Chapter 3

Be My Mother, Seonsaengnim!

Sungmin was walking on the busy Seoul street. A lot of people were running, trying to find a shelter that could protect them from the weather. Yes, it’s raining. But Sungmin is not one of the runny people, he has his umbrella on. And no, he’s not running. Sungmin always thinks the scent of rain will give you the fresh feeling and rain will wash away the dirt. Somehow, he believe that rain could wash away his negative feeling. The sound of rain make him feel serene and peaceful.

Well, Sungmin really like rain.

He walk slowly, looking around the busy street. It’s been so long since the last time he wandering on Seoul street like this. Maybe 10 or more years he didn’t even know himself. The thing he remember was that it changes. The last time he walk around like this, there are still a few high building and store but now, you can see them all the way.

He smile when he see a little girl was holding her parents hand tightly as if she afraid that she would be separated from them. He shift his gaze to the little boy who was crying in front of his mother, asking for an ice cream despite this cold weather and of course the mother didn’t let her son to have what he want.

Yes, Sungmin love children.

And he’s very happy that he would be surrounded by a lot of children in a few days.

He smile when he remember the first time he step his foot in Seoul a few weeks ago. Sungmin was very excited that he, finally, could come back to Seoul after a few years he lived in London. He live in hotel for 3 days while searching for an apartment and a job. Now, he finally found them all, an apartment for himself and a job that he will love so much. Even though he just become a substitute teacher but he’s very happy because he can do the things that he love so much, playing with children.

2 days ago, he got call from one of the kindergarten in Seoul. Asking him if he could come to their place today so they can interview him. Since early in the morning, Sungmin was busy preparing himself for the interview and how happy he is when they said that they hire him as a teacher. He will replace a teacher who will be on maternity leave in a week and truthfully, he really like that place.

A place where he will meet his dream.

a place where he would find the children who will love him and be loved by him.

SM Kindergarten.

He look back, trying to find the said building but then he let out a chuckle when he couldn’t find it. Of course, there’s a lot of high building that would cover the kindergarten but it didn’t make him disappointed because in a week, he could see that building everyday.

Sungmin continue to walk, he have to ride a bus to get to his apartment. The bus stop is about a kilometer from school. But he’s not in hurry, he still have 30 minutes to enjoy the view. Sungmin couldn’t help but smile when he spotted a park. He walk into the park with smile plastered his handsome face.

The park is so quiet.

Of course, because it’s raining.

‘What if it doesn’t raining today?’

Maybe there will be a lot of people sitting on the bench in this park and maybe a lot of children playing around with their friend.

‘Can I see pigeons in this park if it doesn’t raining today?’

He remember when he visiting one of the park in London. There a lot of pigeons in that park and it made him happy. He can feed it with his own hand!

‘Aah… I see that pigeons hate rain too. Of course, rain could wet it’s feathers’

Sungmin walk further. He looked around the quiet park and let out a chuckle when he realized that he is the only one who was walking in the rain. Despite the heavy rain, Sungmin continue to look around. The park is beautiful although its quiet dark for him to see – even though it still 2 p.m. – but he can spotted a playground for children, flowers, and lot of trees. He frowned when he spotted something… no… it’s not something… maybe it’s a person but what did they do in the rain without an umbrella?

Out of curiosity, he walked faster to the said person. A little afraid if the people he will meet is a bad guy or maybe a robber or kidnapper. Well, he still want to live in peace and working on that kindergarten but he was very curious. What if it is a person who needs his help?

‘I’ll run away if everything goes wrong’

He continue to walk carefully. But then, he started to run. No, he not run away. He approached them because he thought that he spotted a child. And what he thinks is right. There, sitting under the tree is a little girl, hugging her knees and her face was buried between them.

Sungmin kneeling in front of her, holding up her umbrella so the said girl was not exposed to the rain.

“Hey, are you okay?”

He hold her hand when the little girl didn’t answer his question. He hold her hand tightly when he feel that her hand is cold, really cold. It made ​​him think how long she sat in the rain like this. He quickly hug her, trying to transfer his body heat to the little girl.

“Little girl, are you okay?”

When the said girl didn’t answer him once again, he look around the park, trying to find the girl’s parents but he couldn’t find anyone. He quickly took her into his arms, quietly cursing himself when her forehead touches his neck. She has a fever!

Sungmin run out of the park while steadying the little girl and the umbrella on his hand. He kept running up to the side of the road. His eyes searching wildly, trying to find a specific car in between dozens of cars that passing by on the street. He shifted his umbrella to his other hand and stuck out his hand when he spotted the said car.





Kyuhyun walk on the familiar road. He continues to walk further even though it’s raining. He want to meet her… no… he have to meet her. Ignoring the harsh cold wind, he continue to walk faster. He need to see her. Quickly!

After he got to where he was going, he placed a bouquet of red roses in front of a tombstone. Yes, tombstone. The place where his late wife rest in peace. He read the name that craved on the tombstone, sometime he wish that it’s not true. That his wife is still alive. That she didn’t leave him and his daughter forever but everytime he touch the tombstone and read her name once again, he realize that it is real. That she leave him forever and here he is, standing in front her grave.

He kneel in front of her wife’s grave, one hand holding his umbrella while the other hand caressing the tombstone lovingly. “Hey, Sunkyu-ah… how are you?” he close his eyes, trying to calm himself. Even though it’s already 4 years since she passed away but he still could feel the sadness everytime he think about her.

“You know… Heechul-hyung force me to meet someone again. You remember Heechul-hyung, right? He is my best man in our wedding. Well, I meet her yesterday. She is beautiful but you know that no one can beat your beauty, right?” he chuckled, imagining his wife’s blushing face. It’s been a long time, but he still remember it as if she was there, blushing madly in front of him.

“She has a really long and nice leg. Remember when we are still in high school, when my friend ask me what is my ideal type and I said that I like girl with nice and log leg? Yes, she has that leg. I can’t remember when I change my ideal type. You know… you don’t have a long leg” he chuckled again. Imagining his wife was standing in front of him, face red because of anger, pouting lips then screaming ‘Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Are you saying that I'm short?!’

“But… even though she is beautiful but she said that she didn’t like it when she know that she is dating a single father. Well, she didn’t say it directly but you can know what she mean when she talking about her dream. It’s not that I blame her for dreaming like that, everyone has the rights to do so”

He close his eyes before open it slowly, his hand continue to caress the tombstone lovingly, “Jinri… she grown up to be our little princess. She’s beautiful and she has a very kind heart. She’s just like you, Sunkyu-ah… a few days ago, she ask me something about you. About your cooking skill and did you watch over us from up there. You did, didn’t you? You watch over us, right? Because Jinri will be mad at us if you didn’t do it”

He look up, holding onto the umbrella tightly, “Sunkyu-ah… mother said that I have to open my heart for someone else for Jinri’s sake. How could I do that Sunkyu-ah? How could I do it if one piece of my heart is gone with you? Even though it’s been 4 years since you leave us but I still couldn’t forget you, Sunkyu-ah… I still love you very much… Heechul-hyung always paired me up with his friends but I always think about you when I’m with them. I know that it’s not healthy, Jinri still need a mother to love her. even though I always said that she will be okay with me only but deep down I know… I know that she miss her mother love. She needs a mother so that she can grow up well”

“But what should I do with my heart, Sunkyu-ah? Even though I try to open it for other people but it always shuts itself off. It telling me that no one could enter my heart except from you. I know I sound so selfish right now but sometime I wish that I was the one who die… not you, so I won’t be living like this because you know Sunkyu-ah… living without you is like a curse for me. But thank you Sunkyu-ah… thank you for giving me this little angel. She help me a lot. She help me to live without you. She help me to undergo this curse. I love you, Sunkyu-ah. I love you forever”

He kissed the tombstone deeply as if he kissed his late wife. He look at his watch and find that it was 2 p.m. “Well, baby… it looks like I have to go right now. Our little princess is waiting for me to pick her up” he kiss the tombstone once again before he get up, “I love you, Sunkyu-ah… remember that” he said, leaving the now wet tombstone with a bucket of red roses on it.




Kyuhyun get into the driver seat and started the engine. He quickly turn on the wipers when he see that it was raining very hard and it makes him difficult to see the road. He fisted his hand into his pocket, trying to find his phone. He have to call Yoona to tell her that he’ll be late to pick Jinri because even though he was driving very fast, it will takes 30 minutes to come back to Seoul.

He frowned when he couldn’t find his phone. He cannot remember where the last time he put his phone is. ‘I’m sure that I keep it in my pocket. But why my pocket is empty? Where is my phone? Did I leave it in my office?’

The sound of phone vibrate pull him out from his thought. He look around trying to find it and finally he find his phone. It was one the dashboard!


|Hello, Kyuhyun-ssi… finally you answer my phone|

“What happened, Yoona-ssi? Jinri is okay, right?”

|Could you come to school quickly?|

“What had happened Yoona-ssi? Jinri is okay, right?”

|Kyuhyun-ssi… Jinri… she disappeared from school|

“What do you mean?”

|I didn’t really know what happened on my class that time because headmaster call me to meet the new teacher. When I come back, Jinri was not there. They say that she had a fight with one of her classmates before she run away. I try to find her around the school but we still couldn’t find her. I try to call you several time, Kyuhyun-ssi but you didn’t pick up your phone|

|Kyuhyun-ssi… Kyuhyun-ssi, are you still there?|

Kyuhyun couldn’t bring his voice to answer Yoona’s question. Suddenly, he feel really weak. It was as if someone just taking all the energy from his body. He lean his body into the seat, looking up at the ceiling as tears slowly falling from his eyes. The rain sounds like it was mocking him, laughing at his stupidity.

He didn’t like rain.

First, it takes Sunkyu away from him. Now it takes Jinri too.

“No, Cho Kyuhyun!” he quickly wipe the tears away from his face, “You still have Jinri! It’s not the time for you to cry like a baby! Your daughter need you right now, Kyuhyun! Your angel! Your little princess! Snap out of it Cho Kyuhyun! You will not lose again! This time, you will win! You’ll find her!”

With the last encouraging words from himself, he step on the gas pedal. He drove his car very fast, going through the heavy rain that soaking the city.




Kyuhyun would cheer loudly if he is not in this condition. He broke his own record. When he said that it takes 30 minutes from Sunkyu’s place to come back to Seoul, now it only takes 20 minutes for him to get here.

He get out from his car quickly. Ignoring the rain that soaking his body. He didn’t care. He only thought about his daughter right now! He quickly go to the headmaster’s room and open the door harshly, “Where is she?”


“Yoona-ssi! Where is Jinri?”

Yoona look at the headmaster then look at Kyuhyun who stand in front of her, hand clenched in fist, his clothes are soaked because of rain, eyes looking wildly around the room as if it was trying to find something. This is the first time she saw Kyuhyun like this. Kyuhyun is a calm and gentle man who love his daughter very much. Aah… his daughter. Of course, he really love his daughter very much.


“Kyuhyun-ssi… we… we still couldn’t find her”

“How could this happened?!”

“I’m sorry, uncle…” a boys voice rang into the silent room. The said boy gathered all his courage to approach Kyuhyun. “It’s all my fault” he start to cry, “She wouldn’t leave like this if I didn’t fight with her”

Kyuhyun look at the boy. The boy look down to the floor, trying to fight the tears but he couldn’t. A heavy sobs come out from him. Yoona was about to calm him down she saw Kyuhyun approach the said boy. Everyone hold his breath when Kyuhyun kneeling in front of him, pulling his chin up to look at his face. Everyone expect a scream of hatred come out from Kyuhyun, blaming the said boy who was crying uncontrollably in front of him.

“Don’t cry” Kyuhyun said while he wipe the tears away from the boy’s face. “Boys have to be strong. They didn’t cry in front a lot of people. I not really your fault” the said boy look at Kyuhyun with confused look, Kyuhyun just continue to wipe his tears and ruffling his hair.

“Yes, you are wrong for fighting with her but it’s okay… You are still too young to understand that what you say can hurt others but now, you know it, right?” the said boy nodded his head, “Everyone make a mistake but a real man would not repeat the mistakes he had done before. So, don’t do this again okay?”

“Y-Yes… I’m sorry, uncle…”

Kyuhyun get up and look at the headmasters, “I’ll go searching for her. please call me if you have any news about her” he bow his body before walk out of the room.

Yoona look at Kyuhyun’s back. It amazed her. How can he still calm in front of the boy who make his daughter disappeared and he calming the boy too. She know actually what he feel right now. She know how much Kyuhyun love his daughter as much as she know how much Jinri love his father. She know that it was hard for him not to yell at Hyunwoo, not blaming him for his daughter disappearance. She link her hands together and close her eyes, ‘God… I know that you always hear you thy servant’s prayer. Please protect Jinri from all unrighteousness and allow her to always be in a safe place. God… please strengthened him to face this problem and guard him to find his daughter’




Kyuhyun continue to run. He doesn’t care about his wet body or the people who look at him weirdly. He continue to run, to find his only daughter. He didn’t know if she’s alright. Did she scared or whether she was in a safe place. He continued to look for it, even though it's in the smallest places.

Kyuhyun passed a park but then he stopped. He remember that place. It is the place where he used to play with Jinri after school. He run into the park. Even though it still daytime but the park is dark but if he focusing his sight, he could see his surrounding even it was just for a little.

“Jinri-ah!” he called, “Jinri-ah! It’s daddy!”

He continued to call for his daughter but no one answering his call. He continue to search around the park, calling his daughter name again and again but it no use. Jinri was not there. Kyuhyun sagged into one of the bench. He had been looking for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found. Nevertheless, Jinri is still a little child. She would not dare to go far away, right? Then why he still couldn’t find her even though he already look at the area outside of the school.

He look up at the dark sky. The rain was falling freely on his face. It was as if the rain was slapping his face. He close his eyes. Tears fell from her eyes but it quickly blends with the rain.

“Jinri-ah… Where are you?”



Here is the third chapter of Be My mother, Seonsaengnim!

I'm really sorry for the late update

Life is so hectic last week



I hope you like it~~

Don't forget to comment and subscribe~~

Cause it will make my mood better and better hehe


See you on the next chappie~~

*wave hand and vanish like a ninja*


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[09/02/14] I've been busy with college but hopefully I'll update the next chapter soon, sorry for the inconvenience *deep bow*


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Chapter 7: Just saw this ff and so cuteeee... XD

I hope you can continue this story ^^~

I wanna know kyumin's interaction, their life with jinri and jinri's plan xDD kkkk
lindasu #2
Chapter 7: Pls update soon. Can't wait for them to fall in love.
casanova7 #3
Chapter 7: I can't wait to see Jinri and Hyunwoo's actions to make Min as her mother (and thus make KyuMin together~) hehehehe ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri fighting!!!!
Hope Kyuhyun will love Sungmin soon so he can be your mother ^^

Good luck for your presentation....
I did my presentation in early January....
Unfortunately, my lecturer wants me to skip chapter one and three so I just explained chapter three :(
But it went well, hope yours success too ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri and Hyunwoo on mission! the beginning of their friendship~^^
and Hyunwoo face was flushing when Jinri kiss him! aww so cute >.<

good luck for your presentation, author-nim! fighting!!
mrshaee #6
Chapter 7: this is so so so cuteeee <3

fighting author nim n_n
Chapter 7: good luck for your presentation....
hyukiemine #8
Chapter 7: wish u luck for ur presentation.. aarhhhh finaly... after for so long.. "alay" thanks for update.. i cant help to know what jinri n hyunwoo will do to make sungmin her mother... kekekeke.. ^_^
Chapter 7: daebak!!! love this story so much!!!!! kyaaa~~~ hope vic will not appear again to disturb cho family >.<
xtinejoy #10
Chapter 7: im excited! Lets see what will jinri and her new friend do to make min her m0m.l0oking forward to the next chapters.
Go0d luck to your research proposal..