Chapter One.

The Way to Unlocking the Key to Your Heart

"It's over," you said coldly, not even looking at the boy in the eye. 

"What? What do you mean it's over?" Junsu, the boy that you've been playing around with for the past week along with five other guys, said with concern.

"We're over. This relationship. It's time that it has come to an end. I don't think it's going to work out for us," you said in a monotonous voice.

"Why? Was it something I did? Was I too unexperienced? I-I'm sorry.." he said as tears filled his eyes. "I-I can try to do better." Junsu looked at you with hope filled in his eyes. If this was the first time that you've done something like this, maybe you would have felt a pang of guilt, but it wasn't, and you didn't. 

"There's nothing you can do now. I've found someone else. Someone who knows how to pleasure me. Someone who is not you. Let's not make this longer than it has to be," you said as you grabbed your purse and stood up from the seat. "See you around." You said as you walked out of the coffee shop as you heard footsteps behind you, and a hand grabbed your wrist. 

"Zhang Nara! Please don't do this. I can be so much better than that other guy. Please. Just give me another chance. I-I think I love you." Junsu said with tears running down his face. Just on time, Kris had come in his Porsche and stopped right in front of the shop. "I-Is that him?" Junsu said with his eyes wide and filled with shock.

"Well as you can see, my ride's here so I'll be leaving now." you waved, as you opened the car door and sat as Kris drove away, leaving Junsu, a crying mess. 

Kris chuckled, slightly amused. "Well well well, since when did my baby sister become such a heartbreaker? What number is he, and can't you do so much better?" 

Nara smiled, "Ever since you started becoming such a badass, bro. And he's one out of the five this week, and he confessed in such a sweet way, how could I say no?"

"Oh how adorable. He confessed in a sweet way." Kris mimicked earning him a slap from you. "Bet he wasn't good in bed which is why you dumped him first out of the other five huh?" 

You slapped him again before muttering, "Shut up.." to which Kris bursted out laughing.

"Just wait til I tell Yixing this! No one besides Yixing and I, would ever know that Zhang Nara, father's good, obedient child, would have already lost her ity!"

"Shut up. I don't need anymore lectures or physical punishments than I already get from that we're forced to call mother. Speaking of the devil, is she home?" 

"Lucky for you, she isn't. Her and father are out spending his money on clothes that she needs for this season or whatever." Kris rolled his eyes. "Gold digging .." 

"Are we picking Yixing up from his dance class?" you asked curiously noticing that Kris wasn't heading in the direction of your home.

"Yup, looks like you might get a chance to pick up a hot dancer today.. Yixing mentioned something about an extended practice today? So I decided to come early and watch, and just in case you wanted to, allow you to go find a buddy for tonight." 

"You make me sound like a ." you glared at Kris.

"That's because that's what players are." Kris smirked back, and before you could hit him, he parked the car, and got out. 

"Yah!" you said following him.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Kris said wagging his finger. "Boys don't like crazy, violent girls remember?" Earning him a hard smack on the arm, and you giggled as he groaned. You ran into the building before he could do anything to you. You saw Yixing practicing his dance with ease and smiled at him. That was until you saw a tanned skin guy, who seemed to make Yixing incomparable to him. The way he moved his body along with the music just looked so freaking y. 

"Looks like you found your new play thing huh?" Kris said from behind you making you jump. 

"Yah! Don't do that! You know how easily scared I get!" you whined, displaying lots of aegyo, hoping that a certain tanned dancer would see. 

"Shut up. You're so loud, just sit and watch Yixing!" Kris said annoyed with your noise level. You sat there at first, trying to watch Yixing as Kris said, but instead you realized that you couldn't take your eyes off the tanned, handsome guy from earlier. When they finished, Yixing came out and greeted the two of you.

"Wow, what an honor it is to have my two favorite people in the world come and visit me." Yixing said as he leaned in towards you and tried to hug you.

"Ew! You're all sweaty. Don't you dare touch me, oppa!" you said in disgust as you slipped out from his arms, and behind Kris.

"Oppa? Yixing hyung's never told me that he had such a gorgeous girlfirend?" the tanned, handsome guy said looking curious.

"Girlfriend?!" both you and Yixing yelled at the same time, while Kris sat there laughing. 

"You think that this hideous creature is my girlfriend?!"  Yixing said with his eyes popping out of his face. 

"Mwo?! Hideous?! Zhang Yixing, I will be the death of you!" you yelled as you went towards him and tried to hit him, but Kris got in the way and blocked you giving you a look that the tanned, handsome guy was still there. 

"Ah.. ne." you turned around, and flashed a smile towards the guy. "Annyeonghasayong. Zhang Nara-imnida." The three of you both spoke Mandarin, Korean, and English. Mandarin because well, it was your parents native language, and Korean since you lived in Korea for your father's company. English because it was useful for business according to your father. You extended a hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm this idiot's younger sister, and you are?"

"Kim Jongin, other people call me Kai, but I guess I'll let you be an exception, so call me Jongin, since of course you're just so darn pretty." he flashed an extremely handsome grin. 

You giggled and replied, "Well you're not too bad yourself." You winked as your brushed your hand across his arm.

"Careful Jongin, this one's trouble. You definitely do not want to get involved with her. She's not as innocent as she looks." Yixing said, catching our attention, and making your eyes go wide. Kris got you covered though. 

"Shut up, Yixing. You're just mad because our little sister can entertain your friend better than you can." Kris smirked, earning a glare from YixingHe turned towards Jongin and introduced himself. "I'm Kris, by the way." 

"So.. uhm.. did you meet Yixing from this dance class?" you asked Jongin.

"Well, sort of. We actually go to the same school, and he and my older brother are best friends, and I guess we are too. I guess you could say that dance was what linked us together," Jongin answered.

"You sound like a couple." Kris muttered, receiving glares from both Yixing and Jongin.

"You go to Seoul Academy too?" you smiled, and turned towards Yixing. "Why didn't you ever introduce me to your friend, oppa? He's so nice." 

"It's because you're not, and I don't want to lose a friend because of you." Yixing said with an evil grin to which you would have hit him, if not the handsome, tanned guy named Jongin that you've just met was here. Gotta leave good first impressions right?

"Anyways, we don't have much time to talk, so let's go." Kris said as he walked out the door. Wingman my . Could've at least given me some more time.. Aish.

"Will you come again next week?" Jongin said as he looked to you with hope in his eyes.

"Of course, but we could also see each other at school y'know?" you said with a smile.

"That excited to see me huh? I didn't even think of that."

"Says the one who asked me whether or not I'll be coming here next week." you smirked.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but Nara, HURRY UP. WE WANT TO MAKE IT HOME BEFORE THE WOMAN DOES." Yixing yelled as he ran out the door again.

"Sorry, I have to go. See you at school?" you smiled flirtatiously. 

"Why of course, or maybe even sooner." he muttered the last part, but you didn't hear it. "Have a good weekend, beautiful." he grinned back at you.

"You too." you said, as you went out the door with a giant smile on your face. Gosh.. why did he have to be just so freaking handsome? Ugh. You headed towards the car, and as you sat down.

"Looks like someone found her number six for this week.." Kris muttered as Yixing's eyes went wide. ... Yixing had forgotten that his sister was a big player. Dammit Nara, don't you dare make me lose another good friend. He thought to himself, and silently scolded himself for not stopping this earlier. 





A/N: Well there's the first chapter, guys! (: Hope it wasn't too y, and that you'll give me feedback? <3

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