The Crew

Unexpected Encounter

OMO I can’t breathe, why is he here? I didn’t think I’d ever see him again, that why I gave him a…Aigoo, so embarrassing! I’m a designer for Big Bang’s world tour?! No way! How crazy, I feel so giddy! But just remembering that kiss….how inappropriate of me! Dara thought worriedly as she kept her eyes on her paper, stealing glances at Jiyong. Not all of the members were at the meeting, only Jiyong, Taeyang, and Seungri. He’ll probably tease me about before, huh? Aigoo, why did I do that?! She glanced over at Jiyong; in a split second he turned his head and met her gaze. She nervously looked away tucking her hair behind her ear trying to ignore the burning sensation on her face.

“Okay,” the project manager began gaining Dara’s attention, “As you can see, Big Bang will be starting their world tour soon. All of you are the ones who can make or break this project. Please make the appropriate arrangements, and have everything prepared. Most of you will not have to travel, but a few of you will have to travel with the band for the entirety of the tour. This will conclude this meeting.”

With that, everyone quietly collected their belongings and started leaving the conference in small groups. Dara quickly collected all of her papers when someone came up to her, “Excuse me, you’re Sandara Park, right? From Park Co.?” a woman asked her.

Dara looked at the person who was talking to her, she might have been a little younger herself, but the feature that stood out most to her was the woman’s sharp eyes. “Yes, I’m Sandara Park, and who are you?” she asked as she reached a hand out to introduce herself.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself first,” she smiled and reached for Dara’s outstretched hand, “Hello, my name is Chaerin Lee, I’m the head of the design team for Big Bang’s World Concert.”

Dara’s eyes widened, she’s the head of our team? She’s so young though! Dara smiled widely, “It’s nice to meet you! Thank you so much for having a member from Park Co. as part of your design crew.”

“Of course, I have personally worked with Park Co. before and know the quality of your work, I can’t wait to really begin working with you.” Chaerin smiled, “Oh, here are the other members of the team. If you haven’t met them yet, this is Bom Park and Minzy Gong,” she said introducing the two girls.

“Ah, hello,” Dara said with a smile as she shook hands with them, “I’m Sandara Park, I look forward to working with you.”

“Wah, you’re really pretty Sandara,” Bom complimented, “you need to tell me your secret about keeping your skin looking so healthy.”

Dara laughed in response, “Thank you! But look at you! You’re like a doll. All of you girls are so pretty,” she smiled, “I can’t wait to begin working with you.”

The three girls smiled in response, I think I’ll get along with Sandara really well, all of them thought. “Since, we have all been introduced, I would like to set up a time where we can all meet up and discuss our first draft of outfits for the boys,” Chaerin said.

The four girls started to discuss their availability, but there was never a huge block of time where all four of them were available. Chaerin sighed, “I guess it’s just unavoidable that we’ll have to postpone actually meeting up until all of us are in Korea next month. Please just keep in touch, and email your drafts. Once we finally meet up, we’ll discuss our final drafts for all of the outfits.”

“Okay,” they all agreed before going their separate ways.

Dara grabbed her purse and binder before exiting the conference room. She ce more to make sure she didn’t leave anything behind before closing the door behind her when she heard a voice, “So, noona what are you doing here?”

Dara quickly spun around towards the voice with wide eyes, “Um…..hi Jiyong,” she said to the man leaning against the hallway wall.

Jiyong smirked, then looked up at her, “I didn’t think I’d see you again, especially after that flashy goodbye yesterday.”

She felt her cheeks slowly changing colors, why did I kiss him before leaving the elevator??? If I knew I’d be working with him; that never would’ve happened. “Yeah, what a small world, isn’t it? I couldn’t even imagine that the group I’d be working for would be Big Bang…” she nervously laughed.

“Yeah, crazy how things happen,” he smiled, “I look forward to working with you Sandara Park,” he said as he turned and walked away from her.

It took all of her strength to not collapse onto the floor, how can he make my heart beat so much? Gah, he’s making me act like a crazy, obsessed fan girl. I hope I won’t have to be directly in charge of his outfits…being that close to him…would just not be good for my heart.


The next month flew by before Dara realized, the four girls constantly messaged each other on their own progression on their drafts. Each of the girls provided constructive criticism whenever someone submitted a new draft. Next thing Dara knew she was in the San Francisco International Airport waiting for her flight to Seoul. I can’t believe I’ll be going away for such a long time, and to Korea! I’ll finally get to see Cheondung with his group ^^. But…I have to get through…that, Dara thought as she went over her schedule again. She’d be arriving in Seoul around 4 o’clock in the afternoon and someone was supposed to meet her to pick her up. From there she’d be brought to the YG studio to attend a meeting with the girls about the styles for each of the boys. So far they had come up with overall themes, but each of the boys had different personalities; therefore, they all needed different outfits within the theme. Dara sighed as she looked at her watch, They should be boarding soon…For the entirety of the plane ride Dara was either concentrating on her quick sketches, making new sketches or catching up on sleep. “We should be arriving in Seoul very shortly, please place your trays and seat in the upright position as we begin our descent,” the flight attendant said over the PA. Dara straightened herself and placed everything away neatly before glancing out the window to take in the sight below.

Wah, it’s been a while since I’ve been to Korea…I wonder how much has changed…The plane descended and touched the ground startling Dara.

She exited the plane and picked up her luggage. Walking out the arrivals door she saw all of the signs. People holding up signs in order to look for their friend, family member, or coworker, but every sign did not say her name. Her name wasn’t there…has the person who is supposed to pick me up not here yet? Maybe they’re just late. I’ll just go wait over by those chairs and try contacting them.

Right when she started to make her way towards the seats, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around to find someone in sunglasses, a scarf, and a baseball cap. I can’t even tell who this is, what do they want me for? “Ah, hello…?”

The person, she thought it was a man…maybe, held up a sign for her to read. She glanced at it and realized that it said her name, “Oh, are you here to pick me up?” she asked with a smile.

The man nodded and flipped the sign around for her to read.

“YG sent me to come and pick you up, just follow me,” she read. She looked up at the man, this is a bit suspicious, but this is the person they sent right? How else would they know my name…? She nodded in response and followed him with her stuff.

Once they were outside, the man called a taxi for the two of them to get into. He handed the taxi driver a card with the destination he wanted and off they went.

It had been less than 5 minutes when the taxi stopped, “Why are we stopping?” Dara asked in confusion.

The man held up another card for Dara to read, “I parked my car here, sorry about this.” He paid the taxi driver and got Dara’s luggage out of the trunk before proceeding to walk towards the office building.

Dara only followed him in confusion before he stopped in front of a white Bentley and placed her luggage into the trunk of that car. He closed the trunk before facing her. Gently tugging at the knot, he removed the scarf around his neck, “You have no idea how suffocating that can be when you can’t talk,” he commented before removing his sunglasses. “Hello Sandara Park, welcome to Seoul!” Jiyong smiled.

Dara’s jaw dropped, “seriously?!?!”

Jiyong chuckled, “Yup, unbelievable, huh? The great Kwon Jiyong came and picked you up from the airport. Well, to be honest, you were on the way. Anyways, please get into the car, and we’ll be heading towards the office. Oh,” he paused before getting into the driver’s seat, “and I really do look forward to working with you,” he said with a wink.

Omo…how am I going to survive this?!?!



A/N: First of all...I'm really sorry for the super late update >__< I've been really busy with school...and just life in general. Plus i was kind of having a writer's block...ehehehe.....anyhow, thank you so much for reading, commenting, and subscribing! Sorry this chapter isn't too exciting, but hope you enjoy it none the less!

Thank you so much! ^___^v

So....what will happen when Dara actually starts working? Until next time...which probably won't be for a few more weeks....sigh....

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 9: Authornim, update juseyo....
delayroom21 #2
Chapter 9: Update juseyo ㅠ_____ㅠ
Chapter 9: another story i fell in love with, aigoo~
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 9: update please... can't wait!!!
Chapter 9: This story is too cute! Can't wait to read about their "date" hehe :D
daramaegon #6
Chapter 9: Looking forward for dragon date..pls update soon>>
heiress #7
Chapter 9: Aww. Daesung is soooooooo cute!!! :)

Can't wait for their date! :)
chelzjj #8
Chapter 9: Hahahahhahhaha
Daesungie soooo cute and funny

Omo.....jiyong make a move huh ;)))))
mara625 #9
Chapter 9: chap plsssssssssssss
0145656 #10
Chapter 8: i'm actually excited for dara&daesung's date. lol but i don't ship them. i just adore their interactions. i can actually picture daesung's confused face and saying “Who’s my designer then??? Did someone forget about me?” I hope there would be lots of daesung&dara's interactions here^^
But, of course i'm also excited for d&g's date.^^