A New Victim

The Problem With Us



Chanyeol needs a break after comforting Sehun from his tantrum, and Luhan understands that. However, taking a one week holiday is just plain stupid. Also, leaving a stranger to look after them makes it ten times worse.

Who the hell is Joon-Myeon?” Luhan growls. He sits up, abandons his book to one side and looks at Chanyeol bewilderedly. “You can’t be serious.”

“He’s my friend…you can call him Suho.” Chanyeol says somewhat exasperatedly, running a hand through his messy hair. “Well, he’s my mother’s friend’s son.”

“And you let him take charge of the house while you go on a holiday?” Luhan says. “You don’t even trust us with the house? You trust this Suho guy more than us?”

“Frankly I do.” Chanyeol sighs, his eyes widening slightly as he says this.

Luhan recoils, hurt for a moment, but then remembers how roughly he treated Chanyeol the previous day. Maybe it’s divine punishment then.

“If that’s what you want,” He mutters, still unsatisfied with Chanyeol’s vague explanation for his sudden leaving. “When’s he coming again?”

Chanyeol’s eyebrows rise.“The day after tomorrow. I’ll be leaving tomorrow.You didn’t know?”

“You didn’t tell me!” Luhan says, frustrated.

Chanyeol laughs awkwardly, then stops when he catches Luhan’s killer glare.

“I don’t trust Suho.” Luhan mummers.

Chanyeol smiles, unable to stop himself. “Well, that’s why he’s visiting today.”



They look like an unfriendly lot.

Suho smiles slightly, to lighten the mood, but they don’t budge, not one bit. Not even a wave, or a smile, or a hello. Just hostile stares.

Well, Suho’s definitely not going to spend a week with these two.

“This is Luhan, and this is Sehun.” Chanyeol points to the two men standing stonily at one side. When they don’t reply, he points to Suho. “This is Suho.”

Suho waits for them to make a move. The blond-haired man ignores his steady gaze, but the other one grudgingly holds out a hand.  “Sehun.” He mumbles. The blond haired one, Luhan, snorts contemptuously.

He’s not going to enjoy his stay.

“Nice to meet you.” Suho takes Sehun’s hand, which is cold, and shakes it. Sehun looks down, refusing to meet Suho’s eyes.

“Sorry Suho,” Chanyeol stage whispers, apparently trying to explain the situation to Suho. “I don’t know what’s wrong with them.”

Luhan snorts again, looking down at the floor. “This . I’m moving out.”

“NO, you are not.” Chanyeol hisses.

“No offense, Suho, but I don’t trust you.” Luhan ignores Chanyeol. “And I don’t think Sehun does either.”

“I trust Chanyeol.” Sehun says, with an edge of venom in his voice, casting a sideways glance at Luhan.

Luhan snorts. “Yeah right.”

They glare at each other for bare moments, and break away again. Suho sees Chanyeol’s mouth twitch downwards.

“Why-why don’t you take a seat,” Chanyeol mummers awkwardly, shifting away from Suho. Suho lifts an eyebrow. Well, that’s a first, Chanyeol being so awkward. What have these monsters done to him?

Luhan and Sehun shuffle towards the sofa, an awkward dance of not knowing where to go, and trying to avoid each other as far as possible. Finally, Sehun takes a seat adjacent to Suho, and Luhan sits directly opposite him, never lifting his eyes off the floor.

“So…how old are you guys?” Suho asks, trying and failing to break the ice.

“I’m twenty two,” Luhan replies, with an edge of annoyance in his voice. “How old are you? Forty?”

“Twenty two.” Suho replies complacently, his tone polite.

“I’m nineteen.” Sehun mutters in response, steepling his fingers under his chin, apparently deep in thought. His eyes slide up to Suho’s face for a moment, inquisitive.

“Are you really Chanyeol’s …friend?”

Luhan chortles mockingly.

“Shut up, Luhan.” Sehun growls.

“Yes, I am. Ever since we were children.” Suho replies, puzzled. What is it Sehun wants to know?

Sehun raises his eyebrows appraisingly, warily, even.  Then, he shakes his head, frowns a little, and breaks eye contact again.

“You Luhan,” Sehun mutters.

“What?” Luhan shoots back.

“Go away.” Sehun growls.

Suho puckers his lips in distress. Oh no. Are they about to fight again?

Just then, Chanyeol pads back quietly from the kitchen, holding a mug. Luhan’s frown deepens, while Sehun just sighs, as if defeated, and leans back against the couch, one hand on his temple.

“Stop arguing.” Chanyeol chides as he puts the mug down in front of Suho. He turns to Luhan. “Now do you trust Suho?"

“…NO.”  Luhan replies. Chanyeol frowns.

“You have to. He’ll be staying with you for a week.” Chanyeol insists, his tone pleading.

Luhan glares.

“…Fine. Suho…just keep them out of trouble.”

Chanyeol sighs heavily, and then climbs up the stairs as if he’s carrying a huge weight. Once he’s out of sight, Sehun’s shoulders relax, and Luhan just continues staring sullenly into space.

“Erm.” Suho clears his throat. “What do you want to do?”

“Nothing.” Sehun says, viciously, crossing his arms as if Suho is an unwelcome intruder.

“I have work to do,” Luhan adds, getting up from he couch. “See you later.” He briskly jogs up the staircase and closes his bedroom door with a slam. As soon as Luhan leaves, Sehun leans back, seeming to get more relaxed and confident, but still as bitter as ever.

Suho turns to Sehun. “Well, I can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

“Who said you can talk to me?” Sehun replies, refusing to look at Suho. “You only talk to me if I talk to you.”

Suho frowns. ”That’s not your rule to set. I’m older than you, if you haven’t noticed.”

“Older doesn’t mean better.” Sehun snaps. Suho’s heart sinks, realizing that Sehun isn’t as nice as he thought.

“Older means stupider, and infinitely more naïve.”

Suho is silent for a moment, taking all this in. “How do you know?”

“I have experience.” Sehun grabs Suho’s mug and gulps down all of his orange juice in one swift move.

“See. Betcha didn’t know I was going to do that.”

“…I didn’t expect you to.” Suho’s rendered speechless with shock.

“Exactly.” Sehun smirks, mocking, trying to get a rise out of him. “Now go get another mug because I’m not going to refill yours for you.”

Suho watches Sehun appraisingly, with an air of disgust and disapprovement. Is this really what they’re like? Chanyeol had described Luhan as ‘cute’ and Sehun as ‘friendly and funny’ in his email. No way. Either they really hate Suho, or Chanyeol is just helplessly blind.

“Can I go now?” Sehun asks, tapping his fingers on the glass table to illustrate his impatience.

“Ask Chanyeol.” Suho says, not knowing what Chanyeol’s answer will be.

 Sehun stiffens.

“I don’t need Chanyeol’s permission for anything.” Sehun growls.

Suho is taken aback by Sehun’s sudden change of mood at the mention of Chanyeol. Maybe Sehun hates Chanyeol. Maybe they just had an argument, then. Why such anger in his voice?

“Then why are you asking me?” Suho retorts, trying for a smart reply. Sehun huffs furiously, stands, and noisily clambers up the stairs back to his room. The door slams, as loudly as Luhan’s did.

Suho looks up, his face painted in barely disguised shades of annoyance and dismay. Against the bright light streaming through the window, he is a dark silhouette, and that is exactly how he feels. Alone is this angry household. He can still remember, thought the images are fading as one’s memory often does, Luhan’s furious, sullen expression, Sehun’s bitter smile and Chanyeol’s overall distress.

Such disorganization was not what Suho had expected. Nothing like that at all.

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LaxanaLeonheart #1
Chapter 10: Kyaaa~! Luhan harem XD I root for everyone x Luhan XD (I'm so sorry Luhan >.>
bronzee #2
Chapter 10: Update pleaseee
bottreypigpig #3
Chapter 8: No. it can't be this way.
doesn't it suppose to be hunhan?!? and now it has become chanlu x chanhun....
Oh Myyyyyyyyyyyy
Chapter 9: Woowee that atmosphere in there is tense >C<
Thanks for the update <3 <3 <3
ILoveKDramas1 #5
Chapter 9: So WHo Does Sehun Really Love's Channie Or LuLu!!! And Who Does LuLu Love's Channie Or Sehun!!! I Hope THey Fix Their Problems And Sehun & LuHan Become HunHan Couple!!!!
Chapter 8: Im rooting for chanlu but my sehunnie T_T chanyeolie~ i like both either chanlu or chanhun ♥
Chapter 8: Ugh my poor little heart >C<
You are one good writer!
Update soon <3 <3 <3 <3
ImaginatorEXO #8
Chapter 8: i hope it's chanlu.. <3
Chapter 8: man honestly my brain is like wtf messed up right now
Chapter 8: i hope it's chanlu in the end, or at least its hunhan, i can't stand if chanhun in the end T^T