Chapter 2

I will fight for your happiness

A/N: Thanks for subscribing I love you all <3


Chanyeol’s POV

The sunlight trickling in from the windows woke me and I begrudgingly opened my eyes. I fumbled beside me and reached out to grab the little alarm clock on the bedside table. The simple digital display blinked 1:30 P.M. in large red digits. I groaned and rolled around the bed not wanting to wake up. This was the first time in ages since I slept in and my stupid stomach was already protesting loudly.

I dragged my lazy bones off the bed and nearly tripped on the covers but I grabbed onto something nearby and steadied myself. Shaking my head I looked at what I was clutching onto and saw nothing. I must be still sleepy I’m imagining stuff. Carefully I make it to the bathroom and wash up. After washing up I don’t even bother changing out of my pyjamas as I rummage through the fridge for food. Mum had made lunch for me to microwave today so I heated it up and flopped down in front of the television. I ate my food without really paying attention to what was on the television. A movie of some sorts full of shooting and what not. I finish up my food and drag myself back to my bed and just lay there fiddling with my phone for the rest of the day. Holidays officially began. Which meant that Park Chanyeol had no reason what so ever to be anything but a blob of human on the bed or couch. Nope. Not a single thing shall be done. My friends never bothered dragging me out during the first week, at least, not anymore since I agree to meet them and then completely forget about it while doing nothing. I see it as a talent to be this unproductive really. Some people in my life disagree.

Kris POV

It’s a good thing this klutz was also an exceptional sloth during this time period humans called summer break. Apart from nearly tumbling over to kiss the floor in the morning he managed to stay out of trouble and off his feet for almost 24 hours. Why did he look my way after tripping though? I tried my best to push the thought away as much as I could but since he did nearly nothing for the rest of the day I had enough time for the thought to infest my brains. By the time he fell asleep for the last time that day I was a nervous wreck afraid to move. Afraid if I made any sudden moves he’ll see me. Afraid I’ll accidently make contact with a piece of furniture and move it, signalling him to where I was. Signalling to him that he wasn’t alone... aish WHAT THE HECK WAS WRONG WITH ME? PARK CHANYEOL CANNOT SEE ME I’M FREAKING INVISIBLE!!!!!

A week passes by and Chanyeol stayed in without doing anything. He not leaving the house meant nothing could come find him or get him. The house was protected of course by the alter they had and his mothers daily ritual of praying. Nothing of evil intent ever got into this house. That didn’t stop the boy from nearly falling off the bed multiple times nor did it stop him from dropping so many objects like his glasses, his cellular phone thing or even his food plate. I made sure to catch them for him in such a way that he thought he did it himself and not once did I touch him during the rest of the week. I wasn’t paranoid. There’s no way he would notice me. There’s no way he would feel me when I touch him. There’s no way I’m even thinking of such impossible possibilities....

Aigoo this boy is frustrating. Even when he does nothing he manages to get me worked up.

It’s fear” something within me whispered.

I laughed it off wondering what the heck I would be afraid of. Of Chanyeol seeing me? So what if he saw me? He’s a mere human who I was assigned to guard. If he does see me though that would result in a few complications like him wanting to know quite a few details he could live without knowing.

“What if they take you away from him?” that same annoyance whispered back.

So... what? W-why would I be afraid of them taking me away from h-him? From this boy? This h-human child? So what right? Why am I even talking to myself?! Something twisted inside me however and I couldn’t help but pout a little. Would this boy survive a day without me?

Baekhyun POV

Baekhyun: Chanyeol lets meet up tonight

Baekhyun: I know you got my message there’s a notifying system

Baekhyun: Chanyeol facebook messages generates something called ‘seen at’

Baekhyun: Chanyeol I know you saw that too

Baekhyun: Chanyeol

Baekhyun: ...

Baekhyun: I give up!

Byun Baekhyun added Kim Joon Myun to the conversation

Baekhyun: Hyung Chanyeol’s silently reading everything I ask him and he didn’t agree to meet up later. He didn’t pick up his phone nor did he answer any of my text massages.


Kim Joon Myun: Chanyeol are you feeling okay today? Do you want to meet up with us and go out? :)

Park Chanyeol: I’m kind of sick today hyung you all go without me :)


Kim Joon Myun: don’t be mean Baekhyun maybe he’s really sick or something -_-“

Byun Baekhyun added Kim Jong In

Byun Baekhyun added Oh Sehun

Byun Baekhyun added Zhang Yixing

Byun Baekhyun added Do Kyung Soo

Kim Jong In: um hi guys what’s up?

Byun Baekhyun added Lu Han

Byun Baekhyun added Edison Huang

Byun Baekhyun added Kim Jong Dae

Kim Joon Myun: Baek are you going to add all of us here?

Byun Baekhyun added Kim Minseok

Zhang Yixing: Hi guys who’s here? :)

Zhang Yixing: Tao is that you? Edison? WTF maknae? o_O

Kim Joon Myun:  nvm you really did add everyone O_O


Byun Baekhyun: *sloth

Byun Baekhyun: *an

Oh Sehun: hyung you’re weird...

Byun Baekhyun: Thank you

Edison Huang: XingXing gege you already know that’s my English name... don’t tell me you forgot again? -_-

Kim Jong Dae: Tao you do know hyung has a bad memory right?

Zhang Yixing: :(

Kim Jong In: So what are we going to do about Chanyeol hyung?

Do Kyung Soo: I read the whole conversation. he’s sick right?

Kim Joon Myun: nae...

Lu Han: Ahh where are we meeting up today?

Kim Minseok: Let’s go to that new restaurant near the school for dinner?

Byun Baekhyun: IDK where we’re going but I know for a fact that this happy virus DOES NOT HAVE ANY ILLNESS! :@

Byun Baekhyun: you’ve pulled the same since we were in elementary school Chanyeol! The exact same you piece of !

Kim Joon Myun: let’s not be mean now Baekhyun

Edison Huang: baek hyung you need to meditate more. Want to go with me next week to the mountain side?

Do Kyung Soo: wait isn’t yeollie hyung in this conversation? Chanyeol hyung are you okay? Do you have a cold? I can make chicken soup for you if your mums not at home.

Oh Sehun: Maybe we should visit yeollie hyung?

Byun Baekhyun: OH SEHUN!

Oh Sehun: ...nae hyung... O_O

Byun Baekhyun: do you have any idea what you just said?

Oh Sehun: ... ... did I say something wrong? T_T


Byun Baekhyun: *To get you. ing auto correct!

Oh Sehun: hyung you’re weird..........

Kim Jong In: So are we going to go over to Chanyeol hyungs now?

Kim Joon Myun: Looks like it jonginnie

Seen by all at 2:34pm

Kim Jong In: why won’t Chanyeol hyung say anything?

Byun Baekhyun: I ing give up. Chanyeol we’re coming to get you by 4 you better not try locking your doors I will break them all down! And after we get your sorry not-sick out of the house we’ll go to the restaurant near the school.

Seen by all at 2:36pm

Park Chanyeol left the conversation

Byun Baekhyun: That little !!! :@

Seen by all at 2:37pm


Someone was knocking loudly at the front door and I knew it had to be a human but why did I feel like something bad was going to happen to Chanyeol? He had been fidgeting for the past half an hour and he stopped fidgeting with his cellular phone a good hour and a half ago. In fact he flung the cellular phone thing off onto the bed rather disturbed. Did he read something bad? Did someone say something bad?

The knocking was now followed by loud shouts from that boy called Baekhyun. It was just Baekhyun but the aura around Chanyeol suddenly became fearful. He hid under the covers until only tuffs of curls were visible... cute... ugh... wait. No. What? Just as I shook my head to clear my thoughts that boy called Baekhyun burst into the room screaming.

“HA! I KNOW YOU TOO WELL CHANYEOL I KNOW WHERE TO GET MYSELF A SPARE KEY!” he said as he launched himself at the hiding Chanyeol. I nearly stopped the little thin boy before I saw Chanyeol lower the sheets to reveal a really really cute pouty face. that’s really cute! Wait. No. What the heck am I thinking he’s in trouble!

“But Baeky I told you I’m sick!” Chanyeol said while faking a cough. Oh right. He’s not in trouble. He’s lying. I sat back down on the chair and let Baekhyun make Chanyeol repent for sinning.

Baekhyun pulled off the sheets completely before Chanyeol could clutch onto them and hide again. “BULL. !” he screamed as the others pooled into Chanyeol’s room. “Kyungsoo check him!” Baekhyun commanded and Kyungsoo made his way over to Chanyeol who visibly paled. Before Kyungsoo could check Chanyeol’s temperature Chanyeol jumped off the bed and tried to run away. Baekhyun grabbed his hand and dragged him into the washroom and shut the door behind them both. Everyone in the room stilled as they heard Chanyeol’s shrill screams coming out of the door. Slightly worried I made my way through the closed door to check on Chanyeol. He was standing by the shower with his hands up covering his face as Baekhyun had the detachable shower in his hands and kept it steadily aimed at Chanyeol. The water was gushing out of the shower head at full blast. I left the two and walked over to the opposite side of the room as the others settled down in the various pieces of furniture in Chanyeol’s room. Once Baekhyun was done a mere 15 minutes later he exited the bathroom with a big grin on his face that practically screamed success. Chanyeol followed after begrudgingly with that cute pout again wearing nothing but a towel on and clearly looking well washed.

Sehun looked from the practically Chanyeol to the gloriously grinning Baekhyun. Horrified, he asked “baek hyung are you gay? What the hell did you do in there with yeollie hyung!!”

Baekhyun simply waved his hand as if to dismiss the maknae’s comment explaining “meh, we’ve been friends since we were practically in diapers so this isn’t gay at all.”

Chanyeol simply went over to his closet and dug around for some clothes and went back into the bathroom to get changed. 5 minutes later they were all filing out of the house. There goes my ‘summer break.’

Chanyeol’s POV

Aish I didn’t want to but I can’t escape Baekhyun if I ran away to the North Pole and hid under a glacier. He knew me too well. I smiled as I let all the memories from a moment ago come back to me. We had gone out to dinner and practically overturned the new restaurant with our loud antics. Serving 11 boys couldn’t have been easy, I laughed at the thought. It was well passed 10 in the night when I was walking back home and as I was thinking I almost crossed the road without noticing that truck that was speeding towards me. A firm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the pavement in time. I clutched onto this arm to thank the kind person who saved me but soon felt it release me and slip out of my grasp. The road was empty and I noticed a shadow walk down the alley way. I ran after and found myself looking at a dead-end. “Where did you go mister?” I asked at no one in particular and turned around to walk out when I bodily crashed into a young boy. He was as tall as me so I ended up landing my chin on his shoulder for the impact.

“Oomf sorry dude" I said as I staggered away from him adjusting my glasses. It was pretty dark but for some reason I could see him clearly... as if he glowed..."were you the one that saved me just now?” 

“You... see me?” His surprised features intensified.

“Nae! I wear glasses but I’m not that blind!” There’s no need to be rude I thought to myself as I pouted a little.

“No I mean you shouldn’t be able to see me...”

“What do you mean?” I smiled goofily at him while trying to sum up what mental condition this good looking guy had. Or was he just trying to insult my vision again? The boy backed away from the alleyway until he was now standing on the pavement again.

“I’m not... like you...” he said and just as he did a person walked right through him. Not around him. Through him.

My eyes widened and I could only let out an “Oh” as I kept staring at him and my jaw went slack. That person. He walked through this person? Is he a ghost or is that other person a ghost? Am I really blind or wait... I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!! OH MY GOSH I SEE DEAD PEOPLE LIKE THAT LITTLE BOY IN THAT MOVIE! After what felt like forever I blinked and looked away. My mouth was still slightly gaping though and while I panicked I had steadily focussed my vision on the floor. A thought crossed my mind and I looked back up to make sure he didn’t run away. Sure enough he was about to leave when I stopped him.

“Wh-who are you?”

“Who?” he turned around to look at me laughing a little. “I think the question a normal person would ask is what.”

“... okay then w-what are y-you?”

“I’m... your guardian angel...” he paused grimacing as if he just ate something bitter. “Oh that’s the most outrageous thing I’ve ever said! I’m a war angel and I’ve been cursed with protecting your sorry !”

My jaw dropped as this handsome boy went from uncertainly explaining himself to outright disgust in a split second. For some reason he seemed really pissed off at me and then I remembered I nearly got run over just a few moments ago. Oh was I that hard to take care of for my... guardian angel?... wait that’s not what he is...

“War angel?” I said out loud without intending for it to sound like a question.

“YES because apparently a normal angel cannot handle all the you attract with your goofy carefree happy attitude” he shot back. Huh? I knit my brows together trying to make sense of the situation. Okay so I nearly got run over just now. And my guardian angel saved me. But my guardian angel is a war angel. Because I attract something... bad... because I’m too happy? And I was seeing my guardian war angel person when I’m not supposed to... and he was mad at me for being happy? I pouted not really understanding anything apart from the fact that I nearly got run over.

“Don’t angels have wings?” I blurted out without really thinking.

“We do...” the strange man began saying but something behind me caught his attention. “Aish you need to get home quickly” he stomped passed me and took out the most magnificent looking sword I have ever seen. The hilt and sheath were both white with gold accents and the blade... the blade was a silver so clear it was almost mirror like and as soon as he fully unsheathed it, the blade was engulfed in the softest possible flame on earth. The flames the blade lazily and its bright orange and yellow were reflected off the clear blade. He walked a few more steps and swung the blade at lightning speed before putting it away once more.

I didn’t understand why he took the sword out but I couldn’t stop staring. Now that I looked at the man he was dressed in all white with hints of gold lining around the edges and at the seams of his clothes. His outfit consisted of a white baggy T-shirty top kinda thing... it looked a bit like the stuff Greek worriers wore and he had on a pair of very comfortable looking white pants. They hung loosely on him as well and I suppose they made it easier for him to move around in. He looked... positively angelic and his features were beautiful. He had sharp features and intense eyes that blazed with a fire of its own.

He made his way over to me and stopped beside me. His hand hovered over mine for a few moments, as if he was thinking about something, before he grabbed my hand and led me out of the alleyway. As soon as I safely crossed the road and made it to the other side he let go of my hand. His hands were soft and warm...they were reassuring and filled me with enough warmth to make me momentarily forget about all the weird confusing stuff I heard in that alleyway. As soon as he let go of my hand though the cold air replaced the warmth I felt and took away my reassurance as well. It felt a little colder than it was before too. The night seemed a little bit darker and a little bit more frightening. “Go home and be quick with it Chanyeol” he said and I did as he said without another word. I didn’t bother wondering if he was behind me since I heard his footsteps all the way.

Once I got home I looked around to make sure my parents weren’t around, afraid maybe they would see him too. But my mum walked up to me as if I were the only one around and she playfully whacked my arm asking me why I was late and what not. I slowly crept away from her saying I was tired and ran up the stairs. Once I was in my room I turned back and noticed he wasn’t there. I sat on my bed and stared at the door and a few moments later he came in... through the door. THROUGH THE DAMN DOOR LIKE A DEAD PERSON!

“WHOA THATS CREEPY!!!!!!” I screamed out not really expecting him to do that. The first time when that human walked through I was too shocked to react but right now I was alone and I expected... every part of my body expected him to open the door. NOT WALK RIGHT THROUGH IT!

“You may want to keep your voice down before you worry your mother.” He simply said settling down on the chair closest to my door. He looked rather comfortable there and a sudden thought ran through my head. Of course he probably sits there and watches me 24/7 from that chair... which isn’t creepy at all. Nope not in the least bit freaky or creepy or causing my heart to hammer into my ribcage like a humming bird.

“Chanyeol how do you see me?” the angel walks-through-walls-like-a-ghost person asked me suddenly. His eyes were slightly worried and searching.

“W-with my eyes of course what do you mean?!” I squeaked out. Was he making fun of my vision again?

“No I know that silly boy I’m asking you to describe what you see me as. Am I transparent? Do I look like a monster? Is my skin a certain colour” his voice was rising so I cut him off before he broke down panicking.

“You look normal to me.” He raised a brow at me at that and I mentally face palmed. Smooth Chanyeol you insulted an angelic angel! “No no that’s not what I meant I mean you look like any other human except that you’re really really prett... I mean really handsome and well your face is really beautiful and I like your sword. Really it’s a nice sword and your clothes look nice too...” I felt my cheeks flame up for some reason.

“That’s it?” he cut me off before I could get any redder and have my own panic attack. “You don’t see these?” he pointed behind him to something which I clearly didn’t see.

I shook my head to say no when he pulled out his sword and held it before him. I hadn’t switched on my lights yet and the room was completely dark except for the light from the moon streaming in through the windows. So when he took out his sword again the flames looked brighter and cast shadows all around my room. And that’s when I saw his shadow. Protruding out of the shoulders of his shadow were two massive shadows of wings. They were moving slowly as if they were breathing and once the man noticed my wonder his shadow managed to do something in which his wings folded in on themselves and were neatly tucked in behind his back.

“So you can see their shadow but not in reality hmmm...” he said as he put away his sword, plunging us back into darkness and drifting off into his thoughts.

As soon as I stood up to go take a wash he stopped me though. “Ah Chanyeol wait a minute did you see that vile pestilence I killed in the ally?”

My blood ran cold just then and I froze in my tracks. Killed? He killed something that time when he swung his sword? My heart rate increased significantly and I backed away from him until my back hit the wall.

“Ahh you didn’t see him either? Wait... why are you afraid of me? Chanyeol I won’t hurt you it’s those who try to hurt you that I ki... get rid of.” He stood up and made his way over to me and I accidently tripped on my bedside lamps wire while trying to get away. I tumbled forward and landed on strong arms which held me upright firmly. His hands were so big and soft yet firm enough to break my fall.

Without a word he made me sit on the bed still holding me by my forearms. “Please don’t try to run you almost never manage to do that without tripping on your long legs.” His voice seemed like he had caught me quite a few times and the thought that he had silently been there always made my heart ache a little for being so careless. For fearing someone who’s probably gone out of his way to make sure I never fell. Now that I think about it I trip quite a lot of times but I never really fell down for quite a while... except for that one time I slipped in the bath.

“I’m sorry...” I said while looking down. One of his gentle hands left my arm and ruffled my hair. “Don’t be I’ll always be there to make sure you don’t fall.” And for the first time since I saw him, he smiled. His smile was so beautiful I thought the whole room would be engulfed by its brightness. It was blindingly beautiful. When he realized I was gaping up at him his smile slightly faltered and he cleared his throat letting go of me completely. When his hand let go of my arm however I winced in pain a bit. It was the arm he had used to pull me away from the truck the time before and I guess he had left a bruise or so...

“Take it off” He said nonchalantly.

“e-eh?” Take what off?

“Your T-shirt. I need to see your bruise but the sleeves are too long so take it off.” He said it so matter of factly that I almost questioned MY sanity. It just dawned on me that he’s probably seen me completely a half million times and I couldn’t help but cover my cheeks with my hands just then in horror.

“What? It’s just your T-shirt” he continued looking confused at my reaction. I almost saw the clogs in his brain slowly click into place as he realized why I was flustered.

“Ahhh what are you thinking no no I just want to see your bruise I don’t want you to take your clothes off for me it’s just the bruise!!!!” He said backing away a little and looking a little panicked. When I didn’t say anything he ran his fingers through his hair a little frustrated and mumbled “never mind then it can heal normally...”

When I got over my little shy fit of realizing this complete stranger... or not... well for me anyway... had seen me in my birthday suit I let my hands finally drop back on my lap. What followed however was a deafening silence... it was so silent i heard 

“W-what’s your name?” I asked hoping to loosen the tension a bit.

“Kris” he simply put. Maybe angels don’t have family names hmmm

“Ahh that’s a nice name. Well Kris my name is...” but I stopped mentally smacking myself in the head. He already knew me what was I saying! “Aaah heheh I’m a pabo eheh” I continued when Kris suddenly strode up to me swiftly and stretched out his hand. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to do but I gently tapped his outstretched hand with mine. Only he grabbed it in his and firmly shook it while saying “It’s nice to meet you Pabo-sshi. I thought you were someone called Chanyeol but I guess I was wrong. So sorry Pabo-sshi.” Once he was done talking he let go of my hand and I could have sworn I saw the corner of his lips twitch. I was a bit too shocked to react though and I kept my hand still half outstretched while I blinked hoping to understand.

“AH! Hey my name IS Chanyeol I’m not Pabo!” I whined as he turned his back on my and walked back to his seat in the corner of my room.

“What ever you say Pabo-sshi. Now go wash up and get ready for bed Pabo-sshi”

“YAH! Stop calling me that!” I said as I pouted a little and got off my bed. Since there was no response from Kris who just coolly kept looking at me like it was the most natural thing on the planet, I decided to do as he said and go wash up.

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Chapter 9: Srsly not a sad ending!!!!!! A sequel authornim or just one more chp......
Anyways dis story lss damnnn awsm luv it~~~ really beautiful :) <33333
Chapter 9: oh my god this is beautiful story.. well I slightly don't get it though. about angels and stuff. but it's okay. I thought that Kris would change into human after Yixing could see him... but the ending, hiks...

thank you author-nim for sharing this!
Chapter 9: love you for the story, hate you for the ending (not really, I'm just a er and love happy krisyeol endings) Well I will admit that I wasn't expecting it.
it looks promising cant wait(newbie)
MY god you guys have upvoted TT_TT THANK YOU!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 6: awwwwwweeeeeeee krisyeol feeeeeeeeels (/OwO)/
xycouple #7
Chapter 4: chanyeol... why so cute.... and lazy
Kris.. please be patient to our Babyeol