pounding heavily and then he snap back to reality.

"yah, what are you doing?" he asked

"I'm going to sit here." Ha Na replied

"I'm not ur driver" Kris said sarcastically. "Sit infront" He ordered.

"Oh..." Ha Na said. 

While in the car...

It was awkward plus he didn't even turn on the radio. 

"So, where are we going?" Ha Na daringly speak.

"to the Park near the Mall" Kris said assuming that Ha Na knows all the place here.

Then, not long after, they finally arrived to the park. Kris park his car under a tree and then they walk together and saw 11 of them were already there. As they got closer, all 11 of them were stunned by Ha Na's beauty. 

"yah, Kris! just in time. I thought u're not gonna come" Tao said.

"ha ha" Kris fake a laugh.

"What should we do tonight?" Chen asked.

"I know! let's play truth or dare!!" Sehun cheered.

"That game " D.O cursed.

"Come on it'll be fun" Chanyeol persuaded.

"Truth or dare! truth or dare!!" Sehun keep nagging on D.O

"Fine..let's play them" D.O agreed.

"Who first?" Sehun asked.

"Me! I would like to join" Ha Na said.

"Okay, Truth or dare?" Sehun asked.

"Dare" Ha Na picked. everyone was making 'Ohhhhhh' sound while Kris just smirking.

then Sehun dicussed something with Luhan and then they both were agreeing on something. Sehun then whispered to Ha Na "tickle kris till he laughs".

"Now, why would i do that?" Ha Na objected and giving them -,- this look.

"It's a dare...u have to take the risk" Luhan replied then he and sehun giggled while looking at Kris.

"yah, what are you guys up to?" Kris said to them. HunHan then shook their head and laugh again.

"Kris, I'm sorry but I have to do this" Ha Na apologize. Kris was looking at her strangely and then She started tickling Kris by poking his hips and then keep tickling..

"yah stop, hahahahahaha" kris ordered while laughing like a maniac and the rest were laughing too. 

Ha Na stopped and then HunHan gave her a high five. 

"You peasants!" Kris cursed at HunHan. All they do were laughing.

"Next, Kris, Truth or Dare?" Sehun asked.

"This is lame..we should just call it a Daring game since no one wants to pick truth" Suho complained.

"Dare" Kris chose.

"This is difficult...what should we dare him hyung?" Sehun asked.

"Buy me gucci brand stuff" Tao said

"shush i got a better dare" Baekhyun said. "Hug Ha Na" He said out loud. Ha Na's eyes brightened and she felt nervous.

"boo u said u got a better idea but what is this? Lame.." Tao said

"This game is boring let's go to the mall instead" Lay suggested.

Out of nowhere, Kris suddenly grabbed Ha Na's shoulder and hugged her. All eyes were on them some of them were cheering 'wooo' . Kris hugged her like he never hugged anyone for his entire life. It was a long hug really...

"Kris..um..u're hugging too tightly..u can let go of me now" Ha Na said.

"huh? oh." Kris responded. He then let go of her and pretend like nothing happened. But in his heart, he really likes her.

They all made their way into the Mall and then headed to the arcade. 

"Wah! Iron Man!" Chanyeol cheered.

Luhan and Chanyeol immediately copied the posture of the iron man model and act like they were attacked.

"Knock it off you two~ This is so embarassing" Xiumin ordered. Then they approach to the Karaoke box.

"wahh, who's ready to show their talent??" Baekhyun yelled. The mics provided are only four so they took turns in singing.

"Me first!" Chen volunteered.

"Kay! together! " Said Luhan.

"Pick a song" chen said

"APink-NONoNo" Luhan said.

~3 2 1~

"seulpohajima no no no, honjaga anya no no no "-Chen. while Luhan was just dancing and shaking his xD


then after the song ends, they pick another person to sing.

"Yah, D.O i know u have an amazing voice..why not show it to the ladehh" Kai said while elbowing him.

"Pass over the mic" D.O said

"wah D.O since when suddenly so 'MAN' " Kris teased.

"What song do you want?" Chen asked


"oooohhhh" they all responded.

"I'll be doing my own version" D.O added.

~If i told you i was perfect I'll be lying..if there's something i'm not doing but i'm trying..i know i'm not angel..but i'm not so bad...no no no..~ D.O sang.

The rest smiled and after the song finish, they all gave a round of applause to him. After hours of spending time together, they all headed back to their houses. 

Ha Na's POV

It was fun having great times with them. I walk back to the car with Kris and then I stepped inside settling myself down. Kris start the engine on and then close his door. He turned to look at me and then got closer to pull the safety belt. And then his eyes met mine and he paused for a moment.

"aren't u gonna pull the belt for me?" I asked him. He snapped back to reality and pulled the belt.

"hey are you having a good time?" He asked. "If not we can continue it's still early though" He added. I checked the time on my phone and it was only 9.15 pm. 

"Sure...why not?" I replied him with a smile. He then took us to a nearby cinema and then he decided to watch horror movies. I love horror movies although i'm afraid to watch it by myself. We lined up to the ticket area and there was this elderly lady thought we were dating and she told me that I have a good looking man. It was awkward so i ignored her.

We decided to watch Insidious Chapter 2. Kris bought us drinks. As we stepped inside the cinema, we hurried to our seats because the movie's starting. Halfway through the movie, Kris wrapped his jacket around me.

"Here, you must be cold" he said.

"Oh, thanks" I said.

And then there was a sudden shocking scene and I grabbed Kris's hand without even realizing it. And then when i realized it i tried to let go but Kris keep holding on my hand so i let it be. After the movie ended, we went out and then Kris let go my hand and we straight away headed to my dormitory.

I went into my room and then saw Eun Sul was already sleeping. So I quickly change my clothes and brush my teeth. When i passed my table, i saw a small note and it's written that I should start training by tomorrow, Venue is at the gym and also the time is after school. Without hesitation I got up to my bed and sleep.


AN: omg i didn't update yesterday sorry~~ i was watching MAMA2013 and yea congrats to Exo for winning the best album of the year..and btw, Kyungsoo sprained his leg while dancing last night #GetWellSoonKyungsoo.. ^^



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[Make You Mine] Hello guys! I need to tell you earlier that i might not be able to update this regularly


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Chapter 37: Whoa ! They're dating now !
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Chapter 36: WHAT THE HECK KRIS?!?
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Chapter 35: Cute sibling bonding time~ and Kris and Hana are hugging~
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Chapter 33: !! Is Kai using her for revenge? But Kris! Haha He just comes and beats up Kai.. and they kissed.
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Chapter 31: Poor Ha Na! She's already heartbroken just by hearing someone congratulate him! ><
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