♛ Chapter 6 : Meeting Kingkas ♛

♛ Make You Mine ♛

Ha Na's POV

I woke up on the right side of the bed. The sun shone exactly on my face and forcing me to get up. I get down from the top bunk and then I wash myself. After that, I saw Eun Sul still sleeping soundly so I shake her gently. She didn't seem to move a lot but i just put on my school uniform and leave.

I was few steps infront of my dorm's door and then i remember one thing. I grab the door knob and pause for a moment. 'Nevermind i'll return him later on recess.' I thought to myself. Then I walk away and went straight into English class. As the school bell rang, Eun Sul ran into the same class. 

"Ha Na! why don't u wake me up?" She said.

"I did but you're still sleeping" I said

"Really? Nevermind" She said while making her way to a seat behind me.

Then a female teacher walked in and everyone greeted her 'good morning Ms Wang'. She suddenly put her sight on me. 

"You must be the new student" She assumed

I smiled and then nodded. 

"Do you had the chance to introduce yourself to the whole class before?" she asked.

I shook my head awkwardly. Then there's a sudden knock on the door and everyone was looking at that direction.

As usual Kris came late. But the thing is that he didn't wear his coat. He just wore his white long sleeved uniform with his loose red tie.He didn't notice me sitting there when he passed me by. Ms Wang then clapped her hand so that everyone focus on her. 

"Can you please introduce yourself to the class?" She offered.

"Yea, i think so" I said. 

"Right come on here" Ms Wang said asking me to go infront.

I stood up and then Eun Sul said "you go girl!" silently. I smiled to her and then made my way infront.

"Hi." I said while waving at them. I put my sight on Kris who was playing with his phone.

"My name is Kim Ha Na" I took another breath and then suddenly Kris focus on me and i looked away.

"go on" Ms Wang said while nodding.

"I'm from US and I was transfered here" I told everyone.

"When is your birthday?" Ms Wang asked.

"November 28th" I replied with a smile.

"It's around this month" i heard someone said that but don't know who. 

"Okay you can go back to your seat now" Ms Wang said while touching my shoulder.



"Eun Sul ah, what do you want to buy?" I asked her.

"I don't know..let's see" she replied while putting her money close to .

"Eun Sul ! Ha Na!" We clearly heard someone was calling our names. We both turned to where the sound was coming from and saw Dallen approaching towards us as i bought my drink. 

"Heyyy" I greeted him. He smiled widely and waved although he's only next to me. (told you he's too gay too function)

"Hey, um i'll catch you guys later" I told them because I rememeber that I should return Kris' coat. I  made my way to my dorm well, the dormitory is just close to the cafeteria. 


Kris POV

I met my group gangs nearby the toilet. We were waiting for Tao who is always late for everything except for coming early to school. "Guys!" Tao came out from his class and then came towards our direction. "Come on! Let's go eat already..i'm starving" Chanyeol complained. We walk to the school's cafeteria together like always. Every girls would be flying when they saw us. We just don't have any idea why would they be so crazy. 

While walking, "Oppa!!" someone shouted. All of us turned to the back and saw Ara who's running into our direction. She then hugged my left arm and dragged me away from my mates. "Oppa! let's go to the cafeteria together!" She whined yly while swinging my arm. I ogled my eyes looking disgusted by her and say "Sorry but my friends and I were going to the cafeteria together." as i let go my arms from her. She dropped her jaw and felt bad because no one has ever reject her.

I then walk back to my mates. "Kris, what happened?" Suho asked. "Nothing.She just want me to go to the cafeteria with her" I explained. "And i rejected it" i continued. Then Tao started talking.

"Kris ah, I rememeber that time when we were about to have detention class together and I saw you pinned a girl onto a wall. Who's she anyway?" 

Everyone was like "what" "ooo" "Really?" "Kris got a girlfriend."

"I don't know what u're talking about" I lied. and then there was a sudden flash back about last night when I sent her back to her dormitory and my coat. 

"Seriously? Kris, stop lying" Tao persuade.

"I still don't know which girl are you talking about." I lied again.

We then arrived to the cafeteria and everyone was like "they're here" and we made our way to our usual seats. We combined the tables into 3 because each table consist of four chairs.

"Okay who's incharge of the food today?" Chen asked

"Not Me..." said everyone except him.

"yah,,,why is it me again..i'm not a serving boy" Chen complained.

"Kris hyung, where's your coat"  Sehun asked.

"Oh that" I said.

"Become badass already ohh! gangster~" Kai teased. Everyone laughed.

"yah, D.O you as the student council what would you do to Kris?" Kai asked. Everyone was so curious.

"idk..i think i'll excuse him." D.O sincerely said.

"See, D.O is so kind" I proudly said.

"hmm excuse me i'm looking for Kris." said a girl's voice.

"uiyooo~~ " They all teased. I stood up and saw Ha Na.

"ah! she's the one that Kris pinned onto a wall" Tao said to them.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"I just want to return this" She said as she handed over my coat. I took my coat and introduce her to everyone.

"guys , meet my friend Ha Na" I said. and i don't why i just did that. They all waved hello to her. "sorry for disturbing. I think i should go" She excused.

"wait no no no, you can stay" Xiumin offered. I gave Xiumin a stern look. "Right, um you can sit here" Lu han said while pulling an extra chair next to him. "okay" She agreed and then made her way next to Luhan. Just then Chen arrived with foods and he's going back again to take another.

"Hello I'm Luhan" he introduced himself to her.

"I'm Sehun"

" I'm kai"

"Hi i'm Lay"

"I'm Suho"

"I'm Chanyeol" 

"I'm Baekhyun"

"Hey I'm Xiu Min"

"I'm Tao"

"I'm D.O"

"And just now is Chen" I continued. She nodded and replied "Nice to meet you."

" I didn't see you before" Chanyeol said

"That's because she's a new student" Baekhyun smacked his head.

"So where are you from?" Lay asked.

"I'm from US" Ha Na replied.

"No way! Kris is from there too!" Tao said.

"Really? Which part?" Ha Na asked.

"Canada" I replied without hesitation.

"oh..." She said.

"What about you?" Kai asked.

"California" Ha Na said.

Everyone was stunned. While I just remain quiet. Then Chen came back with another trays or foods. We all eat except Ha Na. So i gave her my sandwich. 

"eat." I told her to.

"It's okay. It's yours." She refused.

"Just take it." I said. She took it and then ate it.

"It's not easy being new kid in this school" Suho said out of the blue.

"Why not?" She asked.

"As a girl and new kid, you'll face the trouble cause by Min Young and her friends." Suho continued.

"yea like she know who they are" I replied.

"yea, i knew them" She said.

"you better stay away from them" Chanyeol warned.

"why? they seem nice. Min Young even invited me to her house." Ha Na said.

"They'll do anything if they think someone gets in their way" I answered.

"I see..." she replied while eating the sandwich that i gave.

The recess finally over. Then I told my mates to meet later after school at usual place. We always hangout every weekend. 

"Do you wanna join us?" Tao asked Ha Na.

"Can she join us pleasee" Tao begged me. 

"I have to think.." I said

"come on!" Tao pleaded.

"Fine~" I replied in his annoyance.

"So Ha Na, do u want to join us?" Tao asked again.

"Sure" She said. "But where are you guys going anyway?" she asked.

"Kris' house." tao replied while the others are out from the cafeteria.

"Oh but-" I cut off her sentence and told her that i can pick her up. 

Author's POV

Ha Na then walk out from the cafeteria and felt extremely happy. While walking, someone pushed her hardly to the hard wall and hurt her shoulder. 

"Yah, what do you think you're doing?" Ara said sounding really mad. She's walking with her friends.

"what? i didn't do anything" Ha Na answered back.

"How dare you flirt with our oppas" Min Young looked at me like hell.

"Flirt?" Ha Na said looking clueless.

"Stop pretending~ such a drama queen" Yu Ki said.

"i have no time to pretend with es like you." Ha Na replied.

"oh~ you!" Yu Ki put her hand up trying to slap Ha Na

"YAH!" a male voice shouted.


An: There you go...omg Exo's main point is to protect her..that's all XD hahaha make sure u subscribe!


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[Make You Mine] Hello guys! I need to tell you earlier that i might not be able to update this regularly


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