
Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 5

G-dragon???? Seriously? Why of all people! Dara continued to stare at the name hoping that it’d magically change. When it didn’t change, she let out a sigh and placed them into her bag.

“Why do you look so sad unnie?” Minzy asked smiling widely.

Dara let out a small smile, “It’s nothing, just realized that I have two members. So many outfits to plan! Look at you! You can’t even stop smiling, which member did you get?”

A faint blush grew on her cheeks, “…….Dongbae Oppa……” she said quietly.

Awwww she has a crush on Taeyang, so cute! Dara giggled.

“Ya,” Minzy punched her, “don’t laugh at me.”

“I’m not laughing at you……it’s just,” she giggled again, “so cute.” She turned over to Bom and Chaerin, “who did you two get?”

“Seunghyun,” they both said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

“I have the older one,” Bom said clarifying, “T-O-P.”

“Lucky, can we switch? I got that rat, tch,” Chaerin said looking disgusted.

“Oh, CL-roo, I know you don’t mean that, calling him a rat is a bit much, don’t you think?” Minzy asked quietly.

“Just calling it as it is,” Chaerin said roughly before turning away from him.

Bom started laughing out loud, “right, so why are you blushing?”

Blushing??? Chaering is? What??? Because of Seungri? Dara dashed to get a closer look at Chaerin only to see that she was indeed blushing. “You’re blushing? Do you like Seungri?” she whispered while giggling to herself.

“Ya!” Chaerin pushed her away, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Plus, aren’t you assigned to Jiyong and Daesung Oppa?”

“Yes, what about them?” Dara asked raising an eyebrow, trying to not look like she was unphased by her comment.

Shoot, I don’t have anything on her…we’ll see how it’ll turn out later…Jiyong is quite the handsome man, and who can’t fall for Daesung’s charms. “Nothing, just clarifying. Ahem,” she cleared . “Now that we know who we’ll be in charge of for the next year or so, let’s start on the themes. I have the rough tapes of their upcoming songs. We’ll be coming up with a few trial ideas and then next week we’ll be having a meeting with the members and management to hopefully narrow the possible themes.”

The other three girls nodded in agreement, “What time is the meeting next week?” Bom inquired.

“The meeting next week,” Chaerin started, “should be on Wednesday morning around 10am; however, that is not finalized. I would like us all to meet by Monday morning with possible theme ideas that we come up individually. Also, you will be all given the clips for their upcoming album, but please take into account their older songs.”

The three girls nodded again, “Isn’t it strange though, if they haven’t released these songs, then they still have a music video that needs costume designs, right?” Dara asked with her head tilted.

“That is correct, however, as of right now, we haven’t been contacted to be in charge of those designs.”

“Ah, I see,” Dara nodded.

“And with that, if there are no other questions, will conclude our meeting for today,” Chaerin said. She started to collect her materials when she remembered something, “Ah! I forgot one more thing, as you know each members has a different type of style. Please do some research on their past styles as well as their current one. Another idea is to get to know them, so that you can assess their personalities and create a design that will fit.”

“Get to know them? You mean we have to interact with them in order to do the designs?” Dara asked in surprise.

Chaerin nodded with a slight frown, “Yes. I would like all of you to get to know the members that you’ve chosen. We need to pick a style that fits both their personality and physique, all of this you should know as a designer, but I would just like to add that as a reminder.”

“Yes, understood. We’ll start our research right away,” Bom replied calmly.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Chaerin smiled, “here are the clips and the members individual schedule. Please attend at least one of their schedules.”

The three girls grabbed their member’s schedules as well as a copy of the clips. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Everyone’s head turned to Dara, who was blushing and holding her stomach.

“Hehehe,” she nervously laughed, “does anyone want to go eat?”

The three girls laughed like crazy, Bom even had to wipe her eyes because she was laughing so hard that she was crying. “Alright, let’s go eat! What do you want to go get?”

“Mmmm, Ramen?” Dara asked excitedly.

“Out of all things to eat, you want to eat ramen?” Chaerin asked raising an eyebrow.

“It’s so good though!!!”

Minzy laughed, “Aigoo, Unnie, you’re really funny. Let’s go downstairs to YG’s cafeteria, I heard it’s pretty good. And who knows, we might see our clients.”

“Oooooh, I wonder if they have corn….?” Bom commented while trying not to drool.

“Aigoo, look at this girl, super pretty and y…and also very strange, almost like an alien,” Minzy commented, “AH! That means you’re a perfect match for TOP, I heard he’s like an alien too.” She started laughing at her own joke.

“OH and by the way, just like Minzy just mentioned, the members are our CLIENTS. Please do not fall in love with them and exhibit any inappropriate behavior. If I see and/or get complaints about any unwanted attention, I will not hesitate to fire any of you. Understood?” Chaerin asked seriously.

“Understood,” The three girls replied just as seriously.

“Alright, now let’s go eat!” Chaerin smiled happily.

At YG Cafeteria

“Omo! Even their ramen is amazing,” Dara commented as she shoved the noodles into .

“Aish, slow down Unnie, it’s not like the noodles are going to run away from you,” Minzy whispered slightly embarrassed.

“Awww, are you getting second hand embarrassment?” Dara smiled, “Alright, I’ll slow down. I’m just really hungry, sorry for my rude manners.” She then continued to eat at a normal pace.

“Your love of ramen is slightly scary…”Chaerin said, “although not as scary as Bom’s love of corn.” The three girls looked at Bom who was happily munching on a cob of corn. She was almost done with that cob and had another cob waiting for her on her plate.

“This is very true…” Dara laughed.

“Omo omo omo!” Minzy started shouting excitedly, “Big Bang really did come here! What a coincidence!”

“ Aigoo, calm down Minzy, this is a good opportunity to observe them.”

Dara put down her chopsticks and looked at her individual clients.

Let’s start with Daesung, he’s about average height probably around five foot nine or ten. He’s muscular, so that must be taken into account for his outfits. Mmmm that black hair might be changed a bit. He’s easy going, friendly, and cracks a lot of jokes; therefore, I should probably give him a lighter, more fun outfit that shows off his muscular body. I wonder if he’d ever go blond…now that might actually work for him….hmmm okay, I’ll do more analysis on him later.

Now…..Jiyong….He’s also about average height. Around the same height as Daesung, although I’m not sure if he’s wearing heels or not. Not as muscular as Daesung for sure. He’s thin but well proportioned. He has a very feminine kind of face. Almost soft and delicate, but then again he does have some tattoos that he might want to show off. He has a bad boy type of image…and why in the world is he about a foot from my face?????? Dara snapped out of her analysis, only to find Jiyong standing right in front of her smirking.

“Like what you see?” He laughed, “because I could have sworn that your stare could have burned a hole through me.”

Oh my goodness….can I just curl up and die from embarrassment????


HI Everyone!! :D Sorry for the really long break TT_TT but and life hahaha I've been really busy and haven't been able to write. I hope this chapter isn't too y, i'll try to write more since i'm on break, but we'll see.

Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, commenting and voting up my stories(: I greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy~~~~~


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 9: Authornim, update juseyo....
delayroom21 #2
Chapter 9: Update juseyo ㅠ_____ㅠ
Chapter 9: another story i fell in love with, aigoo~
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 9: update please... can't wait!!!
Chapter 9: This story is too cute! Can't wait to read about their "date" hehe :D
daramaegon #6
Chapter 9: Looking forward for dragon date..pls update soon>>
heiress #7
Chapter 9: Aww. Daesung is soooooooo cute!!! :)

Can't wait for their date! :)
chelzjj #8
Chapter 9: Hahahahhahhaha
Daesungie soooo cute and funny

Omo.....jiyong make a move huh ;)))))
mara625 #9
Chapter 9: chap plsssssssssssss
0145656 #10
Chapter 8: i'm actually excited for dara&daesung's date. lol but i don't ship them. i just adore their interactions. i can actually picture daesung's confused face and saying “Who’s my designer then??? Did someone forget about me?” I hope there would be lots of daesung&dara's interactions here^^
But, of course i'm also excited for d&g's date.^^