Chapter 4

Be My Mother, Seonsaengnim!

“How is she?” Sungmin ask as soon as the doctor started the examination. He was there, watching carefully when the doctor examines her. The little girl didn’t wake up at all when he bring her to this place and it make him worry. Really worried.

“There’s nothing to be worry about” the doctor explained after he‘s done checking the little girl. “She has a high fever but it’s not threatening. She just need a really good rest to recover but other than that, she is okay. Don’t worry”

Sungmin let out a relief sigh. Even though he didn’t know the little girl but his loves for kids kick in, he is really worry about the girl well-being. But, after the doctor said that she is okay, he was very relieved.

“You can take her home. It’s not life-threatening so you can take care of her at home. I’ll give you the medicine and don’t forget that she has to eat before she drink the medicine. And let her rest… a bed-rest will do because if she’s moving too much, her fever will get higher and it could make her condition get worse”

After the doctor give him the medicine, Sungmin pick the girl up from the examination bed. Carefully, he adjust her on his arms, “Thank you doctor. I’ll remember your words” he bow slightly before he walk out of the room.

Sungmin cab a taxi to take them to his apartment. Even though the doctor said that she is okay but he need to change her clothes quickly. He clothes are soaked and he know if she stay in that clothes for a long time, her condition would get worse and he didn’t want that.

Fortunately, the trip to his apartment was not that long. He quickly paid the cab and head into his place. Sungmin quickly lie her down on his bed and go to his closet to find the smallest clothes that he had. After he thinks that he find it, he changes her clothes carefully not wanting to disturb the now sleeping girl in front of him.

Sungmin put her wet clothes at the washing machine before he come back to his room with a washcloths and a basin filled with water on his hand. He put the basin on the night stand. He pull a chair to his bed side then he start to compress her, hoping that his action could reduce the fever.

Sungmin continue to change the washcloths in 15 minutes but then he yawned. Today is very tiring for him but he couldn’t just fall asleep because he needs to take care of her. Sungmin continue to yawn. He rested his head on the edge of the bed when his head start to feel dizzy. He blink his eyes slowly for a few times before he fall asleep.




A loud cry wakes Sungmin up from his sleep. He rub his eyes tiredly, trying to removes the drowsiness away. He look around the room, trying to find the source of the loud cry. He quickly get up from his seat when he see the little girl is crying in her sleep. Her hand reach out as if she was trying to hold something. Tears falling freely from her closed eyes. “Mommy…”

Sungmin quickly take her hand and rub it lovingly. She wipe her tears away and start to caress his hair. It hurts him when he see the little girl is crying like that. He continue his action but the cry didn’t stopped. The little girl continue to call out her mommy again and again. And it break him more, the little girl is crying for her mommy and he didn’t know what to do. If Sungmin at least know her house phone number, he will quickly call her mom because he know that she need her mother right know. But Sungmin didn’t know about the little girl at all. He continue to try to calm him, telling her that everything would be fine but it didn’t works. Not at all.

Sungmin quickly slid into his bed when he remember what his mother usually do when he was still a little child. He embrace her and caress her hair lovingly, “Don’t cry anymore” he whispered, “I will feel sadder if I see you cry like this”

“Mommy” she continue to sobs, calling out for her mother.

“It’s okay…” Sungmin tighten his embrace and whispering on her ear, “It’s okay… mommy is here. I got you. Don’t cry anymore… don’t be sad anymore… mommy will feel sadder to see you crying like this” he kiss her forehead and continue to caress her hair lovingly, “Mommy is here. You are safe, mommy got you. Don’t be afraid, mommy will chase the evil away from you. Everything will be okay because mommy is here. Mommy is here to protect you… mommy is here” Sungmin continue to whispering a comforting words until he couldn’t hear her sobs anymore. He tighten his embrace when he feel the little girls snuggling closer into his arms, “Just sleep, baby… mommy is here with you”




Kyuhyun couldn’t sleep at all that night. He lie there on his bed, looking at the family picture in front of him. It’s been a few hours since Jinri’s disappearance and he still couldn’t find any information about her.

After all around the school grounds, Kyuhyun quickly go to police station to report his daughter disappearance. And here he is, lying there and do nothing while waiting for the news from the policeman. Actually, he want to continue his search but when his mother know about Jinri and she saw his condition – soaking to the bone and shivering – she told him to rest tonight, to have a good sleep before he continue his search tomorrow morning. But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t just sleep like that. Her daughter was nowhere to be found and he didn’t know if she was okay, if she is scared or feel cold. Whether he was in a safe place being taken care of. What if she was kidnapped?

Kyuhyun quickly shakes his head. No… he can’t think of something like that. Jinri would be okay… she will be okay and he will find her soon. She will be safe in his arms again in no time. He look at the family picture in front of him, tears could be seen glistening on his tired eyes but he hold it, he couldn’t cry in this situation. As a father, he couldn’t cry… he have to be strong because his little girl is needing him right now. Even though she is far away from him but he could feel that his little girl need him to be strong. For her sake.

“Sunkyu-ah…” he whispered in that quiet bedroom, “I… I couldn’t protect our princess right now. Even though I couldn’t find her but I know that she need me, Sunkyu-ah… she need her daddy” he wipe the tears that stubbornly fall from his eyes. No… he couldn’t cry. Even though it’s hard for him but he couldn’t cry, “You protect her, right? You look after her, right? Please let her be in a safe place. Don’t let her to feel scared and cold. Please, Sunkyu-ah… take care of our baby”




When Jinri open her eyes that day, she could feel warm hand was wrapped around her. She look up to see the person who embrace her right now, she didn’t feel scared when she know that it was a stranger. No… not at all. Because even though she couldn’t really remember what happened, she could hear him whispering comforting words in her hear while caressing her hair lovingly… just like a mommy. She smile when that thought cross on her mind, she snuggled closer into that person body, wrapping her hand tightly around him, “Mommy…” she whispered.

“You awake?” Jinri startled when she hear his voice but she feel calm when that person caress her hair slowly, “It’s okay… I didn’t mean to scare you” the man said softly, “I glad that you are okay”

They continue to stay on that position for a while before Sungmin slowly get up from the bed. He put his hand on Jinri’s forehead and sigh when he feel that her fever is still there. “I’ll make you something to eat, okay? You have to drink your medicine” he smile at her before he walk out but then a little hand is holding his tightly. Sungmin help her to lie down once again. He give her the brightest smile and sit on the edge of the bed, her hand still holding his tightly, “It’s okay… I won’t go anywhere. I just need to go to the kitchen for a while to make a breakfast for you” he caress her hand, trying to reassure her that everything would be okay… that he wouldn’t leave her alone. “I’ll be quick okay?”

“I want to go with you” Jinri’s voice is hoarse because of the fever. She look at him with pleading eyes. She didn’t want this man to go. She didn’t want him to leave her alone.

“You can’t” Sungmin said with apologetic smile plastered on his face, “I don’t want to leave you alone in this room too but I have to make a breakfast for you and doctor said that you shouldn’t get up from the bed. I’ll make it quick okay?” seeing the sad look on her eyes, Sungmin hold her hand tightly, “How about this… I’ll be going for ten minutes, hm?” Sungmin’s smile widen when he see Jinri nodding her head slowly, he caress her hair lovingly before he get up from the bed, “I’ll make it quick okay” he said and quickly leaving the room.

Ten minutes later, Sungmin come back to his room holding a tray on his hand. He carefully walks closer to his bed and put the tray on the nightstand, “Let’s eat~~” he help her to sit up before he start to feed her. Sometime he would ask her if she feel nausea or not. He pouting his lips when Jinri refused to eat after a few spoon, “Just one more spoon, okay?” he try to persuade her, “You have to eat a lot if you want to recover quickly” he give her a bright smile when she nodded her head, “Good girl” he feed her one last time and give her medicine. After everything is done, he leave the room to clean out the dishes.

Jinri was still sitting there on his bed when Sungmin come back to his room, he approach the said girl and sit on the edge of the bed, “What’s your name, little girl?”


“Hey Jinri-ah… I’m Sungmin” smile plastered on his face when he said that, “How old are you, Jinri-ah?”

“6” she look at him then holding his hand, “Mommy…” he whispered but the man seems not to hear her, “Mommy” she try once again.

“Did you miss your mommy, Jinri-ah?” Jinri nodded her head slowly, “Did you remember your mommy phone number so I could tell her that you are here with me?”

Jinri shake her head slowly, her hold on Sungmin’s hand tighten, “My mommy would answer it”


“Because she is up there, in heaven”

Sungmin eyes widen a bit, he feel sorry for her. In her young age, he already lost her mother. Sungmin shakes his head slowly then put his brightest smile. He move closer to Jinri and hug her tightly, “Even though you couldn’t see you mommy right now but trust me, she always be there with you… protecting you… watching over you. She always be beside you even though you couldn’t see her, guiding you and loving you very much” she caress her back when he feel that she is trembling on his arms, crying quietly. “Don’t hold back” he whispered, “If you want to cry then cry… I’ll be here to hold you”

A loud sobs could be heard coming from Jinri’s. Sungmin continue to persuade her to cry, to let go of everything that burden her and that is what she did right now, crying her heart out. Calling for her mother that she miss so much in her life, calling out for her daddy.

Sungmin hold her tightly in his arms, sometime caressing her back lovingly. It hurt him… it hurt him to see her crying like this but Sungmin know that she need it. He know that after the tears that she shed so much right now, she could be more happy… she will feel better.

After a while, she stop crying. Sungmin let go of her and wipe the tears away from her face, “Feeling better?” Jinri nodded her head, blinking his eyes tiredly, “You looks tired, Jinri-ah… just sleep okay?” again, Jinri just nodded her head, “I’ll be here with you until you fall asleep” he help her to lie down and continue to sit there, on the edge of the bed. She still holding his hand tightly and he didn’t intend to let it go because he know that she need him right now. He start to hum softly, humming the song that his mother always sing for him after he cried.

“Mommy” Jinri whispered quietly.

Sungmin smile sadly at her, he rub the back of her hand lightly, “You really miss your mommy, Jinri-ah?”

Jinri nodded her head but then she shake her head sofly, “No…” he said after a while, “Mommy… can I call you mommy?”



Woaah~~ more than 50 subscribers fro this fic~~

hehehe you didn't know how happy I'm to know that hehe

anyway, thank you for all of you who are subscribing and commeting on this fic

I really appreciate it

and I'm sorry I didn't reply to you comment on the last chapter but I already read it all and I want to thank you guys for your comment


as a thank you gift for you all, I write a one-shoot for you guys

check it out in this link

I warn you that the fic is really long, more than 6000 words and it has a lot of flashback

hehe but I hope that you'll read it too ^^


Okay, don't forget to comment and subscribe~~

See you later on the next chapter

*wave hand and vanish like a ninja*

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[09/02/14] I've been busy with college but hopefully I'll update the next chapter soon, sorry for the inconvenience *deep bow*


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Chapter 7: Just saw this ff and so cuteeee... XD

I hope you can continue this story ^^~

I wanna know kyumin's interaction, their life with jinri and jinri's plan xDD kkkk
lindasu #2
Chapter 7: Pls update soon. Can't wait for them to fall in love.
casanova7 #3
Chapter 7: I can't wait to see Jinri and Hyunwoo's actions to make Min as her mother (and thus make KyuMin together~) hehehehe ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri fighting!!!!
Hope Kyuhyun will love Sungmin soon so he can be your mother ^^

Good luck for your presentation....
I did my presentation in early January....
Unfortunately, my lecturer wants me to skip chapter one and three so I just explained chapter three :(
But it went well, hope yours success too ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri and Hyunwoo on mission! the beginning of their friendship~^^
and Hyunwoo face was flushing when Jinri kiss him! aww so cute >.<

good luck for your presentation, author-nim! fighting!!
mrshaee #6
Chapter 7: this is so so so cuteeee <3

fighting author nim n_n
Chapter 7: good luck for your presentation....
hyukiemine #8
Chapter 7: wish u luck for ur presentation.. aarhhhh finaly... after for so long.. "alay" thanks for update.. i cant help to know what jinri n hyunwoo will do to make sungmin her mother... kekekeke.. ^_^
Chapter 7: daebak!!! love this story so much!!!!! kyaaa~~~ hope vic will not appear again to disturb cho family >.<
xtinejoy #10
Chapter 7: im excited! Lets see what will jinri and her new friend do to make min her m0m.l0oking forward to the next chapters.
Go0d luck to your research proposal..