Almost Lost

Wake Me Up

Almost Lost


                Angela woke up the next morning her eyelids heavier than led. She looked around her room that was titling from one side to the next and blurry like she had never been there. She laid back down and sighed. Checking her watch she had no choice but to get up and make breakfast. Knowing these boys they would skip it entirely or not even go to school.

                Her legs gave way from under her and she plopped down on the floor like a baby who had just taken its first steps. Struggling to stand up again she made her way downstairs. They would have to settle for a bowl of cornflakes fortoday. She had no energy to even sweep the floor but she had work to do just like she had every morning and she was determined to get it done. So she set the table with the milk and three different cornflakes in the center as well as bowls along with spoons before setting to work. First she would clean the kitchen counter tops and check what groceries they would need. As she set about on her task the boys came down one by one and sat around the table each serving themselves a bowl. P.O and Zico were the last ones to come down to eat.

“Noona, cereal?” P.O asked not touching any of the boxes. Angela was in the fridge moving one thing and another then writing it down on her notepad. She didn’t know why the fridge was so cold. Hearing P.O’s question she turned around then closed the door before leaning on it.

“I’m sorry Ji Hoon. Tomorrow I promise I’ll make you something else.” She said without emotion then turned to wash the plates that were in the sink from last night. She could have sworn she washed everything last night.

“But isn’t there any left overs?” P.O whined still not serving himself a bowl. Angela sighed.

“No, Ji Hoon I’m-“ She dropped a plate in the sink and it shattered. She had gotten extremely dizzy to the point that she wasn’t sure she could stay standing so she had hung onto the counter to stay balanced.

“Ugh seriously?” B-Bomb complained going to the sink and seeing the mess. “You’re gonna pay for that. This stuff isn’t cheap.” He placed his empty bowl on the counter. Angela nodded slowly and glanced at the bowl. Another dish to wash.

“How is she going to pay for that when she doesn’t even have a job?” Jaehyo asked rolling his eyes. “And how about you help her clean up instead of dirtying more things.”

“Because she’s a maid. It’s her job. I thought we went through this last night!” B-Bomb retorted.

“Noona are you sure there isn’t anything else to eat?” P.O continued to complain.

                Angela let go of the sink and turned to face the boys. She looked at P.O her eyes red as if she was going to cry then at B-Bomb and Jaehyo.

“There isn’t anything else to eat, Ji Hoon. And will you two stop fighting?” She said her voice extremely low. B-Bomb glared at her.

“Then just do your job and we won’t have a problem.” He replied.  Angela sighed again. She had to go shopping for food before heading off to school. So without replying him she started to make her way out of the kitchen. Taeil and Ukwon watching as she lethargically dragged her feet. “Hey at least answer me,” B-Bomb said grabbing her arm. She twisted it away then crashed to the floor for the second time.

“Angela!” Ukwon rushed to her side and touched her arm but immediately drew it away. He looked up at B-Bomb who was clenching and unclenching his hand. Had he felt right? He knelled down and touched her forehead with the same hand and jumped back.

“Damn.” He said under his breath. “She has a really high fever.”

“I’m fine.” She said pushing his hand away and shakily standing on her own.

“No you’re not fine. Angela you need to rest before-“Ukwon started to say but she interrupted him.

“I’ll rest later. I’m just a little tired that’s all.” She took a deep breath. “We need groceries. You guys can go ahead to school while I go get them.”

“P.O come on.” Ukwon said gesturing for him to come closer. “Pick her up and take her upstairs.”

“What? Kya!!! Hey!!!!” She shouted as P.O threw her over his shoulder. “Pyo Ji Hoon put me down!”

“No, hyung said to take you upstairs.” He replied shaking his head. He turned ready to walk upstairs when Ukwon stopped him again.

“Wait,” He said jogging up to them. Then he snatched the list of groceries she had clenched in her hand. “Now take her up.”

“Yah!!” She shouted still trying to get out of the younger boys hold.

“Here.” He handed the paper to Bbomb who just looked at it. “You have shopping duty since you were such an .”

“You are not making me go buy stuff at a super market.” He replied as I it was the worst thing in the world.

“Hyung how about we make a new rule,” Ukwon said facing Taeil the long list in his hand. “Whoever doesn’t pull their weight around here doesn’t get any food.”

“Hmmm,” Taeil seemingly mused. Of course he would agree to it. Angela was their maid but she was also a sickly girl who could barely move their dining room table. “I like that idea.”

“Good. So its settled. B-Bomb has grocery duty.” He glanced at Zico then up at the stairs where Angela and P.O were most likely going at it. “Angela needs medicine. Your smart why don’t you go get it. Oh and while you’re at it figure out how she got so sick.” He said sarcastically. He knew it was Zico’s fault. How he had done it he wasn’t sure but it had to do with him.

“I’ll pass.” Zico said leaving his bowl on the counter.

“Whatever you did you better hope she gets better.” Ukwon warned him. Zico looked him dead in the eye.

“Mind your business kid.”

“She is my business. She’s everyone’s business here and you have to take responsibility for what you do to her. Because this whole thing will start over again. But this time you won’t be allowed to up. Once is enough.”

                The kitchen was in complete silence until P.O thundered down the stairs. He huffed and looked behind him ready to see Angela running down after him. Thankfully she didn’t. Man the girl could put up a fight. Looking at his hyungs he smiled a little.

“I put her in her bed but I don’t think it’s going to last long. If we don’t go to school she’ll be right back down.”

“You heard him. Everyone out!” Jaehyo said directing them to the house exit.

                Angela sat in her bed dumbfounded. With all the effort it took her to get out of it now she was right back in it. Wonderful. But in her distress a smile crossed her lips. She was happy that they worried about her. That meant they actually cared for her although the person she wanted to care the most didn’t, or he just didn’t show it. Knowing that he had a significant other was a blow to her heart.

“Maybe I should just give up then,” She said to herself getting out of bed once again. Looking herself in the mirror she turned around once. She was wearing her school uniform and looked ready to go except her face looked fatigued, as if she had aged. “I don’t want to stay here alone.” She grabbed her bag hoisting it up a little higher. If she stayed here she would just end up feeling sorry for herself.

                Zico kicked the rocks that were underneath his feet. Lunch time had finally come around and none of s came near him. He sighed and looked up at the clear blue sky. So much for being their leader. He sat down on a bench and put his head in his hands. He had let B-Bomb’s paranoia get to him. That and it was her anniversary too.

July 16, 2013

                His mood would always get pretty foul at this time but it had been worse this year. And it was all because of Angela. He bit his lip. They were just so similar. Not their personalities but their features. They could have been twins or he could just be delusional. Whatever it was after he visited her he needed to apologize to Angela. But he wasn’t sure how their relationship would be from now on.

“I just need to focus on this visit.” He said taking a deep breath. If he could just get through today it would be another year accomplished. Looking up he spotted Angela walking through the schools court yard. She was supposed to be home, in bed. Jumping to his feet he was ready to shout out to her but decided against it. He hadn’t watched her for a long time, after this he would leave for the day.

                She walked tentatively towards the archery grounds. She really wanted to visit Akane Ringo but she wanted to avoid getting spotted by Kurumi. She was very sure the girl disliked her for reasons she had yet to understand. So as she came closer to the fields she started to hide behind trees and tip toe as if she was close enough for Kurumi to spot her. Up in his tree Zenaku stared down at her amused at her antics. But with those thick ridges on his face he wasn’t going to approach her any time soon. She tripped over a cluster of rocks that had been directly in front of her. Both Zico and Zenaku tensed wondering if they should go and help her or not. But soon she stood up, dusted herself off and started tip toeing again. She was breathing a little heavily and her cheeks were turning red. This really wasn’t the best thing to be doing when she knew she was sick but it was fun anyway. The moment she neared the horses stable it neighed happily at the sight of her.

“Shhh, shhh bad girl hush.” She whispered looking from left to right hoping no one had heard her. “If you don’t stay quite mama is going to get in trouble.” She said giggling a little when she called herself the horse’s mom. As if she was actually hers. “I wish you were mine though.” She said longingly while patting her mane affectionately.

“She could be if you want.” A voice said coming inside the stable. Alarmed Angela jumped surprised.

                Soohyun walked up to her and handed her some hay. She patted Akane and smiled at her.

“She’s really fond of you. I can let you have her but you would have to join our club.” Soohyun said fixing her practice attire.

“B-But I don’t think I’m any good at archery. I’m not good at sports in general.” Angela admitted remembering her terrible time in the Taekwondo club.

“That’s fine. We can teach you and you’ll become better. Come on, Akane likes you being her mama more than Kurumi,” She laughed. “Honestly this little lady doesn’t like anyone but you and me. I already have my horse.”

“….you’ll really let me join…and I can have her?” Angela asked skeptical. Soohyun nodded.

“Yep. Come with me to practice todayand she’ll be all yours.” She replied enthusiastically.

“Thank you so much!” She said with a bow. “Akane Ringo see aren’t you happy? You’re going to be all mine!” She gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled brightly and Soohyun. “Is it ok if I take her outside for a little?”

“No problem. Just make sure that you put her back in the stable.” Soohyun said with a nod.

                With that Angela led the horse out of the stable and near by the tree she always sat under. Ruffling her mane she nuzzled her neck and sighed happily. It might just have very well been the first time in weeks that she was this overjoyed. She had never had a pet before but she was as close as she would get until she got older.

“You’re going to be a good girl right?” She said petting her gently. She felt as if bricks were weighing on her chest. Her skin started to blossom in goose flesh and her homeostasis system kicked in making her shiver for warmth. “Mama gets sick really easy. I don’t like it but I can’t do anything about it.” She laid on Akane’s stomach and curled into a tight ball. Akane was radiating with heat which made her feel a little better. “I’m going to take a nap ok? I’ll wake up soon.” Akane neighed then settled down on the grass attempting to shield her with her neck. Angela smiled and rubbed her furry tummy before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

                Zico came from behind a tree he had been hiding by. Walking carefully as if the grass were pieces of sharp glass he came to her. Kneeling down he eyed the horse that was looking dead at him ready to attack if he tried anything funny to her new owner.

“Hey there, I’m not going to hurt her.” He whispered slowly inching closer. “I just want to see if she’s alright.” Akane stared at him for a little longer before moving a bit.

                Smiling relieved Zico sat beside Angela who had started to breath heavily. Her cheeks were almost tomato red. He put his hand to her forehead and immediately withdrew it. She was burning up but she was shivering as if she was cold.

“Oh no,” He whispered taking off his school jacket and wrapping it around her shaking body.

                The last time she was like this she was running from her abusive father. He remembered that her anemia made everything that much more worse and she was unconscious for days at a time. An unknown fear gripped his mind. He was very aware that her health was not the best but had no idea what to do to help her.

‘She needs to stay awake,’ He heard a voice whispered to him. He glanced around but didn’t see anyone. ‘Wake her up!!’

“Angela,” He said shaking her. “Angy wake up. You have to open your eyes. Wake up, look at me.” But she didn’t stir. “Angela!!” He shouted somewhat hysterical. He stopped himself watching as her face twisted in pain.

He was terrified.

‘Take her to the hospital.’

                The angel that protected Angela hovered over them watching her worriedly. She had seen this many times but could never get her parents to listen to her. Being an angel had its set backs, no one could see her aside from the person she was guarding and not everyone listened to the little voice in their heads. Zico could hear her but not see her and she wasn’t sure for how long.

                He hesitated for a moment not sure if he should really go to the emergency room. But when the voice urged him he leaped to his feet, leaving the horse to its own devices. He caught a cab and asked for the closest hospital. In the cab he didn’t let go of her. She was wrapped in his arms, close to his body his jacket over her shoulders. Her forehead was sweaty and her bangs stuck to her forehead. With a shaky hand he moved it away from her closed eyes and with the sleeve of his shirt he dried her forehead. He himself was breathing heavily, his heart racing at the thought of her eyes not opening for an extended period of time. He needed to apologize to her, he need to say he was sorry and tell her what was going on with him. He wanted…..he wanted her with him. She had been the only person who had comforted him when he thought about Shizuka, in gratitude he had pushed her away and he was regretting it.

                They arrived at the hospital and Zico felt as if everything was in a state of disarray. He told the nurse he found about Angela and everything he knew concerning her medically. The male nurse immediately put her into a stretcher and rolled her off to the emergency room. Zico followed them intending to be right at her side but the moment they closed the curtain he wasn't let in while they examined her. A few moments later a doctor came out a grim expression on her face.
"It's a complication of her immune system. Are you her guardian?" She asked the question hesitantly. "Or maybe her significant other?"

"She lives with me." He replied trying to look over her.

"This might be a little scary but we need to operate on her and we need a guardians consent." She looked at him dubiously. "Where are her parents?"

"It's in your jurisdiction to operate even without a guardians consent right? I won't sue if anything goes wrong. She's already really sick please help her." He begged his voice trembling.

"Yes....but," She hesitated. He was right she had that authority because if a patient died they would still be sued just for following protocol.

"Please," He asked again. He got to his knees and bowed his head to the floor. "I'll do anything to convince you to operate."

She got on her knees as well but just touched his shoulders. She would do the operation. Questioning how payment would be given for it could be figured out later. The operating room was prepped and Angela was taken into surgery.

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BlkDiamond #1
Chapter 9: Is she going to to call or check on her mom and see if she is alive and let her know she is ok?
Chapter 9: Oh no! Please let her get better!
Chapter 9: Ohh ~ this is so good I really hope you will update soon so I will know I she survives or not!! And btw love your story
sevixx #4
Chapter 8: Awe so sad for everyone. Poor Zico, poor Angel, poor Zen...
Baebaegopa #5
Chapter 8: It's going well so far. I like the story alot. Continue updating
Chapter 7: Author-nim please update soon ! Im LOVING this <3
Chapter 7: awww the horse likes her! Kurumi is quite jelly her horse likes Angel and not her lol hilarity. So...I'm curious about what's gonna happen next and I understand that school life struggle. College student myself.
Baebaegopa #8
Chapter 7: You beyoootifullll creature you. That was so awesome. I was like yeahhhh finally an update. But i totally understand the reason to wait. School is pretty demanding anyhow. But do your best. :D!
Baebaegopa #9
Ummmmm the update. Why is it not coming?(wails loudly) Dont you love me amymore?!?!
Chapter 6: I really like Block B gang stories and you just fulfilled my craving for it authornim ^^
and the idea about the angels coming down to help her is such a great idea! I can't wait for you to update ... hwaiting!