Looking for Inspiration

Unexpected Encounter

“Like what you see?” He laughed, “because I could have sworn that your stare could have burned a hole through me.”

Oh my goodness….can I just curl up and die from embarrassment???? How could I look like such an idiot in front of him??? He actually caught me. Whyyyyyyy? It took everything in her to not hit herself on the forehead. She took and deep breath and smiled, act cool Dara, “Like what I see? Um, I see a short, skinny kid in front of me, why would I like that? I was just spacing out, it must be the jet lag. I’m sorry if I offended you by staring unintentionally.” She bowed her head slightly, that sounded….cool, right?

This girl….smoke could almost be seen coming out of Jiyong’s nostrils, “Really now? That why did it look like you were completely focusing on checking me out? I saw your eyes move up and down this body,” he gestured to himself with a smirk.

Why wouldn’t he just let it go, ugh, making this difficult for me. “Ah Jiyongie, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She gave him a sweet smile, “But, I wasn’t checking you out.”

“Noona,” Jiyong playfully whined, “why are you lying to me?” This should work on her, right? All the ladies fall for my aegyo.

Dara gave him a disgusted look, “Are you trying to be cute?”

“Aish,” Jiyong returned to his normal voice. He took a step closer to her and whispered, “I’ll make you admit it eventually. Just watch.”

Dara scoffed, “Is that a challenge?”

He just smirked in response as he started walking away.

BONK. “YA! That hurt,” Dara said after Chaerin hit her on the head.

“I said observe your individual client, not check them out and get into a fight with them,” she said in anger. “Please control yourself Unnie.”

“Yes, I will,” Dara responded, rubbing her head, “as long as he behaves himself,” she muttered.

“What was that?”

“Nothing! Ignore me,” she said quickly as she finished her meal. “I’m going to go start doing some research, I’m going to go talk a walk.” She started to gather all of her things when Bom spoke.

“Aigoo, calm down. You still have all of your luggage, are you going to drag your luggage all around Seoul too?” she laughed, “Let’s head back to the dorms so you can drop off your stuff. We can head over to the fashion district and look at some designs to get ideas. Sound good?”

Dara smiled in relief, “That sounds awesome!” Bommie! This is going to be so much fun working with them.

“You guys go ahead,” Chaerin said, “I have another appointment to attend to, I’ll see you guys back at the dorms later.”

“Ah! Maybe you can join us after your appointment? I mean…if you want,” Minzy suggested.

Chaerin smiled, “Thanks, I’ll text you guys when I’m done with my appointment.”

The three girls smiled in response and made their departure.

At the dorm.

“Wah! This place is so nice! And YG is providing this for us? Sweet!” Dara smiled as she spun happily around the dorm. “Which room is ours?” she asked Bom.

“Oh! It’s this one,” she said as she walked towards their room.

In the room there were two beds on each side of the room. It was as if the room was perfectly split in half. Each side had a bed, desk, lamp, dresser, and chair. “This reminds me of my university days,” Dara commented. “The layout is almost the same.”

“Right? That’s what I thought when I walked in,” Bom said, “Oh but we do share the closet, and since I kind of unpacked my stuff on this side, would you mind the other side? Unless you prefer this side, and if so I can switch….?”

“No! It’s fine,” Dara waved her hands frantically, “This side is perfectly fine.” She rolled her luggage over to the side that didn’t have anything on it.

“Also, your other things are currently in the closet,” Bom said.

“Alright, thank you,” she smiled.

Knock knock. “Are you ready to go out Unnies?” Minzy asked from outside their room.

“Let me change my clothes really fast, then we’ll head out,” Dara smiled. She pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt, then went to the bathroom to change. Once she was changed, she pulled on her color three quarter length coat. Putting on socks and sleek black boots, she grabbed her purse and said, “Ready to go?”

“Yes!” Bom and Minzy said from the living room where they were waiting for her.

Hours Later.

“Wah! Everything is so different here. It’s amazing. So inspirationsal,” Dara commented as she went from store to store to see what kind of outfits were popular in Korea.

“She’s like a kid in a candy store,” Bom commented.

Minzy laughed, “And it seems like every guy is looking at her as if she’s candy they want to get a taste of.”

“That’s for sure,” she agreed looking at all of the men oogling at Dara.

What they didn’t realize was that it wasn’t just Dara those men were staring at, all three of the girls were being oogled at.

Ring ring…ring ring…ring ring. “Hello?” Minzy picked up her phone.

“Hey girl, my appointment just ended. Are you girls still out? I tried calling Dara, but she didn’t pick up,” Chaerin greeted.

“Ah, that would probably be because she’s in her own world right now,” Minzy laughed. “We’re still walking around, I’ll text you our address.”

“Okay, thank you. I’ll see you all in a bit,” Chaerin said happily.

Minzy texted her the address and let the other two know that Chaerin was on the way.

About fifteen minutes later, Minzy got another call, “Hello?” she answered.

“Which store are you in?” Chaerin asked.

“Um, we’re in front of,” as she turned around, she saw Chaerin, “Ah, wait I see you.” She waved her arms frantically trying to get Chaerin’s attention.

“Oh, I see you!” Chaerin smiled as she hung up. She turned to the person next to her, “They’re that way.”

“Okay,” they replied.

The two people approached Minzy. Minzy raised an eyebrow, who’s that? Is that a girl? I mean they have long hair…but they look so familiar? Almost masculine…so maybe a boy?

“Hello,” she greeted with a wave.

“Hello,” Chaerin and the guest replied.

When the two were finally close enough for Minzy to see clearly, she gasped. “What?! Is that really you?” she almost shouted in surprise, trying not to say his name out loud.

“Aigoo, Minzy, what’s the matter? I could hear you inside the sto-” Bom came out of the store she and Dara were in to see Chaerin and her guest. She was speechless…she just couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

The man smiled, “Yes Minzy and Bom, it’s me. Chaerin suggested I come along since I’m known to be a fashionista. Plus, I need a break from the studio, and why not do it by getting to know the staff that I’ll be closely working with in the future?”

The two nodded, so it was him…if you didn’t look too closely, you wouldn’t even notice that it was him. The long black, curly hair wig, blue jeans, black boots, black long coat, make up and glasses. “You look really beautiful…oppa,” Minzy smiled nervously. How is Dara going to react when she sees this…Minzy turned around and saw Dara approaching them, speak of the devil…

“Oh! That’s where you guys are,” Dara smiled happily. “Oh hello Chaerin,” she bowed, “Hello Jiyong,” she bowed happily. She froze…JIYONG? She looked up and saw the person next to Chaerin was indeed Kwon Jiyong, “What you doing here???”


A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii. How are you all doing? Break is almost over T^T sigh....

Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, commenting, upvoting and friending me >__< I seriously can't believe I'm at over 100 subs for this story and over 300 overall. I can't thank you all enough. I hope you enjoy this chapter! ^__^

Jiyong's there??? Uh-oh...what's going to happen now? Until Next Time!! :D

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 9: Authornim, update juseyo....
delayroom21 #2
Chapter 9: Update juseyo ㅠ_____ㅠ
Chapter 9: another story i fell in love with, aigoo~
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 9: update please... can't wait!!!
Chapter 9: This story is too cute! Can't wait to read about their "date" hehe :D
daramaegon #6
Chapter 9: Looking forward for dragon date..pls update soon>>
heiress #7
Chapter 9: Aww. Daesung is soooooooo cute!!! :)

Can't wait for their date! :)
chelzjj #8
Chapter 9: Hahahahhahhaha
Daesungie soooo cute and funny

Omo.....jiyong make a move huh ;)))))
mara625 #9
Chapter 9: like..like..like..next chap plsssssssssssss
0145656 #10
Chapter 8: i'm actually excited for dara&daesung's date. lol but i don't ship them. i just adore their interactions. i can actually picture daesung's confused face and saying “Who’s my designer then??? Did someone forget about me?” I hope there would be lots of daesung&dara's interactions here^^
But, of course i'm also excited for d&g's date.^^