Chapter 1.

SHINeeing Shanghai

It's not something I've been working on for a long time, so bare with me if there're some errors :) I'll try to update soon, but probably i'll do that on weekends. So I'll stop babbling now.



"~~~~-ah! Wait up!" someone called after me and I looked back.

"Teamin-ah! Annyeong!" I smiled at the boy who was standing next to me. "So, what's up?" I asked.

"Not much really. Just a history exam today and a paper that's due tomorrow..."

"Ok, nice...NOT!" I answered and started to laugh so hard I could barely breath.

"YAH! What's so funny?! You know that your sense of humor is awful, right?" Taemin looked mad.

"Pabo, you know I'm just joking! Don't be mad at me." I giggled and before Taemin could answer me the bell rang and we had to head of to class.

It was geography... so boring. I looked at the clock like every ten seconds but it never seemed to move. *Yaaawn* I didn't even listen to the teacher. All I heard was "Earthquake bla, bla, bla, bla". Seriously, why do I need to know how earthquakes start and what happens inside the earth then? It's not like I'm going to be a scientist in this particular subject.
I looked at Taeminnie, he was listening to music and I could see how his body tensed when he tried to dance but then remembered that he couldn't do that here.
*Yawn* Oh, how I hate school and lessons and teachers and homework and just everything that had to do with school. I just want to be in my warm bed with my duvet up to my chin. I began to smile at that thought. Nice... I looked at the clock again. 9.00. Ten minutes left. Such a long time! *Yawn, yawn*

Finally the bell rang and the lesson ended.

"Read pages 56-66 until Friday and don't forget to answer the questions in the the back of the book," our teacher told us and then left.

I looked up the questions. For real! Ten pages PLUS five essay questions until friday. That's like two days away. Is she doing this to annoy me even more!? I hate her!

Just when I was about to stand up and scream in front of the whole class someone nudged my shoulder and wispered in my ear.

"~~~~, let's go for a walk around the school so you can calm down. Next lessons starts in ten minutes, so we have time."

I looked up and there was Taeminn. I should've guessed, this dude knows me pretty well, too well... I guess that that's what happens when you know a person for your whole life. I'm only one month older than him. He is my best friend in the whole wide world (when we were babies we even shared a crib), even a better friend than his hyungs: Jinki, Jonghyun, Kibum and Minho. Those guys were always taking care of me and making sure that no guy got too close to me. They were like my brothers, always overprotective and spoiling me, and I loved them with all of my heart. My oppas had already graduated from Incheon High but they were still a big part of the school because of all the things they had done for it. For example Minho loved soccer and had shot the winning goal against our rival school at last years' Champion Ship Final and Jonghyun had won a national singing competition and donated all of the award money to the school.

"So, ~~~~, are we going for that walk or not? Time's ticking." Taemin was now getting a bit annoyed because of me drifting away.

"Yes, of course!" I quickly stood up and started to move through the crowded classroom.

We went into the corridor which was pretty crowded too and saw a group of our friends besides the grande exit.

"Let's go talk to them" I said as I pointed to the crowd.

So what did you guys think? Need to hear your opinions :)

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pollbaby #1
Chapter 22: So amazing! I love the way you write author-nim! <3
Chapter 22: Great story
hahahaha awww Onew, smh
poor minnie is to young to know anything.
XD luring Taemin out with candy. hahahahahah I just love it more more more...srry I forgot to comment.
ino right, aren't we cute.. :D
The sun really got me..I eat pancakes im going to have to eat them like that now. hahahahaha
yes Minho that was very sweet of you.
they ditched me....
well since they did tell the teacher that i still had a cuncussion, then i guess staying here wouldn't be all that bad. *smiles*
I'm glad you caught on to that, because I still don't think I caught on. lol
I LOVE IT, HURRY AND UPDATE NOW...I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN A YEAR AND WHEN I CAME BACK TO READ, ITS ON THE SAME DATE AS LAST YEAR. I LOOKED AT MY LAST COMMENT. I miss spamming your story. hahahahahahaha It's just too good, plz update soon, and srry it took so long to read it, I haven't been on in a while. V^-^
this was a nice chapter. I was squealing and screaming. lol
Jjong, don't attack Taemin to much, aww Onew, don't worry we all love you and your next to Minho XD
omg Minho has his arms around me. I love it I love it. Great plan although you took up all of my mattress. I feel safe and protected, i can really go to sleep. What will happen tomorrow?????
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo close T^T
so darn close. I cant believe my darn phone ranged. I thought that was the perfect moment, and with the sun setting. screams....waaaa how could this happen..........darn phone..grrrr
~le sigh~
let's get back to the sleepover.. I total forgot about that for a sec two. lol
ok onward..and ino jjong oppa. *smiles*
hahaha this was too funny, yet it was soo close that it scared me. Onew thinking and seeing the wrong thing. Jonghyun would never do anything like that to hurt me. I was O.O the whole time. Poor Jjong, he got punched for like no reason. This is beginning to become to much. Let me just take a while to get myself to gether, I need to think. hahahah Taemin burst up in the kitchen with "Where's the salad" lol awww he's sooo cure I pinch his cheeks. Minho and Onew fighting for the chair to sit next to me. lol wow
Onew go eat your chicken stew, lol its waiting for you.
Confess confess !!! Already !