Chapter 5

Be My Mother, Seonsaengnim!

“Please…” Jinri look at him with pleading eyes.

Sungmin didn’t know what to do. A part of him want to say yes but another part scream at him to say no, he is a man for God sake and this little girl want to call him as her mommy. He is a man! A MAN!! Sungmin let out a long sigh, he continue to caress Jinri’s hair. Even though he didn’t know what to say, he force a smile on his face. He didn’t want the little girl know about his inner battle. “Let sleep for now, okay. You look really tired, Jinri-ah… we’ll talk about it later, ne?”

Luckily, Jinri nodded her head. She grab Sungmin’s hand and hold it tightly, “Would you be here when I woke up?”

Sungmin caress her hands and smile at her warmly, “Of course little girl, I will be here when you woke up later”

Jinri nodded her eyes before closing her eyes slowly. Her right hand still holding tightly on Sungmin’s hand, afraid that he will be go if she let go of his hand.

Sungmin on the other hand, he continue to caressing her hand, trying to soothe the little girl from everything that worry her. He sit on the edge of the bed, humming slightly with his eyes closed. He really love kids and he love this little girl too but her words keep replaying on Sungmin’s head. As much as he want to take care of her but to be her mother is a hard thing to do for him, there’s a lot of responsibility behind that title. It’s not that he didn’t ready for that but he is a man and a man is not born to be a mother. Maybe it was just Jinri’s ego to be able to stay with her mother and don’t forget that she has a high fever, maybe she will ask another people to be his mother if Sungmin didn’t found her last night.

‘Yeah…’ Sungmin nodded his head, ‘She’ll forget about it. Besides she wouldn’t want it when he realized that I’m a man and maybe I won’t meet her again after this’ the sudden thought about not going to see the little girl again make Sungmin stop humming and frown could be seen on his face. To know that he wouldn’t meet her again make him feel sad, somehow he could feel that he is attached to this girl.

Sungmin quickly shake his head, he caress the girl hair with his other hand. When he feel that the girl’s hold loosening, he know that the little girl is fast asleep. He let go of her hand slowly, hoping that he wouldn’t wake her up. “Sleep tight” he kiss her forehead lovingly.

He want to stay there until she wakes up but he has another thing to do. He need to find her family. He know that they will be really worried when they know that she is disappeared and he need to contact them soon because he know that Jinri would need her family, especially her father. He was about to get up when he see something glistening on Jinri’s neck.

It’s a pendant.

Sungmin frown.

Why didn’t he see it before?




Kyuhyun is driving his black car on the busy city street. He keep looking left and right hoping to spot his little daughter. It’s been a day since she disappear and he still couldn’t find her and the police still didn’t find any information about her well being and it make him more worried.

Where is she?

What she do?

Is she okay?

Why she didn’t contact her at all?

What if she was kidnapped and he wouldn’t find her again.

The words always cross his mind everytime and it frightened him. Tears start to form on his eyes when the last thought cross his mind once again. He shake his head for the umpteenth time that day. He couldn’t think of something like that. He will find her and they will live happily again.

Kyuhyun continue to drive when he feel his phone vibrating on his pocket. He stop his car on the side way and take his phone, frowned when he didn’t recognize the phone number.


|Ah… Hello| the person on the other side said after a while.

“Who is this?”

|Ah, sorry for not introducing myself. I’m Sungmin. Um… is this Jinri father I’m talking with?|

Hearing his daughter name, Kyuhyun grip his steer wheel tightly. “Yes it’s me. Is Jinri with you? Is she okay? Where is she?”

|Yes, she is with me. She has a high fever though that’s why I could contact you just now. I’m sorry|

Kyuhyun let out a relief sigh. At least this person is nice enough to contact him now. After telling Kyuhyun that he will messaging his address, Sungmin quickly hung up and in a minutes, Kyuhyun phone vibrated once again. It was a message from Sungmin.

After setting the GPRS with the address, Kyuhyun quickly drive to that place. A happy smile could be seen on his face as he drive through the busy street. Finally, he found his daughter.




Sungmin is in his kitchen preparing a porridge for Jinri when he hear his doorbells ringing. He turn off the stove and quickly go to his door, opening the door for his guest. Sungmin smile slightly when he see a man was standing in front of his door, “Jinri’s father?” when the man nodded his head, Sungmin quickly let him in.

He let him to sit on the sofa, while himself sit opposite the man, “I’m Lee Sungmin, the one who call you earlier” he introduce him once again.

“Ne Sungmin-ssi. I’m Jinri’s father, Cho Kyuhyun” Kyuhyun bowed his head slightly. “Where is Jinri?” kyuhyun said after a while, his eyes roaming the room, trying to find his daughter.

“She’s sleeping. She has a really high fever last night and doctor said that it will be better for her to rest as much as possible”

Sungmin could see the worried look on Kyuhyun’s eyes and that time he know that the man really love her daughter very much, “Is she okay now?”

Sungmin nodded his head, “Her fever is going down this morning” he said with a smile, trying to reassure the other man that his daughter is really okay, “Would you want to see her?” when Kyuhyun nodded his head, Sungmin lead him to his room, a place where the little girl is sleeping peacefully.

Sungmin open the door to him room slowly, afraid that even a little sound could wake the little girl from his sleep. He smile brightly when he see that Jinri didn’t shift at all on his bed. He walk into his room, Kyuhyun followed behind him quietly.

“I leave you two alone” Sungmin said before he leave the room.

Kyuhyun walk further into the room, his eyes focused on the little girl who was sleeping on the bed. Slowly, he sit on the edge of the bed, afraid that his movement could make the little girl woke up from his slumber.

Kyuhyun smile contently, his right hand holding on his daughter hand and his other hand was caressing her face lovingly. “Daddy is here, Jinri-ah” he whispered, “I’m glad that you are okay and that I could see you again. Daddy is afraid that I couldn’t find you, Jinri. I didn’t know if I could continue to live if you leave me too” he continue to hold her hand, making sure that it is not dream, that her daughter was there beside him.

After convincing himself that he is not dreaming, his eyes shifted to the night stand. Above it was a basin filled with water and beside it was 2 bottles of medicine which he assume that it was Jinri’s. ‘He really take care of her’ Kyuhyun thought, ‘I should thank him later’

“She’s still sleeping?” Kyuhyun shift his gaze to the door way. Sungmin walk into the room with a tray on his hand, “It’s time for her to eat before she drink her medicine” Kyuhyun quickly take the basin and medicines when he see Sungmin was looking for a place to put the tray, “Thank you”

“I should be the one who say thank you, Sungmin-ssi” Sungmin shot him a confused look, “Thank you for taking care of my daughter”

“It’s okay, Kyuhyun-ssi” Sungmin smile while he take the medicine, carefully put it on the tray and take the basin from Kyuhyun’s hands, “You don’t need to thank me. Really! Besides I’m grateful that Jinri is accompanying me in this apartment. It’s kind of lonely to live alone” he laugh softly after he said that. “I’ll put this out” he eyed the basin on his hand, “Try to wake her up, ne?” he smile slightly before leaving the room once again.

Kyuhyun shift his gaze to his daughter. Deep inside his heart he didn’t want to wake her up from her sleep, she look so peaceful and it make Kyuhyun didn’t want to disturb her but she need to eat before she drink her medicine. Kyuhyun sighed hard before he hold her hand and caressing her arm, “Jinri-ah… wake up princess. Its daddy” he continue to caress her until Jinri open her eyes slowly, “You have to eat princess” he said when Jinri focusing her eyes on him.


“Yeah, its daddy”

Tears welled up on Jinri’s eyes but Kyuhyun quickly wipe them out, “Don’t cry, baby” he help her to sit up and Jinri quickly launched herself to her daddy, hugging him tightly, “Daddy is here, baby… daddy is here” Kyuhyun hug her tightly and caressing her back, hoping that it could calm her down.

After a while Kyuhyun could feel that Jinri is starting to calm down, “It’s time for you to eat, Jinri… you have to eat your medicine” he said while he let her go.

Jinri look around the room with a frown on her face, “Where’s mommy?”

“Mommy?” Kyuhyun look at her confusedly. Kyuhyun quickly hold Jinri’s hand tightly when she nodded her head, “Jinri-ah… you know that mommy is not with us, right? Even though she is not here but sh––“

“Mommy!” Kyuhyun turn around to the said mommy. There, on the doorway is Sungmin. Walking in to the room with a folded clothes on his hand, he smile brightly when he see Jinri is up. Kyuhyun continue to look at Sungmin confusedly but he quickly averting his gaze when Sungmin mouthed that he’ll explain it later.

“Mommy, where are you? You promise me that you’ll be here when I wake up” Jinri whined while taking Sungmin hand on her, her other hand was holding onto Kyuhyun tightly.

“I have a lot of things to do, little girl” he ruffle her hair before he take the bowl on the night stand and give it to her, “Now, it’s time for you to eat because you have to drink your medicine so your fever will be gone” he handed the bowl to her and turn his gaze to Kyuhyun, who once again look at him confusedly. “Jinri-ah… I think me and your father need to talk for a while. You have to finish your meal, okay? We’ll be back in a while” Sungmin and Kyuhyun takes turn to kiss her forehead before they leave the room.

Sungmin lead kyuhyun to the living room once again. They are sitting on the same sofa as before, opposite to each other. They sit in a uncomfortable silent for a while before Kyuhyun open his mouth to talk, “So, mind to tell me why Jinri call you mommy, Sungmin-ssi?”

Sungmin let out a long sigh before he answer Kyuhyun’s question, “I didn’t know it myself why she start calling me as her mother but I think that it was because she is missing her mother very much. She start calling out for her mother as soon as she woke up last night and maybe because I was there to comfort her, somewhat she think that it was her mother who do that”

Kyuhyun close his eyes, he know that Jinri is still a little child who need mother. Even though she never tell him that but today he know that Jinri really miss her mother very much and even though he try to be a good father for her, it still wasn’t enough. There are always a big hole on her heart that long for a mother and need them to filled it.

“I’m sorry, Kyuhyun-ssi. I should have explain to her earlier but she was crying out for her mother and I couldn’t help myself to tell her that her mother is there to calm her but don’t worry, Kyuhyun-ssi… she will forget about it later”




An hour later, Sungmin was standing on his apartment door with Kyuhyun and Jinri in front of him. Jinri is crying, holding his and Kyuhyun’s hand tightly; continue to tell him that she want him to live with her and her father. Sungmin is trying to explain to her slowly about why he couldn’t live with her and her father. He was crouch down in front of the girl, wiping the tears away from her face when Jinri launch herself at him, hugging him tightly.

“But I don’t want to apart from mommy again”

“You still have your daddy. He love you very much” Sungmin try to persuade her once again.

She hug Sungmin tighter, “But I want mommy too!”

Kyuhyun crouch down beside her and rubbing her back, trying to calm her down, “Your mommy has a lot of things to do right now, Jinri-ah… so he couldn’t live with us right now”

Jinri loosening her hold and look at Sungmin in the eyes, “Really?” Sungmin nodded his head with a forced smile, “But we’ll meet again, right?” hope could be seen on her eyes. Sungmin didn’t know what to do, so he look at Kyuhyun direction who silently nodded his head and Sungmin do what Kyuhyun told him to, he nodded his head. “Promise?”

“Jinri-ah…” Kyuhyun said. He know that they couldn’t promise her that. Sungmin has his own life and he didn’t want Jinri’s heart to be broken if he know that maybe she couldn’t meet Sungmin again.

“Promise me?” she held out his pinky and she take Sungmin’s hand. She encircle her pinky around Sungmin’s with a smile plastered on her face, “Promise sealed” she cheered, oblivious to the hopeless look on the two man’s face.

“It’s time for us to go home” Kyuhyun said after a while, sending an apologetic look at Sungmin who just smile back at him.

“Bye mommy” Jinri peck on Sungmin’s cheek before she grab her father’s hand.

“Thank you for taking care of my daughter, Sungmin-ssi” Kyuhyun bowed her body and Sungmin did the same. “We’ll be leaving” Kyuhyun bowed once again before he turn back and start to walk.

“Bye mommy!” Despite her father holding her hand tightly, Jinri continue to look back and wave her little hand.

Sungmin continue to stand there, with a sad smile plastering on his face until the lift door closed and he couldn’t see them anymore. It broke his heart to know that he is giving a false hope to a little girl but then he didn’t know what to do when that girl look at him with that sad eyes.

Sungmin shake his head, telling himself that Jinri will forget about him after a while. He open his apartment door and walk into his room. He stretched his body and suppressing a yawn, he still has a lot of things to do before he go to sleep.



Hey guys~~

How are you?

I’m sorry for the reaaaaaaaaally late update

I couldn’t write because college is !

This is my last year in college so I have a lot of paper to do and don’t forget about the research proposal for my essay, it’s getting quiet handy these days haha


But, well this is the continuation of this fic

nd finally... finally Kyu meet Min in this chapter hahaha

I'm sorry if it was short but I already try my best :D

Hopefully you'll like it guys~~


Don't forget to comment, subscribe and upvote!!

Because it makes me excited :D

Oh, if you want to contact me, you can contact me through twitter or ask me question at

I'll definitely answer all of your question :)


See you later at the next chapter guys~~

*Wave hand and vanish like a ninja*


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[09/02/14] I've been busy with college but hopefully I'll update the next chapter soon, sorry for the inconvenience *deep bow*


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Chapter 7: Just saw this ff and so cuteeee... XD

I hope you can continue this story ^^~

I wanna know kyumin's interaction, their life with jinri and jinri's plan xDD kkkk
lindasu #2
Chapter 7: Pls update soon. Can't wait for them to fall in love.
casanova7 #3
Chapter 7: I can't wait to see Jinri and Hyunwoo's actions to make Min as her mother (and thus make KyuMin together~) hehehehe ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri fighting!!!!
Hope Kyuhyun will love Sungmin soon so he can be your mother ^^

Good luck for your presentation....
I did my presentation in early January....
Unfortunately, my lecturer wants me to skip chapter one and three so I just explained chapter three :(
But it went well, hope yours success too ^^
Chapter 7: Jinri and Hyunwoo on mission! the beginning of their friendship~^^
and Hyunwoo face was flushing when Jinri kiss him! aww so cute >.<

good luck for your presentation, author-nim! fighting!!
mrshaee #6
Chapter 7: this is so so so cuteeee <3

fighting author nim n_n
Chapter 7: good luck for your presentation....
hyukiemine #8
Chapter 7: wish u luck for ur presentation.. aarhhhh finaly... after for so long.. "alay" thanks for update.. i cant help to know what jinri n hyunwoo will do to make sungmin her mother... kekekeke.. ^_^
Chapter 7: daebak!!! love this story so much!!!!! kyaaa~~~ hope vic will not appear again to disturb cho family >.<
xtinejoy #10
Chapter 7: im excited! Lets see what will jinri and her new friend do to make min her m0m.l0oking forward to the next chapters.
Go0d luck to your research proposal..