and then it was halloween

Lazy days

A/N: hiiii guys omg there's so many of you ;A; this wasn't the update i planned but study and other fics got in the way and since i only have limited computer access right now i thought i'd better write at least something no matter how short so this happened

this is the chapter i wanted to write... like back in october OTL


I didn't get a chance to write an entry yesterday so I have to write one today. It was Halloween last night and I got lots of candy! I got scared too and I cried but I don't want to write mean things in case Jongdae steals my diary and reads it. And Sehun tickled me.

Joonmyun’s mobile phone beeps with a new message, jolting him out of his mid-afternoon nap. He rubs his eyes and checks his phone blearily; it’s from Jongdae.

yo joonkitty you home tomorrow?

Joonmyun blinks. He’s usually home most of the time. Eyeing the device warily, he types back an answer.

Yes. Why?
“Jongdae says it’s Halloween tomorrow,” Joonmyun pipes up at dinner that night. “He told me people scare each other and get candy!”

Sehun fills up their plates with mashed potatoes. “Uh-huh. What else did he tell you?” he says suspiciously.

One of Joonmyun’s ears flick about in thought. “He said you’re supposed to dress up,” he answers.

Jongin scoops broccoli onto Joonmyun’s plate, petting him between the ears when the catboy obediently puts a piece in his mouth and chews. “Did you want to go trick or treating?” he asks.

Joonmyun’s eyes light up at the million-dollar question. “Can we?” he gasps. “Please? I want to dress up and scare people!” He’s on the verge of exploding in his seat and Sehun hides a smile behind his hand.

“Should we?” he says to Jongin. “Even though our kitty has a scariness factor of zero?” he adds in a louder voice.

“I can be scary when I want,” Joonmyun says indignantly. He waves his fork around and roars at the vegetables on his plate, violently stabbing a carrot.

Sehun laughs outright and Jongin nearly snorts gravy up his nose.

“The only scary thing about you,” Jongin says after locating a box of tissues, “is the amount of food about to fall out of your mouth.” He closes the catboy’s jaw with his hand before any accidents happen.

Joonmyun swallows before talking again. “But I still want to go trick or treating… please?” he pleads, making the biggest puppy eyes as possible. “I’ll eat all my veges!”

Jongin rolls his eyes good-naturedly at his antics. “Okay,” he says, shrugging. “We can take you to get your costume tomorrow, yeah?”

“Okay!” Joonmyun fist-pumps, ecstatic.

“Sehun?” Jongin prompts.

“Sure,” the blond says around a mouthful of chicken. It’s his day off tomorrow anyway.

“Wait, what about you?” Joonmyun asks. “Everybody has to dress up too!”

“Dressing up is Sehun’s , not mine,” Jongin comments with a grin. “So no, I think I’ll pass–”

Joonmyun’s ears wilt a little.

Under the table, Sehun kicks Jongin.

“–ow, I mean, it’s mine too–”

The catboy leans over in his seat and hugs him tightly. “You’re the best,” he says with sparkly eyes. “This is going to be so much fun!”


No matter how much Joonmyun prods and begs, neither Sehun nor Jongin tell him what they’re dressing up as. They make him wait in the car while they purchase their costumes because “it’s supposed to be a surprise” and “no, you may not look.” On their way home Sehun remarks that Jongin actually likes dressing up more than he lets on and they all have a giggle about it, forgetting the subject of the mystery outfits. Oh, well. It doesn’t bother Joonmyun all that much, because Joonmyun wants to be a ninja.

He gets changed as soon as the three of them come home from the costume store, bouncing off the walls like a hyperactive child.

“Joonie, you’re not very stealthy,” Sehun jokes, when the catboy tries to jump on him from behind for the third time. “I can hear you all the way down the hall.”

“Oh.” So Joonmyun takes it upon himself to learn the way of the ninja in the hour he has left before it gets dark, tiptoeing across the lounge and flattening himself against the walls and pelting Jongin with plastic shuriken.

Once the sun sets, Sehun and Jongin evade him by taking to the master bedroom to get changed so Joonmyun flops onto the sofa to wait.

An entire half hour passes in silence.

“Why are you taking so long?” he whines, rolling off the furniture. Deciding to go and scare his owners for holding everyone up, he sneaks down the unlit hall, almost unnoticeable in his head-to-toe black. He pushes their bedroom door open and something grabs him from behind, lifting him clear off his feet and roaring in his face.

Joonmyun makes an unearthly noise and pummels his attacker with his tiny fists. “Let me go!” he yells, kicking out with his legs.

“I gotcha, little ninja kitty,” another voice says somewhere to his right, and the next thing Joonmyun knows is being pulled away from the growly-monster, being set upright and getting covered with… a curtain?

“Fear the light, Oh Sehun,” a strangely familiar voice says, and the light switch is flipped. The hallway floods with light but all Joonmyun can see is black. He fights his way out of the curtain, which he discovers is actually a cape, loosely tied around Sehun’s deathly-pale neck–

“You’re a vampire!” Joonmyun shrieks, pointing madly and hopping up and down on the spot in excitement.

Sehun smirks, the tips of his pointed fangs peeking out and red contacts glimmering as he winks.

“And–and Jongin–” Joonmyun turns around and is greeted by even longer fangs, amber eyes and wild hair.

And a loud growl in the face.

Joonmyun shrieks again and ducks under Sehun’s cape for safety. “Werewolf, Jongin’s a werewolf!” he squeals, and they all laugh. When Joonmyun reappears from his hiding spot he examines Jongin’s costume, poking at a stray leaf in his messy hair and running a finger along the streaks of dirt smeared across his cheeks.

“You guys took ages just so you could scare me!” he complains, folding his arms across his chest.

“Hey, a lot of work went into this,” Jongin says, faking offense.

“Liar,” Sehun teases him. “You just went outside, rolled in the garden and called yourself a werewolf.”

“But I didn’t spend twenty minutes in front of the mirror powdering my face white, did I?”

“You’re like the vampire and werewolf in Twilight!” Joonmyun exclaims.

Sehun and Jongin look at each other for a long time.

“Fighting over… over the person they love?” Joonmyun adds weakly.

Sehun and Jongin look at each other some more.

“I told you he was going to say that,” Sehun groans.

Jongin ruffles Joonmyun’s hair affectionately. “Hardly. Jacob Black’s got nothing on me,” he says. He bends down and nips at one of Joonmyun’s kitty ears. “Jacob Black doesn’t eat cute kitties for dinner.”

The catboy yelps and covers his ears with his hands before zooming off down the hall in a fit of giggles.

When everyone is finally ready to go, Halloween is already in full swing on the streets. Groups of kids get herded through the little neighbourhood by adults and Joonmyun marvels at their costumes.

“Look,” he says, pulling on Jongin’s hand, “there’s Batman!”

Some of the others make him nervous; a passing grim reaper swings his scythe at him, demanding for his soul.

“But I’m not dead!” Joonmyun had wailed, clinging onto Sehun’s tight leather pants. “Go away!”

The grim reaper had howled with laughter and wandered off to collect some other poor soul’s soul.

“This is scary,” Joonmyun had said afterwards, knees shaky.

Jongin squeezes his hand reassuringly and leads them up the path to a relatively drab-looking house. “Better up your game, then,” he chuckles. The catboy sticks his bottom lip out at him.

Sehun knocks on the door, but nobody answers. Only when they turn to leave do Joonmyun’s ears perk up at a sound from the other side of the door. It shifts open a crack and an elderly lady peers out.

“Trick or treat!” Joonmyun screams, striking a ninja pose he saw while watching Naruto an hour ago.

“Oh my goodness!” The old lady gasps and claps a hand to her heart. “You gave me quite the fright!”

“Joonie, retreat,” Sehun whispers while Jongin tries to calm the old lady down and assure her that they hadn’t meant to shorten her life span on purpose.

She scrutinizes Joonmyun over the rims of her glasses. He has the face of a guilty kitty, clutching at Sehun’s black cape anxiously.

“I’m sorry,” he says meekly, and she reaches out to pat him on the head.

“Not to worry, sonny. What are you dressed as? A cat warrior?”

Joonmyun nods emphatically. “A ninja!”

“But you have cat ears.”

“I’m a catboy!”

“I don’t think ninjas have cat ears.”

“But it felt weird covering them up!

“I… don’t understand.”

“Is that how it’s supposed to go?” Joonmyun asks worriedly, walking down the street and swinging his still-empty candy bag.

“You don’t usually jump at people, but that’s more or less how it goes. She probably had a few loose screws in the head,” Jongin hums. He points to a row of houses further down the street, some decorated with glowing pumpkins and others with ghosts on the front lawn. “Try those instead.”

The second door they knock on is answered by two boys dressed as pirates who haven’t left the house to go trick or treating yet. Joonmyun yells trick or treat again (although not so loud) and is delighted when the boys tell him how cool his ninja costume is and how “I want to be a ninja next year too!” They fill his candy bag with handfuls of wee chocolates and the catboy’s confidence inflates tenfold.

“Next house!” he whoops, dashing down the pavement.

“What a little kid,” Jongin remarks with a smile, grabbing Sehun’s hand and trailing after their catboy. “He’s so cute I think I’m going to get a cavity.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Sehun says back. “Aren’t you glad we swiped him up before someone else did?”

The house on the end of the street doesn’t answer but Joonmyun drags them on to the next one, undeterred.

“Oh,” the lady there says dreamily, “Edward Cullen? How can I help?”

Jongin cackles all the way back onto the footpath and Joonmyun is too busy laughing himself silly to be bothered by the fact that he didn’t even get any candy from her.

“Sehun is Edward Cullen. He’s sparkly!”

“I will bite you until you cry,” Sehun warns him, and the catboy gulps.

“Save it for the bedroom,” Jongin manages in between holding his sides in mirth, and narrowly avoids getting a slap.

The rest of that street, and the next two they go down, are relatively (and thankfully) uneventful, except for the zombie incident, where an undead girl had opened the door and scared Joonmyun so hard he’d dropped his candy bag and spilled its contents everywhere.

At least she’d apologized and filled up his almost-full candy bag until it was nearly bursting at the seams. Joonmyun had given thrown his arms around her and promptly refused to stop grinning until they got to the next house. They even run into Kris, Sehun’s boss, with one of his catboys dressed up as a skeleton.

“Joonie, I think that’s enough candy for you,” Sehun comments, glancing at the bulging bag in the catboy’s arms. “How about we head home now?”

Joonmyun looks down at his success from a night of trick or treating, and nods after a moment of debate. “Okay,” he says. “My arms are getting sore and I don’t think I can carry any more anyway…”

“Here.” Jongin holds his hands out and Joonmyun gives him his candy bag to hold. “Let’s go.”

In spite of Joonmyun wanting to dig into his sweets straightaway, Sehun fixes up dinner and makes him eat a meal before he’s allowed to even touch his stash. He curls up on the couch with Jongin, still in his ninja outfit, watching TV to pass the time and shovelling candy into his mouth. It’s not that late though, and not yet curfew for some of the kids milling about in the neighbourhood. Some come knocking at their door and Joonmyun goes charging down the hall every time the doorbell so much as rings. Various characters turn up and he gets to meet a Phantom of the Opera, an Ironman and even a yeti.

“How much have you got left?” Jongin asks when Joonmyun returns from his fifth trip to the door. He pulls the catboy into his lap, eyeing the bag of candy in his hands.

Joonmyun gives the bag a shake. “Half?” he says, blinking innocently.

“So you ate half of it?”

“I… I don’t know?”

Not so good.

The doorbell pings again and Joonmyun leaps out of his owner’s lap so fast Jongin’s arms only grasp air when he tries to catch him. Sehun walks in having finished the dishes and Jongin throws him the candy bag with the instruction to put it away.

Joonmyun unlocks the door and opens it to find a lone person waiting on the doorstep. Short and dressed in blue hospital scrubs splattered with blood, nose and mouth covered by a white mask, the figure brandishes a hand full of surgical tools and instantly lunges towards Joonmyun. The catboy gets knocked over onto his back in complete surprise, the weight of his attacker on top of him. An empty hand clamps over his mouth before he can cry out for help, muffling his words and turning them to whimpers.

“You may call me the Mad Surgeon,” the distinctly male voice says, knees straddling Joonmyun’s waist and digging into his sides, “but I don’t think it’ll matter once I’m done with you.”

Joonmyun’s futile screams go stifled and unnoticed. He flails his arms desperately, hoping to hit a nose, eyes, anywhere he can reach.

He freezes the second something cold and metal touches his neck, just below his collar.

“Are you going to stop moving?” the surgeon asks icily.

Joonmyun slowly, fearfully, nods. He feels tears welling up in his eyes.

“Good. Listen carefully. You’re going to stand up and leave the house. Nobody is to hear you. Understand?”

Joonmyun nods again, sniffing pathetically.

“Right. I don’t have any issues with slicing you up right here, kid, since I only need your organs anyway. Imagine how rich I’ll be after I pawn off your healthy, perfect heart! Plenty of people looking for a kidney or two, eh?” The surgeon crows in a deranged fashion and, still holding the blade to Joonmyun’s throat, hauls him up.

His back hasn’t even left the floor when another figure storms through the front door and barrels roughly into the surgeon, who gets thrown aside and lands in a heap on the floor somewhere out of Joonmyun’s field of vision.

The second attacker is a grotesque man with a leathery face, dressed in dirty, ragged overalls daubed in dried blood. His boots scuff the floor as he steps forward and places a foot in the centre of the catboy’s chest, smiling eerily.

“You fool, he’s mine,” he barks, and only then does Joonmyun he’s not the one being addressed, “What part of ‘leave him to me’ didn’t you understand?”

“You snooze, you lose, ,” the surgeon retorts, coming over to crouch next to the other man. “Piss off.”

The man is not impressed. He leers at the petrified catboy. “You’re better off coming with me,” he growls, sickeningly sweet. “I’ll cut you up real good.”

And to Joonmyun’s utmost horror, the man in bloody overalls unstraps a rusty chainsaw from his back, bends down and revs it up in his face.

The screech of the whirring blade is the last straw.

The dam barricading Joonmyun’s tears breaks and he screams for the two of them to spare his life.

“I didn’t do anything wrong, please, please don’t cut me up, I-I don’t want to die!” he blubbers. He scrabbles at the foot still firmly upon his chest and his nails suddenly catch on the belt that’s ridden up his body from its original position on his waist–

He hooks fingers around the set of nunchucks there, yanks them out and in a flash of hope, repeatedly clobbers the two of them on the head as hard as he can.

“, –”

“Ow, my nose–”

They both reel back on the floor, eyes squeezed shut in pain and cursing beneath their breaths as they clutch at themselves; the chainsaw clatters on the floor and Joonmyun kicks it out the door before dropping the nunchucks and shrieking at the top of his lungs for help.

Sehun is the first to appear. He takes in the scene with bewilderment evident on his face. “Oh my god–”

Jongin comes in a second later, takes one look at the bawling catboy curled up on himself and quickly scoops him up into his arms. His face is stormy. “What the hell is going on?” he rages. “Who do you all think you are?”

Sehun approaches the two still- figures on the floor warily, preparing to give them a good kick when the one in surgical attire holds up a gloved hand.

“No, don’t, oh god, I’m not actually a surgeon–”

Sehun has his leg raised when a third person bursts out from behind a bush on their lawn, stumbling in his hurry to come over.

“Sehun, wait!” he yells, and the blond stops in his tracks. His brows furrow in confusion because that kind of sounds like-

“Minseok?” he gapes.

“It’s me. Oh, god, I’m so sorry–”

“Is that toilet paper?”

Minseok’s nose wrinkles as he pats at the miles and miles of toilet paper wrapped around every inch of his body. “Yeah, it is,” he sighs. “Luhan wanted me to be a mummy.”

“Luhan?” Jongin repeats, eye twitching. “Luhan?”

The chainsaw man whips off what is actually a mask to reveal the face of Minseok’s catboy. “Hi?”

“What are you doing here?” Jongin demands. He points at Luhan’s partner in crime. “And who are you?”

Surgical cap and mouth mask come off, and then Joonmyun’s not really surprised at his identity after all.

Sehun pinches the bridge of his nose. “Kim Jongdae, I should have known.”

“You guys are mean!” Joonmyun sobs into the sleeve of Jongin’s shirt. He looks up at his owner and hiccups uncontrollably. “They jumped on me and said they were going to cut me up and sell me and-and–” A fresh wave of tears start and he buries his face into the crook of Jongin’s neck, crying in distress. “They wanted to stab me!”

His frustrated owner palms his back soothingly and murmurs comforting words in his ear.

Jongdae and Luhan stop rubbing their sore heads to have a good laugh and hi-five each other, and Luhan holds up Jongdae’s scalpel. “Don't worry,” he says cheerfully. “It’s blunt.”

“And he had a chainsaw!” Joonmyun squawks in terror.

“Oh, I took the actual blade off. It’s harmless.” Luhan gives him a thumbs-up.

“Please don’t cut me up!” the Jongdae says mockingly, waving his arms in imitation of Joonmyun’s own actions. “I’m a good boy, I’m a good boy, I bottom for everyone!”

“But hey you got a vicious nunchuck arm,” Luhan remarks, patting down his fluffy golden hair. “I think I’m actually gonna bruise.”

“Naw, come on, Joonkitty. You didn’t even pee your pants–”

Minseok decides enough is enough and cuffs both of them across the back of their heads.

“I’m really sorry,” he says sheepishly. “These two wanted to come trick or treating at your house so I thought, well, why not? But they insisted I hide in the bush.” He sighs. “If I’d known what they were planning I would’ve never let them out of the house.”

Luhan and Jongdae snigger.

Sehun scratches the back of his head. “Ehh, it’s probably not your fault,” he says awkwardly. “Joonmyun just gets scared easily sometimes.”

He suddenly feels what is definitely Jongin’s eyes burning a hole in the back of his head and adds hastily, “Uh, maybe you could find a suitable punishment for them?”

Minseok shares the same sentiments. “Well, since it was his idea,” he says, “you know what Jongdae really doesn’t like?”

Jongdae’s grin slips off his face. “No," he says grumpily.

Luhan rubs his hands together in glee. “Is this where we make him eat cat food?”

Minseok fixes him with a glare. “Don’t think you’re escaping so easily either,” he warns. He pushes the two catboys forward. “At least say sorry to Joonmyun for being the idiots you were tonight.”

Jongdae guffaws. “Sorry, Joonkitty,” he shrugs. “I promise I’ll make you pee your pants next time.”

“There will be no next time,” Jongin snaps.

But since that’s probably the closest thing they’re going to get to an apology, they leave it there.

Luhan gives Joonmyun a hug and a pat on the bum. “No hard feelings, . My god, you must be one hell of a screamer,” he muses, mostly to himself, as an afterthought.

Joonmyun says nothing because one, he does not want to talk to either of them at the moment and two, he actually is a screamer.

Jongin rolls his eyes, and Minseok sighs again. “I’m sorry, Joonmyun,” he apologizes for the second time. “Can we make it up to you?” He pauses. “In fact, how about they give you some of their candy?”

“No!” Jongdae and Luhan screech in unison.

“Hand it over,” Minseok says sharply.

The two catboys grumble loudly but do as he says, ears flattened grumpily across their heads as they pick out all the yucky sweets they don’t like and surrender them to Joonmyun. Minseok shoos them out the door and finally shepherds them home.

Sehun shuts the door, shaking his head. “I swear Minseok is the only one who knows how to control Jongdae,” he mutters. “I wonder what his secret is. Joonie, are you okay?”

The catboy nods reluctantly and Jongin sets him back on his feet, and he wobbles his way back to the living room with his armful of candy.

He remains awfully quiet, sniffing occasionally and not really paying attention to anything. Sehun wraps an arm around him and pulls him close, petting his hair and pressing soft kisses to his forehead and until he visibly relaxes.

“Sehun?” Joonmyun says nervously.


“…I’m not sure I want to do Halloween again.”

Sehun’s reply is cut off by Jongin letting out a deep breath, all his anger seeming to disappear with it.

“Don’t let it get to you,” he says consolingly. “I didn’t expect any less from those rascals and you shouldn’t either.”

“But–but I got so scared they were going to take me away,” Joonmyun admits in a trembling voice, fiddling with a candy wrapper. “I’m such a baby and I always make you worry because I cry all the time.” His eyes feel dangerously wet and he stifles his sob by stuffing a humbug in his mouth.

Jongin shushes him. “Doesn’t matter.” He waves it off. “You’re a hundred and ten percent Sehun’s type, kitty. He likes babies.” Joonmyun cracks a little smile while Sehun throws his boyfriend a dirty look.

“Hey, you know what?” Jongin says out of the blue five minutes later.

“What?” Joonmyun unwraps a chocolate coin and makes Sehun eat it.

“Next year, do you think we should have a go at making Luhan and Jongdae pee their pants?”

“Count me in,” Sehun quips. “I’m sure Minseok would like to give us a hand.”

Joonmyun’s mouth is an ‘o’ of surprise.

This could be… fun.

“Okay,” he says, plucking a gummy worm from his candy pile. He hasn’t even raised it to his mouth before Jongin swipes it away from him.

“No more,” he orders, “or you won’t able to sleep tonight.”

The catboy makes a noise of protest but obediently forfeits the rest of his sweets to his owner to be put away.

The three of them snuggle up in a sea of blankets on the couch and watch rom-coms until late into the night, or at least until all the sugar wears off.

Joonmyun, though, doesn’t feel so good anymore.

Jongin’s sharp eye is the first to notice when the catboy comes back to their bedroom from brushing his teeth, face looking somewhat green. His owner narrows his eyes at him.

“You ate too much candy, didn’t you,” he says flatly. Sehun chuckles from his side of the bed.

Joonmyun wriggles out of his ninja costume and climbs in between them. “I think I did,” he mumbles guiltily. “I just want to sleep now.”

Jongin gives one of his ears a reprimanding flick. “I did tell you,” he chortles. “Don’t eat so much next time, okay?”

“Okay,” Joonmyun whispers, letting Jongin slip an arm around his waist. “I won’t.”

Sehun kisses them goodnight and turns off the bedside lamp. “Go to sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning.”

He does.

Ten times out of ten, Joonmyun goes to sleep with his head on the pillow, above the covers. Nine times out of ten he wakes up somewhere underneath them, sometimes clinging to Sehun’s hip or curled up in his trademark shrimp position.

He digs his way out of the blankets to find the usual sunlight shining through the window. Jongin’s side is empty; his normal routine in the mornings where he has class to teach later on is to have a coffee as soon as he gets out of bed. The shifting on the other side tells him Sehun is awake too, so he rubs his eyes sleepily and rolls over to say good morning.

“About time you woke up,” Sehun teases, propping himself up on an elbow. “I was beginning to think you suffocated under there. Feeling better?”


“So you learned your lesson?”

“I did–” Joonmyun shrieks as Sehun’s fingers sneak under his shirt and dig into his ribs, viciously tickling his sides.

“Kitties who eat all their candy at once get fat,” Sehun tells him playfully, watching his catboy struggle to fend him off. "Look how squishy your tummy is!"

Joonmyun chokes back his laughter and squirms away far enough to escape the bed through Jongin’s side, fleeing the warmth of the blankets and Sehun’s torture methods.

He races out the door and runs headfirst into Jongin, the corner of whose mouth lifts in amusement as he bends down to survey Joonmyun sitting on his on the floor.

“Who's getting fat?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Not me,” Joonmyun yells, scrambling away to make a second escape.

Jongin catches him by the collar before he even makes it three steps past him. “Aww, where are you going?” he coos. “If you need exercise-”

He picks Joonmyun up, slings him over his shoulder and carries him back to the bedroom, where he throws the squealing catboy onto the bed.

“We can certainly schedule you in for a workout.”

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I haven't abandoned this fic!! I'm busy with exams right now and I have stuff to do in November :/


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Chapter 2: I love this so much. Oh my gosh this is amazing
audbear #2
Chapter 33: Hope you update?? Maybe??
Your writing *dies of happiness*
ChocoChen21 #3
Chapter 2: Now i wanna see some photos...
HAHAHAHAH im so byuntae kkk~
Chapter 33: Omg this was sooo good!
Chapter 8: //screams in eternal love for ur cute
Chapter 32: I re-read this again today and I still live this so much! Joonkitty is just the cutest ever! *patiently waits for an update*
Chapter 2: I have returned to love the out of ur work
Chapter 2: Did Sehun and Junmyeon actually do it? lol
also i was inspired to make some pastel graphics for this fic <3 id be really happy if you'd check em out~~ ((