Chapter 4

The Beauty of Envy

She didn't have anyone else to go to. Seeing the image of Sooyoung and Yonghwa in wedding attire, no matter how fake it was, made her completely depressed. It felt as if someone had ripped her heart out of her chest. The only person she wanted to see right now was Yonghwa, because Sooyoung only brought out her jealously and Kyuhyun made her feel guilty that she was thinking of Yonghwa.


Yongwha made her feel light and free. There were no negative feelings towards him when she was with him. Well, maybe anger would arise, because he took that op with Sooyoung, but the second she saw his face, it vanished. This was how they were, ever since the start of We Got Married.


So when Yonghwa strolled into the SNSD dorm room, looking for Sooyoung, Seohyun acted quickly, “Sorry, oppa,” she said, “SNSD and Super Junior are practicing choreography in the practice rooms. I needed to get something, which is why I'm here.” For some reason, the fact that Kyuhyun and Sooyoung were together didn't bother her as much as Yonghwa and Sooyoung being together. Her eyes slightly widened as the thought crossed her mind and she immediately pushed it out of her head, turning to Yonghwa instead.


“Oppa...,” she started, earning his attention, instantly, “can to you about something?” she asked.


Yonghwa was ecstatic with the fact that he would be getting to spend some time with Seohyun, just like before he knew Kyuhyun was going to propose to her. It had been a long time since either of them had talked to one another, so his response was immediate, “Of course, Seo,” he gave her a smile and sat down on one of the chairs around the dining table, right across from her.


“Well..,” Seohyun sighed, “what would you do if the person you loved was with someone else?” she asked in a rush. Wait. Did she just say love? She loved Kyuhyun, because she was his girlfriend. She didn't love Yonghwa.....Yet even as she thought about it, her heart gave a lurch as if to deny the fact that she wasn't in love with Yonghwa.


Seohyun felt his hand on hers, and she could swear that she felt a pull towards him, that was completely unlike the times she held Kyuhyun's hand. Her eyes looked up to meet his concern filled ones, “Is you feel Seohyun?” he asked, his eyebrows creased.


It took her a second to register his words, before she hesitantly shook her head, “N-no, oppa,” she said, giving him a light laugh, “it's one of the girls,” she said.


“Did Sooyoung say something to you?” he asked, and Seohyun felt another stab of jealously when she found twice the amount of concern for her unnie in his eyes.


“No, oppa, I'm pretty sure your girlfriend still loves you,” she said, struggling to get the word 'girlfriend' out of .


Yonghwa chuckled, “She's not my girlfriend, Seo,” he said.


Not his girlfriend? Then why were they always spending time together? Why was it that he was always concerned for her well being, as she was for his? Isn't that how lovers acted towards each other? Yonghwa and Sooyoung were confusing her to the core.


“Then why would Soo say something about that?” she asked, a curious expression on her face, “She likes someone who's already taken?”


Yonghwa looked uncomfortable with her question and quickly denied it, “N-no,” he rushed, giving her a half-smile, “No, I was just wondering if she...if she-


“Just tell me the truth,” Seohyun said softly, “You say that you aren't in love with her, and that the both of you are just friends, but your actions say otherwise,” blinking back the tears that threatened to spill, Seohyun continued, “Out of all the girls it could have been in our group, you immediately spoke up for Sooyoung.”


Seeing her mixed emotions mirrored across her face, Yonghwa gave a small sigh before reaching over and pulling the beautiful girl before his eyes into his embrace. It felt so heavenly to have her in his arms, and to have her respond to his gesture, “Why would it bother you, Seohyun?” he asked, softly, “I promise...even if we were going out I wouldn't be a bad boyfriend,” he chuckled.


Her grip tightened, as she heard him speak. Seohyun didn't want them to be together. Because just the sight made her heart squeeze uncomfortably and her breath vanish. She wanted to have him to herself, but she couldn't break Kyuhyun's heart, because she still loved him......didn't she?


- - - - - - -


“I'm so tired!” Yuri whined, as she plopped down on the floor, a look of exasperation on her face. Sunny sunk down next to Yuri, leaning on her friend, “You could say that again,” she frowned.


SNSD and Super Junior were busy practicing for the SM Town concert that was just around the corner, and even though most of them had mastered their dances or singing, it was still a part of their schedule. Sooyoung was happy that she could do something to take her mind off of Kyuhyun and Seohyun. Although the fact that they were going to be doing a duet together didn't really help.


She sighed, twirling the cap off of her water bottle and taking a long drink. Her eyes swiftly scanned the practice room and she noticed that Seohyun still hadn't gotten back. But her confusion was cleared when her eyes flitted to the hallway outside, and she saw Yonghwa accompanying Seohyun, both of them in a light and happy mood. Sooyoung had to grin at that. It had been a long time since she'd seen a real smile on Yonghwa's face.


An hour later, Sooyoung was left to quickly pack her bag, while the rest of the girl headed out of the practice studio, and towards the waiting car outside. When she was finally done, Sooyoung rushed out of the studio, and almost ran into Kyuhyun. Before she could, he gripped her arms and steadied her.


“S-sorry, oppa,” she stumbled on her words, and lifted her eyes to his face. Sooyoung was surprised to meet a cold, and distant expression on his face.


“Watch where you're going next time, Sooyoung,” he said, before gently detaching his arms from hers.


“I'm sorry,” she repeated, unsure of what else to say.


He sighed, gritting his teeth, and looking at her with an expression he had never used before, “Just...stay out of my way,” he almost whispered, before proceeding to walk down the hallway and outside to join his group membres.


Sooyoung stood rooted to her spot, completely confused at what had just happened. What had she done to earn Kyuhyun's...hatred? Hot tears trailed down her cheeks. It was bad enough that she couldn't have his love. Now she couldn't even have his friendship.


She hastily wiped the tears away, and hoped to God her eyes weren't red or puffy, before walking down the hallway, and exiting out of the door...completely oblivious to the fact that Yonghwa had witnessed everything from the corner of the hallway, and now harbored a livid expression on his face.


- - - - - - -


Everytime Kyuhyun tried not to think about Sooyoung and Yonghwa, or the striking jealously that rung throughout his heart, he came across something or someone who reminded him of them. For example, he had been through a magazine, and once again, the wedding op showed up in his face. Even Heechul noticed the way he angrily threw the magazine aside and sat in furious silence.


Kyuhyun's thoughts ran over the brief encounter he had with Sooyoung, just outside the practice rooms, and how he treated her. He remembered her stunned face, but he had briskly left before he could find any other emotions in them. Of course, he felt remorse, but he couldn't concentrate on remorse when he kept seeing the YongSoo couple everywhere.


Heechul jumped in his seat on the sofa, when a sudden pounding on the Super Junior dorm rang out through the space. Fixing his expression to irritation, he stood up, as the pounding kept on going.


“I'm coming! I'm coming!” he yelled, before yanking the door open, “What in the worl-


“Where is Kyuhyun?” Yonghwa pushed Heechul aside, earning a surprised look from him and without waiting for an answer walked into the dorm. Kyuhyun slowly stood from his position from the sofa, when his eyes landed on a very angry looking Yonghwa.


“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Yonghwa yelled at Kyuhyun.




“You have no idea what she goes through everyday. You have no idea what she hides to keep you happy everyday,” Yonghwa's eyebrows creased, as he spoke. When he saw the way Kyuhyun treated Sooyoung after she ran into him, it broke his heart. He knew she was completely in love with him, and he could only imagine what it would feel like to have someone you love treat you with hatred.


Who are you talking about?!” Kyuhyun was able to blurt out once Yonghwa had stopped talking for a second.


Sooyoung! Who else?” Yonghwa said, with much hatred directed towards the younger man, “I went to see her after you treated her so rudely, and she wouldn't tell anyone why she was really crying. She didn't want anyone to think badly of you, Kyuhyun. I don't get why she did it. You don't deserve her friendship. You don't deserve anything from her!”


Great. Now Yonghwa was sticking up for Sooyoung. The only emotion that brought to Kyuhyun was anger, “Even if I did talk to her that way, I'm pretty sure you could find a way to cheer your girlfriend up!”


Girlfriend?” Yonghwa laughed, humorlessly, “She's not my girlfriend, Kyuhyun,” he whispered, dangerously.


Really?” sarcasm was thick in Kyuhyun's voice, “Then why do spend so much of your time with her? Why are you so close with her? Why does she trust you over everyone else?!”


Because I care about Sooyoung! Because I'm her friend! Because it doesn't seem like you care, anymore,” Yonghwa yelled back, silencing Kyuhyun bluntly. The maknae of Super Junior could only stare at the older man, for a second. He noticed that Heechul was looking at the two of them intently, while Leeteuk's mouth was agape. Most of the Super Junior members were scattered around the two men, watching with curiosity, and some with angry expressions towards their maknae.


I-I about her,” was Kyuhyun's weak and whispered response.


Well, you certainly have a funny way of showing it,” Yonghwa answered, before giving Kyuhyun one last glare, and then walking out of the Super Junior dorm.


- - - - - - -


Her head was buried deep into her pillows, and her tears were still running. Even though she had assured her group members that she was done crying and that she wanted to get some sleep, the only reason she went to bed was to shed some of her tears silently and secretly.


When she felt the warm embrace of another being, someone who couldn't be a girl because of the masculine arms that surrounded her, Sooyoung turned her head to see Yonghwa's concerned face. Without the need for any words, she sunk into his embrace and sobbed without the will to stop. He could only embrace her tightly and rub her back in an attempt to sooth her.


I don't understand why....,” Sooyoung trailed off, trying not to think of the way he treated her.


Sooyoung,” Yonghwa started, an uneasy expression on his face, “You might not approve of what I was doing this afternoon, when you guys came back from practicing.”


She sniffed, drying her tears slowly, before she looked up at him, “What did you do?” she asked.


I-I might've...gotten into a small fight with Kyuhyun,” he said, finishing the last part of his sentence in a rush.


Sooyoung gasped, “Oppa, you didn't!” she looked mortified.


I'm sorry, Soo. He needed to know that what he did was absolutely wrong,” he said.


She sighed, exasperated, “I don't think his group members took it so nicely. Jessica's already threatening to to strangle him in his sleep, and Hyoyeon's been talking about beating him up ever since you decided to let all the girls know why I was really crying.”


He deserves it.”


No he doesn't.”


Don't let your heart be the judge of that.”

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youngvra #2
Chapter 6: Good story
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 6: Cute, but I was hoping the two main characters were Yongseo. Ngaww man! But good plot!
I remember reading this fanfic years ago. Suddenly had the urge to read it again :) One of my favorite KyuYoung fics
akxshi #5
Lol i agree with mrskswonjiyoung coment XD
It'e just me or....why yonghwa looks like sj member in this fanfic bcs other members cnb is not mention in this fanfic XD
Btw great fanfic my top 2 otp! FTW kyuyoung yongseo xD
This story is the reason why I fell inlove more with YongSeo and KyuYoung. This story is daebak. :>
Love The Ending !!!

KyuYoung !!
Haha! This is just adorable- it started so angst, and yeah. Both ending up together. Funny that 2PM is needing artists from SME in their MV and. . .YongSoo really exist? O.o
yongseo94 #9
<3 <3 <3
euneunmoon #10
They got married, KYUYOUNG saranghae!!!!<br />
This fic so sweet, I like it <3<br />
Kyuyoung jjang!!!!!!