Renee, Abigail, Emily and Amy woke up to some girl's screaming. They didn't know whats going on, so they rushed to outside wearing only their pyjamas.

"you've gotta be kidding me" Abigail said as she watched what was happening.

the reason why the girls were screaming was that some of the boys were taking off their shirts and running around the beach.

"well this isn't a good reason for waking up, I'm going back to sleep" Renee said, but she didn't move a inch and still stared at the boys.
"I thought you were leaving?" Emily said to Renee, but didn't take her gaze away of the boys.
"Yesyes I'm on my way already..." Renee said and started to back a little.
"BYEBYE!!" Amy said as she ran to the other girls and started to scream aswell.
"Okay girls I'm already seeing drool coming out of  your mouths, we are going inside now!!" Abigail said and grabbed Renee's and Emily's arms and pulled them inside.


"So I guess we can count Amy out of our plans now" Emily said and rolled her eyes.
"Yeah... but hey no one told me about any plans" Renee said and gave a curious look at the girls.
"We thought that we could just walk around the place and say goodbyes to beach and trampoline!" Emily said excited.
"Okay, I guess that sounds nice" Renee said back.
"Come on, I'm already ready to leave!!" Abigail shouted from the door.
"COMING~" Renee and Emily said back and ran to the door.


They were walking around the place, including the forest where Renee and Woohyun met and then they decided to go to trampoline. They managed to jump a few minutes before someone interrupted them.

"Hello there!" Woohyun said to Renee and her friends.
"Oh hi, wanna join?" Renee asked and wished that he would say yes, but Woohyun refused and said:
"Naaw not now, we were just passing by, going to swim actually"
"What a shame! But who are those behind you?" Renee couldn't have noticed that the three of his and two of her friends were looking between Renee and Woohyun all the time, waiting for them to be introduced.
"Oh right, I'm sorry guys, so this Eiffel-tower here is Sungyeol" Sungyeol punched Woohyun to his arm and Woohyun moaned a little bit, because of the pain.
"Hello!" Sungyeol said to Renee. Renee said the same back and thought that that boy really is tall, to her he looked older than Woohyun aswell.
"And this one here is Sunggyu" Woohyun pointed at the guy next to him.
"Hi, nice to meet you!" Sunggyu said happily and smiled at Renee and her friends. Renee just nodded to him and said the same.
"And this emotioneless one is Myungsoo" Woohyun said and added: "but I'm sure you all knew him so far." Myungsoo didn't even bother to look at them.
"Yeah I knew his name and such." Renee answered and looked at the boy. Then there fell a long silence between the boys and the girls until Renee noticed that of course she had to introduce her friends aswell.
"Oh right sorry I froze for a moment, but this is Abigail and this is Emily." Renee finally said.
"Its really nice meet you all" Everyone said to everyone.
"So hopefully see you around, if not here anymore, then at school, right?" Woohyun asked from the girls.
"Yeah, have nice time at the beach" They answered back and watched the boy's leaving.

As the boys were gone, Abigail started to poke Renee and repeated the word "right" probably ten times in a row.
"OH SHUT UP ABIGAIL!!" Renee finally screamed at her.
"HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TOLD YOU NOT TO USE THAT NAME?!!"  Abigail suddenly exploded and started to pull Renee from her hair.
"OUCH THAT HURTS GOD DAMMIT LET GO!!!!!!!!" They just continued fighting.
"I still wonder how I'm the youngest one here" Emily sighted.


The teachers said that the students should go to back their stuff since they are leaving already. Everyone was little bit sad, because it was nice to have a weekend like this in the middle of a school year. People started to get on the bus and then the bus drive away, leaving only memories behind.


"WE ARE BACK!" Renee and Abigail yelled as they opened Renee's house's door.
"Oh already?! did you have fun there?" Renee's mother asked when she heard the girls coming in.
"Of course we did, is food ready? I'm so hungry." Renee started to complain right away.
"In a hour it is, meanwhile you can unpack your stuff and such" Renee's mother said.


"You were so quiet in the bus, is something wrong?" Abigail asked right away when they entered Renee's room.
"No, I was just sleeping" Renee lied.
"No you weren't, in case you didn't sleep your eyes open." Abigail said.
"Okayokayokay, I was just thinking..."
Instead of answering, Renee turned her back at Abigail and started to unpack her stuff.
"I knew it" Abigail said when she didn't hear an answer back.


It was monday and original school day for the students. Renee and Abigail were early at school this time, but still half asleep, because of staying up so late. Their math teacher were about to scold them, because of sleeping in the class and because they didn't do their homeworks but an announcemet from the radio came:

"Good afternoon students and sorry for interrupting class, but we have some amazing news! We will hold a suprise concert in the school auditorium in 15minutes! Teachers, make sure that you will send your students there, because the performers have trained for this concert many weeks and they have worked really hard! But see you there soon, bye~"

"What a relief, I wouldn't have been able to listen any more scolds today..." Abigail said to Renee and Renee just nodded.


The students started to take seats in the auditorium and after a while of waiting the concert started. There were many performances, but few of the performances took Renee's, Abigail's, Emily's and Amy's attention.

"And the next performance is by Kim Sunggyu! and he will sing his own made song called "Because" " someone announced and the whole audience started to clap.

"I think I have heard that name before..." Abigail started to reminisce. As soon as the person came to the stage, Renee and Abigail recognized him.
"Isn't that the one who was with "HIM"?" Renee asked from Abigail.
"I guess, but lets listen now."

As soon as Sunggyu started to sing, the whole audience was dumbfounded, everybody stared at him their mouths wide open. It seemed like Sunggyu made the whole audience fall in love with him, well at least one person.

"Abigail, stop drooling...." Renee joked and hitted Abigail's arm lightly.
"You say what?" Abigail couldn't hear what Renee said, since she was so concentrated to his performance.
"Nothing important, keep watching him" Renee said with a grin in her face.

When Sunggyu finished his song, everybody stood up and whistled at him. He just smiled back and said "Thank you very much." But announcer continued: "There is still one performance left, so be patient and sit back! So, the next performancer is Nam Woohyun and he will sing his own made song aswell called "Time" "

"HIM ?!?!" Renee almost yelled and her heart started to beat really fast.
"Yeah I guess, lets see... oh yeah its him" Abigail said when she saw Woohyun coming to the stage.
"Oh my god, he didn't tell me he can sing...." Renee said.

The same what happened to Sunggyu happened to Woohyun too, everybody stared at him amazed, but after the first chorus, half of the audience was crying, because of his beautiful beautiful voice.

Abigail turned her head at Renee and said:
"Renee dear, are you crying?"
"Absolutely not!" Renee said back as tears fell down from her eyes.

As soon as the performance was finished, everybody stood up again and clapped to Woohyun, he gave the audience big smile and thanked the audience. it looked like he was about to cry too.


Later on the same day, Renee, Abigail, Emily and Amy were walking out of the school when the classes finished, but Emily suddenly spotted Woohyun and his friends walking in the hallway a bit  ahead of them. Abigail knew that Renee wanted to talk with him, so she pushed her forward and said that "Go, it might be your chance now"

Renee walked next to Woohyun, he still didn't notice her, but Renee whispered to his ear:
Woohyun didn't expect this so he got scared and almost jumped 2 metres to the air, but as soon as he saw who it was he said:
"OMG I thought I was going to die, don't do that again!"
"Hahaha don't worry, I wont, but could I talk with you in private?" Renee got to the point right away. Woohyun said to his friends that wait him outside and he and Renee walked to another hallway.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked.
"Well umm... you know that you have a nice singing voice" Renee said a bit shyly.
"Haha using my words now? but thank you" Woohyun grinned.
"Of course and you are welcome~ but why didn't you tell me that you actually can sing when we first met?" Renee was bit confused.
"Actually I don't know, maybe because I wanted you to hear my own song" Woohyun said.
"Oh is that so? Well I liked it very much." Renee said and felt a blush coming to her face.
"Apparently so much that you cried." Woohyun said back and grinned at her again.
"Oh shut up I just had something in my eye, thats why the tears!!" Renee yelled and punched Woohyun.
"Ouch you hit hard..." Woohyun whined. Renee didn't manage to say anything back before Woohyun's friend's called him to come, since they were in a hurry.
"I'm sorry, but I have to leave now, but hey let's talk some other time?" He asked.
"Oh its okay, lets talk when we both got some time" Renee said a bit sadly, since she would have wanted to talk with him more.
"Well see you again tomorrow, bye~" Woohyun said and left.
"Sure, bye!" Renee said and didn't notice that Woohyun put something to her bag.
"Hmm, I was overhearing your conversation" Abigail came right away when Woohyun had left.
"There wasn't anything to hear, really" Renee said back a bit dissapointed.
"Lets go home then" Abigail said and put her arm around Renee's shoulders.
"Btw have you called to your mother or dad?" Renee asked when they were walking at her place.
"No, They would call me if they missed me." Abigail said and Renee could see that tears came to her eyes, but Abigail holded the tears back.


Meanwhile within the 4 boys:

"Usually I don't care about anyone, but I think that girl has done something to you, you are so quiet these days." Myungsoo said to Woohyun.
"Haha I know that, but I'm just thinking."
"About her perhaps?" Sungyeol said back.
"Not only, about everything." Woohyun said.
"You liar!" Sunggyu grinned at Woohyun.
"Do you like her then?" Sungyeol asked suddenly.
"No, she is just a friend."


It was already evening when Renee finally unpacked her school bag and saw a little piece of paper, there were something written in it. Renee took it from the bag and saw a phone number there and a note saying: "text me when you have time." The note didn't have a name in it, but Renee took her phone and texted to this person, hoping it would be Woohyun.

"I have time now." She wrote. She didn't have to wait for long to get a text back:
"Finally, I didn't think you were this busy" the text said. Renee replied to the text:
"Haha I wasn't busy, I just didn't notice that you had left a note like this in my bag. Anyways do you happen to be Woohyun?" After a few minutes, she got answer back:
"Ahh okay, I thought you would never have time for texting. Yeaah I'm Woohyun, nice to meet you"
"I always have time for you. haha nice to meet you too, dork !! anyways what are you doing?" Renee didn't think twice before she sent that back, she thought that what the "I always have time for you" and "dork" what would he think about that ? what if he didn't reply back? She started to get really scared, but finally her phone vibrated.
"Ohh is that so? good to know so I can bother you with my problems and such haha! well you got that right, I'm a dork lol! But you know, I usually don't talk this often with people who I have just met, but I just feel comfortable to talk with you, I don't know why... do you happen to have a reason for that? And I'm just lying in bed and thinking about going to sleep soon, what about you?" Woohyun wrote her back. Renee's heart almost jumped to as she read the words "feel comfortable to talk with you"
"Haha of course you can, I really don't mind + I'm a good listener! Hmm I have wondered the same, because well its kinda embarassing to tell this, but I usually feel really awkward around boys, but not when I'm with you, but I don't know the reason why." She almost wrote that "we are soulmates, thats why" but held it back, since she was afraid of what Woohyun would think about that, but she countinued writing: "ahh okay, maybe we both should get some sleep, its early waking up again tomorrow, so good night and sweet dreams, lets talk more tomorrow at school?" Renee regretted of saying good nights now, but she thought that Woohyun must be very tired. After few minutes she got answer back:
"Thats good to know! naah don't worry about that, I wont tell anyone~ and maybe I'm a girl so thats why you are more comfortable around me haha! but about the reason, we need to just figure it out~ You are right, good night and sweet dreams :) lets talk tomorrow more then" Renee couldnt help but laugh at that girl thing, waking up Abigail.
" can't you be more louder ?!?!" Abigail got pissed.
"I'm sorry, continue sleeping..."


The next day started off badly, the weather ruined it all. It was raining heavily in the morning when the girls rushed to school. Renee was hoping to see Woohyun in the school, but she didn't see him during the whole day. She even asked Abigail, Emily and Amy to tell her if they saw him or his friends. No one saw any of them, and Renee lost her hope for talking with him. When the school day was finished, Abigail said that she would go to check if everything in her home was okay and that meant that Renee would have to walk alone to home. As she walked the streets, it started to rain even more than before and she didn't have an umbrella with her. Suddenly she heard someone calling her name from behind her, she turned back and saw Woohyun.

"RENEE! wait for me, I got an umbrella!" He yelled. Renee waited as he came next to her.
"Well I don't think that this umbrella helps anymore, I'm wet all over...." Renee said.
"Naah it depends how long way you still have ahead of you" Woohyun said.
"My house is nearby, is yours here aswell?" She asked.
"Not really." Woohyun said back.
"....Then why are you here?" Renee started to get really hopeful that he wanted just to see her.
"Actually I was going to Sunggyu's, since he lives around here." He said and Renee sighed silently.
"Ohh okay then, but remember what we had to figure out today? the reason why we are so comfortable around each others." Renee suddenly reminded of that.
"Girl you sure don't hesitate a lot haha!" Woohyun laughed at her.
"WHAAT?! I just want to know why because this is new for me!!" Renee said and took the umbrella from him and started to run.
"HEY COME BACK I'M GETTING WET HERE!!" Woohyun yelled and run towards Renee and when as  finally cathed her, he gave a back hug to her and said: "Gotcha!"
Renee started to feel the heat coming to her face, meaning she started to blush and her heart started to beat really fast. But still she seceded from his hug and started to walk forward again. They both suddenly got awkward because of the hug, but Renee finally opened :
"This is my house."
"Ohh it looks nice, but hey see you tomorrow again, hopefully at school this time ok?" Woohyun asked.
"Sure" Renee said and Woohyun turned back and started to walk away, but Renee suddenly walk to him again and grabbed his arm and turned him around and she pressed her lips agains his.

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Minhyorin #1
@HatrednAshes THANK YOUU! ♥
HatrednAshes #2
nice story :)
Minhyorin #3
@Some_turtle really? wow I thought this wouldn't be so good because its my first after all haha. But i'm glad you liked it~ and yes I have started already new story, so if you are interested in it, go and check it~
Some_Turtle #4
This was a really good fanfic, cause a. she didnt "wake up from her coma" like all the good happy ending stories, and it was a really nice touch to the end of my day. I enjoyed your story and it brought tears to me. thank you, and im looking foward to your other stories !!
Minhyorin #5
@jokerlydeejay exactly! you'll figure out soon what is going to happen~ i'm in the middle of writing the last chapter! its going to added soon~
gyuness #6
omg that means sunggyu is responsible for her death! and he doesnt even have a license :O
gyuness #7
she just died o.o
gyuness #8
Minhyorin #9
hahah just call me little sis from now on? XDDdd
kekekeke, but you are little!.....sis! xDDDD