♛ Chapter 14: Project ♛

♛ Make You Mine ♛

I pulled her over to my lap. "yah~ are you okay??" I asked in panic. I shook her body. Minutes later, she opened her eyes. Tao passed over a watter bottle to me and i give it to Ha Na.

"Na kenchana~" She smiled as she rejected the water.

"What do you mean you're okay?!" I said sounded mad. "Look at you..you're so weak" I continued.

"It's really nothing, I fell, that's all" she said.

"Min Young ah, are you okay?" Yoo Nah asked while Min Young is sweeping  her dusty leg.

"Do I look like i'm okay?" She told Yoo Nah. "If it's not because of that b*tch i wouldn't be covered by dust" She said while looking furiously at Ha Na.

"Um..hey let's take a picture" Yoo Nah said..to make Min Young happy.

"what for?" Min Young asked. "our first training! yay!~" Yoo Nah replied as she took out her phone.

"Hmm alright!" Min Young agreed. "1~2~3~" they counted. "Cheese!" They both cheered.

"don't forget to upload in instagram alright!" Min Young then gets up and then both of them left the scene.

Then, I helped Ha Na to get up while the rest are also leaving the scene.

"Kris, we're going now" Tao said and Sehun was just staring at the empty air.

"Oh, right... see you tomorrow" I answered back.

After that, I walked Ha Na back to her dorm slowly while enjoying the atmosphere of sunset. The sky turns violet with a little yellow light glowing and some pinkish colored clouds. We went a little bit quiet for a moment. I kicked the small piece of rocks while thinking of something to talk about. I looked at her, she only stares at the ground.

"Yah, watch where you're going...don't just keep looking at the ground" I said.

"eh , hhaha i know just thinking about stuff" She replied.

"Oh really? What sort of stuff?" I asked.

"Nothing interesting heh heh..." She answered back. Just then i remember there's a thing that we need to do. 

"You sure you're 100% okay?" I asked.

"Of course~ I'm always strong like superman!" she then act like she's showing her arm muscles.

"hahaha" we laughed and then i rubbed her hair and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Hey, um when can we-" 

"continue our project?" I finished off her words.

"ah yes..." 

"Hmm let me see," I said to myself while looking at  the sky... "What about tonight at my place?" I suggested as i smiled to her.

"Wah, really?" Ha Na was so excited.

"um.. nah, just kidding" I said. "Of course it's real" I told her.

We kept walking while my arm was wrapped around her neck. Then we arrived outside the girl's dorm building.

"I'll be waiting while i go back to the locker room" I said.

"okay, see you later" She said as she waved then walked into the dorm.

"I'll text you when i'm here" I told her.

I then smiled, thinking of what we had few minutes ago. But then, that horrible moment of marrying Ara came back. I frowned and walk myself to the locker room. There's no one in the locker room. So i let out my emotion there and punched my locker. All those thoughts were burning in my mind and i never wanted to disappoint my parents.

"BULLSH-*T!!" I shouted and smacked my locker again.

Ha Na's POV

I walked into my drom and again greeted by Eun Sul and Dallen.

"Hey gurl~ you're back" Dallen said.

"Welcome back roommate" Eun Sul greeted as she smiled.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked. "And dallen, it's almost 6pm lol better leave...you wouldn't want to get suspended right?" I told him

"Nothing much, just busy with magazines." Eun Sul said. 

" I know!! but wait!! this fashion magazine is so trenddy!!!" He said.

"hahah okay then, i'll be using the shower now" I said as i walked down from my top bed after i prepare my clothes for later. 

"you seemed to be busy after you met those kingkas" Eun Sul and her suspicious eye again.

"I know right" Dallen replied in agreement.

"Ah, i had training just now" I told them. "and you know what surprised me?" I asked.

"No" they replied. I let out ' -_- ' look to them.

"Min Young and Yoo Nah were joining too!" I squeaked.

"Omg girl~ u better not be kidding me" Dallen said as he put his hand on his shoulder. "What the-" Eun Sul replied.

"Not kidding here duh~" I replied.

"then, what about the other two?" Eun Sul asked.

"I don't know... i guess they're just some lazybutts" I joked. We all laughed. 

Then I made my way into the shower. I walked towards the mirror and saw my hair was a total mess.

"hmmph... hello messy hair, maybe the result of Kris rubbing my hair" I talked to myself. I quickly washed myself and then of course, brush my teeth, put on shampoo and conditioner, put on soap etc... After i'm done, I get out of the shower and still both of them were reading magazines.

I was shrugging and then I get my clothes and walk back into the bathroom then change. As i walked out of the room, Dallen was finally leaving.

"Bye gurls..see you again tomorrow~~" He let his finger waved goodbye.

"Kay just go already" Eun Sul said. "Bye~" I smiled

"Eun Sul, can i borrow your hairdryer?" I asked. "sure, it's in my 2nd drawer" She said. 

"Which drawer?" I asked. "The desk" She direct. 

"Ah, found it!" I announced to myself. I plug in to the socket and then dry my hair. Just as i'm done, my phone rangs.

(1) Message From Kris

I swap the screen onto the inbox icon.

'Hey, I'm already here :P'

Then I replied him. 

'Right, I'm coming ><'

I put on my sneakers and then grab some stuff for the project.

"Oh great! u're going again..." Eun Sul complained

"Hee..peace." I smiled as i put my hand on the door knob.

"Where are you going this time?" She asked while laying on her bed reading magazines.

"Kris' House.." I replied. She then got up and her jaw was wide open. "What for?" she asked.

"Project" I replied. "Nyeheheh what 'project'" she thought it in a dirty way.

"Stop! hahah this is real  ART PROJECT..." I replied. "and i'm in a hurry" I added.

"OH KKK BYE~" She said. 

I walk down the staircase carefully and then finally made my way out. Then again i saw the same big black shiny car. I got in and sit at the same place. I fastened up my seat belt and then he started driving. Once again were in silence. 

"Hey, um could you please turn on the radio?" I asked.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" He asked.

"Because it's not my car for goodness sake?" I replied.

"pfft" he smirked and then he turned it on. 2NE1-Lonely was playing. I then thank him sarcastically and lean my head next to the window thinking about my life. We passed the traffic lights and the road that leads to an amusement park. Minutes later, we arrived at his house.

I get out of the car and amazed by his wonderful gigantic mansion.

"Yah, what are you waiting for?" He asked. "Come here" He ordered.

"hahaha alright" I walked INTO his house.

"Good Evening sir" his butler greeted. "And who might this be?" He asked formally.

"Good evening, this is Ha Na, we're here to do school project" He stated. "Ahh, Good Evening miss Ha Na" he bowed. I was shocked by this old man's kindness. 

"Oh please, there's no need to be so formal" I said to him.

We then proceed to the living room. And then 2 of his maids came.

"Sir,  what would you like anything for dinner?" one of them asked.

"ah, ajumma, i'll cook by myself later, i'm busy here" he said. She then bowed and then they walked away.

"Kris ah, why are your maids so old?" I asked. "Can they do all those heavy works?" I continued.

"If they were young maids, i wonder what will people out there say? and of course, they've been working for me at least 3 years" Kris replied. "Shall we start?" he asked.

Author's POV

Then while they're starting, his butler and the same maid who asked him for dinner were talking.

"She's a very kind girl. not like Miss Ara" said the Butler to the maid.

"mm..i agree. She's also very pretty" said the maid.

"Besides, they look cute together" the butler comment

"Yes, i know what you mean..but that'll never happen" the maid reply.

"yeap, he's the kind of guy who obeys his parents unfortunately" said the butler.

So Then, Ha Na took out her list and her decorating stuffs. She look through the list one by one. Suddenly, in the middle of reading, Kris snatch the list from her.

"YAH! Can't u see i'm reading??" Ha Na said angrily.

"hmm...so these are the things that we need." Kris said. "Well, obviously" Ha Na replied.

"Ajumma!" he called out. Then the other maid came.

"What can i do for you sir?" She asked.

"Can you get these items for me?" As Kris handed over the list to his maid.

"Alright" she agreed.

"Wow, your maid is like the 'not-so-busy-body' person" Ha Na praised.

"yea maybe" he said.

Minutes later the maid came back with the other workers who were handling stuff that we needed.

"Thank you" Ha Na said. All of them bowed. Ha Na was not used by their formal act. 

"Carboards in all sizes, glue, sciccors, ruler and transparent plastic" Kris said.

Ha Na placed her decoration tapes, pens and decorating sciccors on the floor as they started off by making the body of the house. Kris took out the small box shaped cardboard and passed it to Ha Na. She then took out her color papers and then asked Kris which color should the 'wall' be. 
"White will be great" Kris said.

Then Ha Na starts making a 'window' on the side of the small cardboard while Kris is cutting the medium cardboard and made it into a flat base. He then measures the length to make it same. After she's done with cutting window shaped on each side of the cardboard, she passes it to Kris and asked him to stick the plastic on to the 'window' but make sure he cuts the plastic first. After he's done, Ha Na paste a white colour paper onto it as the 'wall'.

"Pass me that glue" she said. Then Kris passes it to her. She then puts glue underneath the small piece of carboard and paste it onto the flat base.

Hours later, they finally done with decorating.

"haah~ Finally!" Kris let out a long sigh. He was so tired.

"Nice" Ha NA comment at the house model that we build. " she wonder why art class had this kind of project?" Ha Na asked. "In America we only had this kind of project in shop class" She continued.

"I don't know..but this is not America" he said. We lauged. "Hey are you hungry?" He asked. "Nahh...just tired" Ha Na replied. Then, the same maid who ask what he wants for dinner came with a tray of jug filled with water and 2 cups then placed it on the table. She pour the water into the two cups.

"Ah, thank you ajumma" Ha Na said. "No problem miss" she said and then leave. I grabbed the cup and started gulping.

"anyway, do u want to watch a movie?" Kris asked.

"Sure, what movie?" She asked.

"Carrie" he replied. "oh is that a horror movie?" Ha Na asked in excitement.

"yea, just bought the dvd and haven't watch it" Kris replied. "Why not?" She asked.

"I want to watch it with you" Kris replied as he put the disc into a dvd player. He also switches off the light. They then sat on the soft sofa which is infront of the TV.  They sit next to each other. In the middle of the movie, Ha Na felt asleep while Kris is still watching. Ha na's head fell onto Kris' shoulder. 

Kris was distracted by it so then he moved away and let her head settle down on a small pillow. He then put her leg onto the sofa. Kris continued the movie alone while sitting on the floor. 40 minutes later, the movie finished and Ha Na is still sleeping. He turns off the TV and the lights tuned on automatically and slowly.

He turns to look at Ha Na. He then ordered his maid to get a blanket. so then the maid passed the blanket and then he covered up Ha Na's body. He then paused looking at her face.

'she's beautiful like always' he thought to himself. Kris then put her hair that was covering her nose to the other side. He sat down on the floor, facing Ha Na. Kris got closer towards her face. *dramatic motion* and closer...and closer..


AN: aah don't hit me XD hahahha sorry i have to stop there since it's already late here xPP nyehehhe i wonder what will happen? peace. HEHEH :D <3 Subscribe~


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[Make You Mine] Hello guys! I need to tell you earlier that i might not be able to update this regularly


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Chapter 37: Whoa ! They're dating now !
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Chapter 36: WHAT THE HECK KRIS?!?
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Chapter 35: Cute sibling bonding time~ and Kris and Hana are hugging~
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Chapter 34: Gosh kris and his attitude
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Chapter 33: !! Is Kai using her for revenge? But Kris! Haha He just comes and beats up Kai.. and they kissed.
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Chapter 32: Ahh noooo ~ my heart ::>_<::
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Chapter 31: Poor Ha Na! She's already heartbroken just by hearing someone congratulate him! ><
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