Chapter 1

Be My Mother, Seonsaengnim!

A black car parked on the outside of the school ground, one man come out of the said car, he opened the passenger door then help a little girl to come out from the car. He kneel in front of her, fixing her clothes before helping her with her bag. “Come on” he extended his hand and the little girl gladly accept that before walking into the school building.

“Daddy…” the little girl said after a while, “I can go to class by myself” the man look at the little girl beside him only to see her pouting her lips cutely.

He can’t help but let out a chuckle before tug her hand lightly, making the little girl to look at him, “I have to talk to your teacher, Jinri-ah…” she look at him smiling brightly and hug her father hand to her chest.

“Ah Kyuhyun-ssi…” said a pregnant woman as soon as they reach Jinri’s class, “Hello…” she bowed her body slightly which make the said man bows back at him. “Jinri-ah… you can go to class first” the teacher said.

Jinri’s father kneeling in front of his daughter then hug her tightly, after a while he let go of her and kiss her on the forehead. “Go ahead” he said.

“Bye daddy~” she peck her father cheek before wave her hand and leaving to her class.

Kyuhyun get up from the floor and look at the pregnant woman in front of him, “I’m sorry, Yoona-ssi but it’s look like I can’t pick Jinri up on time today. Can you help me looking out for her until I come?”

She smile and nodded her head, “Of course, Kyuhyun-ssi”

“Thank you” he bowed his body before looking at his wrist watch, “Well… I think I have to go now. Thank you for your help”

“It’s okay” Kyuhyun bow his body before leaving the school grounds. Yoona smile brightly before walk into the class. “Hello class~ good morning~”

“Morning Ssaem~~” the students reply excitedly. Yoona look at the 10 children on her class and clap her hand once to gain their attention, “Let’s begin today’s class” Yoona pick up a marker and she start the lesson for today.




“Isn’t he cute?”

“He’s hot”

“He’s handsome as usual”

“No… he’s more handsome today. Well… he become more handsome day after day”

“If I could become closer with him. You know, not as a worker and her boss”

“Kyaa~~ I couldn’t imagine what will I do if I become his wife”

Kyuhyun sigh hard when he heard what they say about him. He continue to walk to his room and bowing slightly when his worker greet him. When he was about to reach his room, he feel someone encircling their hand on his shoulder, “Yo! Popular as usual, huh?”

Kyuhyun look back and see someone grinning at him, “Hyung…” he shrugged his shoulder then walk in to his room, his hyung following behind him.

“Really, man…” his hyung said, closing the door behind him, “A lot of girls liking you”


“Don’t you think it’s time to move on?”

Kyuhyun sit on his chair and look at his hyung, in the eyes, “Move on from what?”

His hyung sighed hard, he ruffled the back of his hair before looking back at Kyuhyun, “Don’t play dumb, Kyu… you know what I mean” he said and sit on the chair in front of Kyuhyun table.

“Hyung… you know that I can’t do that”

“Think about your daughter, Kyu… don’t you think that she need a mother?”

“She has me”

“Just you are not enough, Kyu… and you know that” he said, frustrated, “She still grown up. Even though she has you as a father but she will need a mother figure. Think about what she feel about this”

“Heechul-hyung… I’m sure you hear clearly what I said earlier. She has me and I’m not ready to find another woman”

“Don’t become an egoist, Kyu”

Kyuhyun grind his teeth, annoyed with this conversation, “Heechul-hyung…”

Heechul sighed hard before get up from his seat, “Whatever”


Kyuhyun close his eyes and leaned on his chair, a loud sigh could be heard from his lips, “You know that I love her very much… why did you ask me to move on, hyung… I love her… only her”




The sound of bell ringing stop Yoona from her lesson, she look at his student and smile brightly, “It’s time for us to eat our lunch” she said cheerfully, “So, take out your lunch box and we will eat together, ne?”

“Ne Seongsangnim!” her students start to take out their lunch box from their bag and begin to eat them.

“Ne... ne... look what my mother made for me today” one of the student said. Jinri who sit not too far away from the girl take a look at her lunch box, it’s not too different from her lunch box but somehow it make her feel envy. “My mother cooked was the best in the world, even daddy said that. You know, my mother can cook everything and it was very delicious” the girls start to brag about her mother cooking skills.

“Nooo” the other students replying her, “My mother cook was the best! Look what she made for me today” she pick up her lunch box and place it in front of the first girl.

Hearing her class mates bragging about their mother cooking skills make Jinri’s heart ache, she grip her lunch box tightly and bit her lips, trying to prevent her from crying.

“Ne… what did you have?” A boy’s voice make Jinri look up from her lunch box and found one of her friend is standing in front of her table, “Uwa~ it looks delicious” he said and look at Jinri, “Who made this for you? It’s not your mommy, right?” he titled his head slightly, “Of course she didn’t, you don’t have a mommy”

Yoona who saw the whole things quickly clap her hands once to catch their attention, “Now, now… sstt… don’t talk when you are eat, ne? I don’t want you to get choked”

“Ne seonsangnim” the children hushing to each other before they focusing back to their lunch box and eat quietly.

 She look at the boy who are still standing in front of Jinri’s table, “And Hyunwoo, go back to your seat!” the said boy pouted his lips before following what his teacher said.

Yoona approach Jinri’s table, she caress her hair slightly before looking at her lunch box, “Uwaa it’s looks delicious…” she said but the latter just keep her head down and gripping her lunch box tightly, she crouch down in front of her and slowly releasing her grip on the lunch box, “It’s okay…” hearing that, Jinri look at Yoona with her slightly teary eyed, “He didn’t mean to make you sad… it’s okay…” she smile at her while caressing her hair.

“Your daddy make this lunch box for you, right?” Jinri nodded her head slowly, “I bet he put soooo much love for you in his cooks” Yoona smile when she saw a little smile playing on Jinri’s face, “Let’s continue our lunch, shall we?” Jinri looking back at her lunch box and nodded eagerly.




It was dinner time on Cho residence, Jinri and Kyuhyun was enjoying their food when suddenly, Jinri’s question make Kyuhyun froze, “Daddy… is mommy really good at cooking?” Kyuhyun look at Jinri who stop eating and playing with her spoon, “Today, my class mates keep bragging about their mother cooking skills… so… I want to know if my mother is as good as their mother’s” she stop playing with her food then look at Kyuhyun hopefully.

Kyuhyun sigh then place his own spoon on the plate, he look at his daughter who was looking at him back. It was hard for him, yes… to tell your own daughter about her late mother was the same as he have to recalled his own memories with the one he loved the most and truthfully, it still hard for him, even though she already leave them for almost 4 years.

Jinri looked down when she heard nothing from his father but then she can feel him ruffled her hair lovingly, “Yes… your mother cook was the best”

“Really?” she look at him, eyes wide with curiosity, her hand holding his tightly.

Seeing her like that make Kyuhyun smile once again before recalling the taste of his late wife’s cook, “Really… that was the most delicious food that I ever eat in this world”

Suddenly, Jinri let go of his hand and pouted her lips cutely, “I want to taste it too”

Once again, Kyuhyun froze for the second time that day. Jinri’s words pierce through his heart. He know that on Jinri’s age, she still need a mother figure on her side, to cooked her a meal, to walk her to school, to support her when she sad… to love her… it’s not that he didn’t do that but it was different and he know it.

Kyuhyun get up from his seat and crouch down next to his daughter’s, he move the chair slightly so Jinri was facing him now, “You already taste it… everyday…” he took her hand make her to look at him, “You know… when you are still a baby, mommy cooked for you everyday… she cooked your meal by herself since the first time you can eat moist food”

She lowered his head and grip his hand tightly, “I can’t remember…” she whispered.

“Hey…” Kyuhyun lift her chin and look at her in the eyes, it broke his heart when he saw her teary eyed, “It’s okay if you can’t remember… you are still a baby that time but I’m sure that in here…” Kyuhyun take her hand and place it on her chest, “… you remember it clearly… your mother’s love…” she lunged herself to her father’s arms, she buried her face on his chest and let the tears to fall freely from her eyes.




“Aigoo… is our Jinri hungry already?” a beautiful women with shoulder length brown hair said to her 11 months old daughter who was sitting on the high chair. She was holding a bowl of porridge on her hand while her other hand was dragging some chair to the front of the high chair. “Jinri is hungry, mommy… quickly…” she said to herself using some baby voice while looking at her daughter who was  hitting the plastic table in front of her, waiting for her food impatiently. After everything was set, she sit in front of her daughter, she take a spoon of porridge before feed her carefully, “It’s delicious, isn’t it?” her question was answered by her daughter smile.

“Ne mommy… mommy’s cook is the best” once again, she said to herself with baby voice. She continue to feed her daughter while talking with her, sometime she would earn a melodious laughter from her daughter which make her to laugh too.

Suddenly a pair of arms startled her from her activity, that arms was circling around her waist and she could feel a head was rested on her shoulder. She look at that person and smile when she saw her husband’s eyes closed, “Jinri-ah… look… daddy being a sleepy head again” the baby let out some baby words while hitting her plastic table again. “Daddy… wake up, wake up…” the mother say playfully while moving her body to the left and right.

Kyuhyun open his eyes slightly, he look at his daughter who was now laughing hearing her mother’s word. He smile slightly before tighten his hold on her wife, “Mommy… where is my meal?”

“Aigoo… our big baby was hungry too… Jinri-ah… this big baby was hungry… what should we do?”

“Mommy should feed this big baby… ne Jinri-ah…” Kyuhyun said playfully which make Jinri to laugh once again. “Look mommy… even Jinri agreed with me”

She laughed before letting go of Kyuhyun’s hug, she turn around and kiss his cheek lovingly, “But… daddy is still smelly so mommy didn’t want to give him food before he brush his teeth, ne Jinri-ah…” she turn around and tickles her daughter slightly, a melodious laugh could be heard after that which make the mother to laugh too, “Look, even Jinri agree with me”

Kyuhyun sighed in defeat, “Arasso” he kiss his wife on the cheek before walking out of the room.

When he come back to the dining room, he could see his wife was busy preparing a breakfast for them while Jinri was playing with her stuffed toy on her high chair. He sit in front of her, his smile was never leave his face since he come in to that room. He take one of the stuffed toy and use it to started talking to his daughter, sometime he would laugh when she laugh too.

“Pa... pa…”

Amazed could be seen from his face after he hear his daughter using that word again and again, “Sunkyu-ah…!!” he half yelled, half amazed, “Sunkyu-ah… come here quickly!” he said, loud enough for his wife to hear from the kitchen.

What he hear the next was his wife rushed footstep before she stop beside him, looking at him worriedly, “What happened? Did something happen? Are you okay? Is Jinri okay?” she bombarded him with some question. She frown when she saw Kyuhyun smiling face, “What happened?”

“Jinri… she call me papa” Kyuhyun said proudly.

Sunkyu turn to look at her daughter who still repeating some words while laughing freely, her hands extended as if asking her to hold her. She crouch down in front of her with smile on her face, holding her tiny hand with her own, “Ne, ne Jinri-ah… say mama…” she frown when Jinri just keep repeating the ‘papa’ words.

Kyuhyun smile victoriously then nudge his wife, “She said papa first” Sunkyu puffing her cheek, her arms crossed on her chest before she look away. Kyuhyun smile when he see his wife childish behavior then hug her from behind, “Hey… don’t be mad okay… there would be a time when she would call you mama”

Sunkyu look at her daughter who was continue to play with her stuffed toy, “Ne there would be a time when she would call me mommy… and…” she turn around to face her husband, “she would love me more than you”

Kyuhyun sigh in defeat, it’s no use to bickering about that thing, especially when Sunkyu was on her childish self, “Ne, ne mommy” Kyuhyun was about to kiss her when he smell something wrong, “Ne Sunkyu-ah… did something burnt?”

Sunkyu’s eyes grow wide when she realize something, “My cooks!” she dash out to the kitchen leaving the laughing Kyuhyun in the dining room, “Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Don’t you dare to laugh at me! It’s your fault!” she shouted from the kitchen but Kyuhyun couldn’t stop his laughter, he look at Jinri who was looking at him weirdly before she start to cry.

“Uwaa Jinri-ah… don’t cry…”




“Daddy…” Kyuhyun look at the doorway, revealing a sleepy Jinri who was holding her teddy bear on her right hand, “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

He smile and patted the empty space on his bed, “Of course, come on…” Jinri smile brightly before jumping into the bed and lying her head on her father broad chest, snuggling in it. Kyuhyun chuckled lightly when he see how his daughter act before encircling his hand on her body, pulling her closer.

“Ne daddy”


“Is mommy watch over us from up there?” Kyuhyun look at his daughter who look back at him with curiosity, “I watch some drama in television today, they said that when someone go to heaven they will watch over their love one from up there”

Kyuhyun close his eyes, inhaling deeply when he could feel a dull pain on his heart when he heart his daughter question, “So… is mommy watch over us from up there?” Jinri repeated her question.

Kyuhyun opened his eyes, looking at the only family picture on the room, in that picture was his and his little family, Sunkyu and Jinri, who was smiling brightly at the camera. He tighten his hold on his daughter and kiss her forehead lovingly, “Yes…” he answered softly but loud enough for Jinri to hear him, “When someone goes to heaven, they will watch over their loved ones… they will be happy when their loved one is happy and they will be sad if they see their love one is sad”

“So mommy will be sad if she saw me sad?”

“Of course… for a mother, even though they are still alive, they will be sad if they saw their children sad… no… they will feel sadder than what their children feels. It was their instinct… mother instinct”

“Then I won’t be sad anymore… I don’t want mommy to feel sad!” Jinri exclaimed.

Kyuhyun look at his daughter with smile plastered on his handsome feature, “Well… I think it’s time for daddy’s princess to go to sleep”

Jinri nodded her head. She peck her father’s cheek and snuggling deeper on his father embrace, “Night daddy” she said and close her eyes.

After a few minutes, Kyuhyun could feel her breath softened, signaling that his little princess already sleep. He close his eyes, suddenly the conversation with his hyung ringing on his head, he open his eyes and look at the family picture once again, “What should I do, Sunkyu-ah…?” but there’s no one who answer his question.



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[09/02/14] I've been busy with college but hopefully I'll update the next chapter soon, sorry for the inconvenience *deep bow*


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Chapter 7: Just saw this ff and so cuteeee... XD

I hope you can continue this story ^^~

I wanna know kyumin's interaction, their life with jinri and jinri's plan xDD kkkk
lindasu #2
Chapter 7: Pls update soon. Can't wait for them to fall in love.
casanova7 #3
Chapter 7: I can't wait to see Jinri and Hyunwoo's actions to make Min as her mother (and thus make KyuMin together~) hehehehe ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri fighting!!!!
Hope Kyuhyun will love Sungmin soon so he can be your mother ^^

Good luck for your presentation....
I did my presentation in early January....
Unfortunately, my lecturer wants me to skip chapter one and three so I just explained chapter three :(
But it went well, hope yours success too ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri and Hyunwoo on mission! the beginning of their friendship~^^
and Hyunwoo face was flushing when Jinri kiss him! aww so cute >.<

good luck for your presentation, author-nim! fighting!!
mrshaee #6
Chapter 7: this is so so so cuteeee <3

fighting author nim n_n
Chapter 7: good luck for your presentation....
hyukiemine #8
Chapter 7: wish u luck for ur presentation.. aarhhhh finaly... after for so long.. "alay" thanks for update.. i cant help to know what jinri n hyunwoo will do to make sungmin her mother... kekekeke.. ^_^
Chapter 7: daebak!!! love this story so much!!!!! kyaaa~~~ hope vic will not appear again to disturb cho family >.<
xtinejoy #10
Chapter 7: im excited! Lets see what will jinri and her new friend do to make min her m0m.l0oking forward to the next chapters.
Go0d luck to your research proposal..