Chapter 11.

SHINeeing Shanghai


I hung up the phone and then went to brush my teeth. While brushing them I was looking through my suitcase for my bikini. I'm 100% positive that I packed it! Where is it?! I'm starting to panic 'cos i can't find it. As I finished brushing my teeth I finally found it. I got changed and put my hair in a ponytail. Then I put on some waterproof mascara and just as I was finished the doorbell rang. I opened.

"Annyeong oppa!" I smiled.

"God morning. You up for some fun?" Minho oppa smiled back.

"Ofc, I'll just grad a towel and we can go"


As we came up, we saw that we were the only ones there. It was really beautiful, you could see the the whole town and the sun was shining so all the glass buildings sparkled.

"This is so pretty" I looked around in awe.

"Yeah, you are"

I turned around and looked at Minho oppa. He was looking right back at me with a piercing look. Just as I was about to ask what he said, in case I heard him wrong, he smiled his goofy smile and started to run.


I looked at him as he spashed into the pool and then calmly took off my shorts and t-shirt. I then walked to the pool and as he came up to the surface, I screamed and jumped in too, making the biggest spash EVER. We played around for a while chasing each other. Then I started to feel a little headache.

"I think I'm going to rest for a while. I feel a bit tired" I sat on the poolside looking at Minho as he swan a few lines. He then joined me and we sat in silence for a while.

"They have a jacuzzi, let's go warm ourselves up" Minho stood up. He reached his hand to me and helped me stand up.

"Thanks" I looked at him and once again I saw the piercing look in his eyes. It's like he's trying to tell me something but in the last second he changes his mind.

We made ourselves comfy in the jacuzzi and just looked at the view for a while. Then Minho oppa put his hand around my shoulders.

"Are you cold?"

"No, I'm fine. The jacuzzi's pretty warm" I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and stood up. Wow, his body's pretty smokin', with all the water dripping from him and the sun making him sparkle.

"We probably should get some lunch, don't you think? I'm pretty starving" He reached me my towel.

As we got down to the hotel restaurant I saw that it was already 3.15PM. The others would come back soon. We ordered food and sat down at a table.

"How're you feeling?"

"I'm ok. A little hungry, but that's going to change soon" I rudded my tummy.

"Ok, haha! I'm glad to hear that your head's ok" He chuckled.

Then they came with our food and we ate. It was really delicious and Minho's food too (he let me try it). During the whole time we  talked and joked and laughed a lot. When the others came back, my tummy was hurting not only from the massive portion of food but also from all the laughing. I swear that I'm going to get toned just by laughing! We didn't tell the others that we'd been in the pool all the day. I don't know why, but it felt like our secret.


"Hyung, what've you been doing all day?" Taemin and I were watching TV in our room.

"I've been there at the hotel with ~~~~. We've been bonding"

"Minho-yah, do you like ~~~~?" Key joined the conversation.

"Let's watch TV now, ok? I'm tired" I tried to avoid the subject. I don't like lying to my friends, but I don't want to talk about this right now.


Hmm, what's up with hyung? Why's he so secretive?


"I'll take it" I went to the phone. "Yeoboseyo?"

"Hi Taemin-ah. It's me, Jonghyun"

"Oh, anneyong hyung! What's up?"

"Wanna go for a walk and talk?" Huh? What's up with him?

"Ehh, is something up?"

"It's about Minho. Meet me in five in the lobby, key?"

"Yeh, see you there"

We hanged up and I went to put on my shoes.

"Who was it?"

"It was just Jonghyun hyung" I answered Minho.

"Is my husband coming here?" Key asked.

"No, he just wanted to go for a quick walk and buy some candy. I'll go with him and then we'll come here" I waved good bye and left.

Hi again! I'm back with another chapter. What do you think? I'm not having inspiration, so it's not that good. T.T And I'm also sorry for the long wait, I'll try to update faster next time! ^^

Once again I want to thank Tinkerbell for some help with this chapter :)

I really love all my subscribers and readers and I'm very thakful for everyone of you Enjoy reading!


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pollbaby #1
Chapter 22: So amazing! I love the way you write author-nim! <3
Chapter 22: Great story
hahahaha awww Onew, smh
poor minnie is to young to know anything.
XD luring Taemin out with candy. hahahahahah I just love it more more more...srry I forgot to comment.
ino right, aren't we cute.. :D
The sun really got me..I eat pancakes im going to have to eat them like that now. hahahahaha
yes Minho that was very sweet of you.
they ditched me....
well since they did tell the teacher that i still had a cuncussion, then i guess staying here wouldn't be all that bad. *smiles*
I'm glad you caught on to that, because I still don't think I caught on. lol
I LOVE IT, HURRY AND UPDATE NOW...I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN A YEAR AND WHEN I CAME BACK TO READ, ITS ON THE SAME DATE AS LAST YEAR. I LOOKED AT MY LAST COMMENT. I miss spamming your story. hahahahahahaha It's just too good, plz update soon, and srry it took so long to read it, I haven't been on in a while. V^-^
this was a nice chapter. I was squealing and screaming. lol
Jjong, don't attack Taemin to much, aww Onew, don't worry we all love you and your next to Minho XD
omg Minho has his arms around me. I love it I love it. Great plan although you took up all of my mattress. I feel safe and protected, i can really go to sleep. What will happen tomorrow?????
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo close T^T
so darn close. I cant believe my darn phone ranged. I thought that was the perfect moment, and with the sun setting. screams....waaaa how could this happen..........darn phone..grrrr
~le sigh~
let's get back to the sleepover.. I total forgot about that for a sec two. lol
ok onward..and ino jjong oppa. *smiles*
hahaha this was too funny, yet it was soo close that it scared me. Onew thinking and seeing the wrong thing. Jonghyun would never do anything like that to hurt me. I was O.O the whole time. Poor Jjong, he got punched for like no reason. This is beginning to become to much. Let me just take a while to get myself to gether, I need to think. hahahah Taemin burst up in the kitchen with "Where's the salad" lol awww he's sooo cure I pinch his cheeks. Minho and Onew fighting for the chair to sit next to me. lol wow
Onew go eat your chicken stew, lol its waiting for you.
Confess confess !!! Already !