Chapter 19

SHINeeing Shanghai

I love how this picture pops up when I search for "Sleeping, Close, Together" on Google.
And yeah, I wasn't surfing for , I was looking for a picture for this story !! >.>


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“But… I want to sleep next to Minji…” I said. Why was my mattress placed between Jonghyun’s and Minho’s? It seemed like a terrible idea, according to me.

“This is perfect, just go to sleep,” Key said and snuggled close to Taemin.

“Hyung!” Taemin exclaimed with a terrified face.

“Shut it, Tae-baby, I’m trying to sleep,” Key said. Minji smiled at me.

“It’s okay ~~~~, I’m right on the other side of Jonghyun,” she said with a smile. Onew stumbled and fell face first onto his mattress. He pouted.

“Why am I always the one sleeping on the edge?” he asked. Minho lay down in the mattress next to him.

“You have your chicken,” he said calmly. Jonghyun gave me a push in the right direction before throwing himself onto his own mattress.

“Ah, this feels so good, sleeping is underrated.”

“Last one on her feet turns the light off!” Key declared. Oh, you evil person. I walked to the wall and turned off the lamp.

“Wah, I can’t see anything!” I said and held my arms out in front of me.

“Follow my voice, I’ll sing to guide you,” Jonghyun said and started humming.

“Shut up!” Key said and he was followed by a murmur.

“Oh, I see,” Jonghyun said. “Just come over here ~~~~, so we can snuggle…” I knew approximately where the mattresses were, but who knew what was standing in my way. Maybe I should wait a minute until my eyes had adjusted to the dark.

“What are you doing just standing there?” Minji asked. “You’re creeping me out, you look like the girl from ‘Paranormal Activity’…”

“Did you have to say that!? Now I’ll never be able to look at ~~~~-ah again!” Onew burst out.

“What are you talking about?” Taemin’s voice soared through the room.

“A scary movie, you’re too young to see it,” Key said.

“I’m always too young…” Taemin complained.

“I won’t be able to sleep tonight,” Jonghyun said in a gruffy voice. “I hate that movie!” I had finally made my way to the beds.

“Is this my…?” I was interrupted when I felt someone put one’s leg out making me trip. “Ow, what the…!” I shut up quickly when I realized that I had landed on Minho’s mattress, our legs entangled and our faces only inches apart.

“I’m so sorry ~~~~, are you okay? I was just stretching,” Jonghyun said with an innocent tone.

“You’re not that tall, even when you stretch out,” Minho said. Jonghyun sat up.

“Why are everyone complaining about my height today!?” he roared out.

“It’s more about your shortness,” Taemin said comforting.

“Agh, you…” Jonghyun made an attempt to jump onto Taemin’s mattress. I awkwardly wiggled my way off of Minho’s mattress and crawled onto my own.

”Don’t worry about it…”



~~~~ seemed awkward lying in between me and Minho, just the way it should be. And I was going to make things more awkward, well, at least more intimate… After I had stopped trying to escape Key’s grasp and strangle Taemin and calmed down a little I returned to my part as the “rival”.

“Sleep tight, ~~~~,” I whispered softly and lay on the side looking at her. She smiled, or so I thought, it was pretty dark.

“Goodnight, oppa.”

“Goodnight everybody!” Onew called from his side of the row of mattresses.

“You’re too loud,” Minji growled. Onew huffed.

“Well I’m sorry, I just feel a bit distant from you all, lying so far away from you all,” Onew said bitterly.

“Dude, I’m right next to you,” Minho stated.

“That’s not the point,” Onew whined.

“None of this is the point, so if you guys could all just shut up so that Jong… so that we all can sleep,” Minji said angrily. I facepalmed myself. This wasn’t going very smooth.

“I’ll buy you chicken tomorrow, hyung,” I said in a friendly tone.

“Oh, chincha!? Goodnight everyone, let’s sleep so tomorrow will come faster!”


I waited and waited, I wanted to be sure that ~~~~ was asleep when I started with my plans. Finally I heard a silent snore escape her. Now was my time to shine. I faked a yawn and rolled over so I lay on the splice between hers and my mattress. I think I saw Minho tense up. Good, he’s awake… I turned to my side, facing ~~~~, who was sleeping with her back against me. I closed my eyes just a little, so the moonlight wouldn’t make any reflections in them. I couldn’t let Minho know that I was awake. I faked another yawn and stretched my arm up and slowly letting it fall. Putting my arm around would be cosy… I was hoping…

“Don’t. You. Dare.” Minho’s hand grabbed my wrist. Just what I expected. “Keep your hands off of her.” I didn’t answer. I was ”asleep”. Instead I moved my body closer to ~~~~’s and groaned a little. “Yah, yah, yah! What do you think you’re doing?” Minho whispered angrily. Omo, he was so desperate.



What was he doing, pressing himself against her like that!? She’s too pure to be touched by that filthy player… I quickly pushed his arm away from me and grabbed ~~~~ by the waist, pulling her towards myself, away from that .

“Mwoh…?” A faint whisper escaped ~~~~’s lips and I realized what the hell I was doing. Now who was the ? Please don’t wake up, please, please, please… ~~~~’s eyes remained closed. I exhaled in relief and closed my eyes for a second. I opened my eyes again and stared at ~~~~’s face. Now what? What was I planning to do now? I looked over at Jonghyun who had taken over most part of ~~~~’s mattress. I bit my lower lip as I thought hard about it. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt keeping her close, like this…? At least I wasn’t going to her…



“Mwoh…?” I was too tired to open my eyes. What was going on? I felt a protective arm around my waist. Huh? Nugu? Who? I could hear Onew talk about chicken in his sleep on the other side of this person. Then, this must be… Minho. I had to work hard to control my breathing and to not open my eyes. Why was he holding me? Maybe it wasn’t him… How would I find out without opening my eyes, without letting him know that I’m awake…? Maybe if I… got a little closer. Carefully and quietly I nuzzled closer to the person. A broad chest with hard muscles… Definitely Minho. I dared to open my eyes slightly and look at him. All I could see was his neck, and a lock of dark hair. That jaw line… definitely Minho’s. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. I could undeniably go back to sleep lying like this.

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Sorry for being slow, again, "/
I hope you can all forgive me.
I hope you enjoy this short chapter :)

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Tinkerbell :)<3

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pollbaby #1
Chapter 22: So amazing! I love the way you write author-nim! <3
Chapter 22: Great story
hahahaha awww Onew, smh
poor minnie is to young to know anything.
XD luring Taemin out with candy. hahahahahah I just love it more more more...srry I forgot to comment.
ino right, aren't we cute.. :D
The sun really got me..I eat pancakes im going to have to eat them like that now. hahahahaha
yes Minho that was very sweet of you.
they ditched me....
well since they did tell the teacher that i still had a cuncussion, then i guess staying here wouldn't be all that bad. *smiles*
I'm glad you caught on to that, because I still don't think I caught on. lol
I LOVE IT, HURRY AND UPDATE NOW...I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN A YEAR AND WHEN I CAME BACK TO READ, ITS ON THE SAME DATE AS LAST YEAR. I LOOKED AT MY LAST COMMENT. I miss spamming your story. hahahahahahaha It's just too good, plz update soon, and srry it took so long to read it, I haven't been on in a while. V^-^
this was a nice chapter. I was squealing and screaming. lol
Jjong, don't attack Taemin to much, aww Onew, don't worry we all love you and your next to Minho XD
omg Minho has his arms around me. I love it I love it. Great plan although you took up all of my mattress. I feel safe and protected, i can really go to sleep. What will happen tomorrow?????
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo close T^T
so darn close. I cant believe my darn phone ranged. I thought that was the perfect moment, and with the sun setting. screams....waaaa how could this happen..........darn phone..grrrr
~le sigh~
let's get back to the sleepover.. I total forgot about that for a sec two. lol
ok onward..and ino jjong oppa. *smiles*
hahaha this was too funny, yet it was soo close that it scared me. Onew thinking and seeing the wrong thing. Jonghyun would never do anything like that to hurt me. I was O.O the whole time. Poor Jjong, he got punched for like no reason. This is beginning to become to much. Let me just take a while to get myself to gether, I need to think. hahahah Taemin burst up in the kitchen with "Where's the salad" lol awww he's sooo cure I pinch his cheeks. Minho and Onew fighting for the chair to sit next to me. lol wow
Onew go eat your chicken stew, lol its waiting for you.
Confess confess !!! Already !