Chapter Four.

The Way to Unlocking the Key to Your Heart

Flashback: (Author's POV)

Yixing laughed, "Silly kkhamjong. So care to open up to your hyung on how you're interested in my crazy player of a sister now?"

"She's not crazy, she's completely sane and one of a kind. I really want to get to know the side of her hidden behind her mask as a player.." 

"And how do you know that the so called 'mask' she's wearing is not her true self?"

"I doubt it hyung. Every player has their own story which madethem choose this terrible, heart-shattering life style and I definitely know the feeling.. so I'd just love to get to know the real her."

"Well, just a heads up, what you'll find isn't the hot and seductive player that you see at school," Yixing overdramatically shudders, "It's worse. It's her in her natural form. Ew."

"Pretty sure she'd hit you pretty hard if you said that to her face Yixing-hyung.. should I tell her?"

"Bwo?! Don't you dare! That little brat will kill me. She's small but has a lot of determination and strength." 

Jongin laughed at his hyung's reaction, "But all joking aside, I know what I'll find isn't the hot and seductive player that everyone sees at school because what I'll find is someone much more beautiful. A person who has been lost and clouded in pain for a portion of her life. A person who is so unique and different from the others.. a person who will be mine."

You got to school about an hour earlier than you actually needed to in order to avoid the annoying queenkas who constantly either judged and teased you for being a player, or kissed up to you because your brother's were "attractive". You weren't in the mood to deal with anybody right now. As you were making your way to the library to take a nap or study, you felt an arm reach around your waist. 

"Hey baby, are you here early so we could have a session before class?" Jae Kyung, another one of your boytoys or as you liked to call him for short, Kyung, asked with a wink.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly up for one this early in the morning,"

"And why not? I think a session is good to have at anytime of the day, so let's have one," Jae Kyung, being as and persistent as he is, continued following you toward the library. 

You shot him a glare as the both of you entered the school library, the librarian wasn't there yet so you two were in there alone, "Kyung, I told you. I don't want to have one. Let me be, and I'll please you some other time."

He scoffed, "Playing hard to get, huh? Oh baby, you know how much that turns me on," Jae Kyung pushes you against the wall and proceeds to shove his tongue in your mouth roughly. Usually you enjoyed having it rough, but it was morning, specifically a Monday morning. You weren't exactly the most pleasant on Monday mornings, especially not when you're being forced into ing with one of your boytoys. You tried to push him back, but he believed that it was just another one of your tactics of "playing hard to get". He began pulling your shirt off, and reaching to unhook your bra, at this point you were screaming and struggling to push him off for he was much stronger than you were. His mouth attacked your s as soon as they were made bare and you screamed. "You like it like that, baby? What happened to not wanting to have a session?"

"Kyungg, I swear. Get off of me, right now." You were getting pissed.

"Oh sweetie, cut the playing hard to get, crap. It was hot the first time, but now it's getting a little annoying," Jae Kyung said as you continued struggling, and he began reaching to your jeans when he was suddenly on the floor cursing and holding his jaw.

"What the do you think you're doing? Didn't you hear her? She said to get off," Sehun, your best friend since birth, yelled fiercely as he reached for your bra and top and passed it to you. "And you, why are you here so early in the morning? Alone. On a Monday. I know you're like the top rank and all, but when did you become Miss 'I love school'?" 

"Who the are you to tell me what to do? And why the hell did you punch me? Why don't you just go and off, this isn't any of your business," Jae Kyung shot towards Sehun.

"Like you said, it's a Monday. I didn't want to deal with any of those annoying fake who think they're all that, so I decided to come early and sleep or study more or something. I wasn't expecting to be ambushed by him." You said as you angrily glared at him, and began walking towards him, still rubbing his jaw. "Kyung-ah, oh wait no, Jae Kyung-ah. This is Sehun oppa."

"O-oppa? He's your brother?" Jae Kyung immediately stood up and bowed. "A-annyeonghasayong! I'm so sorry for cursing at you, I didn't know who you were."

Sehun rolled his eyes and scoffed, "You think I care that you curse? Who am I your mother? What I do in fact care about is the fact that you were this close to my lovely girlfriend?" Sehun pulled you towards him, having his arms protectively on your shoulders. I quietly snorted. Girlfriend? I'm totally not his type. And he didn't even seem to look when he just handed my bra and shirt. I'm the farthest thing from a girlfriend for him. You stayed quiet knowing that Sehun was just trying to get rid of this pest for you.

"Mwo?! Girlfriend? Excuse me, but she's not your girlfriend. She's mine. Take your ing hands off of her right now."

"Ah ah ah, if she was your girlfriend, you would've respected her decision to not on a freaking Monday morning, and would've let her do as she wishes. But look, you almost her. And if I weren't here on time, she'd probably be in tears as your slam your or whatever that is inside of her. Also, you should know who you're dealing with and what you're getting yourself into when you decide to date the school's biggest player. Heartbreak. It's simple." 

Jae Kyung scoffed, "If it's that simple then why are you dating her?"

"Well that's pretty basic as well, that's because she hasn't left my side since birth. We were made for each other. Literally. Our parents ed on the same night, and we were both conceived on the same day. So, I suggest that you back off." Sehun said with a smirk.

"Let's just see if she wants me to back off, or if she wants you to then," Jae Kyung turns towards you, "So baby, do you really want me to back off?" He said ever so sweetly which made you want to puke with how he was acting just a few minutes ago.

You smiled and walked towards him, leaning in towards his face making it seem like you were going to kiss him. As he pursed his lips from a smirk, ready for you to choose him through a kiss, you shifted towards his ear and whispered, "We're done." 

Jae Kyung opened his eyes and they were as wide as one of your other friend, Kyungsoo's, eyes. "Mwo?! But baby, I thought you said that you enjoyed sessions with me? And that I was experienced and knew what I was doing!"

You rolled your eyes, "Although the experienced part is true, you always looked to me simply as your buddy or your ticket to popularity and perfect scores on grou projects and actually having a reputation at school. You barely ever pleased me, and most of the time, you'd make me satisfy you and you didn't even consider what I needed for pleasure. And now, you come and almost me at like 7 something on a freaking Monday morning. We're done. Don't make this worse than it has to be." You turned away from him, and went to link arms with Sehun, "Let's go leave this loser, love." 

Sehun turned back and smirked at the guy to which was still in shock and out the door of the library you two went. 

"Hahahah! I could've sworn, his eyes were as wide as Kyungsoo-hyung's!" Sehun cracked up at the lunch table.

"Righhhht?! That's exactly what I was thinking!" Sehun and you exchanged high fives, as you told the story to the rest of the gang: Chanyeol or as you called him, Yeollie; Baekhyun, or Baek or Bacon, which he totally hates; and Kyungsoo, or Kyunggie or Umma, or occasionally by his "stage name", D.O. (He was very passionate about being a singer, and decided to make a stage name as well.) Your whole gang was very artistically talented actually for Yeollie was a rapper and would occasionally rap with Sehun who also danced very well. Baek, Kyungsoo, and you were the vocalist of your group. You weren't exactly a band or anything, but you enjoyed what you did and would mess around every so often with instruments and such and pretend you really were idols. Sigh, at least now abeoji had a proposal and you actually could pursue your dream. At the thought of this, you grinned widely and decided to tell the group. "Guys! I didn't get a chance to tell you over the weekend because Yixing was being a douche and I got mad, so I forgot to. But guess what?!"

"You're dating over ten guys at once, and have broken your record?" Baekhyun suggested.

"You have more business work to do from your father?" Sehun mentioned. 

"Uhm no, thank you Umma and Yeollie Oppa for staying quiet and not giving such sarcastic remarks,  You shot glares and both Baek and Sehun to which they laughed off. "As I was saying, abeoji called me into his office over the weekend and told me that I could pursue becoming a singer and not having to study business if he followed through with his proposal!" 

"Your dad wants to get engaged to you?!" Yeollie fakingly acted shocked to which made the rest of the guys burst out laughing. 

"Yah! That's gross!" You reached towards Yeollie and punched him. "No! That's not what I meant at all!" 

After they simmered down from laughter, Kyungsoo wondered curiously, "So like, what's the proposal that your father made?"

You turned red, realizing that you haven't talked it through completely with him and looked down at your lap, "I-I don't know.. He didn't exactly go into specifics..." 

"Oh my gosh! Guys, this is the person with the top rank of our class!" Baekhyun cried dramatically.

"Hey! Shut up! How would I know? He simply just made the deal with me and I was too excited to even ask about what it was specifically!" You quickly defended yourself as you went to slap Baekhyun's shoulder. You guys continued to talk throughout lunch and mess around when Jongin and two other guys approached your table. 

"If you're one of Nara's little toys and are looking to having a session, I think she's had enough for the day. Please leave us alone," Sehun looked in their direction and said coldly.

Jongin chuckled to which you hit Sehun's arm, "Yah! Do you think you know everything, huh?"

Sehun nodded earning him another hit to the arm, "Yah! Quit hitting me! Don't you think you've had enough for today after almost being by that jackass?! Huh?!"

Jomgin was surprised and face became filled with anger and concern and turned towards you, "Yah, gwenchana? He didn't hurt you, did he? Who is this bastard?"

Sehun was shocked by his actions for he thought this tan guy was just another one of her toys, "Nara's fine. I swooped in before he could really do anything. By the way, I'm Oh Sehun, Nara's best friend. And you are?"

Jongin started to grin, "I'm Kim Jongin, but you can call me Jomgin or Kai, whichever you prefer. I'm this beatiful girl's next, only, and last significant other to which she'll have ual relations to."

Sehun's, Baek's, and Kyungsoo's jaw dropped as the other to guys with Jongin smiled proudly together. You don't know why, but his words made you smile in agreement as he gave you a look. 

A/N: I know, I know. It's been almost two months I believe! I thought that I'd have time to update over spring break, but I guess not. The unproductiveness lead to major writer's block and I just suddenly had free time yesterday so I felt the need to update. Yeah, I know it's not the best work. /sighs/ Thank you so much to all those subscribers that stayed though. You don't know how much you mean to me. <3 I've been going through so much stress lately, and it really is starting to overwhelm me, Hahah, the other day my mother made a simple comment about how I should practice more and I flipped out and had taken it as an insult and started tearing up. I guess you can say it's getting to me. ahah, sorry if the story line is boring.. I try ;-;

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