Chapter 12.

SHINeeing Shanghai


Me and Minji were in our hotelroom, lying on the sofa, zapping the TV. Minji was really tired after the field trip so we desided we wouldn't do anywhere tonight. We would just stay in and hang out.

"So how was the field trip?"

"We were to some historical museums which were kinda intresting but I have to admit that I'd rather done something else" She yawned.

"Arasso, they're usually pretty boring" I smiled.

"Haha, yepp! So what have you been up to today?"

"I've been hanging out with Minho oppa. Did you know that they have a pool on the roof?! It's freakin' awesome!" I started to think about how Minho oppa's body looked in the sunlight.

"Stop drooling!" Minji laughed and nuged my shoulder.

"Huh, drooligt? I was not!" And as I said that I quickly swept my hand over my mouth to make sure I really hadn't been drooling.

"You were thinking of Minho oppa, weren't you?" She playfully asked.

"Nopp!" I started blushing.

"Yes, you were! You like him, don't you?"

I started to blush even more. "I won't tell him but you have to be honest with me, do you like him?" Minji gave me a serious look. What should I answer? I don't even know myself if I like him or not.


"Hyung!" I turned around.

"Oh Taemin-ah!"

"So what'd you wanna talk 'bout?" My dongsaeng looked curiously at me.

"Ehm, not in here. Let's go for a walk and I'll tell you, 'key?"

We walked out of the lobby and out on the street.

"Hyung, I told the others we'd buy candy"

"Well ok, let's go to a market then"

We started walking along the sidewalk. I looked at the kid next to me, could I really trust him with this? Or will he just blab to the others? Do I really want this to get out just yet?

"What?!" Taemin looked at me.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Just checking"

"Well, check elsewhere" He sounded annoyed.

"Yah! Why are you like that? What'd I do you?"

"Well, you call me out here and then just stare at me. I thought you wanted to talk about something"

"Hmm, you're right. I want to talk about Minho, but I'm not sure I should be trusting you not blabbing to everyone!" I looked at him.

"Why would I blad?!" He looked really offended.

Oh, a bench! "Tae, let's sit down and talk. I'll tell you what I know if you PROMISE not to tell anyone" I pointed at the bench.


We sat down and jeez, this boy is really curious. He was jumping up and down while he's sitting.



"Don't interrupt, if you do it again I won't tell" Taemin made this kindergarden gesture where you "lock" you mouth and throw away the "key". Speaking of which, wonder if Key's with the others...

"So?" I woke up from my daydream about Key and wiped cream.

"Yeah, you know when we were at the hospital and Minho went and talked to the doc? I thought it was kinda strange that Minho pretended to be ~~~~'s brother so I followed them to the office and overheard their conver..."

"Hyung, you know that it's unpolite to eavesdrop! How could you?!"

"Could you let me tell the story or not?!" Taemin nodded. "Good! So, I listened to their conversation and the doctor said that ~~~~ was alright and that if she was careful she could do everything her classmates did"

"Ok, will there be a punchline or is this the story?" He looked confused. Seriously, is this kid dumb or something?!

"When Minho got back he told us that ~~~~ had a light concussion. And today he's 'sick' all of a sudden!"

"So? Hyung's not perfect. He can also get sick" Taemin still looked confused.

"O-M-FREAKIN'-G! Are you slow or something? Minho lied to us and he probably isn't sick at all. I think he likes ~~~~"

"OMO OMO OMO! Hyung, are you serious?" Now, it finally sank in.

"I dunno. We have to find out!"

Now Taemin's totally exited. "How are we going to do this? Should we talk to the others? They probably have awsome ideas for what to do!"

"No, we're not saying a word to Key and Onew"


"Because... Well, it doesn't matter. We're NOT saying a word to them" I gave him a scary look so that the message would sink in.

"Ehm, so how then?"

"Well, tonight we should have a sleep over. Just the five of us. And when they're getting tired we'll get him" *Demonic smile* I stood up and continued walking. Soon Taemin caught up with me.

"Hyung, you're smart. One wouldn't think that just by looking at you" Jeez, thanks. I gave him a sarcastic smile. Without even noticing my expression he continued. "Now let's go buy candy and go back. Or else Key hyung'll nag me"

We bought the candy (and a pizza, ice cream and lots of soda) and went back to the hotel. When we got to the hotelroom the guys happily greeted us. And when they saw we had pizza they jumped at us fighting over a piece.

"HYUNGS! Could you stop? There's enough for everyone" Taemin who had managed to escape was now trying to calm them down. It didn't go that great. "YAAAAH, please stop! Key hyung, can't you see that you're strangeling Jonghyun hyung?!" He was trying to get Key to stop but they elder was too strong.

In the end he just sat down on the couch with the ice cream and started eating, waiting for us to stop. When we eventually did (after like an hour) we were all really tired and desided to watch some TV.

"Aaaah, I'm so tired" Key was yawning and streching. "I'm going to bed now, good night" He hugged everyone and then kissed me on the cheek *YEEY! ♥_♥*

"Good night" Everyone answered and then we continued to watch TV.

"Cute girl" I was referring to the show we were watching. She really was.

"Hmm, I think there are others who are prettier" Minho said. Oh now we got you!

"Like who?" Taemin gave me a blink.

"I don't know, but I think that there are"

"No one on your mind?" I said with a playful voice.


"No one on your mind?" Jonghyun smirked at me. What's with the grin on his face?

"Eh, no" I looked at him 'cause he was behaving wierd. "Do you have someone on your mind?"

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe ~~~~? What do you think of her?"

Hi everyone! :) I'm finally back, so so sorry for the long wait but I haven't had any inspiration (or time) :////. But I'll try to update fast from noe on :) Hope you like this chapter, think it's the longest I've written for now.

Pls comment, xoxo

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pollbaby #1
Chapter 22: So amazing! I love the way you write author-nim! <3
Chapter 22: Great story
hahahaha awww Onew, smh
poor minnie is to young to know anything.
XD luring Taemin out with candy. hahahahahah I just love it more more more...srry I forgot to comment.
ino right, aren't we cute.. :D
The sun really got me..I eat pancakes im going to have to eat them like that now. hahahahaha
yes Minho that was very sweet of you.
they ditched me....
well since they did tell the teacher that i still had a cuncussion, then i guess staying here wouldn't be all that bad. *smiles*
I'm glad you caught on to that, because I still don't think I caught on. lol
I LOVE IT, HURRY AND UPDATE NOW...I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN A YEAR AND WHEN I CAME BACK TO READ, ITS ON THE SAME DATE AS LAST YEAR. I LOOKED AT MY LAST COMMENT. I miss spamming your story. hahahahahahaha It's just too good, plz update soon, and srry it took so long to read it, I haven't been on in a while. V^-^
this was a nice chapter. I was squealing and screaming. lol
Jjong, don't attack Taemin to much, aww Onew, don't worry we all love you and your next to Minho XD
omg Minho has his arms around me. I love it I love it. Great plan although you took up all of my mattress. I feel safe and protected, i can really go to sleep. What will happen tomorrow?????
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo close T^T
so darn close. I cant believe my darn phone ranged. I thought that was the perfect moment, and with the sun setting. screams....waaaa how could this happen..........darn phone..grrrr
~le sigh~
let's get back to the sleepover.. I total forgot about that for a sec two. lol
ok onward..and ino jjong oppa. *smiles*
hahaha this was too funny, yet it was soo close that it scared me. Onew thinking and seeing the wrong thing. Jonghyun would never do anything like that to hurt me. I was O.O the whole time. Poor Jjong, he got punched for like no reason. This is beginning to become to much. Let me just take a while to get myself to gether, I need to think. hahahah Taemin burst up in the kitchen with "Where's the salad" lol awww he's sooo cure I pinch his cheeks. Minho and Onew fighting for the chair to sit next to me. lol wow
Onew go eat your chicken stew, lol its waiting for you.
Confess confess !!! Already !