LaYeol - Love Song

Our Precious Chanyeol

Hi, I'm alive ^^

I'm so sorry tht it takes sooo long to update this story.

#lazy author is being lazy -__-"

I'm not gunna hold you up any longer, hope this can make up my absence ~

Warning: un-betaed

Love Song

Characters: Lay x Chanyeol

Length : 2k+


His doe eyes widened even more upon seeing the person standing in front of him; the very person he had secretly admired, the very person that made his heart went thump-thump-thump every time they had eye contact. However, as if someone had poured a bucket of frozen water upon his head, he jolted out of his reverie and realized the current state he was in. And without further ado, he screamed and slammed the door right in front of his six-month crush’s face, leaving the man stood there baffled.

So, what the hell is actually happened here? Let’s have a flashback.

Chanyeol had just finished his shower when he heard the knocks on his door. Thinking that it might be Baekhyun who forgot to bring his student card again, Chanyeol simply wrapped a towel around his waist and waltzed to the door. He was about to open the door when his mischief him. He purposely waited behind the door and let “Baekhyun” waited for a little bit longer. He grinned after he heard the umpteenth knock and excitedly yanked the door open. His grin, however, vanished and got replaced by that certain look of pure shock when he saw the one that he thought was Baekhyun.

Now, standing right in front of him was his six-month crush, Zhang Yixing, or more known as Lay—the straight-A senior in Applied Art Department, famous with his two dimples. Chanyeol was beyond surprised, never would he imagined even in his wildest imagination that the Zhang Yixing will pay a visit to the D building—not to mention visiting him. But then he remembered the state he was in and in a blink of an eye, he screamed and slammed shut the door right in front of Yixing’s face.

Chanyeol felt like his face would explode from sheer embarassment. He rushed into his room to put on some clothes. Right after he succeeded in wearing his t-shirt, he heard his roomate, Baekhyun shouted from the doorway. Chanyeol never thought that he would be more surprised than before but here he was, with eyes and jaw wide open.

“Babo!!! How could you let Lay hyung waited outside? What the hell did you do?” Baekhyun scolded him while putting down his bags next to the sofa. Chanyeol was speechless, he just stood there, gawking at Yiing who stood behind Baekhyun. When his eyes caught Chanyeol’s, he offered a soft smile that made Chanyeol’s face burst in a darkest hue of red.

“Yah! Why are you just standing there? Bring us something to drink. We have visitors.” Baekhyun said loudly and Chanyeol swore he would strangle his bestfriend in his sleep tonight. How could he ordered Chanyeol around when his crush was standing in their very own dorm? When he almost stomped his way to the kithen though, Lay stopped him.

“Chanyeol, wait.” And Chanyeol swear, his heart just stopped breathing when he heard Yixing talked to him. Timidly, he turned around and came face to face with Yixing who was scratching his neck.

 “Y-yeah?” he stuttered. ‘damn stutter!’ he thought.

“Actually, I need to talk to you. Just the two of us.” Yixing said seriously. Chanyeol gulped the lump in his throat. “So... Baekhyun, can you...” Yixing trailed off and Baekhyun, seemengly understand what he meant, swatted his hand in dismissal motion and proceeded to his room.

“Yeah, yeah. I just need to get my notebook and I’ll dissapear from your sight.” In less than two minutes, he emerged from his room, raising one of his eyebrows upon seeing the two people standing awkwardly in the living room.

“Won’t it be more comfortable to talk while you’re sitting down?” he asked, his free hand on his hips. Chanyeol and Yixing jumped simultaneously and with a stutter Chanyeol offered Yixing to sit down on their (Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s) brown sofa.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and walked to the front door. However, before his hand grasped the door handle, he turned around and said “Yeol-ah, I’ll be back at 8. Enjoy your time with Lay hyung but please don’t do anything weird on the sofa.” Baekhyun winked and then he ducked his head when Chanyeol threw a cushion to his direction. “Yah!” he shouted and then yanked the door open and slammed it shut in time with the muffled thump of the cushion that was thrown by no other that Chanyeol.

Chanyeol had his face red up to his ears. ‘Damn that midget’ he thought grudgingly. Chanyeol was too preoccupied with his plan of murdering Bekhyun that he literary jumped on his seat when he heard Yixing speak.

 “Wh-what? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.” Chanyeol said in a stutter.

Yixing let out a soft smile and Chanyeol swore he would faint if Yixing kept on being perfect. “I asked you to teach me how to play guitar, Chanyeol.” Yixing said softly and Chanyeol loved the way his name rolled out of Yixing’s tongue.

“Wh-why do you want to learn how to play guitar?” Chanyeol asked him still with stutter, because apparently his heart still beating in an abnormal speed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to meddle with your bussiness. I-I mean, you have your own reason right? So I didn’t suppose to ask you about it. And I absolutely understand if you dodn’t want me to know because it’s not my bussiness and...”

“Wowowow.... ” Yixing chuckled and effectively cut every nonsense Chanyeol was about to spurted out. Chanyeol blushed again. Oh, how stupid he felt he was for acting like that in front of his crush.

Yixing smiled fondly upon seeing the embarassed Chanyeol. Then, much to Chanyeol’s surprise, Yixing told him the reason why he wanted to learn how to play guitar. “It’s okay Chanyeol, I don’t mind. You know, it’s a pretty lame reason why I wanted to learn how to play guitar.” Yixing had an embarrased smile etched upon his face and had his hand rubbed the back of his neck. Chanyeol, somehow had a bad feeling about Yixing’s reason.

“Well, there’s someone I like. And that person likes, no, loves music. So, I want to... you now, sort of impress that person?” Yixing finished in a questioning tone and Chanyeol swear, he could hear his heart shatter into millions of tiny pieces. ‘Off course, he likes someone else. He’d never like someone like me. Yixing hyung deserves someone at least as good as him.’ Chanyeol thought bitterly.

“So, you’re going to help me, right? Since my friend sid that you’re the best student in music department.” Yixing asked with face full oh hope. Oh, how Chanyeol could say no to his request? So he put on his best smile and said “Sure, hyung.”  as cheerful as he could manage.

After arranging what day they should meet for a short practice and a little bit of chit-chat, Yixing took his leave, leaving a broken-hearted puppy in the living room.


Baekhyun went home to a dark dorm. He stepped out from his shoes and proceeded to search for his giant puppy of  a best friend. He was so shocked when he saw Chanyeol curled on the sofa, hugging his knees. When he approached the giant puppy, he could hear soft whimpers and he couldn’t help but to rushed to Chanyeol’s side and tried his best to console his currently crying best friend.

“Hey hey hey... What’s wrong?” he asked softly. Maybe for some people, Baekhyun seemed to hate Chanyeol—judging from the way he treated Chanyeol in most ocassion. But, in reality, Baekhyun love Chanyeol very much—no, not the romantic type of love, but more like brotherly love. They’ve been best friend since forever and they practially attached to each other’s hips. Those fights and harmless insults were Baekhyun’s way to show how they’re really close to each other. And he couldn’t stand the sight of crying Chanyeol because it would simply break his heart.

“Shhh... Yeol-ah, tell me. What’s wrong?” He asked once more, with his hand striking Chanyeol’s golden locks. Chanyeol said nothing and burried his head deeper into he crook of Baekhyun’s neck. The position looked so awkward since Chanyeol is much more taller than Baekhyun but the both of them had been sooo used of that position that they knew where to put their hands and head and legs and everything. After Chanyeol had calmed enough, he told Baekhyun about his whole ordeal with Lay.

“Well, if it’s like that all you can do is to enjoy every second you’ll spend with him.” Baekhyun said calmly. He didn’t need to see Chanyeol’s face to know about his reaction. Baekhyun knew eactly that Chanyeol was contemplating his suggestion and Baekhyun was so glad that his best friend had stopped crying. “Furthermore, even though you cannot be with Lay hyung, at least you can enjoy your quality time with him. Maybe that way your feeling will wear off and you can move on?” Baekhyun suggested and he could feel Chanyeol nodded against his shoulder. That night, later, spent with two tubs of ice cream and instant ramyeon for dinner.

Surpiringly for Chanyeol, the guitar practices he had with Yixing were extremely pleasant. Yixing was a quick learner. He could grasp every keys and tabs that Chanyeol taught. Once he teasingly said that Yixing had already known how to play the guitar and he only wanted to learn gutar from him so that he could spend some time with Chanyeol. But then, Chanyeol realized how stupid he sounded and he laughed awkwardly, not noticing how surprised Yixing looked.

After their fourth practice, Yixing asked Chanyeol to have a dinner on an Italian restaurant not far from their dorm. It was a small restaurant, with homey decoration and completed with a live music stage. They were having their dinner when the light dimmed down and the stage lit up. There, on the stage stood a petite young man with the fairest skin and the most beautiful smile Chanyeol had ever seen. Then, when he started singing, Chanyeol was mesmerized; he hassuch a beautiful voice.

He was so surprised when the singer went to his direction after he inished singing. He got even more surprised when Yixing stood up and give the male a short hug. Then, with a beaming smile, he turned to face Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, he’s the person that I had been talking about.” Yixing said excitedly with a smile etchen on his face. Chanyeol heart fell. He had thought that he had succeeded to get rid of his crush toward Yixing. But then, he had to admit that his feeling only grew bigger.

“Suho, this is Chanyeol  Chanyeol, this is Suho.” Yixing said later. Suho eagerly reached out his hand and Chanyeol, not wanting to appear rude, grabbed his hand and introduce himself with a forced smile. When Yixing invite Suho to have a seat, Chanyeol abruptly stood up and excused himself, saying that he had to pick Baekhyun up. Chanyeol ended up crying on the swing in the park behind his dorm.

After that, their practices were so awkward. Yixing noticed that Chanyeol oftenly lost in his own mind and when he asked what’s wrong, Chanyeol would say that it’s nothing.

After three more practices, Yixing asked Chanyeol to had a dinner in the same restaurant as before. Chanyeol was reluctant at first, but then he said yes after Yixing put on his pleading face.

They ordered the same meal as they had before. They ate in silence and Chanyeol was so glad when he didn’t see Suho on the stage. But then, Yixing suddenly leaned forward and whispered excitedly.

“I’m going to confess today!!! Pray for me okay.” He said and hurriedly went up to the small stage. Chanyeol’s heart dropped when he saw Suho appeared from the kitchen.

Chanyeol desperately wanted to run away from the cafe but he couldn’t bear to hurt Yixing feeling since he had asked for Chanyeol’s support. So Chanyeol stayed where he seated and tried his best to avoid looking at the stage. But, who was he kidding, Yixing was there and Chanyeol’s eyes were automatically drawn into the stage.

Yixing started to sing, and Chanyeol had to admit that Yixing looked so perfect sitting on the high chair, with guitar on his lap and sang so earnestly with eyes locked on Chanyeol.

‘Wait... why is he looking at me? Could it be....’ but then, Chanyeol shook his head and thought ‘How could you think like that? He only look for your support. Don’t get your hopes up.’ He reminded himself. Then, he flashed Yixing a smile that he hope will give some support to him.

Not long after, Yixing had stoppped singing and the people in the restaurant gave a very loud applause for his performance. Then he stood up and grabbed the microphone in front of him.

“Thank you very much for the appreciation. But, let me say the most important thing first. I hope you won’t mind to keep silent so I can confess my feeling.” In an instant, the crond quietted down and there’s no sound but the ticking of the clock and the clash of the kitchen utensils in the restaurant.

Yixing smiled gratefully and then, he proceeded. “So, I had my eyes on someone. Someone that s so amazing and perfect.” He stopped for a while and took a deep breath, feeling nervous because so many people looked at him. “The first time I saw him I swear, he took my breath away.” Yixing blushed when some people cooed and whisteled. “He has the most beautiful eyes I ever seen and the smile that even will put the sun hide in shame. And I really want to make him mine.” Seeing the smile on Yixing’s face made Chanyeol’s heart break even more. ‘How I wish I’m the one who can make you smile like that.’ Chanyeol thought bitterly and he turned his head and proceeded to leave the restaurat because he couldn’t bear to see his crush be with someone else. However, before he had the chance to stand up, Yixing said something that was so unpredictable.

“Chanyeol-ah, would you be mine?” Yixing said all of suden and Chanyeol swear, his heart stopped beating at that moment. “Chanyeol?” Chanyeol heard Yixing called his name. Then, he turned his head around and was surprised when he caught Yixing’s eyes locked on him.
“Chanyeol, would you be mine?” Yixing asked once again. Chanyeol just sat there, eyes wide open and shocked expression etched on his face. Yixing grew anxious when Chanyeol said nothing and just sat silently over there.

Out of nowhere, Baekhyun nudged the stunned Chanyeol in the same time Suho urged Yixing to go to Chanyeol. Then, when Yixing finally stood in front of Chanyeol, he kneeled down and took Chanyeol’s hands, then said, “Yeol-ah, I like you. No, I love you. Ever since I saw you in the roof last year I couldn’t get the image of you out of my head. The more I learn more about you, the more I seemed to fall for you. Finally, when I told Suho about my feling toward you, he asked me to take the first step. That’s why I asked you to teach me how to play guitar. You were right, I just used the excuse so that I can spen some more time with you.” Here, Chanyeol’s tears finally rolled down his flawless cheeks. Yixing affectionately wiped away the tears with his thumbs. “Baekhyun had told me everything and I’m so sorry that I had hurt you unintentionally. But I swear, it’s not Suho that got my heart. It’s you. So, Chanyeol-ah, would you be mine?” Yixing asked softly and cupped those flawless cheeks.

Instantly, Chanyeol nodded his head vigorously that Yixing was affraid that his neck would snap. Then Yixing straighted up his body and hugged the daylight out of Chanyeol. The crowd cheered and whistled loudly, congratulating the new couple who were too busy in engulfing the happiness they felt.

“To congratulate my best friend and his new boyfriend, everyone will get free dessert today!!!” Suho screamed from the kitchen door. And when some waiters brought out the said dessert, the crowd cheered so loud and together they celebrate the new couple.


The ending is so lame, isn't it?

My writting is getting worse since I was sooo busy in being a potato.

Well, Yixing and Chanyeol are finally chosen because this

and this


Sorry to keep you waiting *bow*

As usual, Coments and Critics are so much welcome ^^

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second entry is up~


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Chapter 5: Omo. Chibi Chanyeollie is really adorable. But what's more adorable is the Wu family. Hahaha
choiandlee #2
Chapter 7: Oh my god this is so adorable ;_;
Does the second story have continuation? It's so cute. Can chanyeol go back to being an adult?
R3ader43V3R #3
Chapter 7: KYYYAAA!!!! THIS IS SO CUTE!!! A chibi-chanyeol*squeal* I never though about that!!! SO CUUTTTEEE!!!:D o(^•^)o
TheShinyWobbuffet #4
Chapter 3: You can see Kris staring at Chanyeol and then Lay comes to lie down, and Kris looks away. I think he was pouting *evil grin*
Chapter 2: this is amusingly adorable I'm so done
Chapter 6: ASDFGHJKLMNBVCXZ!!! Just found this fic. It was so cute, so fluffy, so sweet, so great!!! Can I please kidnap that adorable Chanyeollie? ><
Looking forward for the next update ^^d
Chapter 6: really super cute kyaaaaaaa.....
kim_cloud #8
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaa.... all I can do is screaming!!!! kASDFGHJKL;asdfghjkl;
Chibi chanyeolllie was freaking cuteeeee!!!! wawawawawawawa..... oh my gosh!! please update soon I want to see how the rest of member think when they see channie with a dressss!!! I would be really hilarious!!!! and a lot of gawking I think... jebal author-nim!! OTL
princess1996 #9
Chapter 6: Sooo cute! Baby chan chan is sooo cute!!!